public void SetView(CombatantInfo unit, SpaceBattleController controller) { this.unit = unit; this.controller = controller; var context = LocalizationManifest.Get.CurrentLanguage["FormMain"]; var formatter = new ThousandsFormatter(); var decimalFormat = new DecimalsFormatter(0, 0); shipCount.Text = context["ShipCount"].Text() + ": " + formatter.Format(unit.Count); armorInfo.Text = hpText("ArmorLabel", unit.ArmorHp, unit.ArmorHpMax); shieldsInfo.Text = hpText("ShieldLabel", unit.ShieldHp, unit.ShieldHpMax); if (unit.MovementEta > 0) { movementInfo.Text = context["MovementEta"].Text( new Var("eta", unit.MovementEta).Get, new TextVar("eta", unit.MovementEta.ToString()).Get ); } else { movementInfo.Text = context["MovementPoints"].Text() + " (" + decimalFormat.Format(unit.MovementPoints * 100) + " %)"; } }
public void OnUnitTurn(CombatantInfo unitInfo) { this.currentUnit = unitInfo; this.SelectedAbility = unitInfo.Abilities.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Quantity > 0); this.setupBodies(); this.setupUnits(); }
public void PlayUnit(CombatantInfo unitInfo) { var destination = unitInfo.ValidMoves.Aggregate( unitInfo.Position, (a, b) => (Methods.HexDistance(a) <= Methods.HexDistance(b)) ? a : b ); if (destination != unitInfo.Position) { battleController.MoveTo(destination); return; } if (unitInfo.Position == new Vector2D(0, 0)) { var ability = unitInfo.Abilities.FirstOrDefault(); if (ability != null && ability.Quantity > 0) { battleController.UseAbilityOnStar(ability); return; } } battleController.UnitDone(); }
//TODO(later) assumes unit is catalyzer public void PlayUnit(CombatantInfo unitInfo) { var ability = unitInfo.Abilities.FirstOrDefault(); var canShoot = ability != null && ability.Quantity > 0; var destination = unitInfo.Position; if (unitInfo.ValidMoves.Any()) { destination = canShoot ? Methods.FindWorst(unitInfo.ValidMoves, x => Methods.HexDistance(x)) : Methods.FindBest(unitInfo.ValidMoves, x => Methods.HexDistance(x)); } if (destination != unitInfo.Position) { battleController.MoveTo(destination); } else if (unitInfo.Position == new Vector2D(0, 0) && canShoot) { battleController.UseAbilityOnStar(ability); } else { battleController.UnitDone(); } }
public static CombatantInfo ConvertToCombatant(AccountManager.ProfileInfo profData) { CombatantInfo newInfo = new CombatantInfo(); newInfo.username = profData.username; newInfo.clan = profData.clan; newInfo.rank = profData.rank; return(newInfo); }
public void PlayUnit(CombatantInfo unitInfo) { if (this.InvokeRequired) { this.BeginInvoke(new Action <CombatantInfo>(PlayUnit), unitInfo); return; } this.combatRenderer.OnUnitTurn(unitInfo); }
public void Topan_OnPlayerDisconnected(Topan.NetworkPlayer p) { NetworkingGeneral.currentGameType.RemovePlayer(; CombatantInfo pData = (CombatantInfo)p.GetInitialData("dat"); if (!connectionBanList.Contains(p.peerObject.UniqueIdentifier.ToString())) { topanNetworkView.RPC(Topan.RPCMode.All, "LeaveMSG", pData.username); } Topan.Network.DestroyPlayerViews(; }
public void OnUnitTurn(CombatantInfo unitInfo) { this.currentUnit = unitInfo; this.SelectedAbility = unitInfo.Abilities.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Quantity > 0); var unitCenter = new Vector2(hexX(unitInfo.Position), hexY(unitInfo.Position)); if (!this.isVisible(unitCenter)) { this.originOffset = unitCenter; this.setupPerspective(); } this.setupBodies(); this.setupUnits(); this.setupProjectiles(); }
