// ---- METHODS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void IResData.Load(ResFileLoader loader) { _flags = loader.ReadUInt32(); PolygonControl = new PolygonControl() { Value = loader.ReadUInt32() }; DepthControl = new DepthControl() { Value = loader.ReadUInt32() }; AlphaControl = new AlphaControl() { Value = loader.ReadUInt32() }; AlphaRefValue = loader.ReadSingle(); ColorControl = new ColorControl() { Value = loader.ReadUInt32() }; BlendTarget = loader.ReadUInt32(); BlendControl = new BlendControl() { Value = loader.ReadUInt32() }; BlendColor = loader.ReadVector4F(); }
void Start() { sc = GetComponent <SizeControl>(); cc = GetComponent <ColorControl>(); cc.SetColor(ColorAtStart); SetSizeGrowth(); }
private void ProjectChanged(ColorControl sender, AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs args) { var header = this.Find <Grid>("HeaderGrid"); header.ColumnDefinitions.Clear(); UpdateLayout(); }
public void GetColorStatus(out byte showMode, out ColorControl currentColor) { showMode = 0; currentColor = ColorControl.BlackWhiteColor; RunCommand(Command.COLOR_STATUS, new byte[] { 0x1 }, 8); showMode = _response[6]; currentColor = (ColorControl)_response[7]; }
/// <summary> /// Sets the parent and color control of the gameobject /// </summary> private void Awake() { //get parent parent = GameObject.Find(gameObject.transform.parent.gameObject.name); parentPosition = parent.GetComponent <Position>(); //get renderer colorControl = GetComponent <ColorControl>(); }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { styleHeader.fontSize = 17; styleHeader.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; styleHeader.fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold; styleHeader.normal.textColor = Color.white; styleLine.fontSize = 15; styleLine.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; styleSmall.fontSize = 10; styleSmall.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; styleSmall2.fontSize = 8; styleSmall2.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; ColorControl t = (ColorControl)target; // GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label("Options", styleHeader); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); // GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label("---------------------------------------------------", styleLine); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); // // GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(EditorStyles.helpBox); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); if (GUILayout.Button("Reset Color", GUILayout.Width(90f), GUILayout.Height(35f))) { t.ResetColor(); EditorUtility.SetDirty(t); } if (GUILayout.Button("Enable Glow", GUILayout.Width(90f), GUILayout.Height(35f))) { t.glowActive = true; EditorUtility.SetDirty(t); } if (GUILayout.Button("Disable Glow", GUILayout.Width(90f), GUILayout.Height(35f))) { t.glowActive = false; EditorUtility.SetDirty(t); } GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); // // GUILayout.BeginVertical(EditorStyles.helpBox); DrawDefaultInspector(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label("Light color always gets the second color tick in the gradient.", styleSmall); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.EndVertical(); // }
private void ColorControl_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { ColorControl colorControl = sender as ColorControl; Color c; if (NetSettings.View.DataViewHelper.TryGetColor(colorControl.Text, out c)) { SetValue((sender as Control).Tag as VisualItem, c, ItemChangedMode.OnTheFly); } }
void Awake() { //psuedo-singleton design if (color == null) { DontDestroyOnLoad(gameObject); color = this; } else if (color != this) { Destroy(gameObject); } }
// Use this for initialization void Awake() { if (estadoJuego == null) { estadoJuego = this; DontDestroyOnLoad(gameObject); colorControl = GetComponent <ColorControl>(); } else { estadoJuego.ImageHudItemActual = ImageHudItemActual; Destroy(gameObject); } }
private bool IsCheck(Color color) { Piece king = King(color); List <Position> attackedPosition = AllAttackedPositions(ColorControl.OppositeColor(color)); if (attackedPosition.Contains(king.position)) { return(true); } else { return(false); } }
void MenuSettings_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Control p = sender as Control; ColorDialog dialog; VisualItem item = GetItemFromControl(p); ColorControl colorControl = item.controlsGroup.control as ColorControl; if ((dialog = new ColorDialog() { FullOpen = true, Color = (Color)GetValue(item.Item.FullName) }).ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { SetValue(item, dialog.Color); } }
void Start() { sc = GetComponent <SizeControl>(); cc = GetComponent <ColorControl>(); // initiate color int NumberOfBasicColors = BasicColors.Length; cc.SetColor(BasicColors[Random.Range(0, NumberOfBasicColors)]); SetSizeGrowth(); // initiate rotation and movement Rotate(Random.Range(0, 360)); // [deg] turnrate = (Random.Range(0, 2) * 2 - 1) * Random.Range(minturnrate, maxturnrate) * Time.deltaTime; moverate = moverate * Time.deltaTime; }
