コード例 #1
        public void PerformCommand(IPluginContext context)
            string command = context.Command.ToLower(); // Get the lowered command

            if (!command.StartsWith("!"))
                return;                                                                                                                   // If it's not a command return
            if (command == "!apprendre")                                                                                                  // If command is apprendre
                if (!Dagobar.Helpers.Array.Contains(context.UserInformations, "mod=1") && context.Username != context.Bot.CurrentChannel) // Must be op for this command
                    context.Bot.SendChannelMessage("Cette commande requiert d'être opérateur pour être utilisée !");

                if (context.Arguments.Length < 2)                                                       // Command used wrong
                    context.Bot.SendChannelMessage("Usage: !apprendre <nom de la commande> <message>"); // Send a tiny message

                string commandName = context.Arguments[0];                                        // Get the command name

                foreach (Command cmd in commands)                                                 // Foreach command
                    if (cmd.Name.ToLower() == commandName.ToLower())                              // If the command's name is the same as the desired name
                        context.Bot.SendChannelMessage("Une commande avec ce nom existe déjà !"); // Print a message
                        return;                                                                   // And return

                string        commandText;
                List <string> commandTextList = Dagobar.Helpers.Array.ArrayToList <string>(context.Arguments);
                commandText = string.Join(" ", commandTextList); // Get the command text

                Command c = new Command                          // Create the command
                    Name     = commandName,
                    Text     = commandText,
                    Interval = 0,

                commands.Add(c); // Add it to the list of commands

                new Thread(TimedCommandThread).Start(new object[] {
                });                                                                                                                       // Start the interval thread of the command

                context.Bot.SendChannelMessage("La commande !" + c.Name + " a été ajoutée !");                                            // Send a tiny message
                Save();                                                                                                                   // Save the config to the config file
            else if (command == "!oublier")                                                                                               // Else if command is oublier
                if (!Dagobar.Helpers.Array.Contains(context.UserInformations, "mod=1") && context.Username != context.Bot.CurrentChannel) // Must be op for this command
                    context.Bot.SendChannelMessage("Cette commande requiert d'être opérateur pour être utilisée !");

                if (context.Arguments.Length < 1)                                           // Command used wrong
                    context.Bot.SendChannelMessage("Usage: !oublier <nom de la commande>"); // Send a tiny message

                for (int i = 0; i < commands.Count; i++)                                                           // Foreach command
                    if (commands[i].Name == context.Arguments[0])                                                  // If it is the command we are looking for
                        context.Bot.SendChannelMessage("La commande !" + commands[i].Name + " a été supprimée !"); // Send a tiny message
                        commands.RemoveAt(i);                                                                      // Remove the command from the list
                        Save();                                                                                    // Save the config
                        return;                                                                                    // Return

                // If we haven't found a command
                context.Bot.SendChannelMessage("Impossible de trouver la commande !" + context.Arguments[0] + " !");                      // Send a tiny message
            else if (command == "!intervalle")                                                                                            // Else if command is intervalle
                if (!Dagobar.Helpers.Array.Contains(context.UserInformations, "mod=1") && context.Username != context.Bot.CurrentChannel) // Must be op for this command
                    context.Bot.SendChannelMessage("Cette commande requiert d'être opérateur pour être utilisée !");

                if (context.Arguments.Length < 2)                                                                      // Wrong usage of the command
                    context.Bot.SendChannelMessage("Usage: !intervalle <nom de la commande> <intervalle en minutes>"); // Send a tiny message

                int  newInterval;                                                                                      // Int to store the new interval
                bool validInput = int.TryParse(context.Arguments[1], out newInterval);                                 // Cast string to int

                if (!validInput)                                                                                       // Wrong usage of the command (int while excepting string)
                    context.Bot.SendChannelMessage("Usage: !intervalle <nom de la commande> <intervalle en minutes>"); // Send a tiny message

                int found = -1;                                   // Variable to store the id of the found Command

                for (int i = 0; i < commands.Count; i++)          // Foreach command
                    if (commands[i].Name == context.Arguments[0]) // If it is the command we are looking for
                        found = i;                                // Store his id
                        commands[i].Interval = newInterval;       // Change it's interval

                if (found == -1)                                                                                         // If no command found
                    context.Bot.SendChannelMessage("Impossible de trouver la commande !" + context.Arguments[0] + " !"); // Send a tiny message

