コード例 #1
        public GitBackupStatus InPlaceGitBackup(string repositoryFolder)
            var isValidGitRepository = Repository.IsValid(repositoryFolder);
            var createdRepository    = false;

            if (!isValidGitRepository)
                _logger.InfoFormat("Initializing git repository in folder '{0}'...", repositoryFolder);
                repositoryFolder  = Repository.Init(repositoryFolder, false);
                createdRepository = true;
            var numberOfFilesAdded   = 0;
            var numberOfFilesChanged = 0;
            var numberOfFilesRemoved = 0;

            using (var repository = new Repository(repositoryFolder))
                var options = new StatusOptions();
                var status  = repository.RetrieveStatus(options);
                _logger.Debug("Repository Status: " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(status));
                if (status.IsDirty)
                    var untractedFiles = status.Untracked;
                    foreach (var untrackedFile in untractedFiles)
                        _logger.Info("Added: " + untrackedFile.FilePath);
                        var stageOptions = new StageOptions();
                        repository.Stage(untrackedFile.FilePath, stageOptions);

                    var modifiedFiles = status.Modified;
                    foreach (var modifiedFile in modifiedFiles)
                        _logger.Info("Modified: " + modifiedFile.FilePath);
                        var stageOptions = new StageOptions();
                        repository.Stage(modifiedFile.FilePath, stageOptions);

                    var removedFiles = status.Missing;
                    foreach (var removedFile in removedFiles)
                        _logger.Info("Removed: " + removedFile.FilePath);
                        var stageOptions = new StageOptions();
                        repository.Stage(removedFile.FilePath, stageOptions);
                    var email         = GetNoReplyEmail();
                    var author        = new Signature(Environment.UserName, email, DateTimeOffset.Now);
                    var committer     = new Signature(Environment.UserName, email, DateTimeOffset.Now);
                    var commitOptions = new CommitOptions();
                    repository.Commit(DateTime.Now.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), author, committer, commitOptions);
            var gitBackupStatus = new GitBackupStatus(createdRepository, numberOfFilesAdded, numberOfFilesChanged, numberOfFilesRemoved);

コード例 #2
ファイル: CommandCommit.cs プロジェクト: sanny32/VBAGit
        protected override void OnExectute(DoWorkEventArgs e)
            ReportProgress(0, VBAGitUI.ProgressInfo_Commit);

            var commitInfo = e.Argument as CommitInfo;

            var options = new CommitOptions();

            options.AllowEmptyCommit = true;

            if (commitInfo.Files?.Count() > 0)
                options.AllowEmptyCommit = false;

            if (commitInfo.Branch != "master" &&
                commitInfo.Branch != this.CurrentBranch)
                ReportProgress(50, VBAGitUI.ProgressInfo_CreateBranch);

            ReportProgress(60, VBAGitUI.ProgressInfo_Commit);
            Provider.Commit(commitInfo.Message, commitInfo.Author, commitInfo.When, options);
コード例 #3
        public ActionResult UpdateCategory(Guid pk, Guid physicalInstanceId, string agency, string name, string value)
                var client   = RepositoryHelper.GetClient();
                var category = client.GetLatestItem(pk, agency) as Category;

                CategoryMapper.UpdateCategoryProperty(category, name, value);

                var commitOptions = new CommitOptions();
                client.RegisterItem(category, commitOptions);

                using (var db = ApplicationDbContext.Create())
                    var file = db.Files.Where(x => x.Id == physicalInstanceId)
                    if (file != null)
                        file.HasPendingMetadataUpdates = true;

                // For x-editable, just a simple 200 return is sufficient if things went well.
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new HttpException(500, ex.Message);
コード例 #4
ファイル: SolrUpdate.cs プロジェクト: wtf-boy/Framework
        public IList <int> Delete(IEnumerable <string> idList)
            IList <int> list = new List <int>();
            IList <int> result;

            if (idList == null && idList.Count <string>() == 0)
                result = list;
                CommitOptions  value          = default(CommitOptions);
                ResponseHeader responseHeader = this.Update(new UpdateOptions
                    DelById       = idList.ToList <string>(),
                    CommitOptions = new CommitOptions?(value)
                if (responseHeader != null)
                    ConsoleHelper.WriteLine(string.Concat(new object[]
                    }), ConsoleColor.Yellow, "");
                result = list;
コード例 #5
        public void GetItemMakeChangeAndReregister()
            VersionableBase.DefaultAgencyId = "int.example";

            var client = GetClient();

            // Get a ConceptScheme from the repository,
            // and populate the member concepts.
            // Note that you probably have to change the UUID here
            // to represent one that is in your repository.
            var scheme = client.GetItem(
                new Guid("0cc13be5-3c89-4d1a-927f-ac7634d0c05a"),
                "int.example", 1,
                ChildReferenceProcessing.Populate) as ConceptScheme;

            // Just add a description to the ConceptScheme.
            scheme.Description.Current = "This is a description we are adding.";

            // Before we register the new version of the item, we have to
            // update the version number.

            // Register the item with the repository.
            var options = new CommitOptions();

            client.RegisterItem(scheme, options);
コード例 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Commit a transaction. This object must be in a transaction.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="options">
        /// Transaction commit options.
        /// </param>
        public override void Commit(CommitOptions options)
            if (!this.inTransaction)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Not in a transaction");

            if (null != this.subTransaction)
                this.Tracer.TraceWarning("committing subtransaction");

                // subTransaction.Commit() raises the Committed event which will
                // call UnregisterSubTransaction.

            if (null != this.Committed)

            CommitTransactionGrbit grbit = Transaction.GrbitFromOptions(options);

            Api.JetCommitTransaction(this.session, grbit);

            // Even if this transaction commits the work done in the transaction will
            // be undone if the outer transaction is rolled back. To make sure that the
            // correct events are sent we transfer our rollback delegates to the outer
            // transaction.

            this.inTransaction = false;
            this.Tracer.TraceVerbose("commit ({0})", grbit);
コード例 #7
        public GitActionResult <string> Commit(string message, bool amend = false, bool signoff = false)
            var result = new GitActionResult <string>();

            using (var repository = GetRepository())
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(message))
                    result.Succeeded    = false;
                    result.ErrorMessage = "Commit message must not be null or empty!";
                    //throw new ArgumentException("Commit message must not be null or empty!", "message");
                    Signature author    = repository.Config.BuildSignature(DateTimeOffset.Now);
                    Signature committer = author;

                    CommitOptions opts = new CommitOptions();
                    opts.AmendPreviousCommit = amend;
                    var commit = repository.Commit(message, author, committer, opts);
                    result.Succeeded = true;
                    result.Item      = commit.Sha;
コード例 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Commits all changes
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="solutionFileInfo">solution file info</param>
        /// <param name="solutionFilePath">release solution list file</param>
        public void CommitAllChanges(SolutionFileInfo solutionFileInfo, string solutionFilePath)
                Singleton.SolutionFileInfoInstance.WebJobsLog.AppendLine(" Committing Powershell Scripts" + "<br>");
                string multilpleSolutionsImportPSPath        = AzureFunction.BinPath + Singleton.CrmConstantsInstance.MultilpleSolutionsImport;
                string multilpleSolutionsImportPSPathVirtual = this.localFolder.FullName + Singleton.CrmConstantsInstance.MultilpleSolutionsImport;
                File.Copy(multilpleSolutionsImportPSPath, multilpleSolutionsImportPSPathVirtual, true);

                string solutionToBeImportedPSPath        = AzureFunction.BinPath + Singleton.CrmConstantsInstance.SolutionToBeImported;
                string solutionToBeImportedPSPathVirtual = this.localFolder + Singleton.CrmConstantsInstance.SolutionToBeImported;
                File.Copy(solutionToBeImportedPSPath, solutionToBeImportedPSPathVirtual, true);

