コード例 #1
ファイル: ItemTouchCallback.cs プロジェクト: pictos/Opus
        public override void OnChildDraw(Canvas c, RecyclerView recyclerView, RecyclerView.ViewHolder viewHolder, float dX, float dY, int actionState, bool isCurrentlyActive)
            if (actionState == ItemTouchHelper.ActionStateSwipe)
                viewHolder.ItemView.TranslationX = dX;

                if (isCurrentlyActive)
                    MainActivity.instance.contentRefresh.Enabled = false;
                    MainActivity.instance.contentRefresh.Enabled = true;

                ColorDrawable background = new ColorDrawable(Color.Red);
                if (dX < 0)
                    background.SetBounds(viewHolder.ItemView.Right + (int)dX, viewHolder.ItemView.Top, viewHolder.ItemView.Right, viewHolder.ItemView.Bottom);
                    drawable.SetBounds(viewHolder.ItemView.Right - MainActivity.instance.DpToPx(52), viewHolder.ItemView.Top + (viewHolder.ItemView.Bottom - viewHolder.ItemView.Top - MainActivity.instance.DpToPx(36)) / 2, viewHolder.ItemView.Right - MainActivity.instance.DpToPx(16), viewHolder.ItemView.Top + (viewHolder.ItemView.Bottom - viewHolder.ItemView.Top + MainActivity.instance.DpToPx(36)) / 2);
                    background.SetBounds(viewHolder.ItemView.Left, viewHolder.ItemView.Top, viewHolder.ItemView.Left + (int)dX, viewHolder.ItemView.Bottom);
                    drawable.SetBounds(viewHolder.ItemView.Left + MainActivity.instance.DpToPx(16), viewHolder.ItemView.Top + (viewHolder.ItemView.Bottom - viewHolder.ItemView.Top - MainActivity.instance.DpToPx(36)) / 2, viewHolder.ItemView.Left + MainActivity.instance.DpToPx(52), viewHolder.ItemView.Top + (viewHolder.ItemView.Bottom - viewHolder.ItemView.Top + MainActivity.instance.DpToPx(36)) / 2);
                base.OnChildDraw(c, recyclerView, viewHolder, dX, dY, actionState, isCurrentlyActive);
コード例 #2
ファイル: UserAdapter.cs プロジェクト: ahodder/UsersTest
            public override void OnChildDraw(Canvas c, RecyclerView recyclerView, RecyclerView.ViewHolder viewHolder, float dX, float dY, int actionState, bool isCurrentlyActive)
                base.OnChildDraw(c, recyclerView, viewHolder, dX, dY, actionState, isCurrentlyActive);
                var itemView = viewHolder.ItemView;
                var offset   = 20;

                if (dX < 0)
                    _background.SetBounds(itemView.Right + ((int)dX - offset), itemView.Top, itemView.Right, itemView.Bottom);

                    var margin = (itemView.Height - _icon.IntrinsicHeight) / 2;
                    var top    = itemView.Top + (itemView.Height - _icon.IntrinsicHeight) / 2;
                    var bottom = top + _icon.IntrinsicHeight;
                    var left   = itemView.Right - margin - _icon.IntrinsicWidth;
                    var right  = itemView.Right - margin;
                    _icon.SetBounds(left, top, right, bottom);
                    _background.SetBounds(0, 0, 0, 0);

コード例 #3
        public override void OnChildDraw(Canvas c, RecyclerView recyclerView, RecyclerView.ViewHolder viewHolder, float dX, float dY, int actionState, bool isCurrentlyActive)
                if (actionState == ItemTouchHelper.ActionStateSwipe)
                    View     itemView   = viewHolder.ItemView;
                    Drawable background = new ColorDrawable();
                    ((ColorDrawable)background).Color = GetBgColorCode();

                    if (dX > 0)
                        // swipe right
                        background.SetBounds(itemView.Left, itemView.Top, (int)dX, itemView.Bottom);
                    { // swipe left
                        background.SetBounds(itemView.Right + (int)dX, itemView.Top, itemView.Right, itemView.Bottom);

                base.OnChildDraw(c, recyclerView, viewHolder, dX, dY, actionState, isCurrentlyActive);
            catch (Exception e)
コード例 #4
ファイル: SwipeToDelete.cs プロジェクト: marlon-rt14/PaySmart
        public override void OnChildDraw(Canvas c, RecyclerView recyclerView, RecyclerView.ViewHolder viewHolder, float dX, float dY, int actionState, bool isCurrentlyActive)
            base.OnChildDraw(c, recyclerView, viewHolder, dX, dY, actionState, isCurrentlyActive);