                Save(); // Save the config to the config file

                // Print a success message
                if (commands[found].Interval == 1)
                    context.Bot.SendChannelMessage("L'intervalle d'affichage de la commande !" + commands[found].Name + " est désormais de " + commands[found].Interval + " minute!");
                else if (commands[found].Interval == 0)
                    context.Bot.SendChannelMessage("La commande !" + commands[found].Name + " ne s'affichera plus automatiquement !");
                    context.Bot.SendChannelMessage("L'intervalle d'affichage de la commande !" + commands[found].Name + " est désormais de " + commands[found].Interval + " minutes!");
            else // Else
                foreach (Command c in commands) // Foreach existing command
                    if (command == "!" + c.Name.ToLower())      // Is it the command we are looking for ?
                        context.Bot.SendChannelMessage(c.Text); // If yes ,send the message
コード例 #2
ファイル: MessagesPlugin.cs プロジェクト: r00tKiller/Dagobar
        public void PerformCommand(IPluginContext context)
            string command = context.Command.ToLower(); // Get the lowered command

            if (!command.StartsWith("!")) return; // If it's not a command return

            if (command == "!apprendre") // If command is apprendre
                if (!Dagobar.Helpers.Array.Contains(context.UserInformations, "mod=1") && context.Username != context.Bot.CurrentChannel) // Must be op for this command
                    context.Bot.SendChannelMessage("Cette commande requiert d'être opérateur pour être utilisée !");

                if (context.Arguments.Length < 2) // Command used wrong
                    context.Bot.SendChannelMessage("Usage: !apprendre <nom de la commande> <message>"); // Send a tiny message

                string commandName = context.Arguments[0]; // Get the command name

                foreach (Command cmd in commands) // Foreach command
                    if (cmd.Name.ToLower() == commandName.ToLower()) // If the command's name is the same as the desired name
                        context.Bot.SendChannelMessage("Une commande avec ce nom existe déjà !"); // Print a message
                        return; // And return

                string commandText;
                List<string> commandTextList = Dagobar.Helpers.Array.ArrayToList<string>(context.Arguments);
                commandText = string.Join(" ", commandTextList); // Get the command text

                Command c = new Command // Create the command
                    Name = commandName,
                    Text = commandText,
                    Interval = 0,

                commands.Add(c); // Add it to the list of commands

                new Thread(TimedCommandThread).Start(new object[] {
                }); // Start the interval thread of the command

                context.Bot.SendChannelMessage("La commande !" + c.Name + " a été ajoutée !"); // Send a tiny message
                Save(); // Save the config to the config file
            else if (command == "!oublier") // Else if command is oublier
                if (!Dagobar.Helpers.Array.Contains(context.UserInformations, "mod=1") && context.Username != context.Bot.CurrentChannel) // Must be op for this command
                    context.Bot.SendChannelMessage("Cette commande requiert d'être opérateur pour être utilisée !");

                if (context.Arguments.Length < 1) // Command used wrong
                    context.Bot.SendChannelMessage("Usage: !oublier <nom de la commande>"); // Send a tiny message

                for (int i = 0 ; i < commands.Count ; i++) // Foreach command
                    if (commands[i].Name == context.Arguments[0]) // If it is the command we are looking for
                        context.Bot.SendChannelMessage("La commande !" + commands[i].Name + " a été supprimée !"); // Send a tiny message
                        commands.RemoveAt(i); // Remove the command from the list
                        Save(); // Save the config
                        return; // Return

                // If we haven't found a command
                context.Bot.SendChannelMessage("Impossible de trouver la commande !" + context.Arguments[0] + " !"); // Send a tiny message
            else if (command == "!intervalle") // Else if command is intervalle
                if (!Dagobar.Helpers.Array.Contains(context.UserInformations, "mod=1") && context.Username != context.Bot.CurrentChannel) // Must be op for this command
                    context.Bot.SendChannelMessage("Cette commande requiert d'être opérateur pour être utilisée !");

                if (context.Arguments.Length < 2) // Wrong usage of the command
                    context.Bot.SendChannelMessage("Usage: !intervalle <nom de la commande> <intervalle en minutes>"); // Send a tiny message

                int newInterval; // Int to store the new interval
                bool validInput = int.TryParse(context.Arguments[1], out newInterval); // Cast string to int

                if (!validInput) // Wrong usage of the command (int while excepting string)
                    context.Bot.SendChannelMessage("Usage: !intervalle <nom de la commande> <intervalle en minutes>"); // Send a tiny message

                int found = -1; // Variable to store the id of the found Command

                for (int i = 0; i < commands.Count; i++) // Foreach command
                    if (commands[i].Name == context.Arguments[0]) // If it is the command we are looking for
                        found = i; // Store his id
                        commands[i].Interval = newInterval; // Change it's interval

                if (found == -1) // If no command found
                    context.Bot.SendChannelMessage("Impossible de trouver la commande !" + context.Arguments[0] + " !"); // Send a tiny message

                Save(); // Save the config to the config file

                // Print a success message
                if (commands[found].Interval == 1)
                    context.Bot.SendChannelMessage("L'intervalle d'affichage de la commande !" + commands[found].Name + " est désormais de " + commands[found].Interval + " minute!");
                else if (commands[found].Interval == 0)
                    context.Bot.SendChannelMessage("La commande !" + commands[found].Name + " ne s'affichera plus automatiquement !");
                    context.Bot.SendChannelMessage("L'intervalle d'affichage de la commande !" + commands[found].Name + " est désormais de " + commands[found].Interval + " minutes!");
            else // Else
                foreach (Command c in commands) // Foreach existing command
                    if (command == "!" + c.Name.ToLower()) // Is it the command we are looking for ?
                        context.Bot.SendChannelMessage(c.Text); // If yes ,send the message