コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Apply convolution to given image
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="invert">Whether to invert the resulting convolution</param>
        /// <param name="intensity">Value by which to multiply inversion strength</param>
        internal Bitmap ApplyTo(Bitmap imageSource, bool invert, float intensity)
            ColorMatrix source = new ColorMatrix(imageSource);
            ColorMatrix target = ColorMatrix.Blank(source.Width, source.Height);
            float       a, r, g, b;
            float       factor = 0.0f;
            int         offsetX, offsetY;
            int         sourceY, sourceX, matrixY, matrixX;
            int         width = source.Width, height = source.Height;
            int         startX = 0, startY = 0;

            if (!_includeEdges)
                height -= _radius; width -= _radius; startX = startY = _radius;

            for (sourceY = startY; sourceY < height; sourceY++)
                for (sourceX = startX; sourceX < width; sourceX++)
                    a = r = g = b = 0.0f;

                    if (!(_preserveTransparency && source.IsTransparent(sourceX, sourceY)))
                        // do not convolve alpha channel
                        a = source.Color[sourceX, sourceY, ColorMatrix.Channel.Alpha];

                        for (matrixY = -_radius; matrixY <= _radius; matrixY++)
                            // now analyze pixels under matrix
                            offsetY = Idaho.Utility.Constrain(sourceY + matrixY, 0, height - 1);

                            for (matrixX = -_radius; matrixX <= _radius; matrixX++)
                                factor  = _matrix[matrixY + _radius, matrixX + _radius];
                                offsetX = Idaho.Utility.Constrain(sourceX + matrixX, 0, width - 1);
                                // track sum of all color values separately in area
                                // covered by matrix
                                r += factor * source.Color[offsetX, offsetY, ColorMatrix.Channel.Red];
                                g += factor * source.Color[offsetX, offsetY, ColorMatrix.Channel.Green];
                                b += factor * source.Color[offsetX, offsetY, ColorMatrix.Channel.Blue];
                        r /= _total; g /= _total; b /= _total;
                    // apply convolved color to single pixel under consideration
                    target.SetPixel(sourceX, sourceY, a, r, g, b);

            if (invert)
                source.CombineWith(target, new ColorMatrix.CombineDelegate(Invert), intensity);