                Singleton.SolutionFileInfoInstance.WebJobsLog.AppendLine(" Committing solutions" + "<br>");
                string fileUnmanaged = this.solutionlocalFolder + solutionFileInfo.SolutionUniqueName + "_.zip";
                File.Copy(solutionFileInfo.SolutionFilePath, fileUnmanaged, true);

                string fileManaged = this.solutionlocalFolder + solutionFileInfo.SolutionUniqueName + "_managed_.zip";
                File.Copy(solutionFileInfo.SolutionFilePathManaged, fileManaged, true);

                string webResources = solutionFileInfo.SolutionExtractionPath + "\\WebResources";

                using (var repo = new Repository(this.localFolder.FullName))
                    this.AddRepositoryIndexes(fileUnmanaged, repo);
                    this.AddRepositoryIndexes(fileManaged, repo);
                    this.AddWebResourcesToRepository(webResources, repo);
                    //// todo: add extracted solution files to repository
                    this.AddExtractedSolutionToRepository(solutionFileInfo, repo);

                    repo.Index.Add(solutionFilePath.Replace(this.localFolder.FullName, string.Empty));
                    repo.Index.Add(multilpleSolutionsImportPSPathVirtual.Replace(this.localFolder.FullName, string.Empty));
                    repo.Index.Add(solutionToBeImportedPSPathVirtual.Replace(this.localFolder.FullName, string.Empty));

                    var           offset        = DateTimeOffset.Now;
                    Signature     author        = new Signature(this.authorName, this.authorEmail, offset);
                    Signature     committer     = new Signature(this.committerName, this.committerEmail, offset);
                    CommitOptions commitOptions = new CommitOptions
                        AllowEmptyCommit = false

                    var    commit    = repo.Commit(solutionFileInfo.Message, author, committer);
                    string commitIds = solutionFileInfo.Solution.GetAttributeValue <string>(Constants.SourceControlQueueAttributeNameForCommitIds);
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(commitIds))
                        commitIds = string.Empty;

                    commitIds += string.Format("Commit Info <br/><a href='{0}/commit/{1}'>{2}</a>", this.repoUrl, commit.Id.Sha, commit.Message);
                    solutionFileInfo.Solution[Constants.SourceControlQueueAttributeNameForCommitIds] = commitIds;
            catch (EmptyCommitException ex)
                Singleton.SolutionFileInfoInstance.WebJobsLog.AppendLine(" " + ex.Message + "<br>");
コード例 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a QualityStatement from scratch, and add it to a Repository.
        /// </summary>
        public QualityStatement CreateAndRegisterQualityStatement()
            // Create the QualityStatement object and give it a label.
            QualityStatement statement = new QualityStatement();
            statement.Label.Current = "Sample Quality Statement";

            // A QualityStatement is made up of QualityStatementItems.
            // QualityStatementItems have two important pieces of information:
            // a defining Concept, and some content.
            // The defining Concept specifies the type of information recorded
            // by the item. For example, "Contact organization".
            // The content is the actual information, like "Statistics Denmark".

            // First, let's create the Concepts.
            Concept concept1 = new Concept();
            concept1.Label.Current = "Contact organization";

            Concept concept2 = new Concept();
            concept2.Label.Current = "Statistical Unit";

            Concept concept3 = new Concept();
            concept3.Label.Current = "Statitistical Population";

            // Now let's create the QualityStatementItems, and assign the appropriate
            // Concepts and some information.
            QualityStatementItem item1 = new QualityStatementItem();
            item1.ComplianceConcept = concept1;
            item1.ComplianceDescription.Current = "Statistics Denmark";

            QualityStatementItem item2 = new QualityStatementItem();
            item2.ComplianceConcept = concept2;
            item2.ComplianceDescription.Current = "Person";

            QualityStatementItem item3 = new QualityStatementItem();
            item3.ComplianceConcept = concept3;
            item3.ComplianceDescription.Current = "Denmark";

            // Add each of the items to the QualityStatement.

            // Add the QualityStatement and the Concepts to the Repository.
            var client = RepositoryIntro.GetClient();
            CommitOptions options = new CommitOptions();
            client.RegisterItem(statement, options);
            client.RegisterItem(concept1, options);
            client.RegisterItem(concept2, options);
            client.RegisterItem(concept3, options);

            // Also, write an XML file just so we can see how things look.
            string fileName = @"statement.xml";
            DDIWorkflowSerializer serializer = new DDIWorkflowSerializer();
            serializer.SerializeFragments(fileName, statement);

            return statement;
コード例 #10
ファイル: ConnectionBase.cs プロジェクト: xinix00/ravendb
        /// <summary>
        /// Perform an operation inside of a transaction. The transaction is committed
        /// if the operation completes normally.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="block">The operation to perform.</param>
        /// <param name="options">Commit option for the transaction.</param>
        /// <returns>The Connection that performed the transaction.</returns>
        private Connection UsingTransaction(Action block, CommitOptions options)
            using (var trx = this.BeginTransaction())

コード例 #11
 private void CommitLogs()
     using (Repository repo = new Repository(Paths.GetEkstaziInformationFolderPath(Paths.Direction.Output)))
         CommitOptions co = new CommitOptions();
         Commands.Stage(repo, "*");
         Signature mySignature = new Signature("Marko Vasic", "*****@*****.**", DateTimeOffset.Now);
         repo.Commit(GetSHA(currentCommitIndex), mySignature, mySignature);
コード例 #12
ファイル: SolrUpdate.cs プロジェクト: wtf-boy/Framework
        public IList <int> Update(DataTable objUpdateTable)
            IList <int> list = new List <int>();
            List <SolrInputDocument> list2 = new List <SolrInputDocument>();

            foreach (DataRow dataRow in objUpdateTable.Rows)
                SolrInputDocument solrInputDocument = new SolrInputDocument();
                foreach (DataColumn dataColumn in objUpdateTable.Columns)
                    if (dataRow[dataColumn.ColumnName] != DBNull.Value)
                        solrInputDocument.Add(dataColumn.ColumnName, new SolrInputField(dataColumn.ColumnName, this.GetConvertValue(dataColumn.DataType, dataRow[dataColumn.ColumnName])));
                        solrInputDocument.Add(dataColumn.ColumnName, new SolrInputField(dataColumn.ColumnName, this.GetDefaultValue(dataColumn.DataType)));
            IList <int> result;

            if (list2.Count <= 0)
                result = list;
                CommitOptions value = default(CommitOptions);
                IObjectSerializer <SolrInputDocument> objectSerializer = new ObjectSerializerTable();
                ResponseHeader responseHeader = this.Update(new UpdateOptions
                    Docs          = objectSerializer.Serialize(list2),
                    CommitOptions = new CommitOptions?(value)
                if (responseHeader != null)
                    ConsoleHelper.WriteLine(string.Concat(new object[]
                    }), ConsoleColor.Yellow, "");
                result = list;
コード例 #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Maps Variables to Questions where the name of the Variable matches the name of
        /// the Question.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="variableSchemeId"></param>
        /// <param name="questionSchemeId"></param>
        /// <param name="onlyTest"></param>
        static void MapVariablesToQuestionsAuto(IdentifierTriple variableSchemeId, IdentifierTriple questionSchemeId, bool onlyTest)
            var client = RepositoryIntro.GetClient();

            CommitOptions commitOptions = new CommitOptions();

            VariableScheme vs = client.GetItem(variableSchemeId, ChildReferenceProcessing.Populate) as VariableScheme;
            QuestionScheme qs = client.GetItem(questionSchemeId, ChildReferenceProcessing.Populate) as QuestionScheme;

            // Grab all variable names and question names.
            var variableNameList = vs.Variables.Select(v => v.ItemName.Current.Substring(2)).ToList();
            var questionNameList = qs.Questions.Select(q => q.ItemName.Current).ToList();

            int matches = 0;

            foreach (string varName in variableNameList)
                string foundQuestionName = questionNameList.Where(q => string.Compare(q, varName, true) == 0).FirstOrDefault();
                if (foundQuestionName != null)
                    // If there is a question with the same name as this variable,
                    // grab the Question and Variable objects, and assign the question
                    // as a SourceQuestion.
                    Variable variable = vs.Variables.SingleOrDefault(v => v.ItemName.Current == varName);
                    Question question = qs.Questions.SingleOrDefault(q => q.ItemName.Current == foundQuestionName);

                    if (variable != null && question != null)
                        Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Assigning {0} to {1}", question.ItemName.Current, variable.ItemName.Current));

                        if (!onlyTest)
                            client.RegisterItem(variable, commitOptions);

                        Console.WriteLine(string.Format("No match for {0} or {1}", varName, foundQuestionName));

            if (!onlyTest)
                client.RegisterItem(vs, commitOptions);

            Console.WriteLine("Done. Found " + matches.ToString() + " matches.");
コード例 #14
        public ResponseHeader Optimize(CommitOptions options)
            options = options ?? new CommitOptions();
            var cmd = new OptimizeCommand {
                WaitFlush      = options.WaitFlush,
                WaitSearcher   = options.WaitSearcher,
                ExpungeDeletes = options.ExpungeDeletes,
                MaxSegments    = options.MaxSegments,

コード例 #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Commits all changes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="message">The message.</param>
        /// <exception cref="System.Exception"></exception>
        public void CommitAllChanges(string message, string file, string solutionFilePath)
                Console.WriteLine("Committing solutions");
                using (var repo = new Repository(_localFolder.FullName))
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(file))
                        //var files = _localFolder.GetFiles("*.zip", SearchOption.AllDirectories).Select(f => f.FullName);
                        var files = _localFolder.GetFiles("*.zip").Select(f => f.FullName);
                        //string message = commitMessage + " ";

