コード例 #1
        public static string SaveOrder(string acity, string address, string aprovince, string bcode, string csid, string customer, string emcode, string gzname, string mdate, string mremark, ArrayList plist, string sid, string telephone)
            string r = "";
            SessionUserValidate iv = SysValidateBll.ValidateSession();

            if (iv.f)
                B_SaleOrder    bso = bsob.Query(" and sid='" + sid + "'");
                B_MeasureOrder bco = new B_MeasureOrder();
                bco.acity     = acity;
                bco.address   = address;
                bco.aprovince = aprovince;
                bco.customer  = customer;
                bco.gzname    = gzname;
                bco.maker     = iv.u.ename;
                bco.mdate     = mdate;
                bco.mremark   = mremark;
                bco.osid      = sid;
                bco.telephone = telephone;
                bco.city      = bso.city;
                bco.citycode  = bso.citycode;
                bco.dcode     = bso.dcode;
                bco.dname     = bso.dname;
                bco.mname     = bso.mname;
                bco.cdate     = DateTime.Now.ToString();
                bco.sdcode    = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyymmddhhMMss");
                if (csid == "")
                    bco.sid = CommonBll.GetSid();
                    bco.sid = csid;
                List <B_MeasureProduction> lbp = new List <B_MeasureProduction>();
                foreach (object[] o in plist)
                    B_MeasureProduction bmp = new B_MeasureProduction();
                    var p = o;
                    bmp.cdate  = DateTime.Now.ToString();
                    bmp.maker  = iv.u.ename;
                    bmp.pcname = p[0].ToString();
                    bmp.pcnum  = Convert.ToInt32(p[1].ToString());
                    bmp.sid    = bco.sid;
                bco.bplist = lbp;
                if (bmlb.CheckLimited(bco.dcode, bco.mdate))
                    r = "MOB";
                    if (csid == "")
                        CB_OrderState cos = new CB_OrderState();
                        bco.qtimg = qcb.CreateQtCode(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("/UpFile/OrderQt/"), CommonBll.GetHost() + "UIClient/SalesBusiness/DistributorOrder/SaleOrderDetail.htm?Sid=" + bco.sid);
                        if (bmob.Add(bco) > 0)
                            bwfb.CreateWorkFlow(bco.sid, emcode);
                            cos.sid = bco.sid;
                            r = "S";
                            r = "F";
                        EventBtnDo.FireEventBtn(bco.sid, bcode, "1", " 保存测量单");
                        if (bmob.Update(bco))
                            r = "S";
                            r = "F";
                        EventBtnDo.FireEventBtn(bco.sid, bcode, "1", " 更改测量单");
                r = iv.badstr;
コード例 #2
        protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string iurl = qcb.CreateQtCode(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("/UpFile/ImageMeasure/"), "http://www.baidu.com?sid=111111111111111111111111");

            Response.Write("<img src='" + CommonBll.GetHost() + "/UpFile/ImageMeasure/" + iurl + "' alt=''/> ");
コード例 #3
        public static string SaveOrder(string acity, string address, string aprovince, string azperson, string bcode, string city, string citycode, string clperson, string ctype, string customer, string dcode, string discode, string dname, string emcode, string iscl, string maker, string mname, string otype, string pbdcode, string qytype, string remark, string saletelephone, string sdtype, string sid, string source, string stype, string telephone, string untype, string zcode, string zsid)
            string r     = "";
            string saddr = "";

            SessionUserValidate iv = SysValidateBll.ValidateSession();

