コード例 #1
        private void bSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var messagebox =
                System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to save your changes?", "Save Information", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question);

            if (messagebox == DialogResult.Yes)
                var controller = new CommunicatorController();


コード例 #2
ファイル: DataBoard.cs プロジェクト: willwhitehead94/SCIPA
        private void add_bSaveSource_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (_communicator is DatabaseCommunicator)
                _communicator = new DatabaseCommunicator()
                    DbType = (DatabaseType) add_cbDatabaseType.SelectedItem,
                    ValueType = (Models.ValueType) add_cbValueType.SelectedItem,
                    ConnectionString = add_tConnectionString.Text,
                    Query = add_tQuery.Text,
                    StartChar = GetStartChar(),
                    EndChar = GetEndChar(),
                    Device = _device,
                    //Id = GetNextIdNumber(),
                    Inbound = add_rbCommInbound.Checked,
                    Type = CommunicatorType.Database,
                    Action = null
            else if (_communicator is SerialCommunicator)
                _communicator = new SerialCommunicator()
                    StartChar = GetStartChar(),
                    EndChar = GetEndChar(),
                    ValueType = (Models.ValueType) add_cbValueType.SelectedItem,
                    BaudRate = Convert.ToInt32(add_tBaudRate.Text),
                    ComPort = add_cbComPort.SelectedItem.ToString(),
                    DataBits = Convert.ToByte(add_tDataBits.Text),
                    IsDTR = add_cbDtr.Checked,
                    IsRTS = add_cbRts.Checked,
                    Device = _device,
                    Inbound = add_rbCommInbound.Checked,
                    Type = CommunicatorType.Serial,
                    Action = null
                    //Id = GetNextIdNumber()
            else if (_communicator is FileCommunicator)
                _communicator = new FileCommunicator()
                    FilePath = add_tFilePath.Text,
                    ValueType = (Models.ValueType) add_cbValueType.SelectedItem,
                    StartChar = GetStartChar(),
                    EndChar = GetEndChar(),
                    Device = _device,
                    Type = CommunicatorType.FlatFile,
                    Inbound = add_rbCommInbound.Checked,
                    Action = null
                    //Id = GetNextIdNumber()

            _communicator.Device = _device;

            var _controller = new CommunicatorController();
            var Id = _controller.SaveCommunicator(_communicator);
            if (Id != null) _communicator.Id = (int) Id;
            DebugOutput.Print($"a new Communicator was created with ID {_communicator.Id.ToString()}");

コード例 #3
ファイル: Dashboard.cs プロジェクト: willwhitehead94/SCIPA
        private void modcomms_bSaveComm_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Collect the selected item and store globally
            _communicator = (Communicator)modcomms_lbComms.SelectedItem;

           * Preparing all of the standard (abstract) Communicator fields
            //Id does not update
            _communicator.StartChar = Convert.ToInt32(modcomms_tStart.Text);
            _communicator.EndChar = Convert.ToInt32(modcomms_tEnd.Text);
            _communicator.LastReadTime = Convert.ToDateTime(modcomms_tLastReadTime.Text);
            //CommType does not update
            _communicator.ValueType = (Models.ValueType)modcomms_cbValueType.SelectedItem;
            _communicator.Inbound = modcomms_rbInbound.Checked;

            * Preparing FileCommunicator fields
            if (_communicator is FileCommunicator)
                var temp = (FileCommunicator)_communicator;
                temp.FilePath = modcomms_tFilePath.Text;

                //Store this in the global variable.
                _communicator = temp;

            else if (_communicator is SerialCommunicator)
                var temp = (SerialCommunicator)_communicator;
                temp.ComPort = modcomms_cbComPort.SelectedItem.ToString();
                temp.BaudRate = Convert.ToInt32(modcomms_tBaudRate.Text);
                temp.DataBits = Convert.ToByte(modcomms_tDataBits.Text);
                temp.IsDTR = modcomms_cbDtr.Checked;
                temp.IsRTS = modcomms_cbRts.Checked;

                //Store this in the global variable.
                _communicator = temp;

            else if (_communicator is DatabaseCommunicator)
                var temp = (DatabaseCommunicator)_communicator;
                temp.ConnectionString = modcomms_tConnectionString.Text;
                temp.Query = modcomms_tQuery.Text;
                temp.DbType = (Models.DatabaseType)modcomms_cbDatabaseType.SelectedItem;

                //Store this in the global variable.
                _communicator = temp;

            //Save the Communicator
            var controller = new CommunicatorController();

            //Inform user.
            DebugOutput.Print("Successfully updated Communicator settings for ", _communicator.ToString());