コード例 #1
        private void AddColorEntity(ColorEntry c)
            var colorEntity = Instantiate <ColorEntity>(_colorEntityPrefab, _stage);

            // colorEntity.transform.Translate(new Vector3(1200 * (float) _random.NextDouble() - 600, 500 * (float) _random.NextDouble() - 200, 0.0f));
コード例 #2
        private void Clear()
            bool dirtyClear = false;

            for (int i = 0; i < Pixels.Count; i++)
                if (CanPaintCharacters)
                    if (Pixels[i].Character != ' ')
                        dirtyClear          = true;
                        Pixels[i].Character = ' ';
                if (Pixels[i].Color.ConsoleColor != ConsoleColor.Black)
                    dirtyClear      = true;
                    Pixels[i].Color = ColorEntry.FromConsoleColor(ConsoleColor.Black);
            if (dirtyClear)
                IsDirty = true;
コード例 #3
        private static void SetColorPalette(Dataset ds, Bitmap bitmap)
            List <OSGeo.GDAL.ColorInterp> interps = GetRasterColorInterps(ds);
            int paletteIndex = interps.IndexOf(OSGeo.GDAL.ColorInterp.GCI_PaletteIndex);
            int grayIndex    = interps.IndexOf(OSGeo.GDAL.ColorInterp.GCI_GrayIndex);

            if (paletteIndex > -1)
                ColorTable ct   = ds.GetRasterBand(paletteIndex + 1).GetRasterColorTable();
                int        iCol = ct.GetCount();

                ColorPalette pal = bitmap.Palette;
                for (int i = 0; i < iCol; i++)
                    ColorEntry ce = ct.GetColorEntry(i);
                    pal.Entries[i] = Color.FromArgb(ce.c4, ce.c1, ce.c2, ce.c3);
                bitmap.Palette = pal;
            else if (grayIndex > -1)
                ColorPalette pal = bitmap.Palette;
                for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
                    pal.Entries[i] = Color.FromArgb(255, i, i, i);
                bitmap.Palette = pal;
コード例 #4
ファイル: GdalImage.cs プロジェクト: sprashant80/DotSpatial-1
        /// <summary>
        /// This should update the palette cached and in the file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="value">The color palette.</param>
        public override void SetColorPalette(IEnumerable <Color> value)
            var colorPalette = value as IList <Color> ?? value.ToList();

            ColorPalette = colorPalette;
            _dataset     = Gdal.Open(Filename, Access.GA_Update);

            ColorTable ct    = new ColorTable(PaletteInterp.GPI_RGB);
            int        index = 0;

            foreach (var c in colorPalette)
                ColorEntry ce = new ColorEntry
                    c4 = c.A,
                    c3 = c.B,
                    c2 = c.G,
                    c1 = c.R
                ct.SetColorEntry(index, ce);

            using (Band first = _dataset.GetRasterBand(1))
コード例 #5
ファイル: GdalRaster.cs プロジェクト: AlvaIce/GFJT-2020
        public override System.Drawing.Color[] CategoryColors()
            System.Drawing.Color[] Colors = null;
            ColorTable             table  = GetColorTable();

            if (table != null)
                int ColorCount = table.GetCount();
                if (ColorCount > 0)
                    Colors = new System.Drawing.Color[ColorCount];
                    for (int ColorIndex = 0; ColorIndex < ColorCount; ColorIndex += 1)
                        Colors[ColorIndex] = System.Drawing.Color.DimGray;
                        ColorEntry entry = table.GetColorEntry(ColorIndex);
                        switch (table.GetPaletteInterpretation())
                        case PaletteInterp.GPI_RGB: Colors[ColorIndex] = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(entry.c4, entry.c1, entry.c2, entry.c3); break;

                        case PaletteInterp.GPI_Gray: Colors[ColorIndex] = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(255, entry.c1, entry.c1, entry.c1); break;
                            //TODO: do any files use these types?
                            //case PaletteInterp.GPI_HLS
                            //case PaletteInterp.GPI_CMYK
コード例 #6
        public static void AddColor(Dictionary <string, Color32> namedLookup, ColorEntry entry)
            Color32 color = (Color32)entry;

            Log.Spam($"Adding color {entry.id}: {color}");
            namedLookup[entry.id] = color;
コード例 #7
 public void Initialize()
     _rootEntry        = ColorEntry.Create();
     _rootEntry->_prev = _rootEntry->_next = _rootEntry;
     _rootEntry->_box  = Address;
     _colors           = 0;
コード例 #8
ファイル: NameEnums.cs プロジェクト: Haruma-K/uPalette
        public static string ToEntryId(this ColorEntry entry)
            switch (entry)
            case ColorEntry.Background:

            case ColorEntry.MainText:

            case ColorEntry.KeyColor1:

            case ColorEntry.KeyColor2:

            case ColorEntry.ButtonContents:

            case ColorEntry.SubButtonBackground:

            case ColorEntry.OptionButtonBackground:

            case ColorEntry.OptionButtonContents:

