コード例 #1
        public async Task HelpAsync([Remainder] string msg = "")
            Utilities utilities = new Utilities(Context.Guild);
            string    avatar    = Context.Client.CurrentUser.GetAvatarUrl() ?? Context.Client.CurrentUser.GetDefaultAvatarUrl();

            if (msg != "")
                // Getting a first word after a command. There is creating an {alertkey}, which is used to get
                // a description of a specific command. HelpAliasesCommands is checking if the user used an alias of the command
                msg = msg.ToLower();
                string[] wholeMsg     = msg.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                string   aliasCommand = CommandUtil.HelpAliasesCommands(wholeMsg);

                if (aliasCommand != null)
                    wholeMsg[0] = aliasCommand;

                string alertKey = wholeMsg[0].ToUpper();

                // Exception for a commands like "send nudes" because they have more than one word
                // !GlobalVar.allCommandsEng.Contains(wholeMsg[0]) is used when the user types something like
                // --help ping send nudes OR --help send ping nudes etc.
                if (msg.Contains("send") && msg.Contains("nudes") && !GlobalVar.allCommandsEng.Contains(wholeMsg[0]))
                    wholeMsg[0] = "send nudes";
                    alertKey    = "SENDNUDES";

                // Getting a description which is store in a json file by using HELP_DESC_{alertKey}
                // It's important to use this way of naming descriptions in the next commands
                // If a variable GlobalVar.allCommandsEng contains a word that the user send,
                // We get description of that command
                // If not, the bot displays a list of commands
                if (GlobalVar.allCommandsEng.Contains(wholeMsg[0]) || wholeMsg[0] == "send nudes")
                    EmbedBuilder builderHelp = new EmbedBuilder();
                    .WithAuthor(Utilities.GetFormattedAlert("HELP_SPECIFIC_COMMAND", wholeMsg[0]), avatar)
                    .AddField(Utilities.GetAlert("HELP_TEXT"), "~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~")
                    .AddField($"[*{wholeMsg[0]}]", Utilities.GetAlert($"HELP_DESC_{alertKey}"))
                    .WithColor(new Color(110, 80, 120));

                    await ReplyAsync("", false, builderHelp.Build());


            EmbedBuilder builder = new EmbedBuilder();

            .WithAuthor(Utilities.GetAlert("BOT_NAME"), avatar)
            .AddField(Utilities.GetAlert("HELP_TEXT"), "~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~")
            .AddField(Utilities.GetAlert("HELP_CAT_COMMANDS"), Utilities.GetAlert("HELP_DESC_COMMANDS"))
            .AddField(Utilities.GetAlert("HELP_CAT_PREFIX"), Utilities.GetAlert("HELP_DEFAULT_PREFIX"))
            .AddField(Utilities.GetAlert("HELP_CAT_FUN"), Utilities.GetAlert("HELP_LIST_FUN"))
            .AddField(Utilities.GetAlert("HELP_CAT_PROFILE"), Utilities.GetAlert("HELP_LIST_PROFILE"))
            .AddField(Utilities.GetAlert("HELP_CAT_AUDIO"), Utilities.GetAlert("HELP_LIST_AUDIO"))
            .AddField(Utilities.GetAlert("HELP_CAT_MOD"), Utilities.GetAlert("HELP_LIST_MOD"))
            .AddField(Utilities.GetAlert("HELP_CAT_GOOGLE"), Utilities.GetAlert("HELP_LIST_GOOGLE"))
            .AddField(Utilities.GetAlert("HELP_CAT_SYSTEM"), Utilities.GetAlert("HELP_LIST_SYSTEM"))
            .WithColor(new Color(90, 50, 165));

            await ReplyAsync("", false, builder.Build());