private CompositionEffectBrush BuildColoredBlurBrush() { var gaussianBlur = new GaussianBlurEffect { Name = "Blur", Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("source"), BlurAmount = 15.0f, BorderMode = EffectBorderMode.Hard, Optimization = EffectOptimization.Balanced }; var colorEffect = new ColorSourceEffect { Name = "ColorSource2", Color = (Color)App.Current.Resources["KlivaMainColor"] }; var blendEffect = new BlendEffect { Mode = BlendEffectMode.Multiply, Background = gaussianBlur, Foreground = colorEffect }; var factory = m_compositor.CreateEffectFactory(blendEffect); var brush = factory.CreateBrush(); return(brush); }
private IGraphicsEffect _createRevealBorderEffect() { var sceneLightingEffect = new Windows.UI.Composition.Effects.SceneLightingEffect(); sceneLightingEffect.AmbientAmount = 0f; sceneLightingEffect.DiffuseAmount = sc_diffuseAmountBorder; sceneLightingEffect.SpecularAmount = sc_specularAmountBorder; sceneLightingEffect.SpecularShine = sc_specularShineBorder; var colorMatrixEffect = new ColorMatrixEffect(); colorMatrixEffect.ColorMatrix = sc_revealInvertedBorderColorMatrix; colorMatrixEffect.AlphaMode = Microsoft.Graphics.Canvas.CanvasAlphaMode.Straight; colorMatrixEffect.Source = sceneLightingEffect; var baseColorEffect = new ColorSourceEffect(); baseColorEffect.Name = "BaseColorEffect"; baseColorEffect.Color = Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 0, 0); var compositeEffect = new CompositeEffect(); compositeEffect.Mode = Microsoft.Graphics.Canvas.CanvasComposite.SourceOver; // Union of source and destination bitmaps. Equation: O = S + (1 - SA) * D. compositeEffect.Sources.Add(baseColorEffect); //Destination compositeEffect.Sources.Add(colorMatrixEffect); //Source return(compositeEffect); }
private CompositionEffectBrush BuildBlurBrush(Compositor c, float blurAmount, Color maskColor) { var blurDesc = new GaussianBlurEffect { Name = "GlassBlur", BlurAmount = blurAmount, BorderMode = EffectBorderMode.Hard, Optimization = EffectOptimization.Balanced, Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Source") }; var colorDesc = new ColorSourceEffect { Name = "GlassColor", Color = maskColor, }; var blendEffectDesc = new BlendEffect { Mode = BlendEffectMode.Multiply, Background = blurDesc, Foreground = colorDesc, }; var blurBrush = c.CreateEffectFactory(blendEffectDesc, new[] { "GlassBlur.BlurAmount", "GlassColor.Color" }).CreateBrush(); blurBrush.SetSourceParameter("Source", c.CreateBackdropBrush()); return blurBrush; }
void ValidateSourceProperty(PixelShaderEffect effect, Func <IGraphicsEffectSource> getter, Action <IGraphicsEffectSource> setter, int expectedSourceCount, int whichSource) { // Should be initially null. Assert.IsNull(getter()); // Should always be able to set to null. setter(null); Assert.IsNull(getter()); var source = new ColorSourceEffect(); if (whichSource <= expectedSourceCount) { // Should be able to set and get non-null values for this source of the shader. setter(source); Assert.AreEqual(source, getter()); } else { // Should not be able to set this source. Utils.AssertThrowsException <ArgumentException>( () => setter(source), "Source" + whichSource + " must be null when using this pixel shader (shader inputs: " + expectedSourceCount + ")."); } }
private CompositionEffectBrush CreateBlurBrush() { var blurEffect = new GaussianBlurEffect() { Name = "BlurEffect", BlurAmount = (float)BlurAmount, Optimization = EffectOptimization.Balanced, Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Source"), BorderMode = EffectBorderMode.Hard }; var colorEffect = new ColorSourceEffect() { Name = "ColorEffect", Color = TintColor }; var blendEffect = new BlendEffect() { Background = blurEffect, Foreground = colorEffect, Mode = BlendEffectMode.SoftLight }; var effectFactory = _compositor.CreateEffectFactory(blendEffect, new[] { "BlurEffect.BlurAmount", "ColorEffect.Color" }); return(effectFactory.CreateBrush()); }