                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(entry), entry, null);
コード例 #9
        private bool SelectColors(int targetColors)
            int          splitAxis;
            ColorBox *   splitBox, boxPtr = _boxes;
            ARGBPixel *  sPtr = _srcPixels;
            ColorEntry **gPtr = _groupTable;
            ColorEntry * entry;
            ushort       id;

            //Create initial box
            _boxCount = 1;

            //Iterate through colors using ID generator
            for (int i = 0; i < _size; i++)
                _idFunc(*sPtr++, &id);
                gPtr = _groupTable + id;
                if ((entry = *gPtr) == null)
                    *gPtr = entry = ColorEntry.Create();
                    _idConv(&id, out entry->_color);
                    entry->_weight = 1;

            //If no quantization is necessary, then leave.
            if (boxPtr->_colors <= targetColors)

            //Update initial box
            boxPtr->Update(targetColors - 1);

            //Split until we reach desired colors
            while (_boxCount < targetColors)
                //Find split candidate
                splitBox = ColorBox.FindSplit(_boxes, _boxCount, targetColors, out splitAxis);

                //Create new box

                //Move colors from one box to another using split axis
                splitBox->Split(boxPtr, splitAxis);

                //Update boxes
                splitBox->Update(targetColors - _boxCount);
                boxPtr->Update(targetColors - _boxCount);
コード例 #10
        private void ReadPaletteBuffered()
            ColorTable ct = _red.GetRasterColorTable();

            if (ct == null)
                throw new GdalException("Image was stored with a palette interpretation but has no color table.");

            if (ct.GetPaletteInterpretation() != PaletteInterp.GPI_RGB)
                throw new GdalException("Only RGB palette interpreation is currently supported by this plugin, " + ct.GetPaletteInterpretation() + " is not supported.");

            int tw = TileCollection.TileWidth;
            int th = TileCollection.TileHeight;

            for (int row = 0; row < TileCollection.NumTilesTall(); row++)
                for (int col = 0; col < TileCollection.NumTilesWide(); col++)
                    // takes into account that right and bottom tiles might be smaller.
                    int       width  = TileCollection.GetTileWidth(col);
                    int       height = TileCollection.GetTileHeight(row);
                    ImageData id     = new ImageData();
                    byte[]    red    = new byte[width * height];
                    _red.ReadRaster(col * tw, row * th, width, height, red, width, height, 0, 0);
                    Bitmap     image = new Bitmap(width, height, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
                    BitmapData bData = image.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height), ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
                    Stride = bData.Stride;

                    const int Bpp        = 4;
                    int       stride     = Stride;
                    byte[]    vals       = new byte[width * height * 4];
                    byte[][]  colorTable = new byte[256][];
                    for (int i = 0; i < 255; i++)
                        ColorEntry ce = ct.GetColorEntry(i);
                        colorTable[i] = new[] { (byte)ce.c3, (byte)ce.c2, (byte)ce.c1, (byte)ce.c4 };

                    for (int r = 0; r < height; r++)
                        for (int c = 0; c < width; c++)
                            Array.Copy(colorTable[red[c + (r * width)]], 0, vals, (row * stride) + (col * Bpp), 4);

                    id.Values = vals;
                    TileCollection.Tiles[row, col] = id;

コード例 #11
        private static void SaveBitmapPaletteBuffered(Dataset ds, string filename, int iOverview)
            // Get the GDAL Band objects from the Dataset
            Band band = ds.GetRasterBand(1);

            if (iOverview >= 0 && band.GetOverviewCount() > iOverview)
                band = band.GetOverview(iOverview);

            ColorTable ct = band.GetRasterColorTable();

            if (ct == null)
                Console.WriteLine("   Band has no color table!");

            if (ct.GetPaletteInterpretation() != PaletteInterp.GPI_RGB)
                Console.WriteLine("   Only RGB palette interp is supported by this sample!");

            // Get the width and height of the Dataset
            int width  = band.XSize;
            int height = band.YSize;

            // Create a Bitmap to store the GDAL image in
            Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(width, height, PixelFormat.Format32bppRgb);

            DateTime start = DateTime.Now;

            byte[] r = new byte[width * height];

            band.ReadRaster(0, 0, width, height, r, width, height, 0, 0);
            TimeSpan renderTime = DateTime.Now - start;

            int i, j;

            for (i = 0; i < width; i++)
                for (j = 0; j < height; j++)
                    ColorEntry entry    = ct.GetColorEntry(r[i + j * width]);
                    Color      newColor = Color.FromArgb(Convert.ToInt32(entry.c1), Convert.ToInt32(entry.c2), Convert.ToInt32(entry.c3));
                    bitmap.SetPixel(i, j, newColor);

            bitmap.Save(filename + ".bmp");
            float  scale = bitmap.Width / 1024;
            Bitmap map   = new Bitmap(bitmap, new Size(1024, (int)(bitmap.Height / scale)));

            map.Save(filename + "_icon.bmp");
#pragma warning restore VSTHRD010 // Invoke single-threaded types on Main thread

