private void exportSuspiciousnessRanking() { string filenameTemplate = "cluster_"; foreach (int key in suspiciousnessListForEveryCluster.Keys) { if (suspiciousnessListForEveryCluster[key].Count > 0) { string output = "Rank" + separator + "Functionname" + separator + "Suspiciousness Value(" + faultLocalizationStrategy.ToString() + ")\n"; string path = parentPath + "\\" + filenameTemplate + key + ".csv"; List <Item> tmpList = suspiciousnessListForEveryCluster[key]; int rank = 1; double value = tmpList.ElementAt(0).Suspiciousness; foreach (Item item in tmpList) { if (Math.Abs(value - item.Suspiciousness) > 0.0000001) { rank++; } output += Convert.ToString(rank) + separator + item.ItemName + separator + item.Suspiciousness + "\n"; value = item.Suspiciousness; } using (System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(path)) { file.Write(output); } CommandLinePrinter.printToCommandLine("."); } } }
/// <summary> /// Prints command line parameters on the console /// </summary> private static void printCommandLineParameters() { string output = "**********************************\n" + "* Summary Commandline Parameters *\n" + "**********************************\n"; foreach (string key in commandLineArguments.Keys) { CommandLineArgument arg = commandLineArguments[key]; output += arg.Key + " = " + arg.Value + "\n"; } CommandLinePrinter.printToCommandLine(output); }
public void exportClusteringResults() { string toPrint = "\nExporting Clustering results\n"; if (Do.Equals("cluster", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { CommandLinePrinter.printToCommandLine(toPrint); } exportClustering(); //exportSuspiciousnessRanking(); drawDendrogram(); if (Do.Equals("cluster", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { CommandLinePrinter.printToCommandLine("\nFinished Exporting Clustering results\n"); } }
public void linkage() { string output = "\nDoing Linkage\n"; CommandLinePrinter.printToCommandLine(output); int numFailedTest = failedTestcasesInHitSpectraMatrix.GetLength(0); MWArray tmpSolution; if (numFailedTest == 1) { tmpSolution = new MWNumericArray(failedTestcasesInHitSpectraMatrix); } else { tmpSolution = matlabClustering.matlabLinkage(new MWNumericArray(failedTestcasesInHitSpectraMatrix), new MWCharArray(linkage_method), new MWCharArray(linkage_metric)); } binaryClusterTree = Tools.buildTwoDimensionalDoubleArrayFromMWArray(tmpSolution); output = "\nFinished Linkage\n"; CommandLinePrinter.printToCommandLine(output); }
/// <summary> /// the main function. /// Aletheia starts here. It directs the program what to do based on command line input /// </summary> /// <param name="args">It is an array of argument</param> public static void Main(string[] args) { // Reading command line arguments CommandLineReader commandLineReader = new CommandLineReader(args); commandLineArguments = commandLineReader.CommandLineArguments; if (commandLineArguments.Count() == 0) { Console.WriteLine("No Recognized parameter\n\n use Spectralizer.exe do=getHelp for help\n"); return; } printCommandLineParameters(); //check which operation is seleced if (!commandLineArguments.Keys.Contains(PossibleCommandLineArguments.OPERATION)) { throw new Exception("Please select a operation: GenerateHitSpectra/Cluster/FaultLocalization!"); } operation = commandLineArguments[PossibleCommandLineArguments.OPERATION].Value; // Check, which mode is selected //if (!commandLineArguments.Keys.Contains(PossibleCommandLineArguments.MODE)) throw new Exception("Please select a operation mode!"); //mode = commandLineArguments[PossibleCommandLineArguments.MODE].Value; string outputDirectory = ""; //check debug value if (commandLineArguments.Keys.Contains(PossibleCommandLineArguments.DEBUG)) { DEBUG = Convert.ToBoolean(commandLineArguments[PossibleCommandLineArguments.DEBUG].Value); } // Check, if output directory is available if (!commandLineArguments.Keys.Contains(PossibleCommandLineArguments.OUTPUT_DIRECTORY)) { outputDirectory = "C:\\HitSpectras"; } else { outputDirectory = commandLineArguments[PossibleCommandLineArguments.OUTPUT_DIRECTORY].Value; } if ((workingDirectory = Program.createWorkingDirectory(outputDirectory)) == null) { return; } // Check if clustering should be done //if (!commandLineArguments.Keys.Contains(PossibleCommandLineArguments.CLUSTERING)) return; //clustering = Convert.ToBoolean(commandLineArguments[PossibleCommandLineArguments.CLUSTERING].Value); if (operation.Equals("GenerateHitSpectra", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { if (!commandLineArguments.Keys.Contains(PossibleCommandLineArguments.GTEST_PATH)) { Console.WriteLine("Gtest path is mandatory for current settings.