                            foreach (var f in files)
                                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(file))
                                    //message += k + ",";
                                    repo.Index.Add(f.Replace(_localFolder.FullName, string.Empty));
                                    if (f.EndsWith(file))
                                        repo.Index.Add(f.Replace(_localFolder.FullName, string.Empty));
                        repo.Index.Add(file.Replace(_localFolder.FullName, string.Empty));

                    repo.Index.Add(solutionFilePath.Replace(_localFolder.FullName, string.Empty));

                    var           offset        = DateTimeOffset.Now;
                    Signature     author        = new Signature(_authorName, _authorEmail, offset);
                    Signature     committer     = new Signature(_committerName, _committerEmail, offset);
                    CommitOptions commitOptions = new CommitOptions();
                    commitOptions.AllowEmptyCommit = false;

                    repo.Commit(message, author, committer);
            catch (EmptyCommitException ex)
コード例 #16
        private static OptimizeCommand GetOptimizeCommand(CommitOptions options)
            options = options ?? new CommitOptions();
            var cmd = new OptimizeCommand
                WaitFlush      = options.WaitFlush,
                WaitSearcher   = options.WaitSearcher,
                ExpungeDeletes = options.ExpungeDeletes,
                MaxSegments    = options.MaxSegments,

コード例 #17
        public void IngestIntoRepository(Group group)
            // Register every DDI item in the repository.
            var client  = new LocalRepositoryClient();
            var options = new CommitOptions();

            var gatherer = new DirtyItemGatherer(true);


            client.RegisterItems(gatherer.DirtyItems, options);
コード例 #18
        public async Task <ResponseHeader> Commit(CommitOptions options)
            options = options ?? new CommitOptions();
            var cmd = new CommitCommand
                WaitFlush      = options.WaitFlush,
                WaitSearcher   = options.WaitSearcher,
                ExpungeDeletes = options.ExpungeDeletes,
                MaxSegments    = options.MaxSegments,

            return(await SendAndParseHeader(cmd));
コード例 #19
        public void GetItemChangeChildAndReregister()
            VersionableBase.DefaultAgencyId = "int.example";

            var client = GetClient();

            // Get a ConceptScheme from the repository,
            // and populate the member concepts.
            // Note that you probably have to change the UUID here
            // to represent one that is in your repository.
            var scheme = client.GetItem(
                new Guid("0cc13be5-3c89-4d1a-927f-ac7634d0c05a"),
                "int.example", 2,
                ChildReferenceProcessing.Populate) as ConceptScheme;

            if (scheme == null || scheme.Concepts.Count < 3)
                Console.WriteLine("No scheme, or not enough items in the scheme.");

            // Grab the second concept and add a description to it.
            var concept = scheme.Concepts[2];

            concept.Description.Current = "This is the fourth concept";

            // When we change a property on the Concept, the concept's
            // IsDirty property is automatically set to true, indicating
            // that it has unsaved changes.
            Console.WriteLine("IsDirty: ", concept.IsDirty);

            // The DirtyItemGatherer will walk a set of objects and create
            // a list of all objects that are dirty.
            DirtyItemGatherer gatherer = new DirtyItemGatherer(
                gatherEvenIfNotDirty: false,
                markParentsDirty: true);


            var options = new CommitOptions();

            // For every changed item, increase the version and
            // register the new version with the repository.
            foreach (var item in gatherer.DirtyItems)
                client.RegisterItem(item, options);
コード例 #20
ファイル: VersionUpdater.cs プロジェクト: Colectica/curation
        /// <summary>
        /// Update versions and references to a Variable along this path:
        ///   PhysicalInstance
        ///     DataRelationship
        ///       Variable
        ///     VariableStatistic
        ///       Variable
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="variable"></param>
        public static void UpdateVersionsAndSave(Variable variable, PhysicalInstance physicalInstance, DataRelationship dataRelationship, VariableStatistic variableStatistic)
            var client = RepositoryHelper.GetClient();
            var now    = DateTime.UtcNow;

            var itemsToRegister = new List <IVersionable>();


            // Increase version of the variable.
            variable.VersionDate = now;

            // Increase the version and reference of the PhysicalInstance that
            // references the DataRelationship and VariableStatistic.
            physicalInstance.VersionDate = now;

            // Increase the version and reference of the DataRelationship that references the variable.
            dataRelationship.VersionDate = now;

            // Update the reference to the variable.
            var variableInDataRelationship = dataRelationship.LogicalRecords
                                             .SelectMany(x => x.VariablesInRecord)
                                             .Where(x => x.Identifier == variable.Identifier)

            variableInDataRelationship.Version     = variable.Version;
            variableInDataRelationship.VersionDate = now;

            // Increase the version and reference of hte VariableStatistic that references the Variable.
            if (variableStatistic != null)
                variableStatistic.VersionDate = now;
                variableStatistic.VariableReference.Version = variable.Version;

            // Register all the changes.
            var options = new CommitOptions();

            client.RegisterItems(itemsToRegister, options);
コード例 #21
        public string Commit(string message, bool amend = false, bool signoff = false)
            using (var repository = GetRepository())
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(message))
                    throw new ArgumentException("Commit message must not be null or empty!", "message");
                Signature author    = repository.Config.BuildSignature(DateTimeOffset.Now);
                Signature committer = author;

                CommitOptions opts = new CommitOptions();
                opts.AmendPreviousCommit = amend;
                var commit = repository.Commit(message, author, committer);
コード例 #22
        private static void CreateDummyCommit(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var message = $"DUMMY INSERTION FOR {Options.InsertionName}";
            var options = new CommitOptions()
                AllowEmptyCommit = true
            var watch  = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            var commit = Enlistment.Commit(

            Log.Trace($"Committing took {watch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds} seconds");
コード例 #23
        private static void RegisterPullSubcommand(CommandLineApplication packagesCmd, ReportsFactory reportsFactory)
            packagesCmd.Command("pull", c =>
                c.Description = "Incremental copy of files from remote location to local packages";
                var argRemote = c.Argument("[remote]", "Path to remote packages folder");
                var argSource = c.Argument("[source]",
                                           "Path to source packages folder, default is current directory");

                c.OnExecute(() =>

                    var reports = reportsFactory.CreateReports(quiet: false);

                    bool success;
                    if (Directory.Exists(argSource.Value))
                        // Implicitly commit changes before pull
                        var commitOptions = new CommitOptions
                            Reports        = reports,
                            SourcePackages = argSource.Value
                        var commitCommand = new CommitCommand(commitOptions);
                        success           = commitCommand.Execute();
                        if (!success)

                    var pullOptions = new PullOptions
                        Reports        = reports,
                        SourcePackages = argSource.Value,
                        RemotePackages = argRemote.Value
                    var pullCommand = new PullCommand(pullOptions);
                    success         = pullCommand.Execute();
                    return(success ? 0 : 1);
コード例 #24
ファイル: VariableMapper.cs プロジェクト: Colectica/curation
        static void CreateCodeList(Variable variable, PhysicalInstance physicalInstance, DataRelationship dataRelationship, VariableStatistic variableStatistic)
            // Create and save a code list with all the unique values.
            var codeList = CreateCodeList(physicalInstance, dataRelationship, variable, variableStatistic);

            variable.CodeRepresentation.Codes = codeList;

            if (codeList != null)
                var gatherer = new ItemGathererVisitor();

                var client      = RepositoryHelper.GetClient();
                var repoOptions = new CommitOptions();
                client.RegisterItems(gatherer.FoundItems, repoOptions);
コード例 #25
        /// <summary>
        /// it insert a new data in description, but in table 'bug', just update the update_date.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">Event Sender</param>
        /// <param name="e">Event Arguments</param>
        private void btn_finish_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(connection))
                DateTime   myDateTime       = DateTime.Now;
                string     sqlFormattedDate = myDateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff");
                string     newcom           = "insert into bug_description (BugID,Class_file,Method,Start_Line_Number,End_Line_Number,project,comment,update_date,Source_code) VALUES('" + label13.Text + "','" + txt_classFile.Text + "','" + txt_method.Text + "','" + txt_startLineNumber.Text + "','" + txt_endLineNumber.Text + "','" + label_project.Text + "','" + txt_comment.Text + "','" + sqlFormattedDate + "','" + label_sourceCode.Text + "')";
                SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(newcom, con);
            DateTime myDateTime1 = DateTime.Now;
            string   history     = @"C:\Users\Reggie\source\repos\history\history.txt";

            if (Directory.Exists(history))
                Directory.Delete(history, true);
            string sqlFormattedDate1 = myDateTime1.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff");

            string[] lines = { txt_comment.Text, label13.Text, txt_method.Text, txt_startLineNumber.Text, txt_endLineNumber.Text, label_project.Text, sqlFormattedDate1 };
            // The using statement automatically flushes AND CLOSES the stream and calls
            // IDisposable.Dispose on the stream object.
            // NOTE: do not use FileStream for text files because it writes bytes, but StreamWriter
            // encodes the output as text.
            using (System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(history))
                foreach (string line in lines)
            //commit and push to bitbucket
            GitRepositoryManager grm = new GitRepositoryManager("*****@*****.**", "Cloud19961008", "https://[email protected]/reggiecril/history.git", @"C:\Users\Reggie\source\repos\history");
            String        message    = txt_comment.Text;
            Signature     author     = new Signature(this.label3.Text, "email", DateTime.Now);
            Signature     commiter   = author;
            CommitOptions co         = new CommitOptions();