#pragma warning disable VSTHRD010 // Invoke single-threaded types on Main thread
        public ThemeColorsQuickStart()
            Instance     = this;
            CategoryGuid = new Guid(CategoryGuidString);
            ColorEntries = new ColorEntry[] {
                new TitleEntry(this),
                new TextEntry(this),
                new HyperlinkEntry(this)
コード例 #13
 private void _setRow(DataGridViewRow row, ColorEntry color)
     row.HeaderCell.Value  = row.Index.ToString();
     row.Cells["Id"].Value = string.Format("{0}:{1}", color.Id, color.Name);
     row.Cells["Cloth"].Style.BackColor   = color.Cloth.RGB;
     row.Cells["Cloth"].ToolTipText       = string.Format(RGBStringFormat, color.Cloth.RGB.ToArgb());
     row.Cells["Leather"].Style.BackColor = color.Leather.RGB;
     row.Cells["Leather"].ToolTipText     = string.Format(RGBStringFormat, color.Leather.RGB.ToArgb());
     row.Cells["Metal"].Style.BackColor   = color.Metal.RGB;
     row.Cells["Metal"].ToolTipText       = string.Format(RGBStringFormat, color.Metal.RGB.ToArgb());
コード例 #14
#pragma warning restore VSTHRD010 // Invoke single-threaded types on Main thread

#pragma warning disable VSTHRD010 // Invoke single-threaded types on Main thread
        public FontAndColorDefaultsResultsText()
            Instance     = this;
            CategoryGuid = new Guid(CategoryGuidString);
            CategoryName = "Regex Editor Results Text";
            Font         = CreateFontInfo("Consolas", 9, 1);
            ColorEntries = new ColorEntry[] {
                new PlainTextEntry(this),
                new SelectedTextEntry(this),
コード例 #15
 public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
     ColorEntryList colorEntries = App.Current.Resources["ColorEntries"] as ColorEntryList;
     ColorEntry entry = colorEntries.FirstOrDefault(ce => ce.Color.ToString() == value.ToString());
     if (entry == null)
         System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("TODO: CLean this up, Jaime added as temporary workaround, since it was crashing and preventing me from doing other work");
         entry = new ColorEntry();
         entry.Color = (string) value;
         entry.Name = "UNKNOWN"; 
     return entry; 
コード例 #16
ファイル: GdalImage.cs プロジェクト: giszzt/GeoSOS
        private void ReadPaletteBuffered()
            ColorTable ct = _red.GetRasterColorTable();

            if (ct == null)
                throw new GdalException("Image was stored with a palette interpretation but has no color table.");
            if (ct.GetPaletteInterpretation() != PaletteInterp.GPI_RGB)
                throw new GdalException(String.Format("Only RGB palette interpretation is currently supported by this plug-in, {0} is not supported.", ct.GetPaletteInterpretation()));
            int width  = Width;
            int height = Height;

            byte[] r = new byte[width * height];
            _red.ReadRaster(0, 0, width, height, r, width, height, 0, 0);

            _image = new Bitmap(width, height, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);

            BitmapData bData = _image.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height),
                                               ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);

            Stride = bData.Stride;

            const int bpp    = 4;
            int       stride = Stride;

            byte[]   vals       = new byte[width * height * 4];
            byte[][] colorTable = new byte[ct.GetCount()][];
            for (int i = 0; i < ct.GetCount(); i++)
                ColorEntry ce = ct.GetColorEntry(i);
                colorTable[i] = new[]
                    (byte)ce.c3, (byte)ce.c2, (byte)ce.c1,
            for (int row = 0; row < height; row++)
                for (int col = 0; col < width; col++)
                    Array.Copy(colorTable[r[col + row * width]], 0, vals,
                               row * stride + col * bpp, 4);
            Values = vals;
コード例 #17
        private static Bitmap getBitmapPaletteBuffered(Dataset ds)
            Band band = ds.GetRasterBand(1);

            ColorTable ct = band.GetRasterColorTable();

            if (ct == null)

            if (ct.GetPaletteInterpretation() != PaletteInterp.GPI_RGB)
                //MessageBox.Show(" Only RGB palette interp is supported by this sample!");

            int width  = band.XSize;
            int height = band.YSize;

            DateTime start  = DateTime.Now;
            Bitmap   bitmap = new Bitmap(width, height, PixelFormat.Format32bppRgb);

            byte[] r = new byte[width * height];

            band.ReadRaster(0, 0, width, height, r, width, height, 0, 0);

            int i, j;

            for (i = 0; i < width; i++)
                for (j = 0; j < height; j++)
                    // entry c1 c2 c3
                    ColorEntry entry    = ct.GetColorEntry(r[i + j * width]);
                    int        rColor   = Convert.ToInt32(entry.c1);
                    int        gColor   = Convert.ToInt32(entry.c2);
                    int        bColor   = Convert.ToInt32(entry.c3);
                    Color      newColor = Color.FromArgb(rColor, gColor, bColor);
                    bitmap.SetPixel(i, j, newColor);