private void Initialize(StreamingContext context) { _type = LayerType.Color; _inputEffect = new ColorSourceEffect(); // Default to white, otherwise ColorPicker will start with #00000000 on a new layer. // Since Alpha is not enabled on the ColorPicker, the Alpha will remain 0 no matter the chosen color. Color = Colors.White; }
public CompositionBrush Build( Color luminosityColor) { var adjustedTintOpacity = Math.Clamp(TintOpacity, 0, 1); adjustedTintOpacity = 0.3f + 0.7f * adjustedTintOpacity; IGraphicsEffectSource backDropEffectSource = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Backdrop"); var luminosityColorEffect = new ColorSourceEffect() { Name = "LuminosityColor", Color = luminosityColor }; var graphicsEffect = new ArithmeticCompositeEffect { Source1 = backDropEffectSource, Source2 = luminosityColorEffect, MultiplyAmount = 0, Source1Amount = 1 - adjustedTintOpacity, Source2Amount = adjustedTintOpacity, Offset = 0 }; //IGraphicsEffectSource noiseEffectSource = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Noise"); //var noiseBorderEffect = new BorderEffect() //{ // ExtendX = CanvasEdgeBehavior.Wrap, // ExtendY = CanvasEdgeBehavior.Wrap, // Source = noiseEffectSource, //}; //var noiseOpacityEffect = new OpacityEffect() //{ // Name = "NoiseOpacity", // Opacity = 0.5f, // Source = noiseBorderEffect, //}; //var finalEffect = new CrossFadeEffect() //{ // Name = "FadeInOut", // Source1 = graphicsEffect, // Source2 = noiseOpacityEffect //}; var effectFactory = Window.Current.Compositor.CreateEffectFactory(graphicsEffect); CompositionEffectBrush brush = effectFactory.CreateBrush(); var hostBackdropBrush = Window.Current.Compositor.CreateHostBackdropBrush(); brush.SetSourceParameter("Backdrop", hostBackdropBrush); return(brush); }
private void UpdateBrush() { if (m_isDisabledByPolicy && m_brush is CompositionEffectBrush) { m_brush.Dispose(); m_brush = null; } if (m_brush == null) { if (m_isDisabledByPolicy) { m_brush = Window.Current.Compositor.CreateColorBrush(FallbackColor); CompositionBrush = m_brush; } else { var gaussianBlur = new GaussianBlurEffect { Name = "Blur", BlurAmount = 30, Optimization = EffectOptimization.Speed, BorderMode = EffectBorderMode.Hard, Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Backdrop") }; var saturationEffect = new SaturationEffect { Name = "Saturation", Saturation = 1.7f, Source = gaussianBlur }; var tintColorEffect = new ColorSourceEffect { Name = "TintColor", Color = Color.FromArgb(52, 0, 0, 0) }; var compositeEffect = new CompositeEffect(); compositeEffect.Mode = CanvasComposite.SourceOver; compositeEffect.Sources.Add(saturationEffect); compositeEffect.Sources.Add(tintColorEffect); var effectFactory = Window.Current.Compositor.CreateEffectFactory(compositeEffect); var backdrop = Window.Current.Compositor.CreateBackdropBrush(); var brush = effectFactory.CreateBrush(); brush.SetSourceParameter("Backdrop", backdrop); m_brush = brush; CompositionBrush = m_brush; } } }
public static CompositionBrush BuildMicaEffectBrush(Compositor compositor, Color tintColor, float tintOpacity, float luminosityOpacity) { // Tint Color. var tintColorEffect = new ColorSourceEffect(); tintColorEffect.Name = "TintColor"; tintColorEffect.Color = tintColor; // OpacityEffect applied to Tint. var tintOpacityEffect = new OpacityEffect(); tintOpacityEffect.Name = "TintOpacity"; tintOpacityEffect.Opacity = tintOpacity; tintOpacityEffect.Source = tintColorEffect; // Apply Luminosity: // Luminosity Color. var luminosityColorEffect = new ColorSourceEffect(); luminosityColorEffect.Color = tintColor; // OpacityEffect applied to Luminosity. var luminosityOpacityEffect = new OpacityEffect(); luminosityOpacityEffect.Name = "LuminosityOpacity"; luminosityOpacityEffect.Opacity = luminosityOpacity; luminosityOpacityEffect.Source = luminosityColorEffect; // Luminosity Blend. var luminosityBlendEffect = new BlendEffect(); luminosityBlendEffect.Mode = BlendEffectMode.Color; luminosityBlendEffect.Background = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("BlurredWallpaperBackdrop"); luminosityBlendEffect.Foreground = luminosityOpacityEffect; // Apply Tint: // Color Blend. var colorBlendEffect = new BlendEffect(); colorBlendEffect.Mode = BlendEffectMode.Luminosity; colorBlendEffect.Background = luminosityBlendEffect; colorBlendEffect.Foreground = tintOpacityEffect; CompositionEffectBrush micaEffectBrush = compositor.CreateEffectFactory(colorBlendEffect).CreateBrush(); var blurredWallpaperBackdropBrush = (ICompositorWithBlurredWallpaperBackdropBrush)((object)compositor); micaEffectBrush.SetSourceParameter("BlurredWallpaperBackdrop", blurredWallpaperBackdropBrush.TryCreateBlurredWallpaperBackdropBrush()); return(micaEffectBrush); }
private void Create() { if (_effectFactory == null) { var color = new ColorSourceEffect { Name = "Colour", Color = this.TintColor }; var opacity = new OpacityEffect { Name = "Opacity", Opacity = 0f, Source = color }; var blurEffect = new GaussianBlurEffect { Name = "Blur", BlurAmount = 0, Optimization = EffectOptimization.Speed, BorderMode = EffectBorderMode.Hard, BufferPrecision = Microsoft.Graphics.Canvas.CanvasBufferPrecision.Precision16Float, Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Source") }; var blend = new BlendEffect { Background = blurEffect, Foreground = opacity, Mode = BlendEffectMode.SoftLight, }; _effectFactory = _compositor.CreateEffectFactory( blend, new string[] { "Blur.BlurAmount", "Colour.Color", "Opacity.Opacity" }); } var brush = _effectFactory.CreateBrush(); brush.SetSourceParameter("Source", _compositor.CreateHostBackdropBrush()); this.CompositionBrush = brush; UpdateBlur(); UpdateColor(); }
protected override void OnConnected() { // Delay creating composition resources until they're required. if (CompositionBrush == null) { #if !_M_ARM64 var backdrop = Window.Current.Compositor.CreateBackdropBrush(); // Use a Win2D blur affect applied to a CompositionBackdropBrush. var graphicsEffect = new GaussianBlurEffect { Name = "Blur", BlurAmount = (float)BlurAmount, Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("backdrop") }; var colorEffect = new ColorSourceEffect { Name = "Tint", Color = TintColor }; var blendEffect = new BlendEffect { Background = graphicsEffect, Foreground = colorEffect, Mode = BlendEffectMode.Overlay }; var effectFactory = Window.Current.Compositor.CreateEffectFactory(blendEffect, new[] { "Blur.BlurAmount", "Tint.Color" }); var effectBrush = effectFactory.CreateBrush(); effectBrush.SetSourceParameter("backdrop", backdrop); CompositionBrush = effectBrush; #else CompositionBrush = Window.Current.Compositor.CreateColorBrush(Colors.Black); #endif } }
protected override void OnConnected() { if (CompositionBrush != null) { return; } var backdropBlurEffect = new GaussianBlurEffect { Name = "Blur", BlurAmount = (float)BlurAmount, Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("backdrop") }; var backgroundColorSourceEffect = new ColorSourceEffect { Name = "Tint", Color = BackgroundColor }; var backgroundColorOpacityEffect = new OpacityEffect { Name = "Opacity", Opacity = (float)BackgroundColorOpacity, Source = backgroundColorSourceEffect }; var blendEffect = new BlendEffect { Background = backdropBlurEffect, Foreground = backgroundColorOpacityEffect, Mode = BlendEffectMode.Multiply, }; var effectFactory = Window.Current.Compositor.CreateEffectFactory(blendEffect, new[] { "Blur.BlurAmount", "Tint.Color", "Opacity.Opacity" }); var effectBrush = effectFactory.CreateBrush(); effectBrush.SetSourceParameter("backdrop", Window.Current.Compositor.CreateBackdropBrush()); CompositionBrush = effectBrush; }
