protected override void ProcessRecord() { GetSession(); if (Record == null && HashTable == null) { Record = new XenAPI.Secret(); Record.value = Value; Record.other_config = CommonCmdletFunctions.ConvertHashTableToDictionary <string, string>(OtherConfig); } else if (Record == null) { Record = new XenAPI.Secret(HashTable); } if (!ShouldProcess(session.Url, "Secret.create")) { return; } RunApiCall(() => { var contxt = _context as XenServerCmdletDynamicParameters; if (contxt != null && contxt.Async) { taskRef = XenAPI.Secret.async_create(session, Record); if (PassThru) { XenAPI.Task taskObj = null; if (taskRef != "OpaqueRef:NULL") { taskObj = XenAPI.Task.get_record(session, taskRef.opaque_ref); taskObj.opaque_ref = taskRef.opaque_ref; } WriteObject(taskObj, true); } } else { string objRef = XenAPI.Secret.create(session, Record); if (PassThru) { XenAPI.Secret obj = null; if (objRef != "OpaqueRef:NULL") { obj = XenAPI.Secret.get_record(session, objRef); obj.opaque_ref = objRef; } WriteObject(obj, true); } } }); UpdateSessions(); }
private void ProcessRecordLicenseState(string pool) { RunApiCall(() => { var contxt = _context as XenPoolPropertyLicenseStateDynamicParameters; if (contxt != null && contxt.Async) { taskRef = XenAPI.Pool.async_get_license_state(session, pool); XenAPI.Task taskObj = null; if (taskRef != "OpaqueRef:NULL") { taskObj = XenAPI.Task.get_record(session, taskRef.opaque_ref); taskObj.opaque_ref = taskRef.opaque_ref; } WriteObject(taskObj, true); } else { var dict = XenAPI.Pool.get_license_state(session, pool); Hashtable ht = CommonCmdletFunctions.ConvertDictionaryToHashtable(dict); WriteObject(ht, true); } }); }
private void ProcessRecordVmsWhichPreventEvacuation(string host) { RunApiCall(() => { var contxt = _context as XenHostPropertyVmsWhichPreventEvacuationDynamicParameters; if (contxt != null && contxt.Async) { taskRef = XenAPI.Host.async_get_vms_which_prevent_evacuation(session, host); XenAPI.Task taskObj = null; if (taskRef != "OpaqueRef:NULL") { taskObj = XenAPI.Task.get_record(session, taskRef.opaque_ref); taskObj.opaque_ref = taskRef.opaque_ref; } WriteObject(taskObj, true); } else { var dict = XenAPI.Host.get_vms_which_prevent_evacuation(session, host); Hashtable ht = CommonCmdletFunctions.ConvertDictionaryToHashtable(dict); WriteObject(ht, true); } }); }
protected override void ProcessRecord() { GetSession(); if (Record != null) { Mode = Record.mode; Properties = CommonCmdletFunctions.ConvertDictionaryToHashtable(; } else if (HashTable != null) { Mode = (bond_mode)CommonCmdletFunctions.EnumParseDefault(typeof(bond_mode), Marshalling.ParseString(HashTable, "mode")); Properties = (Marshalling.ParseHashTable(HashTable, "properties")); } if (!ShouldProcess(session.Url, "Bond.create")) { return; } RunApiCall(() => { var contxt = _context as XenServerCmdletDynamicParameters; if (contxt != null && contxt.Async) { taskRef = XenAPI.Bond.async_create(session, Network, Members, MAC, Mode, CommonCmdletFunctions.ConvertHashTableToDictionary <string, string>(Properties)); if (PassThru) { XenAPI.Task taskObj = null; if (taskRef != "OpaqueRef:NULL") { taskObj = XenAPI.Task.get_record(session, taskRef.opaque_ref); taskObj.opaque_ref = taskRef.opaque_ref; } WriteObject(taskObj, true); } } else { string objRef = XenAPI.Bond.create(session, Network, Members, MAC, Mode, CommonCmdletFunctions.ConvertHashTableToDictionary <string, string>(Properties)); if (PassThru) { XenAPI.Bond obj = null; if (objRef != "OpaqueRef:NULL") { obj = XenAPI.Bond.get_record(session, objRef); obj.opaque_ref = objRef; } WriteObject(obj, true); } } }); UpdateSessions(); }