            TimeSpan renderTime   = DateTime.Now - start;
            double   milliSeconds = renderTime.TotalMilliseconds; // ms

コード例 #18
#pragma warning restore VSTHRD010 // Invoke single-threaded types on Main thread

#pragma warning disable VSTHRD010 // Invoke single-threaded types on Main thread
        public FontAndColorDefaultsResultsGrid()
            Instance     = this;
            CategoryGuid = new Guid(CategoryGuidString);
            CategoryName = "Regex Editor Results Grid";
            Font         = CreateFontInfo("Consolas", 9, 1);
            ColorEntries = new ColorEntry[] {
                new NormalCellEntry(this),
                new SelectedCellEntry(this),
                new InactiveSelectedCellEntry(this),
                new HeaderCellEntry(this),
                new FailureMarkerEntry(this),
                new GridLinesEntry(this),
#pragma warning restore VSTHRD010 // Invoke single-threaded types on Main thread

#pragma warning disable VSTHRD010 // Invoke single-threaded types on Main thread
        public FontAndColorDefaultsQuickRef()
            Instance     = this;
            CategoryGuid = new Guid(CategoryGuidString);
            CategoryName = "Regex Quick Reference Window";
            Font         = CreateFontInfo("Consolas", 9, 1);
            ColorEntries = new ColorEntry[] {
                new DocumentEntry(this),
                new HyperlinkEntry(this),
                new HeadRowEntry(this),
                new EvenRowEntry(this),
                new EvenRowArgEntry(this),
                new OddRowEntry(this),
                new OddRowArgEntry(this),
コード例 #20
            public void Destroy()
                ColorEntry *current, next;

                if (_rootEntry != null)
                    current = _rootEntry;
                        next = current->_next;
                        current = next;
                    } while (current != _rootEntry);
                    _rootEntry = null;
コード例 #21
        private void HandleCommmitCommand()
            ColorEntry newColorEntry = new ColorEntry(editionColorItem.Token, editionColorItem.Name, editionColorItem.R, editionColorItem.G, editionColorItem.B);

            s52ResourceFileAnalyst.UpdateColorEntry(selectedColorSchema, newColorEntry);
            for (int i = 0; i < colorTables[selectedColorSchema].Count; i++)
                ColorEntry item = colorTables[selectedColorSchema][i];
                if (item.Token == editionColorItem.Token)
                    colorTables[selectedColorSchema][i] = newColorEntry;
            MessageBox.Show("Commit succeed.", string.Empty, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information);
コード例 #22
#pragma warning restore VSTHRD010 // Invoke single-threaded types on Main thread

#pragma warning disable VSTHRD010 // Invoke single-threaded types on Main thread
        public FontAndColorDefaultsResultsTree()
            Instance     = this;
            CategoryGuid = new Guid(CategoryGuidString);
            CategoryName = "Regex Editor Results Tree";
            Font         = CreateFontInfo("Consolas", 9, 1);
            ColorEntries = new ColorEntry[] {
                new DocumentEntry(this),
                new ActiveSelectionEntry(this),
                new InactiveSelectionEntry(this),
                new LineNodeHeaderEntry(this),
                new MatchNodeHeaderEntry(this),
                new GroupNodeHeaderEntry(this),
                new CaptureNodeHeaderEntry(this),
                new EmptyMarkerEntry(this),
                new FailureMarkerEntry(this),
コード例 #23
    private static void LoadBitmapDirect(Dataset ds, Bitmap bitmap, int xOff, int yOff, int width, int height, int imageWidth, int imageHeight, int iOverview)
        if (isIndexed)
            // setting up the color table
            if (ct != null)
                int          iCol = ct.GetCount();
                ColorPalette pal  = bitmap.Palette;
                for (int i = 0; i < iCol; i++)
                    ColorEntry ce = ct.GetColorEntry(i);
                    pal.Entries[i] = Color.FromArgb(ce.c4, ce.c1, ce.c2, ce.c3);
                bitmap.Palette = pal;
                // grayscale
                ColorPalette pal = bitmap.Palette;
                for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
                    pal.Entries[i] = Color.FromArgb(255, i, i, i);
                bitmap.Palette = pal;

