public override void execute(Data data) { int duration = Duration; if (ToTime >= 0) { duration = GameManager.Instance.timeSecondsTils(ToTime); } int timeTilMidnight = GameManager.Instance.timeSecondsTils(0, false); if (OmitInterrupts == false && duration >= timeTilMidnight) { CommandsCollection commands = new CommandsCollection(); CommandTimePass timePassTilMidnight = new CommandTimePass(timeTilMidnight, ActivityID, true); //Interrupts have to be omitted otherwise there will be an infinite loop commands.Add(timePassTilMidnight); CommandInterrupt dayStartInterrupt = new CommandInterrupt("dayStart"); commands.Add(dayStartInterrupt); if (duration > timeTilMidnight) { CommandTimePass timePassAfterMidnight = new CommandTimePass(duration - timeTilMidnight, ActivityID); //Interrupts have to b performed because we don't check for possible further dayStart-intterupts here commands.Add(timePassAfterMidnight); } commands.execute(); } else { GameManager.Instance.timePass(duration, ActivityID); } return; }
public void mod(CommandInterrupt modable) { if (modable == null) { return; } mod(this, modable); }
public override IModable copyDeep() { var result = new CommandInterrupt(); result.Keywords = Modable.copyDeep(Keywords); result.Keyword = Modable.copyDeep(Keyword); return(result); }
public override void mod(IModable modable) { CommandInterrupt modCommand = modable as CommandInterrupt; if (modCommand == null) { Debug.LogError("Type mismatch"); return; } mod(modCommand); }
private void mod(CommandInterrupt original, CommandInterrupt mod) { Keywords = Modable.mod(original.Keywords, mod.Keywords); Keyword = Modable.mod(original.Keyword, mod.Keyword); }
public override object ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, object existingValue, JsonSerializer serializer) { Command result; JObject jo = JObject.Load(reader); if (!Enum.TryParse((string)jo["Type"], out Command.Type commandType)) { Debug.LogError($"CommandType {jo["Type"]} not recognized in {jo}"); return(new CommandNone()); } switch (commandType) { case (Command.Type.Break): result = new CommandBreak(); break; case (Command.Type.Call): result = new CommandCall(); break; case (Command.Type.Conditional): result = new CommandConditional(); break; case (Command.Type.Consume): result = new CommandConsume(); break; case (Command.Type.Continue): result = new CommandContinue(); break; case (Command.Type.Debug): result = new CommandDebug(); break; case (Command.Type.Dialog): result = new CommandDialog(); break; case (Command.Type.Dialogue): result = new CommandDialogue(); break; case (Command.Type.Event): result = new CommandEvent(); break; case (Command.Type.EventEnd): result = new CommandEventEnd(); break; case (Command.Type.Flush): result = new CommandFlush(); break; case (Command.Type.GotoLocation): result = new CommandGotoLocation(); break; case (Command.Type.Interrupt): result = new CommandInterrupt(); break; case (Command.Type.ItemAdd): result = new CommandItemAdd(); break; case (Command.Type.ItemRemove): result = new CommandItemRemove(); break; case (Command.Type.NoteAdd): result = new CommandNoteAdd(); break; case (Command.Type.NoteRemove): result = new CommandNoteRemove(); break; case (Command.Type.Outfit): result = new CommandOutfit(); break; case (Command.Type.OutfitManage): result = new CommandOutfitManage(); break; case (Command.Type.Pause): result = new CommandPause(); break; case (Command.Type.Services): result = new CommandServices(); break; case (Command.Type.Set): result = new CommandSet(); break; case (Command.Type.Shop): result = new CommandShop(); break; case (Command.Type.Sleep): result = new CommandSleep(); break; case (Command.Type.TimePass): result = new CommandTimePass(); break; case (Command.Type.None): default: result = new CommandNone(); break; } serializer.Populate(jo.CreateReader(), result); return(result); /*if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.Null) * return new CText(); * * if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.StartObject) * { * // * existingValue = existingValue ?? serializer.ContractResolver.ResolveContract(objectType).DefaultCreator(); * serializer.Populate(reader, existingValue); * return existingValue; * } * * if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.String) * return new CText((string)reader.Value); * */ //throw new JsonSerializationException(); }