public CommentsResponse GetCommentsByChart(int smartChartId) { var response = new CommentsResponse(); try { var commentRepository = new ChartCommentRepository(); var userRepository = new UserProfileRepository(); var comments = commentRepository.Query().Where(x => x.IdSmartChart == smartChartId && x.IsActive == true).OrderBy(x => x.DatePosted).Take(25).ToList(); foreach (var comment in comments) { int userId = Convert.ToInt32(comment.IdUser); response.Comments.Add(new ChartCommentDto() { Message = comment.Message, DatePosted = comment.DatePosted, UserName = userRepository.Query().FirstOrDefault(x => x.UserId == userId).UserName, IdComment = comment.IdComment, IdUser = userId.ToString() }); } // CHECK ROLE - IsAppAdmin commentRepository.Dispose(); response.Acknowledgment = true; response.Message = "Success"; } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Error("Error Getting the comments for chartid: " + smartChartId + ". With the exception: " + ex.Message); response.Acknowledgment = false; response.Message = "Error: " + ex.Message; } return(response); }
public CommentsResponse FilterComment(int instanceId, FilterCommentViewModel filter = null) { var response = new CommentsResponse { CommentList = new List <CommentViewModel>() }; filter = filter ?? new FilterCommentViewModel(); var request = new CommentsRequest { InstanceId = instanceId, CommentTypeCode = filter.CommentTypeCode, DateFrom = filter.DateFrom, DateTo = filter.DateTo, OrderDesc = filter.OrderBy, OrganizationalUnitId = filter.OrganizationalUnitId, TopicCommentId = filter.TopicCommentId, UserName = filter.UserName, MyComments = filter.MyComments, IsCheckPublic = filter.IsCheckPublic, IsOpcAgreement = filter.IsOpcAgreement }; var filterResponse = _commentService.FilterComments(request); if (filterResponse.IsValid) { response = filterResponse; } return(response); }
public async Task <ActionResult <Comments> > GetComments(Guid id) { var comments = await _context.Comments.Include(x => x.Account) .Include(x => x.Post) .FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Id == id); var accountResponse = new AccountResponse { Id = comments.Account.Id, Nome = comments.Account.Nome }; var postViewModel = new PostViewModel { Id = comments.Post.Id }; var commentResponse = new CommentsResponse { Id = comments.Id, Account = accountResponse, Content = comments.Content, Post = postViewModel }; if (comments == null) { return(NotFound()); } return(comments); }
public void GetTopicComments(long gid, long tid, int offset, int count, Action <BackendResult <CommentsInfo, ResultCode> > callback) { Dictionary <string, string> dictionary = new Dictionary <string, string>(); string index1 = "group_id"; string str1 = gid.ToString(); dictionary[index1] = str1; string index2 = "topic_id"; string str2 = tid.ToString(); dictionary[index2] = str2; string index3 = "offset"; string str3 = offset.ToString(); dictionary[index3] = str3; string index4 = "count"; string str4 = count.ToString(); dictionary[index4] = str4; string index5 = "extended"; string str5 = "1"; dictionary[index5] = str5; string index6 = "need_likes"; string str6 = "1"; dictionary[index6] = str6; VKRequestsDispatcher.Execute <CommentsInfo>(string.Format("var cm = API.board.getComments({{\"group_id\":{0}, \"topic_id\":{1}, \"offset\":{2}, \"count\":{3}, \"extended\":1, \"need_likes\":1, \"allow_group_comments\":1 }});\r\nvar g = API.groups.getById({{\"group_id\":{0}}})[0];\r\nreturn {{CommentsResponse:cm, Group:g}};", gid, tid, offset, count), callback, (Func <string, CommentsInfo>)(jsonStr => { GroupsService.TopicCommentsResponse response = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <GenericRoot <GroupsService.TopicCommentsResponse> >(jsonStr).response; CommentsResponse commentsResponse = response.CommentsResponse; GroupsService.Current.AddCachedGroup(response.Group); return(new CommentsInfo() { comments = commentsResponse.items, poll = commentsResponse.poll, profiles = commentsResponse.profiles, groups = commentsResponse.groups, TotalCommentsCount = commentsResponse.count }); }), false, true, new CancellationToken?()); }
public CommentsResponse AddChartComment(ChartCommentDto comment) { var response = new CommentsResponse(); try { var commentRepository = new ChartCommentRepository(); var userRepository = new UserProfileRepository(); var newComment = new ChartComment { IdUser = comment.IdUser, DatePosted = DateTime.Now, Message = comment.Message, IdSmartChart = comment.IdSmartChart, IsActive = true }; commentRepository.Add(newComment); commentRepository.SaveChanges(); int userId = Convert.ToInt32(comment.IdUser); response.Comments.Add(new ChartCommentDto() { Message = newComment.Message, DatePosted = newComment.DatePosted, UserName = userRepository.Query().FirstOrDefault(x => x.UserId == userId).UserName, IdComment = newComment.IdComment, IdUser = userId.ToString() }); commentRepository.Dispose(); response.Acknowledgment = true; response.Message = "Success"; } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Error("Error adding comment. With the exception: " + ex.Message); response.Acknowledgment = false; response.Message = "Error: " + ex.Message; } return(response); }