        // Use GDAL raster reading methods to read the image data directly into the Bitmap
        BitmapData bitmapData = bitmap.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight), ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, pixelFormat);

            int    stride = bitmapData.Stride;
            IntPtr buf    = bitmapData.Scan0;

            ds.ReadRaster(xOff, yOff, width, height, buf, imageWidth, imageHeight, dataType,
                          channelCount, bandMap, pixelSpace, stride, 1);
コード例 #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns ARGB 32 bpp regardless of the fact that the original is palette buffered.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="startRow">The start row.</param>
        /// <param name="startColumn">The start column.</param>
        /// <param name="numRows">The number of rows.</param>
        /// <param name="numColumns">The number of columns.</param>
        /// <param name="overview">The overview.</param>
        /// <returns>The data that was read.</returns>
        private byte[] ReadPaletteBuffered(int startRow, int startColumn, int numRows, int numColumns, int overview)
            ColorTable ct = _red.GetRasterColorTable();

            if (ct == null)
                throw new GdalException("Image was stored with a palette interpretation but has no color table.");

            if (ct.GetPaletteInterpretation() != PaletteInterp.GPI_RGB)
                throw new GdalException("Only RGB palette interpreation is currently supported by this plugin, " + ct.GetPaletteInterpretation() + " is not supported.");

            int width  = numRows;
            int height = numColumns;

            byte[] r = new byte[width * height];
            _red.ReadRaster(startColumn, startRow, numColumns, numRows, r, width, height, 0, 0);
            if (overview > 0)
                _red = _red.GetOverview(overview - 1);

            const int Bpp = 4;

            byte[]   vals       = new byte[width * height * 4];
            byte[][] colorTable = new byte[256][];
            for (int i = 0; i < 255; i++)
                ColorEntry ce = ct.GetColorEntry(i);
                colorTable[i] = new[] { (byte)ce.c3, (byte)ce.c2, (byte)ce.c1, (byte)ce.c4 };

            for (int row = 0; row < height; row++)
                for (int col = 0; col < width; col++)
                    Array.Copy(colorTable[r[col + (row * width)]], 0, vals, (row * width) + (col * Bpp), 4);

コード例 #25
ファイル: GdalImage.cs プロジェクト: giszzt/GeoSOS
        /// <summary>
        /// This is only used in the palette indexed band type.
        /// </summary>
        public override IEnumerable <Color> GetColorPalette()
            if (ColorPalette == null)
                _dataset = Helpers.Open(Filename);
                Band         first  = _dataset.GetRasterBand(1);
                ColorTable   ct     = first.GetRasterColorTable();
                int          count  = ct.GetCount();
                List <Color> result = new List <Color>();
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    ColorEntry ce = ct.GetColorEntry(i);
                    result.Add(Color.FromArgb(ce.c4, ce.c1, ce.c2, ce.c3));
                ColorPalette = result;

コード例 #26
    public void CmdAskForColor(int color, PlayerBehaviour player)
        int entryIndex = ColorSelected.FindIndex(x => x.PlayerAssigned == player);

        if (entryIndex > -1)

        ColorEntry entry = new ColorEntry
            PlayerAssigned = player,
            ColorIndex     = color


コード例 #27
        private void ImportArt()
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ImportedArt))
            var lines = ImportedArt.Split('\n');

            GridHeight = lines.Length;
            var ordered = lines.OrderByDescending(x => x.Length);
            int leftPad = lines.Length <= 1 ? 0 : -1;

            GridWidth = ordered.First().Length + leftPad;
            for (int y = 0; y < lines.Length; y++)
                var line = lines[y];
                for (int x = 0; x < GridWidth; x++)
                    if (x >= line.Length)
                    var pixel = Pixels[y * GridWidth + x];
                    if (charLookup.ContainsKey(line[x]))
                        pixel.Character = line[x];
                        pixel.Color     = SelectedColor;
                        pixel.Character = InvalidCharacter;
                        pixel.Color     = ColorEntry.FromConsoleColor(ConsoleColor.Black);
            ImportedArt = string.Empty;
            AddHistoryState("Import Art");
            IsDirty = true;
コード例 #28
        private static void WritePaletteBuffered(Bitmap value, int xOffset, int yOffset, Band first)
            ColorTable ct = first.GetRasterColorTable();

            if (ct == null)
                throw new GdalException("Image was stored with a palette interpretation but has no color table.");
            if (ct.GetPaletteInterpretation() != PaletteInterp.GPI_RGB)
                throw new GdalException("Only RGB palette interpretation is currently supported by this " +
                                        " plug-in, " + ct.GetPaletteInterpretation() + " is not supported.");
            int        width  = value.Width;
            int        height = value.Height;
            BitmapData bData  = value.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height),
                                               ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
            int stride = Math.Abs(bData.Stride);

            byte[] r = new byte[stride * height];
            Marshal.Copy(bData.Scan0, r, 0, r.Length);
            byte[]   vals       = new byte[width * height];
            byte[][] colorTable = new byte[ct.GetCount()][];
            for (int i = 0; i < ct.GetCount(); i++)
                ColorEntry ce = ct.GetColorEntry(i);
                colorTable[i] = new[]
                    (byte)ce.c3, (byte)ce.c2, (byte)ce.c1,
            for (int row = 0; row < height; row++)
                for (int col = 0; col < width; col++)
                    vals[row * width + col] = MatchColor(r, row * stride + col * 4, colorTable);
            first.WriteRaster(xOffset, yOffset, width, height, vals, width, height, 0, 0);
コード例 #29
        private void ApplySprite(ConsoleSprite sprite)
            gridWidth  = sprite.Width;
            gridHeight = sprite.Height;
            var pixels = new List <PixelEntry>(gridWidth * gridHeight);