public void OnUnitTurn(CombatantInfo unitInfo) { this.currentUnit = unitInfo; this.unitControls.SetView(unitInfo, this.Controller); var context = LocalizationManifest.Get.CurrentLanguage["FormMain"]; var moveButton = new OptionItem <AbilityInfo>(null) { Text = context["MoveAction"].Text(), OnSelect = x => { this.SelectedAbility = null; } }; var formatter = new ThousandsFormatter(); var buttons = new[] { moveButton }. Concat(unitInfo.Abilities.Select( ability => new OptionItem <AbilityInfo>(ability) { Image = GalaxyTextures.Get.Sprite(ability.ImagePath), Text = ability.Name + " x" + formatter.Format(ability.Quantity), OnSelect = x => { this.SelectedAbility = x; } } )).ToList(); foreach (var button in buttons) { button.GroupWith(moveButton); } this.abilityList.Children = buttons; buttons[buttons.Count > 1 ? 1 : 0].Select(); var unitCenter = new Vector2(hexX(unitInfo.Position), hexY(unitInfo.Position)); if (!this.isVisible(unitCenter)) { this.originOffset = unitCenter; this.setupPerspective(); } this.setupBodies(); this.setupUnits(); this.setupProjectiles(); }
public void Topan_OnPlayerConnected(Topan.NetworkPlayer p) { if ( > 0 && connectionBanList.Contains(p.peerObject.UniqueIdentifier.ToString())) { topanNetworkView.RPC(new int[1] { }, "KickPlayer", (byte)1); return; } p.SetPlayerData("k", (UInt16)0); p.SetPlayerData("a", (UInt16)0); p.SetPlayerData("d", (UInt16)0); p.SetPlayerData("h", (UInt16)0); p.SetPlayerData("sc", 0); int playerTeam = NetworkingGeneral.currentGameType.GetTeamAssign(; p.SetPlayerData("team", (byte)playerTeam); CombatantInfo pData = (CombatantInfo)p.GetInitialData("dat"); topanNetworkView.RPC(Topan.RPCMode.All, "JoinMSG", pData.username); if (!p.isServer) { if (!inLobby) { topanNetworkView.RPC(new int[1] { }, "LoadGame", currentMapHash); } else { topanNetworkView.RPC(new int[1] { }, "LoadLobby"); } } }
public void PlayUnit(CombatantInfo unitInfo) { if (this.InvokeRequired) { this.BeginInvoke(new Action <CombatantInfo>(PlayUnit), unitInfo); return; } this.combatRenderer.OnUnitTurn(unitInfo); var context = LocalizationManifest.Get.CurrentLanguage["FormMain"]; var formatter = new ThousandsFormatter(); var decimalFormat = new DecimalsFormatter(0, 0); Func <string, double, double, string> hpText = (label, x, max) => { var hpFormat = ThousandsFormatter.MaxMagnitudeFormat(x, max); return(context[label].Text() + ": " + hpFormat.Format(x) + " / " + hpFormat.Format(max)); }; shipCount.Text = context["ShipCount"].Text() + ": " + formatter.Format(unitInfo.Count); armorInfo.Text = hpText("ArmorLabel", unitInfo.ArmorHp, unitInfo.ArmorHpMax); shieldInfo.Text = hpText("ShieldLabel", unitInfo.ShieldHp, unitInfo.ShieldHpMax); if (unitInfo.MovementEta > 0) { movementInfo.Text = context["MovementEta"].Text( new Var("eta", unitInfo.MovementEta).Get, new TextVar("eta", unitInfo.MovementEta.ToString()).Get ); } else { movementInfo.Text = context["MovementPoints"].Text() + " (" + decimalFormat.Format(unitInfo.MovementPoints * 100) + " %)"; } this.abilityList.Controls.Clear(); Func <Image, string, object, Button> buttonMaker = (image, text, tag) => { var button = new Button { Image = image, ImageAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft, Margin = new Padding(3, 3, 3, 0), Size = new Size(80, 32), Text = text, TextImageRelation = TextImageRelation.ImageBeforeText, UseVisualStyleBackColor = true, Tag = tag }; button.Click += selectAbility_Click; return(button); }; this.abilityList.Controls.Add(buttonMaker( null, context["MoveAction"].Text(), null )); foreach (var ability in unitInfo.Abilities) { this.abilityList.Controls.Add(buttonMaker( ImageCache.Get.Resized(ability.ImagePath, new Size(24, 24)), "x " + formatter.Format(ability.Quantity), ability )); } }