protected void GetSession() { sessions = CommonCmdletFunctions.GetAllSessions(this); if (sessions.Count == 0) { ThrowTerminatingError(new ErrorRecord( new Exception("Could not find open sessions to any XenServers."), "", ErrorCategory.InvalidArgument, null)); } session = null; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SessionOpaqueRef)) { if (sessions.Count == 1) { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Session> kvp in sessions) { session = kvp.Value; } } else { Session defaultSession = CommonCmdletFunctions.GetDefaultXenSession(this); if (sessions.ContainsValue(defaultSession)) { session = defaultSession; } if (session == null) { ThrowTerminatingError(new ErrorRecord( new Exception("A default XenServer session has not beeen set."), "", ErrorCategory.InvalidArgument, null)); } } } else { if (sessions.ContainsKey(SessionOpaqueRef)) { session = sessions[SessionOpaqueRef]; } if (session == null) { ThrowTerminatingError(new ErrorRecord( new Exception("Could not locate the specified session in the open XenServer sessions."), "", ErrorCategory.InvalidArgument, SessionOpaqueRef)); } } }
private void ProcessRecordStatus(string tunnel) { RunApiCall(() => { var dict = XenAPI.Tunnel.get_status(session, tunnel); Hashtable ht = CommonCmdletFunctions.ConvertDictionaryToHashtable(dict); WriteObject(ht, true); }); }
private void ProcessRecordSubjectInformationFromIdentifier(string auth) { RunApiCall(() => { var contxt = _context as XenAuthPropertySubjectInformationFromIdentifierDynamicParameters; var dict = XenAPI.Auth.get_subject_information_from_identifier(session, contxt.SubjectIdentifier); Hashtable ht = CommonCmdletFunctions.ConvertDictionaryToHashtable(dict); WriteObject(ht, true); }); }
private void ProcessRecordGuestAgentConfig(string pool) { RunApiCall(() => { var dict = XenAPI.Pool.get_guest_agent_config(session, pool); Hashtable ht = CommonCmdletFunctions.ConvertDictionaryToHashtable(dict); WriteObject(ht, true); }); }
private void ProcessRecordSupportedVGPUMaxCapacities(string pgpu) { RunApiCall(() => { var dict = XenAPI.PGPU.get_supported_VGPU_max_capacities(session, pgpu); Hashtable ht = CommonCmdletFunctions.ConvertDictionaryToHashtable(dict); WriteObject(ht, true); }); }
private void ProcessRecordCompatibilityMetadata(string vgpu) { RunApiCall(() => { var dict = XenAPI.VGPU.get_compatibility_metadata(session, vgpu); Hashtable ht = CommonCmdletFunctions.ConvertDictionaryToHashtable(dict); WriteObject(ht, true); }); }
private void ProcessRecordAlarmConfig(string vmpp) { RunApiCall(() => { var dict = XenAPI.VMPP.get_alarm_config(session, vmpp); Hashtable ht = CommonCmdletFunctions.ConvertDictionaryToHashtable(dict); WriteObject(ht, true); }); }
private void ProcessRecordXenstoreData(string vdi) { RunApiCall(() => { var dict = XenAPI.VDI.get_xenstore_data(session, vdi); Hashtable ht = CommonCmdletFunctions.ConvertDictionaryToHashtable(dict); WriteObject(ht, true); }); }
private void ProcessRecordSince(string message) { RunApiCall(() => { var contxt = _context as XenMessagePropertySinceDynamicParameters; var dict = XenAPI.Message.get_since(session, contxt.Since); Hashtable ht = CommonCmdletFunctions.ConvertDictionaryToHashtable(dict); WriteObject(ht, true); }); }
private void ProcessRecordRuntimeProperties(string vif) { RunApiCall(() => { var dict = XenAPI.VIF.get_runtime_properties(session, vif); Hashtable ht = CommonCmdletFunctions.ConvertDictionaryToHashtable(dict); WriteObject(ht, true); }); }
private void ProcessRecordQosAlgorithmParams(string vif) { RunApiCall(() => { var dict = XenAPI.VIF.get_qos_algorithm_params(session, vif); Hashtable ht = CommonCmdletFunctions.ConvertDictionaryToHashtable(dict); WriteObject(ht, true); }); }