            for (int i = 0; i < gridWidth * gridHeight; i++)
                pixels.Add(new PixelEntry());
                var e = Encoding.GetEncoding("437");
                var s = e.GetString(new byte[] { sprite.Characters[i] });
                pixels[i].Character = s[0];
                pixels[i].Color     = ColorEntry.FromConsoleColor((ConsoleColor)sprite.Colors[i]);
            SupportsTransparency = sprite.IsTransparent;
コード例 #30
ファイル: GdalImage.cs プロジェクト: giszzt/GeoSOS
        /// <summary>
        /// This should update the palette cached and in the file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="value"></param>
        public override void SetColorPalette(IEnumerable <Color> value)
            ColorPalette = value;
            _dataset     = Gdal.Open(Filename, Access.GA_Update);

            ColorTable ct    = new ColorTable(PaletteInterp.GPI_RGB);
            int        index = 0;

            foreach (Color c in value)
                ColorEntry ce = new ColorEntry();
                ce.c4 = c.A;
                ce.c3 = c.B;
                ce.c2 = c.G;
                ce.c1 = c.R;
                ct.SetColorEntry(index, ce);
            using (Band first = _dataset.GetRasterBand(1))
コード例 #31
            public void InsertPrev(ColorEntry* entry)
                entry->_prev = _prev;
                entry->_next = _prev->_next;
                entry->_box = _box;

                _prev->_next = entry;
                _prev = entry;
コード例 #32
 public static void Destroy(ColorEntry* e)
コード例 #33
        private unsafe ColorEntry[] enumerateColors(BitmapData srcBmpData, Rectangle targetArea) {
            const int ColorHashSize = 4096;
            const int InitialChainLength = 32;
            var stopWatch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();

            // HashSetの準備
            ColorEntry[][] chainArray = new ColorEntry[ColorHashSize][];
            int[] chainSizeArray = new int[ColorHashSize];
            for (int i = 0; i < ColorHashSize; i++) {
                chainArray[i] = new ColorEntry[InitialChainLength];
                chainSizeArray[i] = 0;

            ArgbColor* scan0 = (ArgbColor*)srcBmpData.Scan0;
            int lineStride = srcBmpData.Stride / 4;

            for (int srcY = 0; srcY < targetArea.Height; srcY++) {
                ArgbColor* pixelPtr = scan0 + ((srcY + targetArea.Y) * lineStride) + targetArea.X ;
                for (int srcX = 0; srcX < targetArea.Width; srcX++) {
                    ArgbColor pixel = *(pixelPtr++);

                    // 不透明度が満たないピクセルは無視
                    if (pixel.A <TransparentThresh) continue;

                    // ハッシュ値
                    uint hashTemp = pixel.AsUInt32 ^ ((pixel.AsUInt32 & 0x00f0f0f0u) >> 4);
                    uint hash =
                        ((hashTemp & 0x0000000fu) >> 0) |
                        ((hashTemp & 0x00000f00u) >> 4) |
                        ((hashTemp & 0x000f0000u) >> 8);

                    // ハッシュ値に対応した配列を引いてくる
                    ColorEntry[] chain = chainArray[hash];
                    int rowSize = chainSizeArray[hash];

                    // 完全一致する色を探す
                    bool found = false;
                    for (int i = 0; i < rowSize; i++) {
                        if (chain[i].Color.AsUInt32 == pixel.AsUInt32) {
                            found = true;
                            // 見つけたらちょっと前方に動かす
                            var temp = chain[i];
                            chain[i] = chain[i / 2];
                            chain[i / 2] = temp;

                    // 無ければ追加する
                    if (found == false) {
                        if (rowSize >= chain.Length) {
                            Array.Resize(ref chain, chain.Length * 2);
                            chainArray[hash] = chain;
                        ColorEntry newColor = new ColorEntry();
                        newColor.Color = pixel;
                        newColor.Count = 1;
                        chain[rowSize] = newColor;

            // 一本の配列に連結
            int colorCount = chainSizeArray.Sum();
            ColorEntry[] entries = new ColorEntry[colorCount];
            int wptr = 0;
            int maxSize = 0;
            for (int hash = 0; hash < ColorHashSize; hash++) {
                int stored = chainSizeArray[hash];
                if (stored == 0) continue;
                Array.Copy(chainArray[hash], 0, entries, wptr, stored);
                wptr += stored;
                if (stored > maxSize) {
                    maxSize = stored;
            Console.WriteLine("{0} colors are detected ({1} msec, size.max={2}, size.ave={3}).", colorCount, stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds, maxSize, colorCount / ColorHashSize);
            //Console.WriteLine("  R={0}-{1}, G={2}-{3}, B={4}-{5}", 
            //    firstColorBox.MinR, firstColorBox.MaxR, firstColorBox.MinG, firstColorBox.MaxG, firstColorBox.MinB, firstColorBox.MaxB);
            return entries;
コード例 #34
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        if (args.Length != 2)

        string file     = args[0];
        string file_out = args[1];

        try {
            /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
            /*      Register driver(s).                                             */
            /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