private void AddPlayerToList(int team, Topan.NetworkPlayer player, BotPlayer bot = null) { int realTeamNum = team; if (player != null && !player.HasPlayerData("team")) { allSuccess = false; return; } bool thisIsBot = (player == null && bot != null); if (thisIsBot && team < 2) { realTeamNum = (int); } GameObject info = GetAvailableSlot(); if (info == null) { return; } bool showInfo = true; int index = 0; if (!GeneralVariables.gameModeHasTeams) { index = unassignedIndex; if (realTeamNum == 2) { if (index < 8) { info.transform.parent = redPanel; } else { info.transform.parent = bluePanel; } } else { showInfo = false; } info.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0f, -(index % 8) * spacing, 0f); } else { if (realTeamNum == 0 && redIndex < 8) { index = redIndex; info.transform.parent = redPanel; } else if (realTeamNum == 1 && blueIndex < 8) { index = blueIndex; info.transform.parent = bluePanel; } else { showInfo = false; } info.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0f, -index * spacing, 0f); } info.SetActive(showInfo); info.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; info.transform.localScale =; PlayerLobbyGUI plg = info.GetComponent <PlayerLobbyGUI>(); CombatantInfo pInfo = null; if (thisIsBot) { pInfo = bot.botInfo; } else { pInfo = (CombatantInfo)player.GetInitialData("dat"); } plg.rankIcon.enabled = true; plg.usernameLabel.text = ((pInfo.clan != "") ? (((thisIsBot) ? (DarkRef.ClanColor(true) + "(" + pInfo.clan + ")") : (DarkRef.ClanColor(false) + "[" + pInfo.clan + "]")) + "[-] ") : "") + pInfo.username; plg.rankLabel.text = pInfo.rank.ToString(); index++; if (!GeneralVariables.gameModeHasTeams) { if (realTeamNum == 2) { unassignedIndex = index; } } else { if (realTeamNum == 0) { redIndex = index; } else if (realTeamNum == 1) { blueIndex = index; } } }
public void RefreshPlayerInfo() { redIndex = 0; blueIndex = 0; unassignedIndex = 0; RefreshPlayers(); if (Topan.Network.isConnected) { if (Topan.Network.HasServerInfo("m")) { mapID = (byte)Topan.Network.GetServerInfo("m"); } else { mapID = -1; } serverInfo.text = ""; if (Topan.Network.HasServerInfo("wnr")) { int winnerteam = ((byte)Topan.Network.GetServerInfo("wnr")) - 1; if (winnerteam > -1) { serverInfo.text += ((winnerteam == 0) ? "[[C44524]Red Team[-]" : "[[377FB2]Blue Team[-]"); serverInfo.text += " Won] \n"; } else { serverInfo.text += "[Draw Match] \n"; } } int serverDuration = 0; if (Topan.Network.HasServerInfo("dur") && Topan.Network.GetServerInfo("dur") != null) { serverDuration = (byte)Topan.Network.GetServerInfo("dur") * 60; } else if (Topan.Network.isServer) { Topan.Network.SetServerInfo("dur", (byte)gameDurationSlider.currentDuration); } CombatantInfo serverProfile = (CombatantInfo)Topan.Network.server.GetInitialData("dat"); serverInfo.text += "[D77A39]Room Name:[-] " + Topan.Network.GameName; int botsDisp = Mathf.Clamp(GeneralVariables.Networking.botCount, 0, Topan.Network.MaxPlayers - Topan.Network.connectedPlayers.Length); serverInfo.text += "\n" + "[D77A39]Players:[-] " + Topan.Network.connectedPlayers.Length + ((botsDisp > 0) ? " [AEBF95][+" + botsDisp.ToString() + "][-]" : "") + "/" + Topan.Network.MaxPlayers; serverInfo.text += "\n" + "[D77A39]Host:[-] " + ((serverProfile.clan != "") ? DarkRef.ClanColor(false) + "[" + serverProfile.clan + "][-] " : "") + serverProfile.username; serverInfo.text += "\n" + "[D77A39]Game Mode:[-] " + NetworkingGeneral.currentGameType.typeName; serverInfo.text += "\n" + "[D77A39]Round Duration:[-] " + (serverDuration / 60).ToString() + " minutes"; if (mapID > -1) { serverInfo.text += "\n" + "[D77A39]Map Name:[-] " + StaticMapsList.mapsArraySorted[mapID].mapName; serverMapScreenshot.mainTexture = StaticMapsList.mapsArraySorted[mapID].previewIcon; } } else { serverInfo.text = "Not connected to a network"; serverMapScreenshot.mainTexture = null; mapID = -1; } }
private IEnumerator StartServerCoroutine() { Topan.Network.AddNetworkEventListener(this); TopanData init = new TopanData(); init.Add("dat", NetworkingGeneral.ConvertToCombatant(AccountManager.profileData)); int port = 7100; //As default. if (portForwardCheckbox.value) { port = int.Parse(hostPortInput.value); } PlayerPrefs.SetInt("SavedMaxPlayers", (int)maxPlayerSlider.currentValue); PlayerPrefs.SetInt("PortForward", (portForwardCheckbox.value) ? 1 : 0); PlayerPrefs.SetInt("LocalServer", (hostLocalCheckbox.value) ? 1 : 0); PlayerPrefs.SetString("SavedPingLimit", pingLimitInput.value); PlayerPrefs.SetInt("SavedMapIndex", selectedMap); PlayerPrefs.SetInt("SavedGameMode", mSettingControl.gameModePopup.selectionIndex); Topan.Network.InitializeServer((int)(maxPlayerSlider.currentValue), port, !portForwardCheckbox.value, init); Topan.Network.GameName = gameNameInput.value; NetworkingGeneral.CreateInstance(cachedNetworking); if (!hostLocalCheckbox.value && !portForwardCheckbox.value) { int mapIndx = selectedMap; Topan.MasterServer.RegisterMasterServer(gameNameInput.value, true, AccountManager.profileData.username, mapIndx, gameTypeIndexes[mSettingControl.gameTypeName]); } GeneralVariables.server.InstantiateServer(); yield return(null); yield return(null); UICamera.selectedObject = null; Topan.Network.SetServerInfo("s", UnityEngine.Random.seed); Topan.Network.SetServerInfo("dur", (byte)gameDurationSlider.currentDuration); Topan.Network.SetServerInfo("rc", (byte)roundCountSlider.currentRoundAmount); StartCoroutine(SelectMapRoutine(selectedMap)); GeneralVariables.server.amountOfRounds = roundCountSlider.currentRoundAmount; GeneralVariables.lobbyManager.ResetButtons(); moveCam.TargetPos(new Vector3(3840f, -800f, -700f)); Topan.Network.SetServerInfo("sm", false); Topan.Network.SetServerInfo("rTK", (UInt16)0); Topan.Network.SetServerInfo("bTK", (UInt16)0); Topan.Network.SetServerInfo("rTD", (UInt16)0); Topan.Network.SetServerInfo("bTD", (UInt16)0); Topan.Network.SetServerInfo("rVic", (byte)0); Topan.Network.SetServerInfo("bVic", (byte)0); Topan.Network.SetServerInfo("gm", NetworkingGeneral.currentGameType.typeName); foreach (GM_SettingsControl.SettingInfo sInfo in mSettingControl.settingsList) { Topan.Network.SetServerInfo(sInfo.settingName, NetworkingGeneral.currentGameType.customSettings[sInfo.settingName].currentValue); } int setPingLimit = Mathf.Clamp(int.Parse(pingLimitInput.value), 100, 9999); GeneralVariables.server.pingLimit = setPingLimit; Topan.Network.SetServerInfo("plim", setPingLimit); Topan.Network.SetServerInfo("it", (byte)(idleTimeSlider.currentIdleTime / 5)); yield return(null); Topan.Network.SetServerInfo("bC", (byte)bsMenu.amountSlider.currentValue); BotPlayer[] newBots = new BotPlayer[16]; //16 = maximum limit of players in a server List <string> prevNames = new List <string>(); for (int i = 0; i < newBots.Length; i++) { CombatantInfo newInfo = new CombatantInfo(); string randomName = DarkRef.RandomBotName(); int trials = 0; while (prevNames.Contains(randomName) && trials < 10) { randomName = DarkRef.RandomBotName(); trials++; } newInfo.username = randomName; prevNames.Add(randomName); newInfo.clan = "BOT"; newInfo.rank = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 11); newBots[i] = new BotPlayer(); newBots[i].botInfo = newInfo; newBots[i].botStats = new BotStats(); newBots[i].team = (byte)(i % 2); newBots[i].botStats.kills = 0; newBots[i].botStats.deaths = 0; newBots[i].botStats.headshots = 0; newBots[i].botStats.score = 0; Topan.Network.SetServerInfo("bS" + i.ToString(), BotManager.ParseToBotFormat(newBots[i].botStats)); } prevNames = null; BotManager._sBots = newBots; Topan.Network.SetServerInfo("bots", newBots); }
public void UseAbility(AbilityInfo ability, CombatantInfo target) { this.battleGame.Processor.UseAbility(ability.Index, ability.Quantity, target.Data); this.checkNextUnit(); }
public void UseAbility(AbilityInfo ability, CombatantInfo target) { this.messageQueue.Add(() => this.processor.UseAbility(ability.Index, ability.Quantity, target.Data)); }
public void PlayUnit(CombatantInfo unitInfo) { this.battleController.UnitDone(); }
public void AddToKillFeed(byte kID, byte vID, byte wepIndex) { Topan.NetworkPlayer killer = null; Topan.NetworkPlayer victim = null; BotPlayer killerBot = null; BotPlayer victimBot = null; bool killerIsBot = (kID >= 64); bool victimIsBot = (vID >= 64); if (killerIsBot) { killerBot = BotManager.allBotPlayers[kID - 64]; } else { killer = Topan.Network.GetPlayerByID(kID); } if (victimIsBot) { victimBot = BotManager.allBotPlayers[vID - 64]; } else { victim = Topan.Network.GetPlayerByID(vID); } if ((killerIsBot) ? killerBot == null : killer == null || (victimIsBot) ? victimBot == null : victim == null) { return; } byte killerTeam = (killerIsBot) ? : (byte)killer.GetPlayerData("team"); byte victimTeam = (victimIsBot) ? : (byte)victim.GetPlayerData("team"); string klrColor = (killerTeam == 0) ? "[D75216]" : "[407499]"; string vctmColor = (victimTeam == 0) ? "[D75216]" : "[407499]"; if (!GeneralVariables.gameModeHasTeams) { klrColor = (kID == ? "[B05C25]" : "[707070]"; vctmColor = (vID == ? "[B05C25]" : "[707070]"; } CombatantInfo kInfo = (killerIsBot) ? killerBot.botInfo : (CombatantInfo)killer.GetInitialData("dat"); CombatantInfo vInfo = (victimIsBot) ? victimBot.botInfo : (CombatantInfo)victim.GetInitialData("dat"); bool suicide = (kID == vID); if (suicide) { kfManager.AddToFeed(vctmColor + vInfo.username + "[-]", "himself", -1); if (GeneralVariables.spawnController != null && inSpawnScreen) { GeneralVariables.spawnController.AddToFeed(vctmColor + vInfo.username + "[-]", "himself", -1); } } else { kfManager.AddToFeed(klrColor + kInfo.username + "[-]", vctmColor + vInfo.username + "[-]", wepIndex); if (GeneralVariables.spawnController != null && inSpawnScreen) { GeneralVariables.spawnController.AddToFeed(klrColor + kInfo.username + "[-]", vctmColor + vInfo.username + "[-]", wepIndex); } } }