            View itemView   = viewHolder.ItemView;
            int  itemHeight = itemView.Height;

            Boolean isCancelled = dX == 0 && !isCurrentlyActive;

            if (isCancelled)
                clearCanvas(c, itemView.Right + dX, (float)itemView.Top, (float)itemView.Right, (float)itemView.Bottom);
                base.OnChildDraw(c, recyclerView, viewHolder, dX, dY, actionState, isCurrentlyActive);

            mBackground.SetColorFilter(Color.Red, PorterDuff.Mode.Add);
            mBackground.SetBounds(itemView.Right + (int)dX, itemView.Top, itemView.Right, itemView.Bottom);

            int deleteIconTop    = itemView.Top + (itemHeight - intrinsicHeight) / 2;
            int deleteIconMargin = (itemHeight - intrinsicHeight) / 2;
            int deleteIconLeft   = itemView.Right - deleteIconMargin - intrinsicWidth;
            int deleteIconRight  = itemView.Right - deleteIconMargin;
            int deleteIconBottom = deleteIconTop + intrinsicHeight;

            deleteDrawable.SetBounds(deleteIconLeft, deleteIconTop, deleteIconRight, deleteIconBottom);

            base.OnChildDraw(c, recyclerView, viewHolder, dX, dY, actionState, isCurrentlyActive);
        public override void OnChildDraw(Canvas c, RecyclerView recyclerView, RecyclerView.ViewHolder viewHolder, float dX, float dY, int actionState,
                                         bool isCurrentlyActive)
            base.OnChildDraw(c, recyclerView, viewHolder, dX, dY, actionState, isCurrentlyActive);
            var itemView   = viewHolder.ItemView;
            var itemHeight = itemView.Bottom - itemView.Top;

            // Draw the green edit background
            var background = new ColorDrawable {
                Color = Color.ParseColor("#4CAF50")

            background.SetBounds(itemView.Left, itemView.Top, itemView.Left + (int)dX, itemView.Bottom);

            var context  = Mvx.IoCProvider.Resolve <IMvxAndroidCurrentTopActivity>().Activity;
            var editIcon = ContextCompat.GetDrawable(context, Resource.Drawable.baseline_edit_white_24);

            // Calculate position of edit icon
            var iconTop    = itemView.Top + (itemHeight - editIcon.IntrinsicHeight) / 2;
            var iconMargin = (itemHeight + editIcon.IntrinsicHeight) / 2;
            var iconLeft   = itemView.Left + iconMargin - editIcon.IntrinsicWidth;
            var iconRight  = itemView.Left + iconMargin;
            var iconBottom = iconTop + editIcon.IntrinsicHeight;

            // Draw the edit icon
            editIcon.SetBounds(iconLeft, iconTop, iconRight, iconBottom);
コード例 #6
 private void DrawBackground(Canvas c, RectF rect)
     using (var colorDrawable = new ColorDrawable(BackgroundColor))
         colorDrawable.SetBounds((int)rect.Left, (int)rect.Top, (int)rect.Right, (int)rect.Bottom);
コード例 #7
         * Decorate the RecyclerView item with the chosen backgrounds and icons
        public void Decorate()
                if (_actionState != ItemTouchHelper.ActionStateSwipe)

                if (_dX > 0)
                    // Swiping Right
                    if (_swipeRightBackgroundColor != null)
                        var background = new ColorDrawable(_swipeRightBackgroundColor.Value);
                        background.SetBounds(_viewHolder.ItemView.Left, _viewHolder.ItemView.Top,
                                             _viewHolder.ItemView.Left + (int)_dX, _viewHolder.ItemView.Bottom);

                    var iconSize = 0;
                    if (_swipeRightActionIconId != 0 && _dX > _iconHorizontalMargin)
                        var icon = ContextCompat.GetDrawable(_recyclerView.Context, _swipeRightActionIconId);
                        if (icon != null)
                            iconSize = icon.IntrinsicHeight;
                            var halfIcon = iconSize / 2;
                            var top      = _viewHolder.ItemView.Top +
                                           ((_viewHolder.ItemView.Bottom - _viewHolder.ItemView.Top) / 2 - halfIcon);
                            icon.SetBounds(_viewHolder.ItemView.Left + _iconHorizontalMargin, top,
                                           _viewHolder.ItemView.Left + _iconHorizontalMargin + icon.IntrinsicWidth,
                                           top + icon.IntrinsicHeight);
                            if (_swipeRightActionIconTint != null)
                                icon.SetColorFilter(_swipeRightActionIconTint.Value, PorterDuff.Mode.SrcIn);

