public ActionResult CreateComment(string con, int id) { Comment comment = new Comment() { Contenu = con, PublicationId = id }; MyCommentService.Add(comment); MyCommentService.Commit(); return(Json(comment, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public void ShouldBeErrorIfNoKeyAdd() { string encryptionKey = null; DBResult <UserProfile> profileDBResult = new DBResult <UserProfile> { Payload = new UserProfile() { EncryptionKey = encryptionKey } }; Mock <IUserProfileDelegate> profileDelegateMock = new Mock <IUserProfileDelegate>(); profileDelegateMock.Setup(s => s.GetUserProfile(hdid)).Returns(profileDBResult); UserComment userComment = new UserComment() { UserProfileId = hdid, ParentEntryId = parentEntryId, Text = "Deleted Comment", EntryTypeCode = Database.Constants.CommentEntryType.Medication, CreatedDateTime = new DateTime(2020, 1, 1) }; ICommentService service = new CommentService( new Mock <ILogger <CommentService> >().Object, new Mock <ICommentDelegate>().Object, profileDelegateMock.Object, new Mock <ICryptoDelegate>().Object ); RequestResult <UserComment> actualResult = service.Add(userComment); Assert.Equal(ResultType.Error, actualResult.ResultStatus); }
public async Task AddComment() { //Arrange var user = new User() { Id = "user-id", UserName = "******" }; await this.context.AddAsync(user); await this.context.SaveChangesAsync(); var mapper = new Mock <IMapper>(); var store = new Mock <IUserStore <User> >(); var userManager = new Mock <UserManager <User> >(store.Object, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null); var userService = new UserService(this.context, userManager.Object, mapper.Object); var commentService = new CommentService(this.context, userService, mapper.Object); //Act await commentService.Add("chris", "product-id", "Comment."); var comment = this.context.Comments.First(); //Assert Assert.Single(this.context.Comments); Assert.Equal("Comment.", comment.Content); Assert.Equal("product-id", comment.ProductId); Assert.Equal("user-id", comment.UserId); }
public ActionResult Add(string articleId, string userName, string email, string site, string content, string commentId) { try { AddValidate(articleId, content, userName, email, site); int id = _commentService.Add( new Comment { ArticleId = Convert.ToInt32(articleId), UserName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(userName) ? "游客" : userName, Email = email, Site = site, Content = content, ParentId = Convert.ToInt32(commentId) } ); return(Json(new { code = 200, msg = "ok", data = _commentService.GetById(id.ToString()) })); } catch (Exception ex) { LogService.Instance.AddAsync(Models.Level.Error, ex); return(Json(new { code = 500, msg = ex.Message })); } }
public HtmlString AddComments(int projectId, string text) { var user = UserService.Find(t => t.login == User.Identity.Name); CommentService.Add(new Comment() { ProjectId = projectId, Text = text, UserId = user.Id, PublishDate = DateTime.Now }); return(new HtmlString(string.Format(@" <div class=""item""> <div class=""row""> <div class=""col-2""> <div class=""user-img BlueThemeColor""> </div> </div> <div class=""col-10""> <div class=""user-name""> {0} </div> <div class=""comment-text""> {1} </div> <div class=""comment-border""></div> </div> </div> </div> ", User.Identity.Name, text))); }
public void AddTest() { //Arange CommentDTO projectDto = new CommentDTO() { Id = "b0", Text = "Zero" }; bool isAdded = false; Mock <IUnitOfWork> unitOfWorkMock = new Mock <IUnitOfWork>(); Mock <IRepository <Comment> > repositoryMock = new Mock <IRepository <Comment> >(); repositoryMock.Setup(repo => repo.Get(It.IsAny <Expression <Func <Comment, bool> > >())) .Returns <Expression <Func <Comment, bool> > >(predicate => _comments.Where(predicate.Compile()).AsQueryable()); repositoryMock.Setup(repo => repo.Add(It.IsAny <Comment>())).Callback(() => isAdded = true); unitOfWorkMock.Setup(getRepo => getRepo.GetRepository <Comment>()).Returns(repositoryMock.Object); CommentService _commentService = new CommentService(unitOfWorkMock.Object); //Act _commentService.Add(projectDto); //Assert Assert.True(isAdded); }
public void AddCommentTests() { commentService.Add(new Comment() { Id = 1, Text = "Content" }); Assert.Equal(1, DbContext.Comments.Count(p => p.Text == "Content")); }
