コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates this controller
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="user">Command user that this controller listens to</param>
        /// <param name="actionTarget">Entity actions are sent to this object</param>
        public UserRtsController( CommandUser user, IMessageHandler actionTarget )
            m_Target = actionTarget;

            CommandList entityCommandList = CommandListManager.Instance.FindOrCreateFromEnum( typeof( EntityCommands ) );
            user.AddActiveListener( entityCommandList, OnCommandActive );
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Setup constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="camera">The camera to control</param>
        /// <param name="user">Control will respond to commands from this user</param>
        public FollowCameraControl( FollowCamera camera, CommandUser user )
            m_Camera = camera;

            //	Create an input listener
            CommandInputListener listener = new CommandInputListener( );
            listener.CommandListEnumType = typeof( Commands );
            listener.User = user;
            AddChild( listener );
コード例 #3
        private ICommandUser CreateCommandUser(User item)
            ICommandUser commandUser = new CommandUser();

            commandUser.ID = item.ID.ToString();
            commandUser.IsAuthenticated = true;
            commandUser.Username        = item.Name;
            commandUser.UserData        = item;
            commandUser.UserRoles.AddRange(item.Roles.Select(x => x.RoleName));

コード例 #4
 public Sign(string login, string password, CommandUser command)
     this.login    = login;
     this.password = password;
     this.command  = command;
コード例 #5
        private void GameViewForm_Load( object sender, EventArgs e )
            //	Add a performance display
            Scene.Objects.Add( new PerformanceDisplay( ) );
            DebugInfo.ShowFps = true;
            DebugInfo.ShowMemoryWorkingSet = true;
            DebugInfo.ShowMemoryPeakWorkingSet = true;

            //	Load in the game viewer
            LoadParameters loadArgs = new LoadParameters( );
            loadArgs.Properties.Add( "Users", m_Users );
            m_Viewer = ( Viewer )AssetManager.Instance.Load( m_Setup.ViewerSource, loadArgs );
            gameDisplay.AddViewer( m_Viewer );

            //	Get start points
            IEnumerable< PlayerStart > startPoints = Scene.Objects.GetAllOfType<PlayerStart>( );

            //	Setup players
            InputContext inputContext = new InputContext( m_Viewer );
            m_Users = new CommandUser[ m_Setup.NumberOfPlayers ];
            for ( int playerIndex = 0; playerIndex < m_Setup.NumberOfPlayers; ++playerIndex )
                PlayerSetup player = m_Setup.Players[ playerIndex ];

                //	Find the start position for this player
                PlayerStart playerStart = null;
                foreach ( PlayerStart startPoint in startPoints )
                    if ( startPoint.PlayerIndex == playerIndex )
                        playerStart = startPoint;
                if ( playerStart == null )
                    throw new InvalidOperationException( "No player start available for player " + playerIndex );

                //	Load game inputs
                m_Users[ playerIndex ] = new CommandUser( );
                CommandInputTemplateMap gameInputs = ( CommandInputTemplateMap )AssetManager.Instance.Load( player.CommandSource );
                gameInputs.BindToInput( inputContext, m_Users[ playerIndex ] );

                //	Load the player's character
                object character = AssetManager.Instance.Load( player.CharacterSource );
                Scene.Objects.Add( ( IUnique )character );

                //	Place the character at the start position
                IPlaceable placeable = Rb.Core.Components.Parent.GetType<IPlaceable>( character );
                if ( placeable != null )
                    placeable.Position = playerStart.Position;

                //	Hack... if the viewer camera is a follow camera, force it to look at the player
                if ( ( m_Setup.NumberOfPlayers == 1 ) && ( m_Viewer.Camera is FollowCamera ) )
                    FollowCamera camera = ( FollowCamera )m_Viewer.Camera;

                    //	Follow the player
                    camera.Target = ( IPlaceable )character;

                    //	Add a camera controller
                    FollowCameraControl cameraControl = new FollowCameraControl( camera, m_Users[ 0 ] );
                    m_Viewer.Camera.AddChild( cameraControl );

                IParent characterParent = ( IParent )character;
                characterParent.AddChild( new UserController( m_Users[ playerIndex ], ( IMessageHandler )character ) );

            //	Start rendering the scene
            m_Viewer.Renderable = Scene;

            //	Kick off the update service... (TODO: AP: Not a very good hack)
            IUpdateService updater = Scene.GetService< IUpdateService >( );
            if ( updater != null )
                updater.Start( );
            playButton.Enabled = false;