private void ProcessRecordOtherConfig(string vm_guest_metrics) { RunApiCall(() => { var dict = XenAPI.VM_guest_metrics.get_other_config(session, vm_guest_metrics); Hashtable ht = CommonCmdletFunctions.ConvertDictionaryToHashtable(dict); WriteObject(ht, true); }); }
private void ProcessRecordVCPUsFlags(string vm_metrics) { RunApiCall(() => { var dict = XenAPI.VM_metrics.get_VCPUs_flags(session, vm_metrics); Hashtable ht = CommonCmdletFunctions.ConvertDictionaryToHashtable(dict); WriteObject(ht, true); }); }
private void ProcessRecordConfiguration(string sm) { RunApiCall(() => { var dict = XenAPI.SM.get_configuration(session, sm); Hashtable ht = CommonCmdletFunctions.ConvertDictionaryToHashtable(dict); WriteObject(ht, true); }); }
private void ProcessRecordDeviceConfig(string pbd) { RunApiCall(() => { var dict = XenAPI.PBD.get_device_config(session, pbd); Hashtable ht = CommonCmdletFunctions.ConvertDictionaryToHashtable(dict); WriteObject(ht, true); }); }
private void ProcessRecordChipsetInfo(string host) { RunApiCall(() => { var dict = XenAPI.Host.get_chipset_info(session, host); Hashtable ht = CommonCmdletFunctions.ConvertDictionaryToHashtable(dict); WriteObject(ht, true); }); }
private void ProcessRecordCurrentOperations(string task) { RunApiCall(() => { var dict = XenAPI.Task.get_current_operations(session, task); Hashtable ht = CommonCmdletFunctions.ConvertDictionaryToHashtable(dict); WriteObject(ht, true); }); }
private void ProcessRecordLicenseServer(string host) { RunApiCall(() => { var dict = XenAPI.Host.get_license_server(session, host); Hashtable ht = CommonCmdletFunctions.ConvertDictionaryToHashtable(dict); WriteObject(ht, true); }); }
private void ProcessRecordBackupSchedule(string vmpp) { RunApiCall(() => { var dict = XenAPI.VMPP.get_backup_schedule(session, vmpp); Hashtable ht = CommonCmdletFunctions.ConvertDictionaryToHashtable(dict); WriteObject(ht, true); }); }
private void ProcessRecordExternalAuthConfiguration(string host) { RunApiCall(() => { var dict = XenAPI.Host.get_external_auth_configuration(session, host); Hashtable ht = CommonCmdletFunctions.ConvertDictionaryToHashtable(dict); WriteObject(ht, true); }); }
private void ProcessRecordHealthCheckConfig(string pool) { RunApiCall(() => { var dict = XenAPI.Pool.get_health_check_config(session, pool); Hashtable ht = CommonCmdletFunctions.ConvertDictionaryToHashtable(dict); WriteObject(ht, true); }); }
private void ProcessRecordAssignedIps(string network) { RunApiCall(() => { var dict = XenAPI.Network.get_assigned_ips(session, network); Hashtable ht = CommonCmdletFunctions.ConvertDictionaryToHashtable(dict); WriteObject(ht, true); }); }
private void ProcessRecordCpuInfo(string pool) { RunApiCall(() => { var dict = XenAPI.Pool.get_cpu_info(session, pool); Hashtable ht = CommonCmdletFunctions.ConvertDictionaryToHashtable(dict); WriteObject(ht, true); }); }
private void ProcessRecordProperties(string bond) { RunApiCall(() => { var dict = XenAPI.Bond.get_properties(session, bond); Hashtable ht = CommonCmdletFunctions.ConvertDictionaryToHashtable(dict); WriteObject(ht, true); }); }
private void ProcessRecordOtherConfig(string host_cpu) { RunApiCall(() => { var dict = XenAPI.Host_cpu.get_other_config(session, host_cpu); Hashtable ht = CommonCmdletFunctions.ConvertDictionaryToHashtable(dict); WriteObject(ht, true); }); }
private void ProcessRecordBlobs(string sr) { RunApiCall(() => { var dict = XenAPI.SR.get_blobs(session, sr); Hashtable ht = CommonCmdletFunctions.ConvertDictionaryToHashtable(dict); WriteObject(ht, true); }); }