            grm.CommitAllChanges(message, author, commiter, co);
            grm.PushCommits("history", @"refs/heads/master");
            //back to home page
コード例 #26
 public void Init_FlowWithExistingBranches(string masterBranch, string devBranch)
     using (_testRepository = new Repository(_testPath))
         var       settings  = new GitFlowRepoSettings();
         Signature committer = author;
         var       opts      = new CommitOptions {
             AllowEmptyCommit = true
         _testRepository.Commit("Initial commit", author, committer, opts);
         TestHelpers.CreateLocalTestBranch(_testRepository, masterBranch, GitFlowSetting.Master, settings);
         TestHelpers.CreateLocalTestBranch(_testRepository, devBranch, GitFlowSetting.Develop, settings);
         _testRepository.Flow().Init(settings, author);
                            x => string.Equals(x.FriendlyName, settings.GetSetting(GitFlowSetting.Master), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)));
                            x => string.Equals(x.FriendlyName, settings.GetSetting(GitFlowSetting.Develop), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)));
コード例 #27
        private static void RegisterPushSubcommand(CommandLineApplication packagesCmd, ReportsFactory reportsFactory)
            packagesCmd.Command("push", c =>
                c.Description = "Incremental copy of files from local packages to remote location";
                var argRemote = c.Argument("[remote]", "Path to remote packages folder");
                var argSource = c.Argument("[source]",
                    "Path to source packages folder, default is current directory");

                c.OnExecute(() =>

                    var reports = reportsFactory.CreateReports(quiet: false);

                    // Implicitly commit changes before push
                    var commitOptions = new CommitOptions
                        Reports = reports,
                        SourcePackages = argSource.Value
                    var commitCommand = new CommitCommand(commitOptions);
                    var success = commitCommand.Execute();
                    if (!success)
                        return 1;

                    var pushOptions = new PushOptions
                        Reports = reports,
                        SourcePackages = argSource.Value,
                        RemotePackages = argRemote.Value
                    var pushCommand = new PushCommand(pushOptions);
                    success = pushCommand.Execute();
                    return success ? 0 : 1;
コード例 #28
        public void CommitFilesToGitHub(SolutionFileInfo solutionFileInfo, string solutionFilePath, string fileUnmanaged, string fileManaged,
                                        string webResources, string multilpleSolutionsImportPSPathVirtual, string solutionToBeImportedPSPathVirtual)
                using (var repo = new Repository(this.localFolder.FullName))
                    this.AddRepositoryIndexes(fileUnmanaged, repo);
                    this.AddRepositoryIndexes(fileManaged, repo);
                    this.AddWebResourcesToRepository(webResources, repo);
                    //// todo: add extracted solution files to repository
                    this.AddExtractedSolutionToRepository(solutionFileInfo, repo);

                    repo.Index.Add(solutionFilePath.Replace(this.localFolder.FullName, string.Empty));
                    repo.Index.Add(multilpleSolutionsImportPSPathVirtual.Replace(this.localFolder.FullName, string.Empty));
                    repo.Index.Add(solutionToBeImportedPSPathVirtual.Replace(this.localFolder.FullName, string.Empty));
                    var           offset        = DateTimeOffset.Now;
                    Signature     author        = new Signature(this.authorName, this.authorEmail, offset);
                    Signature     committer     = new Signature(this.committerName, this.committerEmail, offset);
                    CommitOptions commitOptions = new CommitOptions
                        AllowEmptyCommit = false

                    var    commit    = repo.Commit(solutionFileInfo.Message, author, committer);
                    string commitIds = solutionFileInfo.Solution.GetAttributeValue <string>(Constants.SourceControlQueueAttributeNameForCommitIds);
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(commitIds))
                        commitIds = string.Empty;

                    commitIds += string.Format("Commit Info <br/><a href='{0}/commit/{1}'>{2}</a>", this.repoUrl.Replace(".git", ""), commit.Id.Sha, commit.Message);
                    solutionFileInfo.Solution[Constants.SourceControlQueueAttributeNameForCommitIds] = commitIds;
            catch (EmptyCommitException ex)
                Singleton.SolutionFileInfoInstance.WebJobsLog.AppendLine(" " + ex.Message + "<br>");
コード例 #29
        public static void Init(this Flow gitFlow, GitFlowRepoSettings settings, Signature author)
            var repo = gitFlow.Repository;

            //Only init if it is not initialized
            if (gitFlow.IsInitialized())
                //TODO: Does Init do anything if already initialized? Is it sufficient to just check the ConfigValues? Should it check branch existance as well?

            if (gitFlow.IsEmptyRepository())
                Log("New Repository Detected - Creating Master Branch");
                //TODO: Decide if Init should create necesarry branches too?
                //Create Master branch
                Signature committer = author;
                var       opts      = new CommitOptions {
                    AllowEmptyCommit = true
                repo.Commit("Initial commit", author, committer, opts);
                //Now make Dev

            SetupMasterBranch(repo, settings.Settings[GitFlowSetting.Master], author);
            SetupDevBranch(repo, settings.Settings[GitFlowSetting.Develop], settings.Settings[GitFlowSetting.Master],

            //TODO.. Repo has branches

            .ForEach(item =>
                     repo.Config.Set(GetConfigKey(item.Key), item.Value, settings.ConfigurationLocation)

            Log("Init Complete");
コード例 #30
ファイル: MainForm.cs プロジェクト: cyotek/SvnGitMigrate
        private void Commit(string gitPath, SvnChangeset set)
            CommitOptions commitOptions;

            commitOptions = new CommitOptions
                AllowEmptyCommit = Settings.Default.AllowEmptyCommits

            using (Repository repo = new Repository(gitPath))
                Signature author;
                Signature committer;
                Commit    commit;

                Commands.Stage(repo, "*");

                author    = new Signature(set.Author.Name, set.Author.EmailAddress, set.Time);
                committer = author;

                commit = repo.Commit(set.Log, author, committer, commitOptions);
コード例 #31
        public void Commit(string message, string author, DateTimeOffset when, CommitOptions options)
                MailAddress mailAddress = new MailAddress(string.IsNullOrEmpty(author) ? Author : author);
                var         signature   = new Signature(mailAddress.DisplayName, mailAddress.Address, when);
                var         commit      = _repo.Commit(message, signature, signature, options);

                Trace.TraceInformation("[{0} ({1}) {2}] {3}",
            catch (FormatException)
                throw new GitException(string.Format("author '{0}' is not 'Name <email>' and matches no existing author", author));
            catch (LibGit2SharpException ex)
                throw new GitException("Commit Failed.", ex);
コード例 #32
ファイル: GitArguments.cs プロジェクト: xgame92/corgit
        public static IEnumerable <string> Commit(CommitOptions options = default)
            yield return("commit");

            yield return("--quiet");

            yield return("--allow-empty-message");

            yield return("--file");

            yield return("-");

            if (options.All == true)
                yield return("--all");

            if (options.Amend == true)
                yield return("--amend");

            if (options.Signoff == true)
                yield return("--signoff");

            if (options.SignCommit == true)
                yield return("-S");

            if (options.Empty == true)
                yield return("--allow-empty");
コード例 #33
ファイル: EsentTransaction.cs プロジェクト: 925coder/ravendb
        /// <summary>
        /// Commit a transaction. This object must be in a transaction.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="options">
        /// Transaction commit options.
        /// </param>
        public override void Commit(CommitOptions options)
            if (!this.inTransaction)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Not in a transaction");

            if (null != this.subTransaction)
                this.Tracer.TraceWarning("committing subtransaction");

                // subTransaction.Commit() raises the Committed event which will
                // call UnregisterSubTransaction.

            if (null != this.Committed)

            CommitTransactionGrbit grbit = Transaction.GrbitFromOptions(options);
            Api.JetCommitTransaction(this.session, grbit);

            // Even if this transaction commits the work done in the transaction will 
            // be undone if the outer transaction is rolled back. To make sure that the
            // correct events are sent we transfer our rollback delegates to the outer
            // transaction.

            this.inTransaction = false;
            this.Tracer.TraceVerbose("commit ({0})", grbit);
コード例 #34
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: nagyistoce/dnx
        public int Main(string[] args)
            var app = new CommandLineApplication();
            app.Name = "kpm";

            var optionVerbose = app.Option("-v|--verbose", "Show verbose output", CommandOptionType.NoValue);
            app.VersionOption("--version", GetVersion());

