public MatrixBuilder(DataClasses.ReportSettings settings) { _settings = settings; foreach (DataClasses.ReportColumn column in settings.MatrixRows) { RowFields.Add(column.Name.RemoveAccent()); } foreach (DataClasses.ReportColumn column in settings.Columns) { if (column.ReportDataTypeId != DataClasses.ReportDataType.Number) { ColumnFields.Add(column.Name); } else { SummarizedFields.Add(column.Name); } } if (SummarizedFields.Count == 0) { SummarizedFields.Add("Qtd"); } //SummarizedFields.Add(settings.MatrixRows[0].Name); }
public static DataTable PivotData(DataTable _SourceTable, string RowField, string DataField, AggregateFunction Aggregate, params string[] ColumnFields) { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); string Separator = "."; var RowList = (from x in _SourceTable.AsEnumerable() select new { Name = x.Field <object>(RowField) }) .Distinct().OrderBy(x => x.Name); var ColList = (from x in _SourceTable.AsEnumerable() select new { Name = ColumnFields.Select(n => x.Field <object>(n)) .Aggregate((a, b) => a += Separator + b.ToString()) }) .Distinct() .OrderBy(m => m.Name); dt.Columns.Add(RowField); foreach (var col in ColList) { dt.Columns.Add(string.IsNullOrEmpty(col.Name.ToString()) ? "[Empty]" : col.Name.ToString(), typeof(float)); } foreach (var RowName in RowList) { DataRow row = dt.NewRow(); row[RowField] = RowName.Name.ToString(); foreach (var col in ColList) { string strFilter = RowField + " = '" + RowName.Name + "'"; string[] strColValues = col.Name.ToString().Split(Separator.ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.None); for (int i = 0; i < ColumnFields.Length; i++) { strFilter += " and " + ColumnFields[i] + " = '" + strColValues[i] + "'"; } row[string.IsNullOrEmpty(col.Name.ToString()) ? "[Empty]" : col.Name.ToString()] = GetData(_SourceTable, strFilter, DataField, Aggregate); } dt.Rows.Add(row); } return(dt); }
// <summary> /// Pivots the DataTable based on provided RowField, DataField, Aggregate Function and ColumnFields.// /// </summary> /// <param name="RowField">The column name of the Source Table which you want to spread into rows</param> /// <param name="DataField">The column name of the Source Table which you want to spread into Data Part</param> /// <param name="Aggregate">The Aggregate function which you want to apply in case matching data found more than once</param> /// <param name="ColumnFields">The List of column names which you want to spread as columns</param> /// <returns>A DataTable containing the Pivoted Data</returns> public static DataTable Pivot(this DataTable dtable, string RowField, string DataField, AggregateFunction Aggregate, params string[] ColumnFields) { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); string Separator = "."; var RowList = (from x in dtable.AsEnumerable() select new { Name = x.Field <object>(RowField) }).Distinct(); // Gets the list of columns .(dot) separated. var ColList = (from x in dtable.AsEnumerable() select new { Name = ColumnFields.Select(n => x.Field <object>(n)) .Aggregate((a, b) => a += Separator + b.ToString()) }) .Distinct() .OrderBy(m => m.Name); dt.Columns.Add(RowField); foreach (var col in ColList) { dt.Columns.Add(col.Name.ToString()); // Cretes the result columns.// } foreach (var RowName in RowList) { DataRow row = dt.NewRow(); row[RowField] = RowName.Name.ToString(); foreach (var col in ColList) { string strFilter = RowField + " = '" + RowName.Name + "'"; string[] strColValues = col.Name.ToString().Split(Separator.ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.None); for (int i = 0; i < ColumnFields.Length; i++) { strFilter += " and " + ColumnFields[i] + " = '" + strColValues[i] + "'"; } row[col.Name.ToString()] = dtable.GetData(strFilter, DataField, Aggregate); } dt.Rows.Add(row); } return(dt); }
