public bool OnMouseDown(string id, string desc, string examine, string use) { if (isTextPanelOpen()) { return(false); } flowChart.ExecuteBlock("PlaySound"); string text = ""; if (tool.Equals("eye")) { text = examine; } else if (tool.Equals("hand")) { text = use; } else if (tool.Equals("combine")) { if (isCombining) { if (!combinations.CanCombine(obj1_id, id)) { text = "I can't seem to use the " + obj1_desc + " with the " + desc + "."; } else { text = combinations.CombineObjects(obj1_id, id); } isCombining = false; combineText = ""; obj1_id = ""; obj1_desc = ""; } else { isCombining = true; combineText = actionText.text; obj1_id = id; obj1_desc = desc; return(false); } } UpdateActionText(""); if (canEnd()) // To trigger on end condition { endButton.gameObject.SetActive(true); } flowChart.SetStringVariable("msg", text); flowChart.ExecuteBlock("DialogBox"); return(true); }