\n"); return; } HitSpectra.Spectralizer spectralizer = new HitSpectra.Spectralizer(commandLineArguments, workingDirectory); if (DEBUG) { Console.WriteLine("Generation of Spectralizer object is complete\n"); } spectralizer.executeTestSuite(); if (DEBUG) { Console.WriteLine("Execution of Test Suite is complete\n"); } spectralizer.exportHitSpectraMatrices(); if (DEBUG) { Console.WriteLine("Exporting of HitSpectra matrix is complete\n"); } FunctionHitSpectraMatrix = spectralizer.FunctionHitSpectraMatrix; CountingFunctionInvokationsHitSpectraMatrix = spectralizer.CountingFunctionInvokationsHitSpectraMatrix; InvokedFunctionsHitSpectraMatrix = spectralizer.InvokedFunctionsHitSpectraMatrix; InvokedFunctionsWithParametersHitSpectraMatrix = spectralizer.InvokedFunctionsWithParametersHitSpectraMatrix; LineCoverageHitSpectraMatrix = spectralizer.LineCoverageHitSpectraMatrix; Console.WriteLine("Spectra Matrix generated\n"); } else if (operation.Equals("Cluster", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { string output = "\nClustering Given HitSpectraMatrix\n"; if (operation.Equals("Cluster", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { CommandLinePrinter.printToCommandLine(output); } else { Console.WriteLine("\nCreating Fault Localization with given HitSpectra"); } char separator; string inputPath; if (!commandLineArguments.ContainsKey(PossibleCommandLineArguments.SEPARATOR)) { separator = ' '; } else { separator = commandLineArguments[PossibleCommandLineArguments.SEPARATOR].Value.Trim()[0]; } if (!commandLineArguments.ContainsKey(PossibleCommandLineArguments.INPUT_PATH)) { throw new Exception("No input path"); } inputPath = commandLineArguments[PossibleCommandLineArguments.INPUT_PATH].Value; HitSpectraCsvSheetReader reader = new HitSpectraCsvSheetReader(inputPath, separator); reader.parseSheet(); DataTable dataTable = reader.getDataTable(); string pathAdditional = "Clustering"; string path = workingDirectory + "\\" + pathAdditional; doClustering(dataTable, path); } else if (operation.Equals("faultLocalization", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { string output = "\nRunning Fault Localization\n"; CommandLinePrinter.printToCommandLine(output); char separator; string inputPath; if (!commandLineArguments.ContainsKey(PossibleCommandLineArguments.SEPARATOR)) { separator = ' '; } else { separator = commandLineArguments[PossibleCommandLineArguments.SEPARATOR].Value.Trim()[0]; } if (!commandLineArguments.ContainsKey(PossibleCommandLineArguments.INPUT_PATH)) { throw new Exception("No input path"); } inputPath = commandLineArguments[PossibleCommandLineArguments.INPUT_PATH].Value; HitSpectraCsvSheetReader reader = new HitSpectraCsvSheetReader(inputPath, separator); reader.parseSheet(); DataTable dataTable = reader.getDataTable(); string pathAdditional = "FaultLocalization"; string path = workingDirectory + "\\" + pathAdditional; if (commandLineArguments.ContainsKey(PossibleCommandLineArguments.FAULT_RANKING_METRIC)) { rankingMetric = commandLineArguments[PossibleCommandLineArguments.FAULT_RANKING_METRIC].Value; } EStrategy rankingStrategy = getFaultLocalizationStrategy(rankingMetric); Detective detective = new Clustering.FaultLocalization.Detective(dataTable, rankingStrategy, commandLineArguments, path); detective.DetectFault(); CommandLinePrinter.printToCommandLine("Fault Localization complete\n"); } else if (operation.Equals("getHelp", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { String output = "These are accepted command parameters\nCommand should be given in key=value fashion\n\n"; output += "do: specifies the operation to be performed\n\tPossible values={'GenerateHitSpectra', 'Cluster', 'FaultLocalization', 'GetHelp'}\n"; output += "separator: specifies the separator character for csv file\nBy default white space is the separator\n"; output += "output_directory: where the output will be generated, default output directory is C:\\HitSpectras\n"; output += "project_path: it is a mandatory argument for HitSpectra Generation part, show the *.vcxproj file\n"; output += "source_directory: show the directory where the source files are located\n"; output += "degreeofparallelism: number of threads to run in parallel for HitSpectra generation, default value is 12\n"; output += "gtest_path: mandatory argument for HitSpectra Generation, show the exe file of test project\n"; output += "ranking_metric: ranking metric for fault localization, default is Jaccard"; output += "clustering_method: default is maxclust\n"; output += "linkage_method: default is average\n"; output += "linkage_metric: default is euclidean\n"; output += "similarity_threshold: default is 0.8\ncomparison_range: default is 0.1\n"; output += "function_coverage: boolean argument, default is true\n"; output += "invoked_function_coverage: boolean argument, default is true\n"; output += "invoked_function_with_param_coverage: boolean argument, default is true\n"; output += "counting_function_invokation_coverage: boolean argument, default is true\n"; output += "line_coverage: boolean argument, default is true\n"; CommandLinePrinter.printToCommandLine(output); } // Do the clustering //if (clustering) if (operation.Equals("clustering", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { string output = "\nClustering HitSpectraMatrices\n"; CommandLinePrinter.printToCommandLine(output); if (FunctionHitSpectraMatrix != null) { string pathAdditional = "Clustering_FunctionHitSpectra"; string path = workingDirectory + "\\" + pathAdditional; doClustering(FunctionHitSpectraMatrix, path); } if (CountingFunctionInvokationsHitSpectraMatrix != null) { string pathAdditional = "Clustering_CountingFunctionInvokationsHitSpectra"; string path = workingDirectory + "\\" + pathAdditional; doClustering(CountingFunctionInvokationsHitSpectraMatrix, path); } if (InvokedFunctionsHitSpectraMatrix != null) { string pathAdditional = "Clustering_InvokedFunctionsHitSpectra"; string path = workingDirectory + "\\" + pathAdditional; doClustering(InvokedFunctionsHitSpectraMatrix, path); } if (InvokedFunctionsWithParametersHitSpectraMatrix != null) { string pathAdditional = "Clustering_InvokedFunctionsWithParametersHitSpectra"; string path = workingDirectory + "\\" + pathAdditional; doClustering(InvokedFunctionsWithParametersHitSpectraMatrix, path); } if (LineCoverageHitSpectraMatrix != null) { string pathAdditional = "Clustering_LineCoverageHitSpectra"; string path = workingDirectory + "\\" + pathAdditional; doClustering(LineCoverageHitSpectraMatrix, path); } } }
private void exportClustering() { string path = parentPath + @"\clustering.csv"; string output = "Testcase" + separator + "Cluster" + separator + "Link\n"; int i = 1; foreach (int n in clusterClassification) { output += idListFailed[i] + separator + n + separator + "=HYPERLINK(\"" + @"ClusterHitSpectra\Cluster_" + n + "HitSpectra.csv\")\n"; i++; CommandLinePrinter.printToCommandLine("."); } /*output += "\n\nCluster Centers\n\n"; * int N = idClusterCenter.Count(); * for (i = 0; i < N; i++) * { * output += "Cluster ID: " + (i + 1) + " Cluster Center: " + idClusterCenter[i] + "\n"; * } * output += "\n\nkNN data for k="+K+"\n"; */ int len = kNNData.Count(); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (kNNData.ContainsKey(i)) { string[] str = kNNData[i]; if (str.Length >= K) { output += "For Cluster " + (i + 1) + " " + K + " representative test(s) is/are: \n\t"; for (int j = 0; j < K; j++) { if (j == K - 1) { output += (j + 1) + ") " + str[j] + "\n"; } else { output += (j + 1) + ") " + str[j] + "\n\t"; } } } else if (str.Length > 1) { output += "For Cluster " + (i + 1) + " Available " + (str.Length) + " representative test(s) is/are: \n\t"; for (int j = 0; j < str.Length; j++) { if (j == str.Length - 1) { output += (j + 1) + ") " + str[j] + "\n"; } else { output += (j + 1) + ") " + str[j] + "\n\t"; } } } else { output += "Cluster " + (i + 1) + " has only one Represenntative test\n\t1) " + str[0] + "\n"; } } } output += "\n"; using (System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(path)) { file.Write(output); } }
public void doClustering() { string output = "\nStarting Clustering\n"; if (Do.Equals("cluster", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { CommandLinePrinter.printToCommandLine(output); } int numberOfNodes = 2; int prevNumberOfNodes = 1; int maxNumberOfNodes = failedTestcasesInHitSpectraMatrix.GetLength(0); int[] tmpClusterClassification; int[] prevClusterClassification = Tools.buildOneDimensionalIntArray(matlabClustering.buildNCluster(new MWNumericArray(binaryClusterTree), new MWNumericArray(1), new MWCharArray(clustering_method))); Dictionary <int, List <int[]> > prevListOfClusters = Tools.allocateTestcasesIntoClusters(Tools.buildOneDimensionalIntArray(matlabClustering.buildNCluster(new MWNumericArray(binaryClusterTree), new MWNumericArray(1), new MWCharArray(clustering_method))), failedTestcasesInHitSpectraMatrix); while (numberOfNodes < maxNumberOfNodes) { MWArray tmpSolution = matlabClustering.buildNCluster(new MWNumericArray(binaryClusterTree), new MWNumericArray(numberOfNodes), new MWCharArray(clustering_method)); tmpClusterClassification = Tools.buildOneDimensionalIntArray(tmpSolution); //MWArray tmpCenter = matlabClustering.findClusterCenter(new MWNumericArray(binaryClusterTree), 0.6); Dictionary <int, List <int[]> > tmpListOfClusters = Tools.allocateTestcasesIntoClusters(tmpClusterClassification, failedTestcasesInHitSpectraMatrix); int[,] firstCluster = Tools.transformJaggedArrayToTwoDimensionalArray(tmpListOfClusters[1].ToArray()); firstCluster = Tools.mergeTwoTwoDimensionalIntArrays(firstCluster, passedTestcasesInHitSpectraMatrix); int[,] secondCluster = Tools.transformJaggedArrayToTwoDimensionalArray(tmpListOfClusters[2].ToArray()); secondCluster = Tools.mergeTwoTwoDimensionalIntArrays(secondCluster, passedTestcasesInHitSpectraMatrix); List <Item> suspiciousnessList1 = new FaultLocalizer(firstCluster, Tools.generateFunctionNamesArray(hitSpectraMatrix), faultLocalizationStrategy).calculateSuspiciousnessRanking(); List <Item> suspiciousnessList2 = new FaultLocalizer(secondCluster, Tools.generateFunctionNamesArray(hitSpectraMatrix), faultLocalizationStrategy).calculateSuspiciousnessRanking(); Comparator comparator = new Comparator(ComparingStrategy.JaccardTwoSets, comparisonRange); double similarity =, suspiciousnessList2); if (similarity > similarityThreshold) { break; } prevNumberOfNodes = numberOfNodes; numberOfNodes++; prevClusterClassification = tmpClusterClassification; prevListOfClusters = tmpListOfClusters; } numberOfClusters = prevNumberOfNodes; clusterClassification = prevClusterClassification; listOfClusters = prevListOfClusters; buildSuspiciousnessRankingForCluster(); if (Do.Equals("cluster", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { output = "\nFinished Clustering\n"; //distance = D.getDistance(new MWNumericArray(failedTestcasesInHitSpectraMatrix), new MWCharArray(linkage_metric)); CommandLinePrinter.printToCommandLine(output); } }
public void findClusterCenter() { string output = "\nFinding Cluster Center\n"; if (Do.Equals("cluster", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { CommandLinePrinter.printToCommandLine(output); } int i = 0, j = 0, counter = 0; int[][] failedHitSpectra = Tools.transformTwoDimensionalArrayToJaggedArray(failedTestcasesInHitSpectraMatrix); //step 1. separate the test cases from listOfCluster per cluster //idListFailed contains the name of failed test cases //clusterClassification holds the cluster number for each test case //listOfClusters holds the cluster list int n = listOfClusters.Count();// number of clusters int F = idListFailed.Count(); idClusterDistance = new Dictionary <int, double[]>(); clusters = new List <int> [n]; for (i = 0; i < F; i++) { if (clusters[clusterClassification[i] - 1] == null) { clusters[clusterClassification[i] - 1] = new List <int>(); } clusters[clusterClassification[i] - 1].Add(i); } //step 2. for each cluster separate the hitSpectra from failedTestCaseInHitSpectra matrix idClusterCenter = new Dictionary <int, string>(); int L = failedTestcasesInHitSpectraMatrix.GetLength(1); //dumpArray(failedTestcasesInHitSpectraMatrix); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) //for each cluster { double[][] failedCluster = new double[clusters[i].Count()][]; counter = 0; //double D = euclideanDistance(getRow(0, failedTestcasesInHitSpectraMatrix, L), getRow(6, failedTestcasesInHitSpectraMatrix, L), L); foreach (int a in clusters[i]) { //failedCluster[counter] = new double[L]; failedCluster[counter] = getRow(a, failedTestcasesInHitSpectraMatrix, L); counter++; } //step 3. for each set of hitSpectra run find cluster center string centerName = ""; if (counter > 2) { centerName = ClusterCenter(failedCluster, clusters[i], i); } else if (counter == 2) { centerName = idListFailed[clusters[i][0] + 1]; double[] dist2 = new double[2]; dist2[0] = 0.0; dist2[1] = euclideanDistance(failedCluster[0], failedCluster[1], failedCluster[0].Length); idClusterDistance.Add(i, dist2); } else { centerName = idListFailed[clusters[i][0] + 1]; double[] dist2 = new double[1]; dist2[0] = 0.0; idClusterDistance.Add(i, dist2); } //if(Do.Equals("cluster", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) // Console.WriteLine("Cluster id: "+ (i+1)+" Cluster Center: "+centerName); idClusterCenter.Add(i, centerName); } KNNData(); exportClusterHitSpectra(); }