public override int GetHashCode() { var result = 37; unchecked { result = result * 17 + base.GetHashCode(); result = result * 17 + SeqNumber; result = result * 17 + (ColumnFields?.Select(f => f.GetHashCode()).UncheckedSum() ?? 0); result = result * 17 + (int)FieldType; result = result * 17 + FormatTypeId; result = result * 17 + (CurrencyCode?.GetHashCode() ?? 0); result = result * 17 + HasSubtotals.GetHashCode(); result = result * 17 + HasTotals.GetHashCode(); result = result * 17 + (int)TotalsAggregation; result = result * 17 + IsVisible.GetHashCode(); if (ColumnGroupId != null) { result = result * 17 + ColumnGroupId.Value; } } return(result); }
internal ExcelPivotTable(PackageRelationship rel, ExcelWorksheet sheet) : base(sheet.NameSpaceManager) { WorkSheet = sheet; PivotTableUri = PackUriHelper.ResolvePartUri(rel.SourceUri, rel.TargetUri); Relationship = rel; var pck = sheet._package.Package; Part = pck.GetPart(PivotTableUri); PivotTableXml = new XmlDocument(); PivotTableXml.Load(Part.GetStream()); init(); TopNode = PivotTableXml.DocumentElement; Address = new ExcelAddressBase(GetXmlNodeString("d:location/@ref")); _cacheDefinition = new ExcelPivotCacheDefinition(sheet.NameSpaceManager, this); LoadFields(); //int index=0; ////Add fields. //foreach (XmlElement fieldElem in TopNode.SelectNodes("d:pivotFields/d:pivotField", NameSpaceManager)) //{ // var fld=new ExcelPivotTableField(NameSpaceManager, fieldElem, this, index++); // Fields.AddInternal(fld); //} ////Add fields. //index = 0; //foreach (XmlElement fieldElem in _cacheDefinition.TopNode.SelectNodes("d:cacheFields/d:cacheField", NameSpaceManager)) //{ // var fld = Fields[index++]; // fld.SetCacheFieldNode(fieldElem); //} //Add row fields. foreach (XmlElement rowElem in TopNode.SelectNodes("d:rowFields/d:field", NameSpaceManager)) { int x; if (int.TryParse(rowElem.GetAttribute("x"), out x) && x >= 0) { RowFields.AddInternal(Fields[x]); } else { rowElem.ParentNode.RemoveChild(rowElem); } } ////Add column fields. foreach (XmlElement colElem in TopNode.SelectNodes("d:colFields/d:field", NameSpaceManager)) { int x; if (int.TryParse(colElem.GetAttribute("x"), out x) && x >= 0) { ColumnFields.AddInternal(Fields[x]); } else { colElem.ParentNode.RemoveChild(colElem); } } //Add Page elements //int index = 0; foreach (XmlElement pageElem in TopNode.SelectNodes("d:pageFields/d:pageField", NameSpaceManager)) { int fld; if (int.TryParse(pageElem.GetAttribute("fld"), out fld) && fld >= 0) { var field = Fields[fld]; field._pageFieldSettings = new ExcelPivotTablePageFieldSettings(NameSpaceManager, pageElem, field, fld); PageFields.AddInternal(field); } } //Add data elements //index = 0; foreach (XmlElement dataElem in TopNode.SelectNodes("d:dataFields/d:dataField", NameSpaceManager)) { int fld; if (int.TryParse(dataElem.GetAttribute("fld"), out fld) && fld >= 0) { var field = Fields[fld]; var dataField = new ExcelPivotTableDataField(NameSpaceManager, dataElem, field); DataFields.AddInternal(dataField); } } }