            // Show help information if no subcommand/option was specified
            app.OnExecute(() =>
                return 2;

            app.Command("restore", c =>
                c.Description = "Restore packages";

                var argRoot = c.Argument("[root]", "Root of all projects to restore. It can be a directory, a project.json, or a global.json.");
                var optSource = c.Option("-s|--source <FEED>", "A list of packages sources to use for this command",
                var optFallbackSource = c.Option("-f|--fallbacksource <FEED>",
                    "A list of packages sources to use as a fallback", CommandOptionType.MultipleValue);
                var optProxy = c.Option("-p|--proxy <ADDRESS>", "The HTTP proxy to use when retrieving packages",
                var optNoCache = c.Option("--no-cache", "Do not use local cache", CommandOptionType.NoValue);
                var optPackageFolder = c.Option("--packages", "Path to restore packages", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);
                var optQuiet = c.Option("--quiet", "Do not show output such as HTTP request/cache information",
                var optIgnoreFailedSources = c.Option("--ignore-failed-sources",
                    "Ignore failed remote sources if there are local packages meeting version requirements",

                c.OnExecute(async () =>
                    var command = new RestoreCommand(_environment);
                    command.Reports = CreateReports(optionVerbose.HasValue(), optQuiet.HasValue());

                    command.RestoreDirectory = argRoot.Value;
                    command.Sources = optSource.Values;
                    command.FallbackSources = optFallbackSource.Values;
                    command.NoCache = optNoCache.HasValue();
                    command.PackageFolder = optPackageFolder.Value();
                    command.IgnoreFailedSources = optIgnoreFailedSources.HasValue();

                    if (optProxy.HasValue())
                        Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("http_proxy", optProxy.Value());

                    var success = await command.ExecuteCommand();

                    return success ? 0 : 1;

            app.Command("bundle", c =>
                c.Description = "Bundle application for deployment";

                var argProject = c.Argument("[project]", "Path to project, default is current directory");
                var optionOut = c.Option("-o|--out <PATH>", "Where does it go", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);
                var optionConfiguration = c.Option("--configuration <CONFIGURATION>", "The configuration to use for deployment (Debug|Release|{Custom})",
                var optionOverwrite = c.Option("--overwrite", "Remove existing files in target folders",
                var optionNoSource = c.Option("--no-source", "Compiles the source files into NuGet packages",
                var optionRuntime = c.Option("--runtime <RUNTIME>", "Name or full path of the runtime folder to include",
                var optionNative = c.Option("--native", "Build and include native images. User must provide targeted CoreCLR runtime versions along with this option.",
                var optionWwwRoot = c.Option("--wwwroot <NAME>", "Name of public folder in the project directory",
                var optionWwwRootOut = c.Option("--wwwroot-out <NAME>",
                    "Name of public folder in the bundle, can be used only when the '--wwwroot' option or 'webroot' in project.json is specified",
                var optionQuiet = c.Option("--quiet", "Do not show output such as source/destination of bundled files",

                c.OnExecute(() =>
                    var options = new BundleOptions
                        OutputDir = optionOut.Value(),
                        ProjectDir = argProject.Value ?? System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(),
                        Configuration = optionConfiguration.Value() ?? "Debug",
                        RuntimeTargetFramework = _environment.RuntimeFramework,
                        WwwRoot = optionWwwRoot.Value(),
                        WwwRootOut = optionWwwRootOut.Value() ?? optionWwwRoot.Value(),
                        Overwrite = optionOverwrite.HasValue(),
                        NoSource = optionNoSource.HasValue(),
                        Runtimes = optionRuntime.HasValue() ?
                            string.Join(";", optionRuntime.Values).
                                Split(new[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries) :
                            new string[0],
                        Native = optionNative.HasValue(),
                        Reports = CreateReports(optionVerbose.HasValue(), optionQuiet.HasValue())

                    var manager = new BundleManager(_hostServices, options);
                    if (!manager.Bundle())
                        return -1;

                    return 0;

            app.Command("pack", c =>
                c.Description = "Build NuGet packages for the project in given directory";

                var optionFramework = c.Option("--framework <TARGET_FRAMEWORK>", "A list of target frameworks to build.", CommandOptionType.MultipleValue);
                var optionConfiguration = c.Option("--configuration <CONFIGURATION>", "A list of configurations to build.", CommandOptionType.MultipleValue);
                var optionOut = c.Option("--out <OUTPUT_DIR>", "Output directory", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);
                var optionDependencies = c.Option("--dependencies", "Copy dependencies", CommandOptionType.NoValue);
                var optionQuiet = c.Option("--quiet", "Do not show output such as source/destination of nupkgs",
                var argProjectDir = c.Argument("[project]", "Project to pack, default is current directory");

                c.OnExecute(() =>
                    var buildOptions = new BuildOptions();
                    buildOptions.OutputDir = optionOut.Value();
                    buildOptions.ProjectDir = argProjectDir.Value ?? Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
                    buildOptions.Configurations = optionConfiguration.Values;
                    buildOptions.TargetFrameworks = optionFramework.Values;
                    buildOptions.GeneratePackages = true;
                    buildOptions.Reports = CreateReports(optionVerbose.HasValue(), optionQuiet.HasValue());

                    var projectManager = new BuildManager(_hostServices, buildOptions);

                    if (!projectManager.Build())
                        return -1;

                    return 0;

            app.Command("build", c =>
                c.Description = "Produce assemblies for the project in given directory";

                var optionFramework = c.Option("--framework <TARGET_FRAMEWORK>", "A list of target frameworks to build.", CommandOptionType.MultipleValue);
                var optionConfiguration = c.Option("--configuration <CONFIGURATION>", "A list of configurations to build.", CommandOptionType.MultipleValue);
                var optionOut = c.Option("--out <OUTPUT_DIR>", "Output directory", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);
                var optionQuiet = c.Option("--quiet", "Do not show output such as dependencies in use",
                var argProjectDir = c.Argument("[project]", "Project to build, default is current directory");

                c.OnExecute(() =>
                    var buildOptions = new BuildOptions();
                    buildOptions.OutputDir = optionOut.Value();
                    buildOptions.ProjectDir = argProjectDir.Value ?? Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
                    buildOptions.Configurations = optionConfiguration.Values;
                    buildOptions.TargetFrameworks = optionFramework.Values;
                    buildOptions.GeneratePackages = false;
                    buildOptions.Reports = CreateReports(optionVerbose.HasValue(), optionQuiet.HasValue());

                    var projectManager = new BuildManager(_hostServices, buildOptions);

                    if (!projectManager.Build())
                        return -1;

                    return 0;

            app.Command("add", c =>
                c.Description = "Add a dependency into dependencies section of project.json";

                var argName = c.Argument("[name]", "Name of the dependency to add");
                var argVersion = c.Argument("[version]", "Version of the dependency to add");
                var argProject = c.Argument("[project]", "Path to project, default is current directory");

                c.OnExecute(() =>
                    var reports = CreateReports(optionVerbose.HasValue(), quiet: false);

                    var command = new AddCommand();
                    command.Reports = reports;
                    command.Name = argName.Value;
                    command.Version = argVersion.Value;
                    command.ProjectDir = argProject.Value;

                    var success = command.ExecuteCommand();

                    return success ? 0 : 1;

            app.Command("install", c =>
                c.Description = "Install the given dependency";

                var argName = c.Argument("[name]", "Name of the dependency to add");
                var argVersion = c.Argument("[version]", "Version of the dependency to add, default is the latest version.");
                var argProject = c.Argument("[project]", "Path to project, default is current directory");
                var optSource = c.Option("-s|--source <FEED>", "A list of packages sources to use for this command",
                var optFallbackSource = c.Option("-f|--fallbacksource <FEED>",
                    "A list of packages sources to use as a fallback", CommandOptionType.MultipleValue);
                var optProxy = c.Option("-p|--proxy <ADDRESS>", "The HTTP proxy to use when retrieving packages",
                var optNoCache = c.Option("--no-cache", "Do not use local cache", CommandOptionType.NoValue);
                var optPackageFolder = c.Option("--packages", "Path to restore packages", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);
                var optQuiet = c.Option("--quiet", "Do not show output such as HTTP request/cache information",
                var optIgnoreFailedSources = c.Option("--ignore-failed-sources",
                    "Ignore failed remote sources if there are local packages meeting version requirements",

                c.OnExecute(async () =>
                    var reports = CreateReports(optionVerbose.HasValue(), optQuiet.HasValue());

                    var addCmd = new AddCommand();
                    addCmd.Reports = reports;
                    addCmd.Name = argName.Value;
                    addCmd.Version = argVersion.Value;
                    addCmd.ProjectDir = argProject.Value;

                    var restoreCmd = new RestoreCommand(_environment);
                    restoreCmd.Reports = reports;

                    restoreCmd.RestoreDirectory = argProject.Value;
                    restoreCmd.Sources = optSource.Values;
                    restoreCmd.FallbackSources = optFallbackSource.Values;
                    restoreCmd.NoCache = optNoCache.HasValue();
                    restoreCmd.PackageFolder = optPackageFolder.Value();
                    restoreCmd.IgnoreFailedSources = optIgnoreFailedSources.HasValue();

                    if (optProxy.HasValue())
                        Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("http_proxy", optProxy.Value());

                    var installCmd = new InstallCommand(addCmd, restoreCmd);
                    installCmd.Reports = reports;

                    var success = await installCmd.ExecuteCommand();

                    return success ? 0 : 1;

            app.Command("packages", packagesCommand =>
                packagesCommand.Description = "Commands related to managing local and remote packages folders";
                packagesCommand.OnExecute(() =>
                    return 2;

                packagesCommand.Command("add", c =>
                    c.Description = "Add a NuGet package to the specified packages folder";
                    var argNupkg = c.Argument("[nupkg]", "Path to a NuGet package");
                    var argSource = c.Argument("[source]", "Path to packages folder");

                    c.OnExecute(async () =>
                        var options = new AddOptions
                            Reports = CreateReports(optionVerbose.HasValue(), quiet: false),
                            SourcePackages = argSource.Value,
                            NuGetPackage = argNupkg.Value
                        var command = new Packages.AddCommand(options);
                        var success = await command.Execute();
                        return success ? 0 : 1;

                packagesCommand.Command("push", c =>
                    c.Description = "Incremental copy of files from local packages to remote location";
                    var argRemote = c.Argument("[remote]", "Path to remote packages folder");
                    var argSource = c.Argument("[source]",
                        "Path to source packages folder, default is current directory");

                    c.OnExecute(() =>
                        var reports = CreateReports(optionVerbose.HasValue(), quiet: false);

