コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Entry point
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">Command-line arguments</param>
        /// <returns>Asynchronous task</returns>
        public static async Task Main(string[] args)
            // Parse the command line arguments
            string lastArg = null, socketPath = Defaults.FullSocketPath, ns = "custom-http-endpoint", path = "demo";

            foreach (string arg in args)
                if (lastArg == "-s" || lastArg == "--socket")
                    socketPath = arg;
                else if (lastArg == "-m" || lastArg == "--method")
                    if (!Enum.TryParse(arg, true, out _method))
                        Console.WriteLine("Error: Invalid HTTP method");
                else if (lastArg == "-n" || lastArg == "--namespace")
                    ns = arg;
                else if (lastArg == "-p" || lastArg == "--path")
                    path = arg;
                else if (lastArg == "-e" || lastArg == "--exec")
                    _cmd = arg;
                else if (lastArg == "-a" || lastArg == "--args")
                    _args = arg;
                else if (arg == "-q" || lastArg == "--quiet")
                    _quiet = true;
                else if (arg == "-h" || arg == "--help")
                    Console.WriteLine("Create a custom HTTP endpoint in the format /machine/{namespace}/{path}");
                    Console.WriteLine("Available command line options:");
                    Console.WriteLine("-s, --socket <socket>: UNIX socket to connect to");
                    Console.WriteLine("-m, --method [GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, TRACE, DELETE, OPTIONS, WebSocket]: HTTP method to use (defaults to GET)");
                    Console.WriteLine("-n, --namespace <namespace>: Namespace to use (defaults to custom-http-endpoint)");
                    Console.WriteLine("-p, --path <path>: HTTP query path (defaults to demo)");
                    Console.WriteLine("-e, --exec <executable>: Command to execute when an HTTP query is received, stdout and stderr are returned as the response body");
                    Console.WriteLine("-a, --args <arguments>: Arguments for the executable command. Query values in % chars are replaced with query options (e.g. %myvalue%). Not applicable for WebSockets");
                    Console.WriteLine("-q, --quiet: Do not display info text");
                    Console.WriteLine("-h, --help: Displays this text");
                lastArg = arg;
            if (_method == HttpEndpointType.WebSocket && (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_cmd) || !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_args)))
                Console.WriteLine("Error: Cannot use --exec parameter if method equals WebSocket");

            // Create a new Command connection
            CommandConnection connection = new CommandConnection();
            await connection.Connect(socketPath);

            // Create a new HTTP GET endpoint and keep listening for new requests
                using HttpEndpointUnixSocket socket = await connection.AddHttpEndpoint(_method, ns, path);

                socket.OnEndpointRequestReceived += OnHttpRequestReceived;

                // Display a message
                if (!_quiet)
                    Console.WriteLine("{0} endpoint has been created and is now accessible via /machine/{1}/{2}", _method, ns, path);
                    if (_method == HttpEndpointType.WebSocket)
                        Console.WriteLine("IO from the first WebSocket connection will be redirected to stdio. Additional connections will be automatically closed.");
                    else if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_cmd))
                        Console.WriteLine("Press RETURN to close this program again");

                // Wait forever (or for Ctrl+C) in WebSocket mode or for the user to press RETURN in interactive REST mode.
                // If the connection is terminated while waiting, continue as well
                if (_method == HttpEndpointType.WebSocket || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_cmd))
                    Task primaryTask = (_method == HttpEndpointType.WebSocket) ? Task.Delay(-1) : Task.Run(() => Console.ReadLine());
                    await Task.WhenAny(primaryTask, PollConnection(connection));
            catch (SocketException)
                // You may want to try to unregister your endpoint here and try again...
                Console.WriteLine("Failed to create new HTTP socket. Perhaps another instance of this program is already running?");
                if (connection.IsConnected)
                    // Remove the endpoint again when the plugin is being unloaded
                    await connection.RemoveHttpEndpoint(_method, ns, path);