public void TestAdd() { mockCommentRepository.Setup(x => x.Add(It.IsAny <Comment>())).Returns(cmt); var testService = new CommentService(mockCommentRepository.Object, mockPostRepository.Object, Options.Create(_setting)); Comment comment = testService.Add(cmt); Assert.AreEqual(cmt, comment); }
public void Add_IsCalled_CalledOneTime() { _commentRepository.Setup(p => p.Add(It.IsAny <Comment>())); _sut.Add(new Comment(), It.IsAny <string>()); _commentRepository.Verify(u => u.Add(It.IsAny <Comment>()), Times.Once); }
public ActionResult Add(Comment _comment, HttpPostedFileBase image) { _comment.UserID = _UserService.GetByDefault(x => x.UserName == User.Identity.Name).ID; _comment.ProfilePhotoURL = new byte[image.ContentLength]; image.InputStream.Read(_comment.ProfilePhotoURL, 0, image.ContentLength); _CommentService.Add(_comment); return(Redirect("/SysAdmin/Comment/List")); }
// POST: api/Comment public IActionResult Post([FromBody] CommentDTO commentDTO) { var obj = Mapper.Map <CommentDTO, Comment>(commentDTO); CommentService.Add(obj); return(Ok()); }
public ActionResult Update(Comment model) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { cs.Add(model); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } return(View(model)); }
public ActionResult CreateComment(int PostId, string ContenuCom) { Comment comment = new Comment() { ContenuCom = ContenuCom, PostId = PostId, ParticipantId = Int32.Parse(User.Identity.GetUserId()), DateCom = DateTime.Now, ParticipantName = User.Identity.GetUserName(), }; CommentService.Add(comment); CommentService.Commit(); return(Json(comment, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public IActionResult Post([FromBody] CommentRequestBody body) { var comment = commentService.Add(body.MapTo <CommentToAdd>()); return(this.CreateHalResponse(comment.MapTo <CommentResponseBody>()) .AddLink(LinkTemplates.Comment.Self) .AddLink(LinkTemplates.Comment.Create) .AddLocationHeader(this, comment.Id) .ToActionResult(this, HttpStatusCode.Created)); }
public ActionResult PostComment(CommentDTO comment) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(Json(null)); } var dto = CommentService.Add(comment.PostId, comment.Message); return(Json(dto)); }
public ActionResult AddComment(CommentVM data) { Comment comment = new Comment(); comment.ProductID = data.ID; comment.Content = data.Content; comment.Header = data.Header; comment.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now; _commentService.Add(comment); return(Redirect("/Web/Product/ProductDetails/" + data.ID)); }
//添加评论 public JsonResult Add(Comment model) { var modelDetailDto = serviceDetail.GetListDtoByOrderId(model.OrderId); model.RoomId = modelDetailDto[0].RoomId; model.UserId = currentUser.UserId; model.AddTime = DateTime.Now; serviceComment.Add(model); serviceOrder.UpdateStatus(model.OrderId, Enums.OrderStatus.CommentEnd, Enums.OrderStatus.WaitComment); result.code = 1; return(Json(result)); }
public ActionResult CommentAdd(CommentDTO comment) { Comment data = new Comment(); AppUser user = appUserService.GetByDefault(x => x.UserName == User.Identity.Name); data.AppUserID = user.ID; data.CommentUserName = user.UserName; data.TweetID = comment.TweetID; data.CommentContent = comment.CommentContent; commentService.Add(data); return(Redirect("/Member/Home/Index")); }
public ActionResult Create(int id, CommentViewModel cvm) { Comment b = new Comment(); b.BlogId = id; b.Contenu = cvm.Contenu; b.NbrLike = 0; commentService.Add(b); commentService.Commit(); return(View()); }
public void ShouldInsertComment() { string encryptionKey = "abc"; DBResult <UserProfile> profileDBResult = new DBResult <UserProfile> { Payload = new UserProfile() { EncryptionKey = encryptionKey } }; Mock <IUserProfileDelegate> profileDelegateMock = new Mock <IUserProfileDelegate>(); profileDelegateMock.Setup(s => s.GetUserProfile(hdid)).Returns(profileDBResult); Mock <ICryptoDelegate> cryptoDelegateMock = new Mock <ICryptoDelegate>(); cryptoDelegateMock.Setup(s => s.Encrypt(It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <string>())).Returns((string key, string text) => text + key); cryptoDelegateMock.Setup(s => s.Decrypt(It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <string>())).Returns((string key, string text) => text.Remove(text.Length - key.Length)); UserComment userComment = new UserComment() { UserProfileId = hdid, ParentEntryId = parentEntryId, Text = "Inserted