            Driver     dv = null;
            Dataset    ds = null, ds_out = null;
            Band       ba = null, ba_out = null;
            ColorTable ct = null, ct_out = null;
            byte []    buffer;

            /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
            /*      Open dataset.                                                   */
            /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
            ds = Gdal.Open(file, Access.GA_ReadOnly);
            ba = ds.GetRasterBand(1);
            ct = ba.GetRasterColorTable();

            if (ct != null)
                Console.WriteLine("Band has a color table with " + ct.GetCount() + " entries.");
                Console.WriteLine("Data source has no color table");

            buffer = new byte [ds.RasterXSize * ds.RasterYSize];
            ba.ReadRaster(0, 0, ds.RasterXSize, ds.RasterYSize, buffer,
                          ds.RasterXSize, ds.RasterYSize, 0, 0);

            /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
            /*      Get driver                                                      */
            /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
            dv = Gdal.GetDriverByName("GTiff");

            ds_out = dv.Create(file_out, ds.RasterXSize, ds.RasterYSize,
                               ds.RasterCount, ba.DataType, new string [] {});
            ba_out = ds_out.GetRasterBand(1);
            ct_out = new ColorTable(PaletteInterp.GPI_RGB);

            ba_out.WriteRaster(0, 0, ds.RasterXSize, ds.RasterYSize, buffer,
                               ds.RasterXSize, ds.RasterYSize, 0, 0);

            /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
            /*      Copying the colortable                                          */
            /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
            for (int i = 0; i < ct.GetCount(); i++)
                ColorEntry ce = null, ce_out = null;

                ce     = ct.GetColorEntry(i);
                ce_out = new ColorEntry();

                ce_out.c1 = ce.c1;
                ce_out.c2 = ce.c2;
                ce_out.c3 = ce.c3;
                ce_out.c4 = ce.c4;

                ct_out.SetColorEntry(i, ce_out);


        catch (Exception e)
            Console.WriteLine("Application error: " + e.Message);
コード例 #35
        // メディアンカット
        private unsafe ColorBox[] medianCut(ColorEntry[] colors, ArgbColor[] importantColors, int paletteSize) {
            var stopWatch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();

            ColorBox[] boxes = new ColorBox[paletteSize];
            int boxCount = 0;
            boxes[boxCount++] = new ColorBox(0, colors.Length - 1) ;
            boxes[0].CalcWeight(colors, importantColors);

            fixed (ColorEntry* table = colors)
            while (boxCount < paletteSize) {
                // 分散が最も大きなBoxを探す
                int divIndex = -1;
                int maxWeight = int.MinValue;
                for (int i = 0; i < boxCount; i++) {
                    if (boxes[i].DivWeight >= maxWeight) {
                        maxWeight = boxes[i].DivWeight;
                        divIndex = i;

                int minIdx = boxes[divIndex].ColorIndexMin;
                int maxIdx = boxes[divIndex].ColorIndexMax;
                int ch = boxes[divIndex].DivChannel;

                // 中央値を決めて分割
                int median = boxes[divIndex].MedianValue;
                int l = minIdx;
                int r = maxIdx;
                do {
                    while (l + 1 < r && table[l].Color.Channels[ch] <= median) l++;
                    while (l < r - 1 && table[r].Color.Channels[ch] >= median) r--;
                    if (table[l].Color.Channels[ch] > table[r].Color.Channels[ch]) {
                        ColorEntry temp = table[l];
                        table[l] = table[r];
                        table[r] = temp;
                } while (l + 1 < r);

                ColorBox leftBox = new ColorBox( minIdx, l);
                leftBox.CalcWeight(colors, importantColors);
                boxes[divIndex] = leftBox;

                ColorBox rightBox = new ColorBox( r, maxIdx);
                rightBox.CalcWeight(colors, importantColors);
                boxes[boxCount++] = rightBox;
            Console.WriteLine("median cut ({0} msec).", stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);
            return boxes;
コード例 #36
        // 代表色の選択
        private ArgbPalette generatePalette(Size size, ColorEntry[] colors, ColorBox[] boxes, ArgbColor[] importantColors, int paletteSize) {

            var stopWatch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
            int totalPixelCount = size.Width * size.Height;

            ArgbColor center = ArgbColor.FromArgb(128, 128, 128);