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_mSwipeRightText) && _dX > _iconHorizontalMargin + iconSize)
                        var textPaint = new TextPaint
                            AntiAlias = true,
                            TextSize  = TypedValue.ApplyDimension(_mSwipeRightTextUnit, _mSwipeRightTextSize,
                            Color = _mSwipeRightTextColor

                        var textTop = (int)(_viewHolder.ItemView.Top +
                                            (_viewHolder.ItemView.Bottom - _viewHolder.ItemView.Top) / 2.0 +
                                            textPaint.TextSize / 2);
                                         _viewHolder.ItemView.Left + _iconHorizontalMargin + iconSize +
                                         (iconSize > 0 ? _iconHorizontalMargin / 2 : 0), textTop, textPaint);
                else if (_dX < 0)
                    // Swiping Left
                    if (_swipeLeftBackgroundColor != null)
                        var background = new ColorDrawable(_swipeLeftBackgroundColor.Value);
                        background.SetBounds(_viewHolder.ItemView.Right + (int)_dX, _viewHolder.ItemView.Top,
                                             _viewHolder.ItemView.Right, _viewHolder.ItemView.Bottom);

                    var iconSize = 0;
                    var imgLeft  = _viewHolder.ItemView.Right;
                    if (_swipeLeftActionIconId != 0 && _dX < -_iconHorizontalMargin)
                        var icon = ContextCompat.GetDrawable(_recyclerView.Context, _swipeLeftActionIconId);
                        if (icon != null)
                            iconSize = icon.IntrinsicHeight;
                            var halfIcon = iconSize / 2;
                            var top      = _viewHolder.ItemView.Top +
                                           ((_viewHolder.ItemView.Bottom - _viewHolder.ItemView.Top) / 2 - halfIcon);
                            imgLeft = _viewHolder.ItemView.Right - _iconHorizontalMargin - halfIcon * 2;
                            icon.SetBounds(imgLeft, top, _viewHolder.ItemView.Right - _iconHorizontalMargin,
                                           top + icon.IntrinsicHeight);
                            if (_swipeLeftActionIconTint != null)
                                icon.SetColorFilter(_swipeLeftActionIconTint.Value, PorterDuff.Mode.SrcIn);

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_mSwipeLeftText) && _dX < -_iconHorizontalMargin - iconSize)
                        var textPaint = new TextPaint
                            AntiAlias = true,
                            TextSize  = TypedValue.ApplyDimension(_mSwipeLeftTextUnit, _mSwipeLeftTextSize,
                            Color = _mSwipeLeftTextColor

                        var width   = textPaint.MeasureText(_mSwipeLeftText);
                        var textTop = (int)(_viewHolder.ItemView.Top +
                                            (_viewHolder.ItemView.Bottom - _viewHolder.ItemView.Top) / 2.0 +
                                            textPaint.TextSize / 2);
                                         imgLeft - width - (imgLeft == _viewHolder.ItemView.Right
                                ? _iconHorizontalMargin
                                : _iconHorizontalMargin / 2), textTop, textPaint);
            catch (Exception e)
コード例 #8
        public void onDrawOver(Canvas c, RecyclerView parent, RecyclerView.State state)
            var orientation = 0;
            int headerCount = 0, footerCount = 0, dataCount;
            var adapterObj  = parent.GetAdapter();
            var adapterType = adapterObj.GetType();

            if (adapterType.IsAssignableFrom(typeof(RecyclerArrayAdapter <>)))
                headerCount = (int)adapterType.GetMethod("GetHeaderCount").Invoke(adapterObj, null);
                footerCount = (int)adapterType.GetMethod("GetFooterCount").Invoke(adapterObj, null);
                dataCount   = (int)adapterType.GetMethod("GetCount").Invoke(adapterObj, null);
                dataCount = parent.GetAdapter().ItemCount;

            var dataStartPosition = headerCount;
            var dataEndPosition   = headerCount + dataCount;