            if (iv.f)
                B_Orders           bo   = bob.Query(" and sid='" + zsid + "'");
                Sys_CityGetAddress scga = scgab.QueryFrist(" and dcode='" + citycode + "'");
                Sys_Brands         sbs  = sbb.Query(" and pbcode='" + pbdcode + "'");
                B_SaleOrder        bco  = new B_SaleOrder();
                if (scga != null)
                    saddr = scga.address;
                bco.csid        = bo != null ? bo.csid : "";
                bco.zsid        = zsid;
                bco.zcode       = bo != null?bo.zcode:"";
                bco.wcode       = "";
                bco.oscode      = "";
                bco.customer    = customer;
                bco.telephone   = telephone;
                bco.community   = "";
                bco.address     = address.Replace(",", ",");
                bco.dname       = dname;
                bco.dcode       = dcode;
                bco.city        = city;
                bco.citycode    = citycode;
                bco.gzname      = "";
                bco.gztelephone = "";
                bco.stelephone  = saletelephone;
                bco.otype       = otype;
                bco.sendtype    = stype;
                bco.sdtype      = sdtype;
                bco.mname       = mname;
                bco.source      = source;
                bco.remark      = remark.Replace(",", ",");
                bco.maker       = maker;
                bco.cdate       = DateTime.Now.ToString();
                bco.istax       = false;
                bco.isdf        = false;
                bco.iscl        = iscl == "0" ? false : true;
                bco.colorpane   = "";
                bco.floor       = "";
                bco.disactcode  = discode;
                bco.bdcode      = iv.u.dcode.Substring(0, 8);
                bco.clperson    = clperson;
                bco.azperson    = azperson;
                bco.pbdcode     = pbdcode;
                bco.pbdname     = sbs != null ? sbs.pbname : "";
                bco.saddress    = aprovince == "" ? saddr : aprovince + acity + address;
                bco.qytype      = qytype;
                bco.ctype       = ctype;
                bco.untype      = untype;
                if (bco.citycode.Substring(0, 12) != "000100010008")
                    bco.package = "外地包装";
                    bco.package = "本地包装";
                bco.sdcode = "S" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyMM") + bsob.QueryOrderNum();
                if (sid == "")
                    CB_OrderState cos = new CB_OrderState();
                    bco.sid   = CommonBll.GetSid();
                    bco.qtimg = qcb.CreateQtCode(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("/UpFile/OrderQt/"), CommonBll.GetHost() + "/UIClient/QtScan/OrderDetail.htm?Sid=" + bco.sid);
                    if (bsob.Add(bco) > 0)
                        bwfb.CreateWorkFlow(bco.sid, emcode);
                        cos.sid = bco.sid;
                        r = bco.sid;
                        r = "F";
                    EventBtnDo.FireEventBtn(bco.sid, bcode, "1", " 保存订单");
                    bco.sid = sid;
                    if (bsob.Update(bco))
                        if (bmob.Exists(" and osid='" + sid + "'"))
                            if (!bco.iscl)
                                bmob.Delete(" and osid='" + sid + "'");
                        r = bco.sid;
                        r = "F";
                    EventBtnDo.FireEventBtn(bco.sid, bcode, "1", " 更改订单");
                r = iv.badstr;
コード例 #4
        public static string SaveOrder(string address, string azperson, string citycode, string cityname,
                                       string clperson, string colorpane, string community, string customer, string emcode,
                                       string floor, string maker, string mname, string mtype, string otype,
                                       string qbcode, string remark, string saddress, string saletelephone, string shopcode,
                                       string shopname, string sid, string source,
                                       string telephone, string untype, string ycode, string ydate)
            string              r     = "";
            string              saddr = "";
            BusiWorkFlowBll     bwfb  = new BusiWorkFlowBll();
            SessionUserValidate iv    = SysValidateBll.ValidateSession();

            if (iv.f)
                Sys_Depment        sd   = sdb.Query(" and dcode='" + citycode + "'");
                Sys_Depment        cd   = sdb.Query(" and dcode='" + iv.u.dcode.Substring(0, 8) + "'");
                Sys_Area           sa   = sab.Query(" and acode=(select acode from Sys_RDepmentArea where dcode='" + citycode + "')");
                Sys_CityGetAddress scga = scgab.QueryFrist(" and dcode='" + citycode + "'");
                B_SaleOrder        bco  = new B_SaleOrder();
                if (scga != null)
                    saddr = scga.address;
                //bco.ccode =cd.dabc + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss");
                //bco.ycode =ycode;
                bco.wcode     = "";
                bco.customer  = customer;
                bco.telephone = telephone;
                bco.community = "";
                bco.address   = address.Replace(",", ",");
                if (sa != null)
                    //bco.aname = sa.aname;
                    //bco.acode = sa.acode;
                bco.dname = shopname;
                bco.dcode = shopcode;
                bco.city  = sd != null ? sd.dname : "";
                //bco.citytype = "";
                bco.citycode    = citycode;
                bco.gzname      = "";
                bco.gztelephone = "";
                // bco.saletelephone = saletelephone;
                bco.otype = otype;
                // bco.state = false;
                bco.mname  = mname;
                bco.source = source;
                //bco.ps = remark.Replace(",", ",");
                bco.maker = maker;
                // bco.wlcompany = "";
                bco.cdate = DateTime.Now.ToString();
                bco.istax = false;
                bco.isdf  = false;
                //bco.lxtype = "";
                bco.colorpane = colorpane;
                // bco.sname = sd.khcode;
                bco.floor  = floor;
                bco.bdcode = iv.u.dcode.Substring(0, 8);
                // bco.qbcode = qbcode;
                bco.clperson = clperson;
                bco.azperson = azperson;
                bco.saddress = saddress == "" ? saddr : saddress;
                bco.ydate    = ydate == null?"":ydate;
                if (sid == "")
                    CB_OrderState cos = new CB_OrderState();
                    bco.sid   = CommonBll.GetSid();
                    bco.qtimg = qcb.CreateQtCode(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("/UpFile/OrderQt/"), CommonBll.GetHost() + "UIClient/SalesBusiness/DistributorOrder/SaleOrderDetail.htm?Sid=" + bco.sid);
                    if (bsob.Add(bco) > 0)
                        bwfb.CreateWorkFlow(bco.sid, emcode);
                        cos.sid = bco.sid;
                        if (!bcb.Exists(" and customer='" + bco.customer + "' and bdcode='" + iv.u.dcode.Substring(0, 8) + "'"))
                            B_Customer bc = new B_Customer();
                            bc.dname     = bco.dname;
                            bc.dcode     = bco.dcode;
                            bc.customer  = bco.customer;
                            bc.telephone = bco.telephone;
                            bc.community = bco.community;
                            bc.address   = bco.address;
                            bc.cdate     = DateTime.Now.ToString();
                            bc.maker     = bco.maker;
                            bc.bdcode    = iv.u.dcode.Substring(0, 8);
                        r = bco.sid;
                        r = "F";
                    bco.sid = sid;
                    if (bsob.Update(bco))
                        r = bco.sid;
                        r = "F";
                r = iv.badstr;
コード例 #5
        public static string SaveOrder(string bcode, string creason, string emcode, string mtype, string sid, string osid)
            string r = "";
            SessionUserValidate iv = SysValidateBll.ValidateSession();