            ArgbPalette palette = new ArgbPalette(paletteSize);
            for (int i = 0; i < paletteSize; i++) {
                uint sumR = 0;
                uint sumG = 0;
                uint sumB = 0;
                uint sumCount = 0;
                int indexMin = boxes[i].ColorIndexMin;
                int indexMax = boxes[i].ColorIndexMax;
                int length = (indexMax - indexMin + 1);
                int maxDist = 0;
                ColorEntry maxE = colors[indexMin];
                for (int j = indexMin; j <= indexMax; j++) {
                    ArgbColor thisColor = colors[j].Color;

                    int penalty = 0;
                    foreach (var c in importantColors) {
                        int dist2 =  (int)thisColor.GetEuclidDistanceTo(c);
                        if (dist2 > 64) dist2 = 0;
                        penalty += dist2 *10;
                    if (importantColors.Length > 0) {
                        penalty /= importantColors.Length;

                    sumR += thisColor.R * colors[j].Count;
                    sumG += thisColor.G * colors[j].Count;
                    sumB += thisColor.B * colors[j].Count;
                    int dist =
                        + (1000 * (int)colors[j].Count / totalPixelCount)
                        - penalty;
                    if (dist > maxDist) {
                        maxDist = dist;
                        maxE = colors[j];
                    sumCount += colors[j].Count;
                byte r = (byte)Math.Round((float)sumR / (float)sumCount);
                byte g = (byte)Math.Round((float)sumG / (float)sumCount);
                byte b = (byte)Math.Round((float)sumB / (float)sumCount);
                palette.Set(i, r, g, b, 1);

            Console.WriteLine("palette generation ({0} msec).", stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);
            return palette;
コード例 #37
            public void CalcWeight(ColorEntry[] colorArray,ArgbColor[] importantColors) {
                byte minR = 255, maxR = 0;
                byte minG = 255, maxG = 0;
                byte minB = 255, maxB = 0;
                int varianceR = 0;
                int varianceG = 0;
                int varianceB = 0;

                int length = ColorIndexMax - ColorIndexMin + 1;

                // 最大/最小と分散の算出
                for (int i = ColorIndexMin; i <= ColorIndexMax; i++) {
                    ColorEntry color = colorArray[i];
                    if (color.Color.R < minR) minR = color.Color.R;
                    if (color.Color.R > maxR) maxR = color.Color.R;
                    if (color.Color.G < minG) minG = color.Color.G;
                    if (color.Color.G > maxG) maxG = color.Color.G;
                    if (color.Color.B < minB) minB = color.Color.B;
                    if (color.Color.B > maxB) maxB = color.Color.B;
                int medianR = (maxR + minR) / 2;
                int medianG = (maxG + minG) / 2;
                int medianB = (maxB + minB) / 2;

                // 重要色からの距離
                int penalty = 0;
                foreach (var e in importantColors) {
                    ArgbColor medianColor = ArgbColor.FromArgb(medianR, medianG, medianB);
                    int dist = (int)medianColor.GetEuclidDistanceTo(e);
                    if (dist > 0) {
                        medianR += (medianR - e.R) * 100 / (dist * dist);
                        medianG += (medianG - e.R) * 100 / (dist * dist);
                        medianB += (medianB - e.R) * 100 / (dist * dist);
                    penalty += dist;

                if (importantColors.Length > 0) {
                    const int a = 4, b = 1, ab = a + b;
                    if (medianR < (minR * a + maxR * b) / ab) medianR = (minR * a + maxR * b) / ab;
                    if (medianR > (minR * b + maxR * a) / ab) medianR = (minR * b + maxR * a) / ab;
                    if (medianG < (minG * a + maxG * b) / ab) medianG = (minG * a + maxG * b) / ab;
                    if (medianG > (minG * b + maxG * a) / ab) medianG = (minG * b + maxG * a) / ab;
                    if (medianB < (minB * a + maxB * b) / ab) medianB = (minB * a + maxB * b) / ab;
                    if (medianB > (minB * b + maxB * a) / ab) medianB = (minB * b + maxB * a) / ab;
                    penalty /= (importantColors.Length);

                // 分散の算出
                for (int i = ColorIndexMin; i <= ColorIndexMax; i++) {
                    ColorEntry color = colorArray[i];

                    // RGB各軸方向の分散
                    int diffR = ((int)color.Color.R - medianR);
                    int diffG = ((int)color.Color.G - medianG);
                    int diffB = ((int)color.Color.B - medianB);
                    varianceR += diffR * diffR;
                    varianceG += diffG * diffG;
                    varianceB += diffB * diffB;

                int weightR = varianceR / (penalty + 1);
                int weightG = varianceG / (penalty + 1);
                int weightB = varianceB / (penalty + 1);

                // 次回のメディアンカットに備えて分散の値を記録
                if (weightR > weightG && weightR > weightB) {
                    DivWeight = weightR;
                    DivChannel = ArgbColor.ChannelR;
                    MedianValue = medianR;
                else if (weightG > weightB) {
                    DivWeight = weightG;
                    DivChannel = ArgbColor.ChannelG;
                    MedianValue = medianG;
                else {
                    DivWeight = weightB;
                    DivChannel = ArgbColor.ChannelB;
                    MedianValue = medianB;