            var layoutManager = parent.GetLayoutManager();

            switch (layoutManager)
            case StaggeredGridLayoutManager manager:
                orientation = manager.Orientation;

            case GridLayoutManager gridLayoutManager:
                orientation = gridLayoutManager.Orientation;

            case LinearLayoutManager linearLayoutManager:
                orientation = linearLayoutManager.Orientation;

            int start, end;

            if (orientation == OrientationHelper.Vertical)
                start = parent.PaddingLeft + _paddingLeft;
                end   = parent.Width - parent.PaddingRight - _paddingRight;
                start = parent.PaddingTop + _paddingLeft;
                end   = parent.Height - parent.PaddingBottom - _paddingRight;

            var childCount = parent.ChildCount;

            for (var i = 0; i < childCount; i++)
                var child    = parent.GetChildAt(i);
                var position = parent.GetChildAdapterPosition(child);

                if ((position < dataStartPosition || position >= dataEndPosition - 1) &&
                    (position != dataEndPosition - 1 || !_drawLastItem) &&
                    (position >= dataStartPosition && position < dataEndPosition || !_drawHeaderFooter))

                if (orientation == OrientationHelper.Vertical)
                    var layoutParams = (RecyclerView.LayoutParams)child.LayoutParameters;
                    var top          = child.Bottom + layoutParams.BottomMargin;
                    var bottom       = top + _height;
                    _colorDrawable.SetBounds(start, top, end, bottom);
                    var layoutParams = (RecyclerView.LayoutParams)child.LayoutParameters;
                    var left         = child.Right + layoutParams.RightMargin;
                    var right        = left + _height;
                    _colorDrawable.SetBounds(left, start, right, end);
コード例 #9
        public override void OnChildDraw(Canvas c, RecyclerView recyclerView, RecyclerView.ViewHolder viewHolder, float dX, float dY, int actionState, bool isCurrentlyActive)
            if (actionState == ItemTouchHelper.ActionStateSwipe)
                // Fade out the view as it is swiped out of the parent's bounds
                //float alpha = AlphaFull - Math.Abs(dX) / (float)viewHolder.ItemView.Width;
                //viewHolder.ItemView.Alpha = alpha;
                //viewHolder.ItemView.TranslationX = dX;

                //SetTouchListener(c, recyclerView, viewHolder, dX, dY, actionState, isCurrentlyActive);

            //if (CurrentViewHolder != null && CurrentViewHolder.GetHashCode() != viewHolder.GetHashCode())
            //    ClearView(recyclerView, CurrentViewHolder);
            //    CurrentViewHolder = null;
            CurrentViewHolder = viewHolder;

            View itemView = viewHolder.ItemView;
            int  backgroundCornerOffset = 20; //so background is behind the rounded corners of itemView
            //int iconHeight = _leftToRightIcon.IntrinsicHeight;
            //int iconWidth = _leftToRightIcon.IntrinsicWidth;

            int iconHeight = Dp2px(36);
            int iconWidth  = Dp2px(36);
            int iconMargin = (itemView.Height - iconHeight) / 2;
            int iconTop    = itemView.Top + (itemView.Height - iconHeight) / 2;
            int iconBottom = iconTop + iconHeight;

            float newDx             = dX;
            bool  swypingToTheRight = dX > 0;
            int   maxWidth          = (int)(Math.Abs(viewHolder.ItemView.Width * 0.7) * (swypingToTheRight ? 1 : -1));

            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Dx = {0} y maxWidth = {1}", dX, maxWidth);

            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("ItemLeft = {0}, ItemTop = {1}, ItemRight = {2}, ItemBottom = {3}", itemView.Left, itemView.Top, itemView.Right, itemView.Bottom);
            //DrawButtons(c, viewHolder);
            if (swypingToTheRight)
                _swypeIsHappening = true;
                int iconLeft  = itemView.Left + iconMargin;
                int iconRight = iconLeft + iconWidth;

                //_leftButton.Top = itemView.Top;
                //_leftButton.Bottom = itemView.Bottom;
                //_leftButton.Left =  iconLeft;
                //_leftButton.Right = iconRight;

