コード例 #1
    protected void Button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        SqlParameter[] parameter = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@pass", TextBox10.Text),
                                                        new SqlParameter("@cpass", chgnp.Text),
                                                        new SqlParameter("@cont", chgcon0.Text) };
        string query = "select Password from CandidateRegistration where Password=@pass";

        ds = ob.ExeAdapter(query, parameter, "CandidateRegistration");
        int count = ds.Tables["CandidateRegistration"].Rows.Count;

        SqlParameter[] parameters = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@pass", TextBox10.Text),
                                                         new SqlParameter("@cpass", chgnp.Text),
                                                         new SqlParameter("@cont", chgcon0.Text) };

        if (count > 0)
            query = "update CandidateRegistration set Password=@cpass where Password=@pass";
            ob.ExeQuery(query, parameters);
            Response.Redirect("Candidate.aspx?Email=" + name);
            Response.Write("<script>alert('Your password is incorrect:')</script>");
コード例 #2
    protected void submit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string path  = "";
        string paths = "";

        if (FileUpload1.HasFile)
            Label2.Text = "";
            string filename = FileUpload1.FileName;
            path = Server.MapPath("Uploads/Esign");
            path = path + "/" + filename;
            string[] extension = filename.Split('.');

            Image2.Visible  = true;
            Image2.ImageUrl = "~/Uploads/Esign/" + filename;
            path            = "/Uploads/Esign/" + filename;

             * else
             * {
             *  Label2.Visible = true;
             *  Label2.Text = "<font color='red' size='5'>File must be a image file:</font>";
             * }*/

            Label2.Text = "<font color='red' size='5'>Please select a file:</font>";
        if (FileUpload3.HasFile)
            Label3.Text = "";
            string filenames = FileUpload3.FileName;
            paths = Server.MapPath("Uploads/VId");
            paths = paths + "/" + filenames;
            string[] extension = filenames.Split('.');

            ImgE.Visible  = true;
            ImgE.ImageUrl = "~/Uploads/VId/" + filenames;
            paths         = "/Uploads/VId/" + filenames;

            /* else
             * {
             *   Label3.Visible = true;
             *   Label3.Text = "<font color='red' size='5'>File must be a image file:</font>";
             * }*/
            Label3.Text = "<font color='red' size='5'>Please select a file:</font>";

        string query = "select * from CandidateRegistration where email='" + TextBox15 + "'";

        ds = ob.ExeAdapter(query, "CandidateRegistration");
        int    count = ds.Tables["CandidateRegistration"].Rows.Count;
        string gender;

        if (RadioButton1.Checked)
            gender = RadioButton1.Text;
            gender = RadioButton2.Text;
        SqlParameter[] parameter = new SqlParameter[] {
            new SqlParameter("@email", TextBox15.Text),
            new SqlParameter("@Cname", TextBox1.Text),
            new SqlParameter("@Address", TextBox2.Text),
            new SqlParameter("@Mnum", TextBox3.Text),
            new SqlParameter("@Fname", TextBox4.Text),
            new SqlParameter("@Foc", TextBox5.Text),
            new SqlParameter("@Tplace", TextBox6.Text),
            new SqlParameter("@Esign", paths),
            new SqlParameter("@Exp", TextBox7.Text),
            new SqlParameter("@Vimg", path),
            new SqlParameter("@Gen", gender),
            new SqlParameter("@Pass", TextBox9.Text),
            new SqlParameter("@National", DropDownList1.SelectedItem.Text)
            , new SqlParameter("@dob", TextBox16.Text)
        if (count == 0)
            query = "insert into CandidateRegistration(CandidateName,Address,MobileNumber,FatherName,FatherOccupation,Ticketplace,Experiance,Nationality,Gender,Password,email,Dob,Electionsign,VoterId) values(@Cname,@Address,@Mnum,@Fname,@Foc,@Tplace,@Exp,@National,@Gen,@Pass,@email,@dob,@Esign,@Vimg)";

            ob.ExeQuery(query, parameter);
            Label1.Text = "Register Successfully";
            query       = "insert into voting(CandidateName,numberofvote) values('" + TextBox1.Text + "',0) ";
            Label1.Text = "this Email id is already Register";