// Generates content of pivotTablePart private static void GeneratePivotTablePartContent(PivotTablePart pivotTablePart1, IXLPivotTable pt) { var pivotTableDefinition = new PivotTableDefinition { Name = pt.Name, CacheId = 0U, DataCaption = "Values", MergeItem = GetBooleanValue(pt.MergeAndCenterWithLabels, true), Indent = Convert.ToUInt32(pt.RowLabelIndent), PageOverThenDown = (pt.FilterAreaOrder == XLFilterAreaOrder.OverThenDown), PageWrap = Convert.ToUInt32(pt.FilterFieldsPageWrap), ShowError = String.IsNullOrEmpty(pt.ErrorValueReplacement), UseAutoFormatting = GetBooleanValue(pt.AutofitColumns, true), PreserveFormatting = GetBooleanValue(pt.PreserveCellFormatting, true), RowGrandTotals = GetBooleanValue(pt.ShowGrandTotalsRows, true), ColumnGrandTotals = GetBooleanValue(pt.ShowGrandTotalsColumns, true), SubtotalHiddenItems = GetBooleanValue(pt.FilteredItemsInSubtotals, true), MultipleFieldFilters = GetBooleanValue(pt.AllowMultipleFilters, true), CustomListSort = GetBooleanValue(pt.UseCustomListsForSorting, true), ShowDrill = GetBooleanValue(pt.ShowExpandCollapseButtons, true), ShowDataTips = GetBooleanValue(pt.ShowContextualTooltips, true), ShowMemberPropertyTips = GetBooleanValue(pt.ShowPropertiesInTooltips, true), ShowHeaders = GetBooleanValue(pt.DisplayCaptionsAndDropdowns, true), GridDropZones = GetBooleanValue(pt.ClassicPivotTableLayout, true), ShowEmptyRow = GetBooleanValue(pt.ShowEmptyItemsOnRows, true), ShowEmptyColumn = GetBooleanValue(pt.ShowEmptyItemsOnColumns, true), ShowItems = GetBooleanValue(pt.DisplayItemLabels, true), FieldListSortAscending = GetBooleanValue(pt.SortFieldsAtoZ, true), PrintDrill = GetBooleanValue(pt.PrintExpandCollapsedButtons, true), ItemPrintTitles = GetBooleanValue(pt.RepeatRowLabels, true), FieldPrintTitles = GetBooleanValue(pt.PrintTitles, true), EnableDrill = GetBooleanValue(pt.EnableShowDetails, true) }; if (pt.EmptyCellReplacement != null) { pivotTableDefinition.ShowMissing = true; pivotTableDefinition.MissingCaption = pt.EmptyCellReplacement; } else { pivotTableDefinition.ShowMissing = false; } if (pt.ErrorValueReplacement != null) { pivotTableDefinition.ShowError = true; pivotTableDefinition.ErrorCaption = pt.ErrorValueReplacement; } else { pivotTableDefinition.ShowError = false; } var location = new Location { Reference = pt.TargetCell.Address.ToString(), FirstHeaderRow = 1U, FirstDataRow = 1U, FirstDataColumn = 1U }; var rowFields = new RowFields(); var columnFields = new ColumnFields(); var rowItems = new RowItems(); var columnItems = new ColumnItems(); var pageFields = new PageFields {Count = (uint)pt.ReportFilters.Count()}; var pivotFields = new PivotFields {Count = Convert.ToUInt32(pt.SourceRange.ColumnCount())}; foreach (var xlpf in pt.Fields) { var pf = new PivotField {ShowAll = false, Name = xlpf.CustomName}; if (pt.RowLabels.FirstOrDefault(p => p.SourceName == xlpf.SourceName) != null) { pf.Axis = PivotTableAxisValues.AxisRow; var f = new Field {Index = pt.Fields.IndexOf(xlpf)}; rowFields.AppendChild(f); for (var i = 0; i < xlpf.SharedStrings.Count; i++) { var rowItem = new RowItem(); rowItem.AppendChild(new MemberPropertyIndex {Val = i}); rowItems.AppendChild(rowItem); } var rowItemTotal = new RowItem {ItemType = ItemValues.Grand}; rowItemTotal.AppendChild(new MemberPropertyIndex()); rowItems.AppendChild(rowItemTotal); } else if (pt.ColumnLabels.FirstOrDefault(p => p.SourceName == xlpf.SourceName) != null) { pf.Axis = PivotTableAxisValues.AxisColumn; var f = new Field {Index = pt.Fields.IndexOf(xlpf)}; columnFields.AppendChild(f); for (var i = 0; i < xlpf.SharedStrings.Count; i++) { var rowItem = new RowItem(); rowItem.AppendChild(new MemberPropertyIndex {Val = i}); columnItems.AppendChild(rowItem); } var rowItemTotal = new RowItem {ItemType = ItemValues.Grand}; rowItemTotal.AppendChild(new MemberPropertyIndex()); columnItems.AppendChild(rowItemTotal); } else if (pt.ReportFilters.FirstOrDefault(p => p.SourceName == xlpf.SourceName) != null) { location.ColumnsPerPage = 1; location.RowPageCount = 1; pf.Axis = PivotTableAxisValues.AxisPage; pageFields.AppendChild(new PageField {Hierarchy = -1, Field = pt.Fields.IndexOf(xlpf)}); } else if (pt.Values.FirstOrDefault(p => p.CustomName == xlpf.SourceName) != null) { pf.DataField = true; } var fieldItems = new Items(); if (xlpf.SharedStrings.Count > 0) { for (uint i = 0; i < xlpf.SharedStrings.Count; i++) { fieldItems.AppendChild(new Item {Index = i}); } } if (xlpf.Subtotals.Count > 0) { foreach (var subtotal in xlpf.Subtotals) { var itemSubtotal = new Item(); switch (subtotal) { case XLSubtotalFunction.Average: pf.AverageSubTotal = true; itemSubtotal.ItemType = ItemValues.Average; break; case XLSubtotalFunction.Count: pf.CountASubtotal = true; itemSubtotal.ItemType = ItemValues.CountA; break; case XLSubtotalFunction.CountNumbers: pf.CountSubtotal = true; itemSubtotal.ItemType = ItemValues.Count; break; case XLSubtotalFunction.Maximum: pf.MaxSubtotal = true; itemSubtotal.ItemType = ItemValues.Maximum; break; case XLSubtotalFunction.Minimum: pf.MinSubtotal = true; itemSubtotal.ItemType = ItemValues.Minimum; break; case XLSubtotalFunction.PopulationStandardDeviation: pf.ApplyStandardDeviationPInSubtotal = true; itemSubtotal.ItemType = ItemValues.StandardDeviationP; break; case XLSubtotalFunction.PopulationVariance: pf.ApplyVariancePInSubtotal = true; itemSubtotal.ItemType = ItemValues.VarianceP; break; case XLSubtotalFunction.Product: pf.ApplyProductInSubtotal = true; itemSubtotal.ItemType = ItemValues.Product; break; case XLSubtotalFunction.StandardDeviation: pf.ApplyStandardDeviationInSubtotal = true; itemSubtotal.ItemType = ItemValues.StandardDeviation; break; case XLSubtotalFunction.Sum: pf.SumSubtotal = true; itemSubtotal.ItemType = ItemValues.Sum; break; case XLSubtotalFunction.Variance: pf.ApplyVarianceInSubtotal = true; itemSubtotal.ItemType = ItemValues.Variance; break; } fieldItems.AppendChild(itemSubtotal); } } else { fieldItems.AppendChild(new Item {ItemType = ItemValues.Default}); } pf.AppendChild(fieldItems); pivotFields.AppendChild(pf); } pivotTableDefinition.AppendChild(location); pivotTableDefinition.AppendChild(pivotFields); if (pt.RowLabels.Any()) { pivotTableDefinition.AppendChild(rowFields); } else { rowItems.AppendChild(new RowItem()); } pivotTableDefinition.AppendChild(rowItems); if (!pt.ColumnLabels.Any()) { columnItems.AppendChild(new RowItem()); pivotTableDefinition.AppendChild(columnItems); } else { pivotTableDefinition.AppendChild(columnFields); pivotTableDefinition.AppendChild(columnItems); } if (pt.ReportFilters.Any()) { pivotTableDefinition.AppendChild(pageFields); } var dataFields = new DataFields(); foreach (var value in pt.Values) { var sourceColumn = pt.SourceRange.Columns().FirstOrDefault(c => c.Cell(1).Value.ToString() == value.SourceName); if (sourceColumn == null) continue; var df = new DataField { Name = value.SourceName, Field = (UInt32)sourceColumn.ColumnNumber() - 1, Subtotal = value.SummaryFormula.ToOpenXml(), ShowDataAs = value.Calculation.ToOpenXml(), NumberFormatId = (UInt32)value.NumberFormat.NumberFormatId }; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(value.BaseField)) { var baseField = pt.SourceRange.Columns().FirstOrDefault(c => c.Cell(1).Value.ToString() == value.BaseField); if (baseField != null) df.BaseField = baseField.ColumnNumber() - 1; } else { df.BaseField = 0; } if (value.CalculationItem == XLPivotCalculationItem.Previous) df.BaseItem = 1048828U; else if (value.CalculationItem == XLPivotCalculationItem.Next) df.BaseItem = 1048829U; else df.BaseItem = 0U; dataFields.AppendChild(df); } pivotTableDefinition.AppendChild(dataFields); pivotTableDefinition.AppendChild(new PivotTableStyle { Name = Enum.GetName(typeof (XLPivotTableTheme), pt.Theme), ShowRowHeaders = pt.ShowRowHeaders, ShowColumnHeaders = pt.ShowColumnHeaders, ShowRowStripes = pt.ShowRowStripes, ShowColumnStripes = pt.ShowColumnStripes }); #region Excel 2010 Features var pivotTableDefinitionExtensionList = new PivotTableDefinitionExtensionList(); var pivotTableDefinitionExtension = new PivotTableDefinitionExtension {Uri = "{962EF5D1-5CA2-4c93-8EF4-DBF5C05439D2}"}; pivotTableDefinitionExtension.AddNamespaceDeclaration("x14", ""); var pivotTableDefinition2 = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Office2010.Excel.PivotTableDefinition {EnableEdit = pt.EnableCellEditing, HideValuesRow = !pt.ShowValuesRow}; pivotTableDefinition2.AddNamespaceDeclaration("xm", ""); pivotTableDefinitionExtension.AppendChild(pivotTableDefinition2); pivotTableDefinitionExtensionList.AppendChild(pivotTableDefinitionExtension); pivotTableDefinition.AppendChild(pivotTableDefinitionExtensionList); #endregion pivotTablePart1.PivotTableDefinition = pivotTableDefinition; }
private IList <ColumnModel> GetColumns() { var lstProperties = typeof(TModel).GetProperties(); var lstFields = new List <PropertyInfo>(); var lstColumns = new List <ColumnModel>(); if (!ColumnFields.IsNullOrEmpty()) { lstProperties = ColumnFields.Split(',') .Where(s => lstProperties.Any(x => x.Name.Equals(s))) .Select(x => lstProperties.SingleOrDefault(f => f.Name.Equals(x))).ToArray(); } var _order = 100; foreach (var prop in lstProperties) { var pType = prop.PropertyType; var pName = prop.Name; var _field = new ColumnModel { Field = prop.Name, Width = "150", IsResizeble = false, Caption = prop.Name, IsPrimaryKey = false, IsEditable = true, Format = "", Order = _order++ }; if (pName.Equals("Id")) { _field.IsEditable = false; _field.Order = 1; _field.IsPrimaryKey = true; _field.Width = "60"; } if (prop.Name.Equals("Nome")) { //_field.Width = "250"; _field.IsResizeble = true; _field.Order = 2; } if (prop.PropertyType.IsCollection()) { _field.Ignore = true; } var attr = prop.GetAttribute <ModelFieldAttribute>(); if (attr != null) { if (attr.Order > 0) { _field.Order = attr.Order; } _field.Ignore = attr.Ignore; _field.IsResizeble = attr.AutoFit; _field.IsEditable = attr.AllowEdit; _field.Caption = attr.Display.IsEmpty() ? prop.Name : attr.Display; _field.Field = attr.FieldMapping.IsEmpty() ? prop.Name : attr.FieldMapping; } if (pType == typeof(bool)) { _field.Width = "60"; _field.Type = ColumnType.Boolean; _field.IsCheckBox = true; } else if (pType == typeof(decimal?) || pType == typeof(decimal)) { _field.Width = "120"; _field.Format = "n2"; _field.Type = ColumnType.Number; } else if (pType == typeof(int?) || pType == typeof(int)) { _field.Width = "60"; _field.Type = ColumnType.Number; } else if (pType == typeof(DateTime?) || pType == typeof(DateTime)) { _field.Width = "130"; _field.Format = "dd/MM/yyyy"; _field.Type = ColumnType.DateTime; } if (!AllowResize) { _field.IsResizeble = false; } lstColumns.Add(_field); } return(lstColumns.Where(f => !f.Ignore).OrderBy(f => f.Order).ToList()); }
public override bool Equals(object obj) { var result = base.Equals(obj); if (result) { var column = obj as ColumnInfo; if (column != null) { result = SeqNumber == column.SeqNumber && FieldType == column.FieldType && FormatTypeId == column.FormatTypeId && string.Equals(CurrencyCode, column.CurrencyCode) && HasSubtotals == column.HasSubtotals && HasTotals == column.HasTotals && TotalsAggregation == column.TotalsAggregation && ColumnGroupId == column.ColumnGroupId && IsVisible == column.IsVisible; result = result && ((ColumnFields == null && column.ColumnFields == null) || (ColumnFields != null && column.ColumnFields != null && ColumnFields.OrderBy(f => f.FieldId).SequenceEqual(column.ColumnFields.OrderBy(f => f.FieldId)))); } else { result = false; } } return(result); }