Comment", EntryTypeCode = CommentEntryType.Medication, CreatedDateTime = new DateTime(2020, 1, 1) }; Comment comment = userComment.ToDbModel(cryptoDelegateMock.Object, encryptionKey); DBResult <Comment> insertResult = new DBResult <Comment> { Payload = comment, Status = DBStatusCode.Created }; Mock <ICommentDelegate> commentDelegateMock = new Mock <ICommentDelegate>(); commentDelegateMock.Setup(s => s.Add(It.Is <Comment>(x => x.Text == comment.Text), true)).Returns(insertResult); ICommentService service = new CommentService( new Mock <ILogger <CommentService> >().Object, commentDelegateMock.Object, profileDelegateMock.Object, cryptoDelegateMock.Object ); RequestResult <UserComment> actualResult = service.Add(userComment); Assert.Equal(Common.Constants.ResultType.Success, actualResult.ResultStatus); Assert.True(actualResult.ResourcePayload.IsDeepEqual(userComment)); }
public void AddCommentTests() { var builder = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <ApplicationDbContext>().UseInMemoryDatabase(Guid.NewGuid().ToString()); applicationDbContext = new ApplicationDbContext(builder.Options, _configuration); repository = new Repository <Comment>(applicationDbContext); commentService = new CommentService(repository); commentService.Add(new Comment() { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), Content = "Content" }); Assert.Equal(1, applicationDbContext.Comments.Count(p => p.Content == "Content")); }
private Tuple <RequestResult <UserComment>, UserComment> ExecuteInsertComment(Database.Constants.DBStatusCode dBStatusCode = Database.Constants.DBStatusCode.Created) { string encryptionKey = "abc"; DBResult <UserProfile> profileDBResult = new DBResult <UserProfile> { Payload = new UserProfile() { EncryptionKey = encryptionKey } }; Mock <IUserProfileDelegate> profileDelegateMock = new Mock <IUserProfileDelegate>(); profileDelegateMock.Setup(s => s.GetUserProfile(hdid)).Returns(profileDBResult); Mock <ICryptoDelegate> cryptoDelegateMock = new Mock <ICryptoDelegate>(); cryptoDelegateMock.Setup(s => s.Encrypt(It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <string>())).Returns((string key, string text) => text + key); cryptoDelegateMock.Setup(s => s.Decrypt(It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <string>())).Returns((string key, string text) => text.Remove(text.Length - key.Length)); UserComment userComment = new UserComment() { UserProfileId = hdid, ParentEntryId = parentEntryId, Text = "Inserted Comment", EntryTypeCode = CommentEntryType.Medication, CreatedDateTime = new DateTime(2020, 1, 1) }; Comment comment = userComment.ToDbModel(cryptoDelegateMock.Object, encryptionKey); DBResult <Comment> insertResult = new DBResult <Comment> { Payload = comment, Status = dBStatusCode }; Mock <ICommentDelegate> commentDelegateMock = new Mock <ICommentDelegate>(); commentDelegateMock.Setup(s => s.Add(It.Is <Comment>(x => x.Text == comment.Text), true)).Returns(insertResult); ICommentService service = new CommentService( new Mock <ILogger <CommentService> >().Object, commentDelegateMock.Object, profileDelegateMock.Object, cryptoDelegateMock.Object ); RequestResult <UserComment> actualResult = service.Add(userComment); return(new Tuple <RequestResult <UserComment>, UserComment>(actualResult, userComment)); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //分页 int pageNumber = 1; if (!Int32.TryParse(Request["page"], out pageNumber)) { pageNumber = 1; } CommentService commentService = new CommentService(); //求最大页 int pageRecord = commentService.GetRecordCount(""); int maxPage = 0; if (pageRecord / commentService.pageCount == 0) { maxPage = pageRecord % commentService.pageCount; } else { maxPage = pageRecord % commentService.pageCount + 1; } if (pageNumber > maxPage) { pageNumber = maxPage; } commentList = commentService.FindAllComment(pageNumber); pageCode = PageUtil.genPagination("/Comments.aspx", commentService.GetRecordCount(""), pageNumber, commentService.pageCount, ""); //将数据保存到数据库中 if (IsPostBack) { uname = ((User)Session["userList"]).uname; comcontent = Request["comcontent"]; comtime = DateTime.Now; Comment comment = new Comment(); comment.uname = uname; comment.comtime = comtime; comment.comcontent = comcontent; int i = commentService.Add(comment); if (i > 0) { Response.Redirect("/Comments.aspx"); } } }