                        // Implicitly commit changes before push
                        var commitOptions = new CommitOptions
                            Reports = reports,
                            SourcePackages = argSource.Value
                        var commitCommand = new CommitCommand(commitOptions);
                        var success = commitCommand.Execute();
                        if (!success)
                            return 1;

                        var pushOptions = new PushOptions
                            Reports = reports,
                            SourcePackages = argSource.Value,
                            RemotePackages = argRemote.Value
                        var pushCommand = new PushCommand(pushOptions);
                        success = pushCommand.Execute();
                        return success ? 0 : 1;

                packagesCommand.Command("pull", c =>
                    c.Description = "Incremental copy of files from remote location to local packages";
                    var argRemote = c.Argument("[remote]", "Path to remote packages folder");
                    var argSource = c.Argument("[source]",
                        "Path to source packages folder, default is current directory");

                    c.OnExecute(() =>
                        var reports = CreateReports(optionVerbose.HasValue(), quiet: false);

                        bool success;
                        if (Directory.Exists(argSource.Value))
                            // Implicitly commit changes before pull
                            var commitOptions = new CommitOptions
                                Reports = reports,
                                SourcePackages = argSource.Value
                            var commitCommand = new CommitCommand(commitOptions);
                            success = commitCommand.Execute();
                            if (!success)
                                return 1;

                        var pullOptions = new PullOptions
                            Reports = reports,
                            SourcePackages = argSource.Value,
                            RemotePackages = argRemote.Value
                        var pullCommand = new PullCommand(pullOptions);
                        success = pullCommand.Execute();
                        return success ? 0 : 1;

            app.Command("list", c =>
                c.Description = "Print the dependencies of a given project.";
                var showAssemblies = c.Option("-a|--assemblies",
                    "Show the assembly files that are depended on by given project.",
                var framework = c.Option("--framework",
                    "Show dependencies for only the given framework.",
                var runtimeFolder = c.Option("--runtime",
                    "The folder containing all available framework assemblies.",
                var argProject = c.Argument("[project]", "The path to project. If omitted, the command will use the project in the current directory.");

                c.OnExecute(() =>
                    var options = new DependencyListOptions(CreateReports(verbose: true, quiet: false), argProject, framework)
                        ShowAssemblies = showAssemblies.HasValue(),
                        RuntimeFolder = runtimeFolder.Value(),

                    if (!options.Valid)
                        if (options.Project == null)
                            options.Reports.Error.WriteLine(string.Format("A project could not be found in {0}.", options.Path).Red());
                            return 1;
                            options.Reports.Error.WriteLine("Invalid options.".Red());
                            return 2;

                    var command = new DependencyListCommand(options);
                    return command.Execute();

            // "kpm wrap" invokes MSBuild, which is not available on *nix
            if (!PlatformHelper.IsMono)
                app.Command("wrap", c =>
                    c.Description = "Wrap a csproj into a project.json, which can be referenced by project.json files";

                    var argPath = c.Argument("[path]", "Path to csproj to be wrapped");
                    var optConfiguration = c.Option("--configuration <CONFIGURATION>",
                        "Configuration of wrapped project, default is 'debug'", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);
                    var optMsBuildPath = c.Option("--msbuild <PATH>",
                        @"Path to MSBuild, default is '%ProgramFiles%\MSBuild\14.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe'",
                    var optInPlace = c.Option("-i|--in-place",
                        "Generate or update project.json files in project directories of csprojs",

                    c.OnExecute(() =>
                        var reports = CreateReports(optionVerbose.HasValue(), quiet: false);

                        var command = new WrapCommand();
                        command.Reports = reports;
                        command.CsProjectPath = argPath.Value;
                        command.Configuration = optConfiguration.Value();
                        command.MsBuildPath = optMsBuildPath.Value();
                        command.InPlace = optInPlace.HasValue();

                        var success = command.ExecuteCommand();

                        return success ? 0 : 1;

            return app.Execute(args);
コード例 #35
        public void GetItemChangeChildAndReregister()
            VersionableBase.DefaultAgencyId = "int.example";

            var client = GetClient();

            // Get a ConceptScheme from the repository,
            // and populate the member concepts.
            // Note that you probably have to change the UUID here
            // to represent one that is in your repository.
            var scheme = client.GetItem(
                new Guid("0cc13be5-3c89-4d1a-927f-ac7634d0c05a"),
                "int.example", 2,
                ChildReferenceProcessing.Populate) as ConceptScheme;

            if (scheme == null || scheme.Concepts.Count < 3)
                Console.WriteLine("No scheme, or not enough items in the scheme.");

            // Grab the second concept and add a description to it.
            var concept = scheme.Concepts[2];
            concept.Description.Current = "This is the fourth concept";

            // When we change a property on the Concept, the concept's
            // IsDirty property is automatically set to true, indicating
            // that it has unsaved changes.
            Console.WriteLine("IsDirty: ", concept.IsDirty);

            // The DirtyItemGatherer will walk a set of objects and create
            // a list of all objects that are dirty.
            DirtyItemGatherer gatherer = new DirtyItemGatherer(
                gatherEvenIfNotDirty: false,
                markParentsDirty: true);

            var options = new CommitOptions();

            // For every changed item, increase the version and
            // register the new version with the repository.
            foreach (var item in gatherer.DirtyItems)
                client.RegisterItem(item, options);
コード例 #36
        public void GetItemMakeChangeAndReregister()
            VersionableBase.DefaultAgencyId = "int.example";

            var client = GetClient();

            // Get a ConceptScheme from the repository,
            // and populate the member concepts.
            // Note that you probably have to change the UUID here
            // to represent one that is in your repository.
            var scheme = client.GetItem(
                new Guid("0cc13be5-3c89-4d1a-927f-ac7634d0c05a"),
                "int.example", 1,
                ChildReferenceProcessing.Populate) as ConceptScheme;

            // Just add a description to the ConceptScheme.
            scheme.Description.Current = "This is a description we are adding.";

            // Before we register the new version of the item, we have to
            // update the version number.

            // Register the item with the repository.
            var options = new CommitOptions();
            client.RegisterItem(scheme, options);
コード例 #37
        /// <summary>
        /// Maps Variables to Questions where the name of the Variable matches the name of 
        /// the Question.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="variableSchemeId"></param>
        /// <param name="questionSchemeId"></param>
        /// <param name="onlyTest"></param>
        static void MapVariablesToQuestionsAuto(IdentifierTriple variableSchemeId, IdentifierTriple questionSchemeId, bool onlyTest)
            var client = RepositoryIntro.GetClient();

            CommitOptions commitOptions = new CommitOptions();

            VariableScheme vs = client.GetItem(variableSchemeId, ChildReferenceProcessing.Populate) as VariableScheme;
            QuestionScheme qs = client.GetItem(questionSchemeId, ChildReferenceProcessing.Populate) as QuestionScheme;

            // Grab all variable names and question names.
            var variableNameList = vs.Variables.Select(v => v.ItemName.Current.Substring(2)).ToList();
            var questionNameList = qs.Questions.Select(q => q.ItemName.Current).ToList();

            int matches = 0;
            foreach (string varName in variableNameList)
                string foundQuestionName = questionNameList.Where(q => string.Compare(q, varName, true) == 0).FirstOrDefault();
                if (foundQuestionName != null)
                    // If there is a question with the same name as this variable,
                    // grab the Question and Variable objects, and assign the question
                    // as a SourceQuestion.
                    Variable variable = vs.Variables.SingleOrDefault(v => v.ItemName.Current == varName);
                    Question question = qs.Questions.SingleOrDefault(q => q.ItemName.Current == foundQuestionName);

                    if (variable != null && question != null)
                        Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Assigning {0} to {1}", question.ItemName.Current, variable.ItemName.Current));

                        if (!onlyTest)
                            client.RegisterItem(variable, commitOptions);