                //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Swyping to the right. Icon Left = {0}, icon right = {1}, iconTop = {2}, iconBottom = {3}", iconLeft, iconRight, iconTop, iconBottom);

                    itemView.Left + ((int)dX) + backgroundCornerOffset,


                for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++)
                    iconLeft  = (int)(itemView.Left + (i + 1) * iconMargin);
                    iconRight = iconLeft + iconWidth;
                    _leftToRightIcon.SetBounds(iconLeft, iconTop, iconRight, iconBottom);

            else if (dX < 0) // Swiping to the left
                _swypeIsHappening = true;
                int iconLeft  = itemView.Right - iconMargin - iconWidth;
                int iconRight = itemView.Right - iconMargin;

                //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Swyping to the left. Icon Left = {0}, icon right = {1}, iconTop = {2}, iconBottom = {3}", iconLeft, iconRight, iconTop, iconBottom);

                _rightToLefIcon.SetBounds(iconLeft, iconTop, iconRight, iconBottom);
                    itemView.Right + ((int)dX) - backgroundCornerOffset,

            { // view is unSwiped
                _leftToRightBackground.SetBounds(0, 0, 0, 0);
                _rightToLeftbackground.SetBounds(0, 0, 0, 0);
                _swypeIsHappening = false;

            //if (newDx != 0 && (swypingToTheRight && newDx >= maxWidth || !swypingToTheRight && newDx < maxWidth))
            //    _reachedMaxSwypeWidth = true;
            //    newDx = maxWidth;
            //    //itemView.TranslationX = maxWidth;
            //    return;
            //    _reachedMaxSwypeWidth = false;

            base.OnChildDraw(c, recyclerView, viewHolder, newDx, dY, actionState, isCurrentlyActive);

            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("-----------OnChildDraw was called");
コード例 #10
        public void onDrawOver(Canvas c, RecyclerView parent, RecyclerView.State state)
            int orientation = 0;
            int headerCount = 0, footerCount = 0, dataCount;
            var adapterObj  = parent.GetAdapter();
            var adapterType = adapterObj.GetType();

            if (adapterType.IsAssignableFrom(typeof(RecyclerArrayAdapter <>)))
                headerCount = (int)adapterType.GetMethod("GetHeaderCount").Invoke(adapterObj, null);
                footerCount = (int)adapterType.GetMethod("GetFooterCount").Invoke(adapterObj, null);
                dataCount   = (int)adapterType.GetMethod("GetCount").Invoke(adapterObj, null);
                dataCount = parent.GetAdapter().ItemCount;
            int dataStartPosition = headerCount;
            int dataEndPosition   = headerCount + dataCount;

            RecyclerView.LayoutManager layoutManager = parent.GetLayoutManager();
            if (layoutManager is StaggeredGridLayoutManager)
                orientation = ((StaggeredGridLayoutManager)layoutManager).Orientation;
            else if (layoutManager is GridLayoutManager)
                orientation = ((GridLayoutManager)layoutManager).Orientation;
            else if (layoutManager is LinearLayoutManager)
                orientation = ((LinearLayoutManager)layoutManager).Orientation;
            int start, end;

            if (orientation == OrientationHelper.Vertical)
                start = parent.PaddingLeft + mPaddingLeft;
                end   = parent.Width - parent.PaddingRight - mPaddingRight;
                start = parent.PaddingTop + mPaddingLeft;
                end   = parent.Height - parent.PaddingBottom - mPaddingRight;

            int childCount = parent.ChildCount;

            for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++)
                View child    = parent.GetChildAt(i);
                int  position = parent.GetChildAdapterPosition(child);

                if (position >= dataStartPosition && position < dataEndPosition - 1 ||//数据项除了最后一项
                    (position == dataEndPosition - 1 && mDrawLastItem) ||    //数据项最后一项
                    (!(position >= dataStartPosition && position < dataEndPosition) && mDrawHeaderFooter)       //header&footer且可绘制
                    if (orientation == OrientationHelper.Vertical)
                        RecyclerView.LayoutParams layoutParams = (RecyclerView.LayoutParams)child.LayoutParameters;
                        int top    = child.Bottom + layoutParams.BottomMargin;
                        int bottom = top + mHeight;
                        mColorDrawable.SetBounds(start, top, end, bottom);
                        RecyclerView.LayoutParams layoutParams = (RecyclerView.LayoutParams)child.LayoutParameters;
                        int left  = child.Right + layoutParams.RightMargin;
                        int right = left + mHeight;
                        mColorDrawable.SetBounds(left, start, right, end);