public ActionResult <Result <Comment> > Post([FromBody] Comment model) { try { model.createdUserId =; _commentService.Add(model); _logger.LogInformation("Added one Comment"); return(new Result <Comment>(true, "Comment added successfully")); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogError(ex, "Error occurred on Comment adding"); throw ex; } }
public async Task <ActionResult <Comment> > PostComment(int id, Comment comment) { var post = await PostService.Get(id, "Category"); if (post == null) { return(NotFound("The post you're trying to comment on doesn't exist")); } comment.UserId = AuthService.GetUserId(User); comment.CreatedAt = DateTime.Now; await CommentService.Add(comment); return(Ok(comment)); }
public ActionResult Add(TubeRehber.Model.Entities.Comment data, string ChannelName) { if (data.comment != null) { TubeRehber.Model.Entities.Member currentUser = _memberService.GetuserByUserName(HttpContext.User.Identity.Name); data.MemberID = currentUser.ID; TubeRehber.Model.Entities.Channel channel = _channelService.GetChannelByChannelName(ChannelName); data.ChannelID = channel.ID; _commentService.Add(data); _commentService.Save(); } return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public ActionResult Create(CommentViewModel pvm, PostViewModel id) { var c = Ps.GetAll(); foreach (var item in c) { PostViewModel Cvm = new PostViewModel(); Cvm.postId = item.postId; Cvm.posttitre = item.posttitre; Cvm.content = item.content; /*Cvm.categoryId = item.categoryId; * Cvm.description = item.description; * Cvm.plan = item.plan; * Cvm.goals = item.goals; * Cvm.state = (WebApplication1.Models.stat)stat.To_Do;*/ } // = new SelectList(c, "projectId", "projectname"); Comment p = new Comment(); p.commentId = pvm.commentId; p.postId = id.postId; // p.deadline = pvm.deadline; p.content = pvm.content; //p.state = (Domain.Entities.state)stat.To_Do; //p.ListTask = (ICollection<Domain.Entities.Task>)pvm.ListTask; Ts.Add(p); Ts.Commit(); try { // TODO: Add insert logic here return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } catch { return(View()); } }
public ActionResult Create(int id, CommentViewModel cvm) { User u = new User(); UserService userService = new UserService(); Comment c = new Comment(); c.CommentId = cvm.CommentId; c.DateCom = DateTime.Now; c.ParticipantId = int.Parse(User.Identity.GetUserId());; c.PostId = id; c.ParticipantName = us.GetUserById(c.ParticipantId).FirstName + " " + us.GetUserById(c.ParticipantId).LastName; c.ContenuCom = cvm.ContenuCom; repo.Add(c); repo.Commit(); return(RedirectToAction("../Post/Details", new { id = c.PostId })); }
public async Task <IActionResult> AddComment([FromForm] AddCommentModel model, [FromServices] CommentService commentService) { if (model == null || !ModelState.IsValid) { return(this.Notice(new NoticePageViewModel { Message = L["Invalid request, please try again later"].Value, RedirectUrl = Url.Action("Topic", "Home", new { id = model.TopicId }), MessageType = NoticePageViewModel.NoticeMessageType.Error })); } var result = await commentService.Add(model); this.Response.Cookies.Append(CookieCommentName, model.Name); this.Response.Cookies.Append(CookieCommentEmail, model.Email); if (result.Success) { if (result.Data.Status != Core.Enums.CommentStatus.Approved) { return(this.Notice(new NoticePageViewModel { Message = L["Your comment has been added successfully and requires an administrator to approve it before it can be displayed"].Value, RedirectUrl = Url.Action("Topic", "Home", new { id = model.TopicId }), MessageType = NoticePageViewModel.NoticeMessageType.Success })); } } else { return(this.Notice(new NoticePageViewModel { Message = result.ErrorMessage, RedirectUrl = Url.Action("Topic", "Home", new { id = model.TopicId }), MessageType = NoticePageViewModel.NoticeMessageType.Error })); } return(this.RedirectToAction("Topic", "Home", new { id = result.Data.TopicId })); }
public IActionResult AddComment([FromForm] AddCommentViewModel model) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(View(model)); } var authorExists = authorService.VerifyIfAuthorExistsByEmail(model.Email); if (authorExists) { var article = articleService.GetArticleById(model.ArticleId); var author = authorService.GetAuthorByEmail(model.Email); commentService.Add(article, author, model.Content); } return(Redirect(Url.Action("ViewArticle", "Article", new { id = model.ArticleId }))); }