コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the commandline parameters (if any).
        /// </summary>
        private void HandleCommandLineParameters()
            string configFilename = null;
            string inputFilename  = null;
            int    inputSignal    = -1;
            string outputFilename = null;
            bool   showHelp       = false;
            string usage          = string.Empty;
            double lp             = double.NaN;
            double hp             = double.NaN;

            if (Environment.GetCommandLineArgs().Length > 0)
                //// First check the getopt() way....
                //CommandlineParserGetOpt commandLineParserGetOpt = new CommandlineParserGetOpt();
                //commandLineParserGetOpt.AddOption("c", "configfilename", "Configuration file containing analysis parameters",
                //                       CommandlineOptionFlags.HasParameter | CommandlineOptionFlags.Required,
                //                       (p, v) => { configFilename = v; });
                //commandLineParserGetOpt.AddOption("h", "help", "Show usage help",
                //                       CommandlineOptionFlags.HideInUsage,
                //                       (p, v) => { showHelp = true; });


                //if (showHelp)
                //  usage = commandLineParserGetOpt.GetHelp();

                //if (!showHelp && commandLineParserGetOpt.MissingRequiredOptions.Count > 0)
                //  CommandlineParser commandlineParser = new CommandlineParser();
                //  commandlineParser.AddOption("EdfInputFilename", string.Empty, "EDF(+) input filename", string.Empty,
                //                              CommandlineOptionFlags.Required, (p, v) =>
                //                                                                 { inputFilename = v; }, 0);
                //  commandlineParser.AddOption("SignalIndex", string.Empty, "Index (0 - N) of signal to be analysed",
                //                              string.Empty, CommandlineOptionFlags.Required,
                //                              (p, v) => int.TryParse(v, out inputSignal), 1);
                //  commandlineParser.AddOption("OutputFilename", string.Empty, "Analysis output filename", string.Empty,
                //                              CommandlineOptionFlags.Required, (p, v) =>
                //                                                                 { outputFilename = v; }, 2);
                //  commandlineParser.AddOption("ConfigurationFilename", string.Empty, "Configuration filename", string.Empty,
                //                              CommandlineOptionFlags.None, (p, v) =>
                //                              { configFilename = v; }, 3);
                //  commandlineParser.AddOption("Batch", string.Empty, "Batchmode, no user interaction",
                //                              (p, v) => { BatchMode = true; });
                //  commandlineParser.AddOption("LP", string.Empty, "Low Pass filter value (Hz)",
                //                              CommandlineOptionFlags.HasParameter, (p, v) => TryParseToDouble(v, out lp));
                //  commandlineParser.AddOption("HP", string.Empty, "High Pass filter value (Hz)",
                //                              CommandlineOptionFlags.HasParameter, (p, v) => TryParseToDouble(v, out hp));
                //  commandlineParser.AddOption("?", string.Empty, "Show usage help",
                //                         CommandlineOptionFlags.HideInUsage,
                //                         (p, v) => { showHelp = true; });

                //  commandlineParser.Parse();

                //  if (showHelp)
                //    usage = commandlineParser.GetHelp();

                CommandlineParser commandlineParser = new CommandlineParser();
                commandlineParser.AddOption("Input", string.Empty, "EDF(+) input filename", "EdfInputFilename",
                                            CommandlineOptionFlags.HasParameter, (p, v) => { inputFilename = v; });
                commandlineParser.AddOption("SignalIndex", string.Empty, "Index (0 - N-1" + ") of signal to be analysed",
                                            "SignalIndex", CommandlineOptionFlags.HasParameter,
                                            (p, v) => int.TryParse(v, out inputSignal));
                commandlineParser.AddOption("Output", string.Empty, "Analysis output filename", "OutputFilename",
                                            CommandlineOptionFlags.HasParameter, (p, v) => { outputFilename = v; });
                commandlineParser.AddOption("ConfigFile", string.Empty, "Configuration filename", "ConfigurationFilename",
                                            CommandlineOptionFlags.HasParameter, (p, v) =>
                                            { configFilename = v; });
                commandlineParser.AddOption("LP", string.Empty, "Low Pass filter value (Hz)", "LowestLowPassFrequency",
                                            CommandlineOptionFlags.HasParameter, (p, v) => TryParseToDouble(v, out lp));
                commandlineParser.AddOption("HP", string.Empty, "High Pass filter value (Hz)", "HighestHighPassFrequency",
                                            CommandlineOptionFlags.HasParameter, (p, v) => TryParseToDouble(v, out hp));
                commandlineParser.AddOption("Batch", string.Empty, "Batchmode, no user interaction",
                                            (p, v) => { BatchMode = true; });
                commandlineParser.AddOption("?", string.Empty, "Show usage help",
                                            (p, v) => { showHelp = true; });


                if (showHelp)
                    MessageBox.Show(commandlineParser.GetHelp(), Strings.UsageInformation);

            // Read configuration settings from file; use default settings if no configuration file was set
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(configFilename))
                ErrorLogger.WriteLog("Configuration file not provided, using default configuration parameters");
                ErrorLogger.WriteLog("Using configuration parameters from file " + configFilename);

            _configuration = new MCconfiguration(configFilename);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(outputFilename))
                _configuration.OutputFileName = outputFilename;
            if (File.Exists(inputFilename))
                textBoxInputFilename.Text = inputFilename;
            if (inputSignal >= 0)
                signalsComboBox.SelectedIndex = inputSignal;

            if (!double.IsNaN(lp))
                textBoxLP.Text = lp.ToString();
            if (!double.IsNaN(hp))
                textBoxHP.Text = hp.ToString();

            NeuroLoopGainController.AppController.AppConf = _configuration;

            // Default values for textBoxes
            textBoxF0.Text             = _configuration.F0.ToString(FormatProvider);
            textBoxB.Text              = _configuration.BandWidth.ToString(FormatProvider);
            textBoxFc.Text             = _configuration.FC.ToString(FormatProvider);
            textBoxSmootherrate.Text   = _configuration.SmoothRate.ToString(FormatProvider);
            textBoxAnalysisPeriod.Text = _configuration.SmoothTime.ToString(FormatProvider);
            textBoxOutputFileName.Text = _configuration.OutputFileName;

            if (!BatchMode)

            // Batchmode requested; perform analysis without user input and close application after processing
            buttonStart_Click(this, new EventArgs());