                        Console.WriteLine(string.Format("No match for {0} or {1}", varName, foundQuestionName));

            if (!onlyTest)
                client.RegisterItem(vs, commitOptions);

            Console.WriteLine("Done. Found " + matches.ToString() + " matches.");
コード例 #38
ファイル: ConnectionBase.cs プロジェクト: j2jensen/ravendb
        /// <summary>
        /// Perform an operation inside of a transaction. The transaction is committed
        /// if the operation completes normally.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="block">The operation to perform.</param>
        /// <param name="options">Commit option for the transaction.</param>
        /// <returns>The Connection that performed the transaction.</returns>
        private Connection UsingTransaction(Action block, CommitOptions options)
            using (var trx = this.BeginTransaction())

            return this;
コード例 #39
ファイル: Transaction.cs プロジェクト: 925coder/ravendb
 /// <summary>
 /// Commit a transaction. This object must be in a transaction.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="options">
 /// Options for transaction commit.
 /// </param>
 public abstract void Commit(CommitOptions options);
コード例 #40
        public void BuildAndRegisterConcepts()
            // Setting the default agency like this means
            // we don't need to manually set it for every
            // item we create.
            VersionableBase.DefaultAgencyId = "int.example";

            // Create a scheme to hold the concepts.
            ConceptScheme scheme = new ConceptScheme();
            scheme.Label.Current = "Transportation Modes";

            // Create 6 concepts, setting up a small hierarchy.
            Concept transportMode = new Concept();
            transportMode.Label.Current = "Transport Mode";

            Concept auto = new Concept();
            auto.Label.Current = "Auto";

            Concept car = new Concept();
            car.Label.Current = "Car";

            Concept truck = new Concept();
            truck.Label.Current = "Truck";

            Concept bike = new Concept();
            bike.Label.Current = "Bike";

            Concept walk = new Concept();
            walk.Label.Current = "Walk";

            // Add the concpts to the scheme.

            var client = GetClient();
            CommitOptions options = new CommitOptions();

            // Gather all the scheme and all the items in the scheme,
            // so we can register them with a single call to the repository.
            ItemGathererVisitor gatherer = new ItemGathererVisitor();

            // Register the items with the repository.
            client.RegisterItems(gatherer.FoundItems, options);

            // Alternatively, we could register the items one at a time, like this.

            //client.RegisterItem(scheme, options);
            //client.RegisterItem(transportMode, options);
            //client.RegisterItem(auto, options);
            //client.RegisterItem(car, options);
            //client.RegisterItem(truck, options);
            //client.RegisterItem(bike, options);
            //client.RegisterItem(walk, options);
コード例 #41
ファイル: Transaction.cs プロジェクト: 925coder/ravendb
 /// <summary>
 /// Get the CommitTransactionGrbit that should be used for the given options.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="options">The commit options.</param>
 /// <returns>The commit grbit for the options.</returns>
 internal static CommitTransactionGrbit GrbitFromOptions(CommitOptions options)
     return CommitOptions.Fast == options ? CommitTransactionGrbit.LazyFlush : CommitTransactionGrbit.None;
コード例 #42
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: elanwu123/dnx
        public int Main(string[] args)
            var app = new CommandLineApplication();
            app.Name = "dnu";
            app.FullName = "Microsoft .NET Development Utility";

            var optionVerbose = app.Option("-v|--verbose", "Show verbose output", CommandOptionType.NoValue);
            app.VersionOption("--version", GetVersion);

            // Show help information if no subcommand/option was specified
            app.OnExecute(() =>
                return 2;

            app.Command("restore", c =>
                c.Description = "Restore packages";

                var argRoot = c.Argument("[root]", "Root of all projects to restore. It can be a directory, a project.json, or a global.json.");
                var feedOptions = FeedOptions.Add(c);
                var optLock = c.Option("--lock",
                    "Creates dependencies file with locked property set to true. Overwrites file if it exists.",
                var optUnlock = c.Option("--unlock",
                    "Creates dependencies file with locked property set to false. Overwrites file if it exists.",
                var optParallel = c.Option("--parallel",
                    "Restores in parallel when more than one project.json is discovered.",

                c.OnExecute(async () =>
                    var command = new RestoreCommand(_environment);
                    command.Reports = CreateReports(optionVerbose.HasValue(), feedOptions.Quiet);
                    command.RestoreDirectory = argRoot.Value;
                    command.FeedOptions = feedOptions;
                    command.Lock = optLock.HasValue();
                    command.Unlock = optUnlock.HasValue();
                    command.Parallel = optParallel.HasValue();

                    if (feedOptions.ProxyOptions.HasValue())
                        Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("http_proxy", feedOptions.Proxy);

                    var success = await command.ExecuteCommand();

                    return success ? 0 : 1;

            app.Command("publish", c =>
                c.Description = "Publish application for deployment";

                var argProject = c.Argument("[project]", "Path to project, default is current directory");
                var optionOut = c.Option("-o|--out <PATH>", "Where does it go", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);
                var optionConfiguration = c.Option("--configuration <CONFIGURATION>", "The configuration to use for deployment (Debug|Release|{Custom})",
                var optionNoSource = c.Option("--no-source", "Compiles the source files into NuGet packages",
                var optionRuntime = c.Option("--runtime <RUNTIME>", "Name or full path of the runtime folder to include, or \"active\" for current runtime on PATH",
                var optionNative = c.Option("--native", "Build and include native images. User must provide targeted CoreCLR runtime versions along with this option.",
                var optionWwwRoot = c.Option("--wwwroot <NAME>", "Name of public folder in the project directory",
                var optionWwwRootOut = c.Option("--wwwroot-out <NAME>",
                    "Name of public folder in the output, can be used only when the '--wwwroot' option or 'webroot' in project.json is specified",
                var optionQuiet = c.Option("--quiet", "Do not show output such as source/destination of published files",

                c.OnExecute(() =>
                    var options = new PublishOptions
                        OutputDir = optionOut.Value(),
                        ProjectDir = argProject.Value ?? System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(),
                        Configuration = optionConfiguration.Value() ?? "Debug",
                        RuntimeTargetFramework = _environment.RuntimeFramework,
                        WwwRoot = optionWwwRoot.Value(),
                        WwwRootOut = optionWwwRootOut.Value() ?? optionWwwRoot.Value(),
                        NoSource = optionNoSource.HasValue(),
                        Runtimes = optionRuntime.HasValue() ?
                            string.Join(";", optionRuntime.Values).
                                Split(new[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries) :
                            new string[0],
                        Native = optionNative.HasValue(),
                        Reports = CreateReports(optionVerbose.HasValue(), optionQuiet.HasValue())

                    var manager = new PublishManager(_hostServices, options);
                    if (!manager.Publish())
                        return -1;

                    return 0;

            app.Command("pack", c =>
                c.Description = "Build NuGet packages for the project in given directory";

                var optionFramework = c.Option("--framework <TARGET_FRAMEWORK>", "A list of target frameworks to build.", CommandOptionType.MultipleValue);
                var optionConfiguration = c.Option("--configuration <CONFIGURATION>", "A list of configurations to build.", CommandOptionType.MultipleValue);
                var optionOut = c.Option("--out <OUTPUT_DIR>", "Output directory", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);
                var optionDependencies = c.Option("--dependencies", "Copy dependencies", CommandOptionType.NoValue);
                var optionQuiet = c.Option("--quiet", "Do not show output such as source/destination of nupkgs",
                var argProjectDir = c.Argument("[project]", "Project to pack, default is current directory");

                c.OnExecute(() =>
                    var buildOptions = new BuildOptions();
                    buildOptions.OutputDir = optionOut.Value();
                    buildOptions.ProjectDir = argProjectDir.Value ?? Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
                    buildOptions.Configurations = optionConfiguration.Values;
                    buildOptions.TargetFrameworks = optionFramework.Values;
                    buildOptions.GeneratePackages = true;
                    buildOptions.Reports = CreateReports(optionVerbose.HasValue(), optionQuiet.HasValue());

                    var projectManager = new BuildManager(_hostServices, buildOptions);

                    if (!projectManager.Build())
                        return -1;

                    return 0;

            app.Command("build", c =>
                c.Description = "Produce assemblies for the project in given directory";

                var optionFramework = c.Option("--framework <TARGET_FRAMEWORK>", "A list of target frameworks to build.", CommandOptionType.MultipleValue);
                var optionConfiguration = c.Option("--configuration <CONFIGURATION>", "A list of configurations to build.", CommandOptionType.MultipleValue);
                var optionOut = c.Option("--out <OUTPUT_DIR>", "Output directory", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);
                var optionQuiet = c.Option("--quiet", "Do not show output such as dependencies in use",
                var argProjectDir = c.Argument("[project]", "Project to build, default is current directory");