void UpdateShadowEffect() //This calls UpdateShadowVisualProperties, UpdateShadowMask and UpdateShadowSizeAndOffset. { if (compositor == null || shadowVisual == null) { return; } if (ShouldUseMask) { isUsingDropShadow = false; if (shadowVisual.Shadow != null) { var oldShadow = shadowVisual.Shadow; shadowVisual.Shadow = null; oldShadow.Dispose(); } IGraphicsEffectSource alphaMaskSource = new Transform2DEffect() { Name = transformEffectName, TransformMatrix = Matrix3x2.Identity, Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter(effectSourceName) }; if (SpreadRadius > 0) { var spreadEffectBlur = new GaussianBlurEffect() { BlurAmount = (float)SpreadRadius / 3.0f, Source = alphaMaskSource }; alphaMaskSource = new ColorMatrixEffect() { ClampOutput = true, ColorMatrix = new Matrix5x4() { M44 = 10.0f }, Source = spreadEffectBlur }; //The number 10 seems about right } if (BlurRadius > 0) { alphaMaskSource = new GaussianBlurEffect() { BlurAmount = (float)BlurRadius / 3.0f, Source = alphaMaskSource }; } var colorSourceEffect = new ColorSourceEffect() { Color = Color }; var finalEffect = new AlphaMaskEffect { AlphaMask = alphaMaskSource, Source = colorSourceEffect }; CompositionEffectFactory effectFactory; try { effectFactory = compositor.CreateEffectFactory(finalEffect, new string[] { transformEffectMatrixName }); } catch (Exception) { return; } var shadowEffectBrush = effectFactory.CreateBrush(); var oldBrush = shadowVisual.Brush; shadowVisual.Brush = shadowEffectBrush; oldBrush?.Dispose(); UpdateShadowMask(); } else { isUsingDropShadow = true; if (shadowVisual.Brush != null) { var oldBrush = shadowVisual.Brush; shadowVisual.Brush = null; oldBrush.Dispose(); } var dropShadow = shadowVisual.Shadow as DropShadow; if (dropShadow == null) { dropShadow = compositor.CreateDropShadow(); var oldShadow = shadowVisual.Shadow; shadowVisual.Shadow = dropShadow; oldShadow?.Dispose(); } dropShadow.BlurRadius = (float)Math.Max(BlurRadius, 0.0); dropShadow.Color = Color; } UpdateShadowVisualProperties(); UpdateShadowSizeAndOffset(); }
//@Construct public DottedLinePage2() { this.InitializeComponent(); this.Loaded += async(s2, e2) => { this.MarkdownText1.Text = await FanKit.Samples.File.GetFile("ms-appx:///TXT/Transformers/DottedLinePage2.xaml.txt"); this.MarkdownText1.LinkClicked += async(s, e) => await Launcher.LaunchUriAsync(new Uri("")); this.MarkdownText2.Text = await FanKit.Samples.File.GetFile("ms-appx:///TXT/Transformers/DottedLinePage2.xaml.cs.txt"); this.MarkdownText2.LinkClicked += async(s, e) => await Launcher.LaunchUriAsync(new Uri("")); }; this.ResetButton.Tapped += (s, e) => { using (var ds = this.DottedLineImage.CreateDrawingSession()) { ds.Clear(Windows.UI.Colors.Transparent); } this.DottedLineImage.Baking(this.CanvasAnimatedControl); this.CanvasTransformer.Fit(); }; this.RadianSlider.ValueChanged += (s, e) => { float radian = ((float)e.NewValue) * FanKit.Math.Pi / 180.0f; this.CanvasTransformer.Radian = radian; this.CanvasTransformer.ReloadMatrix(); Matrix3x2 matrix = this.CanvasTransformer.GetMatrix(); this.DottedLineImage.Baking(this.CanvasAnimatedControl, matrix); this.CanvasAnimatedControl.Invalidate(); }; #region Draw //Canvas this.CanvasAnimatedControl.SizeChanged += (s, e) => { if (e.NewSize == e.PreviousSize) { return; } this.CanvasTransformer.Size = e.NewSize; }; this.CanvasAnimatedControl.CreateResources += (sender, args) => { CanvasRenderTarget canvasRenderTarget = new CanvasRenderTarget(sender, this.CanvasTransformer.Width, this.CanvasTransformer.Height); this.DottedLineImage = new DottedLineImage(canvasRenderTarget); this.DottedLineBrush = new DottedLineBrush(sender, 6); Matrix3x2 matrix = this.CanvasTransformer.GetMatrix(); this.DottedLineImage.Baking(sender, matrix); }; this.CanvasAnimatedControl.Draw += (sender, args) => { Matrix3x2 matrix = this.CanvasTransformer.GetMatrix(); //DrawCrad var previousImage = new ColorSourceEffect { Color = Windows.UI.Colors.White }; args.DrawingSession.DrawCrad(previousImage, this.CanvasTransformer); //DrawDottedLine args.DrawingSession.DrawDottedLine(sender, this.DottedLineBrush, this.DottedLineImage, this.CanvasTransformer.Width, this.CanvasTransformer.Height); CanvasGeometry canvasGeometry = this._transformerRect.ToRectangle(sender); CanvasGeometry canvasGeometryTransform = canvasGeometry.Transform(matrix); args.DrawingSession.DrawThickGeometry(canvasGeometryTransform); }; this.CanvasAnimatedControl.Update += (sender, args) => { this.DottedLineBrush.Update(1); }; #endregion #region CanvasOperator //Single this.CanvasOperator.Single_Start += (point) => { Matrix3x2 inverseMatrix = this.CanvasTransformer.GetInverseMatrix(); Vector2 canvasPoint = Vector2.Transform(point, inverseMatrix); this._startingPoint = point; this._transformerRect = new TransformerRect(point, point); }; this.CanvasOperator.Single_Delta += (point) => { Matrix3x2 inverseMatrix = this.CanvasTransformer.GetInverseMatrix(); Vector2 canvasStartingPoint = Vector2.Transform(this._startingPoint, inverseMatrix); Vector2 canvasPoint = Vector2.Transform(point, inverseMatrix); this._transformerRect = new TransformerRect(canvasStartingPoint, canvasPoint); }; this.CanvasOperator.Single_Complete += (point) => { Matrix3x2 matrix = this.CanvasTransformer.GetMatrix(); Matrix3x2 inverseMatrix = this.CanvasTransformer.GetInverseMatrix(); Vector2 canvasStartingPoint = Vector2.Transform(this._startingPoint, inverseMatrix); Vector2 canvasPoint = Vector2.Transform(point, inverseMatrix); //DottedLine using (var ds = this.DottedLineImage.CreateDrawingSession()) { TransformerRect transformerRect = new TransformerRect(canvasStartingPoint, canvasPoint); ds.FillRectangle(transformerRect.ToRect(), Windows.UI.Colors.Gray); } this.DottedLineImage.Baking(this.CanvasAnimatedControl, matrix); this._transformerRect = new TransformerRect(Vector2.Zero, Vector2.Zero); }; //Right this.CanvasOperator.Right_Start += (point) => { this.CanvasTransformer.CacheMove(point); }; this.CanvasOperator.Right_Delta += (point) => { this.CanvasTransformer.Move(point); //DottedLine Matrix3x2 matrix = this.CanvasTransformer.GetMatrix(); this.DottedLineImage.Baking(this.CanvasAnimatedControl, matrix); this.CanvasAnimatedControl.Invalidate(); }; this.CanvasOperator.Right_Complete += (point) => { this.CanvasTransformer.Move(point); //DottedLine Matrix3x2 matrix = this.CanvasTransformer.GetMatrix(); this.DottedLineImage.Baking(this.CanvasAnimatedControl, matrix); this.CanvasAnimatedControl.Invalidate(); }; //Double this.CanvasOperator.Double_Start += (center, space) => { this.CanvasTransformer.CachePinch(center, space); this.CanvasAnimatedControl.Invalidate(); }; this.CanvasOperator.Double_Delta += (center, space) => { this.CanvasTransformer.Pinch(center, space); //DottedLine Matrix3x2 matrix = this.CanvasTransformer.GetMatrix(); this.DottedLineImage.Baking(this.CanvasAnimatedControl, matrix); this.CanvasAnimatedControl.Invalidate(); }; this.CanvasOperator.Double_Complete += (center, space) => { //DottedLine Matrix3x2 matrix = this.CanvasTransformer.GetMatrix(); this.DottedLineImage.Baking(this.CanvasAnimatedControl, matrix); this.CanvasAnimatedControl.Invalidate(); }; //Wheel this.CanvasOperator.Wheel_Changed += (point, space) => { if (space > 0) { this.CanvasTransformer.ZoomIn(point); } else { this.CanvasTransformer.ZoomOut(point); } //DottedLine Matrix3x2 matrix = this.CanvasTransformer.GetMatrix(); this.DottedLineImage.Baking(this.CanvasAnimatedControl, matrix); this.CanvasAnimatedControl.Invalidate(); }; #endregion }
private CompositionEffectBrush CreateBlurBrush() { var blurEffect = new GaussianBlurEffect() { Name = "BlurEffect", BlurAmount = (float)BlurAmount, Optimization = EffectOptimization.Balanced, Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Source"), BorderMode = EffectBorderMode.Hard }; var colorEffect = new ColorSourceEffect() { Name = "ColorEffect", Color = TintColor }; var blendEffect = new BlendEffect() { Background = blurEffect, Foreground = colorEffect, Mode = BlendEffectMode.SoftLight }; var effectFactory = _compositor.CreateEffectFactory(blendEffect, new[] { "BlurEffect.BlurAmount", "ColorEffect.Color" }); return effectFactory.CreateBrush(); }