            if (iv.f)
                B_SaleChangeOrder bsco = new B_SaleChangeOrder();
                if (sid == "")
                    bsco.sid     = CommonBll.GetSid();
                    bsco.osid    = osid;
                    bsco.creason = creason;
                    bsco.mtype   = mtype;
                    bsco.sqcode  = "BS" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyMMddHHmmss");
                    bsco.maker   = iv.u.ename;
                    bsco.cdate   = DateTime.Now.ToString();
                    bsco.qtimg   = qcb.CreateQtCode(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("/UpFile/OrderQt/"), CommonBll.GetHost() + "UIClient/ChangeServiceBusiness/DistributorChangeDoorMqOrder/CDoorFrameSaleOrder.htm?Sid=" + bsco.sid);
                    if (bscob.Add(bsco) > 0)
                        CB_OrderState cos = new CB_OrderState();
                        cos.sid = bsco.sid;
                        bwfb.CreateWorkFlow(bsco.sid, emcode);
                        r = bsco.sid;
                    bsco.sid     = sid;
                    bsco.osid    = osid;
                    bsco.creason = creason;
                    bsco.maker   = iv.u.ename;
                    bsco.cdate   = DateTime.Now.ToString();
                    if (bscob.Update(bsco))
                        r = bsco.sid;
                BaseSet.WorkFlowManage.EventBtnDo.FireEventBtn(bsco.sid, bcode, "1", "保存更改单");
                r = iv.badstr;
コード例 #6
        public static string SaveOrder(string account, string bcode, string city, string citycode, string emcode, string maker, string paccount, string pdate, string pmethod, string pmoney, string remark, string sid)
            string r = "";
            SessionUserValidate iv = SysValidateBll.ValidateSession();

            if (iv.f)
                Sbk_PaymentAccount    pa  = spab.Query(" and pcode=" + paccount + "");
                Sbk_CollectionAccount ca  = scab.Query(" and id=" + account + "");
                B_CityPayOrder        bco = new B_CityPayOrder();
                bco.caccount = ca.aname;
                bco.cbank    = ca.abank;
                bco.cperson  = ca.aperson;
                bco.cbcode   = ca.bcode;
                bco.ctype    = "";
                bco.dcode    = citycode;
                bco.dname    = city;
                bco.maker    = maker;
                bco.paccount = pa.pname;
                bco.pbank    = pa.pbank;
                bco.pbcode   = pa.pbcode;
                bco.sacode   = pa.sacode;
                bco.pcode    = "P" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss");
                bco.pdate    = pdate;
                bco.pmethod  = pmethod;
                bco.pmoney   = Convert.ToDecimal(pmoney);
                bco.pperson  = pa.pperson;
                bco.pstate   = 0;
                bco.remark   = remark.Replace(",", ",");
                bco.maker    = maker;
                bco.cdate    = DateTime.Now.ToString();
                if (sid == "")
                    CB_OrderState cos = new CB_OrderState();
                    bco.sid  = CommonBll.GetSid();
                    bco.pimg = qcb.CreateQtCode(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("/UpFile/OrderQt/"), CommonBll.GetHost() + "UIClient/SalesBusiness/DistributorOrder/SaleOrderDetail.htm?Sid=" + bco.sid);
                    if (bcpob.Add(bco) > 0)
                        bwfb.CreateWorkFlow(bco.sid, emcode);
                        cos.sid = bco.sid;
                        r = bco.sid;
                        r = "F";
                    EventBtnDo.FireEventBtn(bco.sid, bcode, "1", " 保存订单");
                    bco.sid = sid;
                    if (bcpob.Update(bco))
                        r = bco.sid;
                        r = "F";
                    EventBtnDo.FireEventBtn(bco.sid, bcode, "1", " 更改订单");
                r = iv.badstr;