/// <summary> /// Обновление БД комментариев /// </summary> /// <param name="database"></param> /// <param name="options"></param> public void UpdateDB(CommentDatabase database, Options options, Label labelProgress) { /* * 1. Добавить недостающие обсуждения * 2. Пройтись по всем обсуждениям и добавить недостающие комментарии * а. проверить последний добавленный комментарий (по дате написания комментария) (MAX date WHERE topic_id == t.TopicID) * б. загрузить с сайта все коменты этого обсуждения, начиная с последнего добавленного (по частям) * в. записать всё в БД */ List <Topic> topics = database.ParseTopicLinks(options.Topics); database.LoadTopics(topics); try { for (int i = 0; i < topics.Count; i++) { Topic t = topics[i]; //Текущее обсуждение Comment last_comm = database.GetLastComment(t); CommentsResponse response = GetCommentsFrom(t, last_comm, (perc) => { string status = "Обработка обсуждения " + (i + 1) + "/" + topics.Count + ", завершено " + perc.ToString("0.0") + "%"; labelProgress.Text = status; Application.DoEvents(); }); labelProgress.Text = "Обработка обсуждения " + (i + 1) + "/" + topics.Count + ", обработка результатов"; Application.DoEvents(); database.AddUsers(response.Users); List <Comment> filtered_comments = prefilter.Prefilter(response.Comments); database.AddComments(filtered_comments); } } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show("Возникла ошибка во время загрузки комментариев", "Загрузка комментариев", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1); } }
public CommentsResponse DeactivateCommentsByChartId(int userId, int idComment, string[] appRoles) { var response = new CommentsResponse(); var isAppAdmin = new List <string>(appRoles).Exists(x => x == "Administrator"); try { var commentRepository = new ChartCommentRepository(); var userRepository = new UserProfileRepository(); var userXSubscription = new UsersXSubscriptionRepository(); var comment = commentRepository.Query().FirstOrDefault(x => x.IdComment == idComment); var isSubAdmin = userXSubscription.Query().Any(x => x.IdSubscriptionRoleTypes == 1 && x.idSubscription == comment.SmartChart.SmartReport.ServiceDelivery.ServiceSubscription.idServiceSubscription && x.idUser == userId); if (comment.IdUser == userId.ToString() || isAppAdmin || isSubAdmin) { comment.IsActive = false; commentRepository.SaveChanges(); commentRepository.Dispose(); response.Acknowledgment = true; response.Message = "Success"; } else { _logger.Error("User " + userId + " does not have the right roles to delete this comment " + idComment + " date:" + DateTime.Now.ToString()); response.Acknowledgment = false; response.Message = "User " + userId + " does not have the right roles to delete this comment " + idComment + " date:" + DateTime.Now.ToString(); } } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Error("Error Getting the comment " + idComment + ". With the exception: " + ex.Message); response.Acknowledgment = false; response.Message = "Error: " + ex.Message; } return(response); }
/// <summary> /// Получить все комментарии в заданном обсуждении, начиная с заданного комментария /// /// </summary> /// <param name="t">обсуждение</param> /// <param name="last_comm">комментарий, с которого надо начать (не включая его)</param> /// <returns></returns> private CommentsResponse GetCommentsFrom(Topic t, Comment last_comm, Action <double> callback) { if (t == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Нельзя найти комментарии неопределенного обсуждения"); } string start_comment_id = ""; if (last_comm == null) { start_comment_id = ""; } else { start_comment_id = "&start_comment_id=" + last_comm.CommentID.ToString(); } CommentsResponse res = new CommentsResponse(); string url = string.Format("{0}&topic_id={1}&need_likes=1{2}&count={3}&extended=1&v=5.52&access_token={4}", t.GroupID, t.TopicID, start_comment_id, 100, //Запрашиваем по 100 комментариев options.AccessToken); JToken json = this.GetJson(url); //Добавление комментариев JToken resp = json["response"]; if (resp == null) { MessageBox.Show(((JObject)json).ToString(Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.Indented), "Загрузка комментариев", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1); throw new Exception(""); } JToken items = resp["items"]; foreach (JToken item in items) { long comment_id = long.Parse(item["id"].ToString()); long from_id = long.Parse(item["from_id"].ToString()); long date = long.Parse(item["date"].ToString()); string text = item["text"].ToString(); int likes = int.Parse(item["likes"]["count"].ToString()); DateTime parsed_date = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc).AddSeconds(date); res.Add(new Comment() { CommentID = comment_id, Likes = likes, Text = text, TopicID = t.TopicID, UserID = from_id, Date = parsed_date }); } //Добавление пользователей JToken profiles = json["response"]["profiles"]; foreach (JToken profile in profiles) { long id = long.Parse(profile["id"].ToString()); string fname = profile["first_name"].ToString(); string lname = profile["last_name"].ToString(); res.Add(new User() { FirstName = fname, LastName = lname, UserID = id }); } //Общее количество комментариев в этом обсуждении int total = int.Parse(json["response"]["count"].ToString()); //Сдвиг на сколько комментариев уже передвинулись в этом обсуждении int offset = 0; if (json["response"]["real_offset"] == null) { offset = 0; } else { offset = int.Parse(json["response"]["real_offset"].ToString()); } //Вывод прогресса callback.Invoke((((double)offset / (double)total) * 100d)); Application.DoEvents(); //Рекурсивно добавляем остальные комментарии if (total - offset > res.CountComents) { res.Add(GetCommentsFrom(t, res.Comments[res.CountComents - 1], callback)); } //Если был задан стартовый элемент, то надо удалить, а то он два раза добавляется //да, ненаучно, но что поделать) if (last_comm != null) { res.RemoveCommentAt(0); } return(res); }