                c.OnExecute(() =>
                    var buildOptions = new BuildOptions();
                    buildOptions.OutputDir = optionOut.Value();
                    buildOptions.ProjectDir = argProjectDir.Value ?? Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
                    buildOptions.Configurations = optionConfiguration.Values;
                    buildOptions.TargetFrameworks = optionFramework.Values;
                    buildOptions.GeneratePackages = false;
                    buildOptions.Reports = CreateReports(optionVerbose.HasValue(), optionQuiet.HasValue());

                    var projectManager = new BuildManager(_hostServices, buildOptions);

                    if (!projectManager.Build())
                        return -1;

                    return 0;

            app.Command("install", c =>
                c.Description = "Install the given dependency";

                var argName = c.Argument("[name]", "Name of the dependency to add");
                var argVersion = c.Argument("[version]", "Version of the dependency to add, default is the latest version.");
                var argProject = c.Argument("[project]", "Path to project, default is current directory");

                var feedOptions = FeedOptions.Add(c);


                c.OnExecute(async () =>
                    var reports = CreateReports(optionVerbose.HasValue(), feedOptions.Quiet);

                    var addCmd = new AddCommand();
                    addCmd.Reports = reports;
                    addCmd.Name = argName.Value;
                    addCmd.Version = argVersion.Value;
                    addCmd.ProjectDir = argProject.Value;

                    var restoreCmd = new RestoreCommand(_environment);
                    restoreCmd.Reports = reports;
                    restoreCmd.FeedOptions = feedOptions;

                    restoreCmd.RestoreDirectory = argProject.Value;

                    if (feedOptions.ProxyOptions.HasValue())
                        Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("http_proxy", feedOptions.Proxy);

                    var installCmd = new InstallCommand(addCmd, restoreCmd);
                    installCmd.Reports = reports;

                    var success = await installCmd.ExecuteCommand();

                    return success ? 0 : 1;

            app.Command("packages", packagesCommand =>
                packagesCommand.Description = "Commands related to managing local and remote packages folders";
                packagesCommand.OnExecute(() =>
                    return 2;

                packagesCommand.Command("add", c =>
                    c.Description = "Add a NuGet package to the specified packages folder";
                    var argNupkg = c.Argument("[nupkg]", "Path to a NuGet package");
                    var argSource = c.Argument("[source]", "Path to packages folder");

                    c.OnExecute(async () =>
                        var options = new AddOptions
                            Reports = CreateReports(optionVerbose.HasValue(), quiet: false),
                            SourcePackages = argSource.Value,
                            NuGetPackage = argNupkg.Value
                        var command = new Packages.AddCommand(options);
                        var success = await command.Execute();
                        return success ? 0 : 1;

                packagesCommand.Command("push", c =>
                    c.Description = "Incremental copy of files from local packages to remote location";
                    var argRemote = c.Argument("[remote]", "Path to remote packages folder");
                    var argSource = c.Argument("[source]",
                        "Path to source packages folder, default is current directory");

                    c.OnExecute(() =>
                        var reports = CreateReports(optionVerbose.HasValue(), quiet: false);

                        // Implicitly commit changes before push
                        var commitOptions = new CommitOptions
                            Reports = reports,
                            SourcePackages = argSource.Value
                        var commitCommand = new CommitCommand(commitOptions);
                        var success = commitCommand.Execute();
                        if (!success)
                            return 1;

                        var pushOptions = new PushOptions
                            Reports = reports,
                            SourcePackages = argSource.Value,
                            RemotePackages = argRemote.Value
                        var pushCommand = new PushCommand(pushOptions);
                        success = pushCommand.Execute();
                        return success ? 0 : 1;

                packagesCommand.Command("pull", c =>
                    c.Description = "Incremental copy of files from remote location to local packages";
                    var argRemote = c.Argument("[remote]", "Path to remote packages folder");
                    var argSource = c.Argument("[source]",
                        "Path to source packages folder, default is current directory");

                    c.OnExecute(() =>
                        var reports = CreateReports(optionVerbose.HasValue(), quiet: false);

                        bool success;
                        if (Directory.Exists(argSource.Value))
                            // Implicitly commit changes before pull
                            var commitOptions = new CommitOptions
                                Reports = reports,
                                SourcePackages = argSource.Value
                            var commitCommand = new CommitCommand(commitOptions);
                            success = commitCommand.Execute();
                            if (!success)
                                return 1;

                        var pullOptions = new PullOptions
                            Reports = reports,
                            SourcePackages = argSource.Value,
                            RemotePackages = argRemote.Value
                        var pullCommand = new PullCommand(pullOptions);
                        success = pullCommand.Execute();
                        return success ? 0 : 1;

            app.Command("list", c =>
                c.Description = "Print the dependencies of a given project";
                var showAssemblies = c.Option("-a|--assemblies",
                    "Show the assembly files that are depended on by given project",
                var frameworks = c.Option("--framework <TARGET_FRAMEWORK>",
                    "Show dependencies for only the given frameworks",
                var runtimeFolder = c.Option("--runtime <PATH>",
                    "The folder containing all available framework assemblies",
                var hideDependents = c.Option("--hide-dependents",
                    "Hide the immediate dependents of libraries referenced in the project",
                var resultsFilter = c.Option("--filter <PATTERN>",
                    "Filter the libraries referenced by the project base on their names. The matching pattern supports * and ?",
                var argProject = c.Argument("[project]", "Path to project, default is current directory");

                c.OnExecute(() =>
                    var options = new DependencyListOptions(CreateReports(verbose: true, quiet: false), argProject)
                        TargetFrameworks = frameworks.Values,
                        ShowAssemblies = showAssemblies.HasValue(),
                        RuntimeFolder = runtimeFolder.Value(),
                        HideDependents = hideDependents.HasValue(),
                        ResultsFilter = resultsFilter.Value()

                    if (!options.Valid)
                        if (options.Project == null)
                            options.Reports.Error.WriteLine(string.Format("Unable to locate {0}.".Red(), Runtime.Project.ProjectFileName));
                            return 1;
                            options.Reports.Error.WriteLine("Invalid options.".Red());
                            return 2;

                    var command = new DependencyListCommand(options, _environment.RuntimeFramework);
                    return command.Execute();

            app.Command("commands", cmd =>
                cmd.Description = "Commands related to managing application commands (add, remove)";
                cmd.OnExecute(() =>
                    return 2;

                cmd.Command("install", c =>
                    c.Description = "Installs application commands";

                    var argPackage = c.Argument("[package]", "The name of the application package");
                    var argVersion = c.Argument("[version]", "The version of the application package");

                    var optOverwrite = c.Option("-o|--overwrite", "Overwrites conflicting commands", CommandOptionType.NoValue);

                    var feedOptions = FeedOptions.Add(c);


                    c.OnExecute(async () =>
                        var command = new InstallGlobalCommand(
                                string.IsNullOrEmpty(feedOptions.TargetPackagesFolder) ?
                                    AppCommandsFolderRepository.CreateDefault() :

                        command.FeedOptions = feedOptions;
                        command.Reports = CreateReports(optionVerbose.HasValue(), feedOptions.Quiet);
                        command.OverwriteCommands = optOverwrite.HasValue();

                        if (feedOptions.Proxy != null)
                            Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("http_proxy", feedOptions.Proxy);

                        var success = await command.Execute(argPackage.Value, argVersion.Value);
                        return success ? 0 : 1;


                cmd.Command("uninstall", c =>
                    c.Description = "Uninstalls application commands";

                    var argCommand = c.Argument("[command]", "The name of the command to uninstall");

                    var optNoPurge = c.Option("--no-purge", "Do not try to remove orphaned packages", CommandOptionType.NoValue);


                    c.OnExecute(() =>
                        var command = new UninstallCommand(
                            reports: CreateReports(optionVerbose.HasValue(), quiet: false));

                        command.NoPurge = optNoPurge.HasValue();

                        var success = command.Execute(argCommand.Value);
                        return success ? 0 : 1;

            app.Command("wrap", c =>
                c.Description = "Wrap a csproj into a project.json, which can be referenced by project.json files";

                var argPath = c.Argument("[path]", "Path to csproj to be wrapped");
                var optConfiguration = c.Option("--configuration <CONFIGURATION>",
                    "Configuration of wrapped project, default is 'debug'", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);
                var optMsBuildPath = c.Option("--msbuild <PATH>",
                    @"Path to MSBuild, default is '%ProgramFiles%\MSBuild\14.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe'",
                var optInPlace = c.Option("-i|--in-place",
                    "Generate or update project.json files in project directories of csprojs",
                var optFramework = c.Option("-f|--framework",
                    "Target framework of assembly to be wrapped",

                c.OnExecute(() =>
                    var reports = CreateReports(optionVerbose.HasValue(), quiet: false);

                    var command = new WrapCommand();
                    command.Reports = reports;
                    command.InputFilePath = argPath.Value;
                    command.Configuration = optConfiguration.Value();
                    command.MsBuildPath = optMsBuildPath.Value();
                    command.InPlace = optInPlace.HasValue();
                    command.Framework = optFramework.Value();

                    var success = command.ExecuteCommand();

                    return success ? 0 : 1;

            return app.Execute(args);