public void AddKing(Color color) { while (true) { Console.Write($"Podaj pozycje krola o kolorze {color}: "); string consoleNotationPosition = Console.ReadLine(); if (consoleNotationPosition.Length == 2) { int? x = ToProgramNotation.FromX(consoleNotationPosition[0]); int? y = ToProgramNotation.FromY(consoleNotationPosition[1]); List <Position> attackedPositions = AllAttackedPositions(ColorControl.OppositeColor(color)); if (x != null && y != null) { Position position = new Position(x.Value, y.Value); if (ReturnPieceByPosition(position) == null && !attackedPositions.Contains(position)) { pieces.Add(new King(new Position(x.Value, y.Value), color)); break; } } } } }
private void SetControl(ParamDTO param, int position) { dynamic control = new Control(); switch (param.Type) { case "System.Byte": control = new ByteControl(); control.NameProperty = param.Name; break; case "System.Single": control = new FloatControl(); control.NameProperty = param.Name; break; case "System.Drawing.Color": control = new ColorControl(); control.NameProperty = param.Name; break; } this.tableLayoutPanel3.Controls.Add(control, 0, position - 1); }
void Awake() { cc = GetComponent<ColorControl>(); lobbyPlayer = GetComponent<NetworkLobbyPlayer>(); Debug.Log ("PlayerLobby Awake"); }
public void SetColorStatus(ColorControl colorControl) { vc0706.SetColorControl((byte)colorControl); }
void Awake() { cc = GetComponent <ColorControl>(); lobbyPlayer = GetComponent <NetworkLobbyPlayer>(); }
private void autoUst() { Utility.UnsafeBitmap uBitmap = new Utility.UnsafeBitmap((Bitmap)pictureBox1.BackgroundImage); uBitmap.LockBitmap(); byte r, g, b; Point p1 = new Point(-1, -1); Point p2 = new Point(-1, -1); Point p3 = new Point(-1, -1); Point p4 = new Point(-1, -1); for (int y = 0; y < uBitmap.Bitmap.Size.Height; y+=2) { for (int x = 0; x < uBitmap.Bitmap.Size.Width; x+=2) { r = uBitmap.GetPixel(x, y).red; g = uBitmap.GetPixel(x, y).green; b = uBitmap.GetPixel(x, y).blue; if ((r - g > 100) && (r - b > 100)) { ColorControl f = new ColorControl(); if (p1.X == -1) { p1 = f.PPoint(x, y, uBitmap.Bitmap); x +=20; y += 20; continue; } if ((p1.X != -1) && (p2.X == -1)) { p2 = f.PPoint(x,y,uBitmap.Bitmap); x += 20; y += 20; continue; } if ((p2.X != -1) && (p3.X == -1)) { p3 = f.PPoint(x, y, uBitmap.Bitmap); x += 20; y += 20; continue; } if ((p3.X != -1) && (p4.X == -1)) { p4 = f.PPoint(x, y, uBitmap.Bitmap); x += 20; y += 20; continue; } } } } }
void Awake() { cc = GetComponent<ColorControl>(); lobbyPlayer = GetComponent<NetworkLobbyPlayer>(); }
public void AddRook(Color color) { while (true) { Console.Write($"Podaj pozycje wiezy o kolorze {color}: "); string consoleNotationPosition = Console.ReadLine(); if (consoleNotationPosition.Length == 2) { int? x = ToProgramNotation.FromX(consoleNotationPosition[0]); int? y = ToProgramNotation.FromY(consoleNotationPosition[1]); Piece rook; if (x != null && y != null) { rook = new Rook(new Position(x.Value, y.Value), color); Board hipoteticalBoard = this.DeepCopy(); hipoteticalBoard.pieces.Add(rook); if (ReturnPieceByPosition(rook.position) == null && !hipoteticalBoard.IsCheck(ColorControl.OppositeColor(color))) { pieces.Add(rook); break; } } } } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { colorControl = GetComponent <ColorControl>(); pocisionInicial = transform.position; }
void Awake() { ResetColor(); S = this; }
public void SetColorControl(ColorControl color) { RunCommand(Command.COLOR_CTRL, new byte[] { 0x1, (byte)color }, 5); }
private void ColorControl_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { ColorControl colorControl = sender as ColorControl; RefreshControlValue((colorControl.Tag as VisualItem)); }
/* public Object3D() : base() { // Name = "Object3D"; } */ public override void Start() { base.Start(); if (ColorControl == null) ColorControl = new ColorControl(); }
/// <summary> /// This method is used to initialize all the objects used in the script. /// </summary> private void Awake() { // Get the snow globe object m_snowBall = GameObject.Find("SnowGlobe"); // Get the water container object(water bucket) m_waterContainer = GameObject.Find("WaterContainer"); // Get the water drop collector object. m_waterCollector = GameObject.Find("WaterCollector"); // Get the pipe object m_vapourPipe = GameObject.Find("VapourSourceForPipe"); // Gett the ice material m_iceMaterial = (Material)Resources.Load("IceMaterial"); // Get the heater object - TODO chaging the color of heater m_heater = GameObject.Find("Heater"); if (m_snowBall == null || m_waterContainer == null || m_iceMaterial == null || m_vapourPipe == null || m_waterCollector == null || m_heater == null) { Debug.LogError("ERROR - Some of the game objects are missing"); return; } // Check that water is present inside the bucket if(m_waterContainer.transform.Find("ReflectiveWater") == null) { Debug.LogError("ERROR - No Reflective water found"); return; } // check for vapour emitter at the end where water drops are collected if(m_vapourPipe.transform.Find("VapourEmitter") == null) { Debug.LogError("ERROR - No vapour emitter found"); return; } // Access the vapour emitter object as it has been checked in the above step m_vapourEmitter = m_vapourPipe.transform.Find("VapourEmitter").gameObject; // Access the water drop script m_waterDropScript = (InstantiateWaterDrop)m_vapourPipe.GetComponent(typeof(InstantiateWaterDrop)); // Get the reflective water script m_refWater = m_waterContainer.transform.Find("ReflectiveWater").gameObject; // get the water material. This is used to change water to ice and vice versa m_waterMaterial = m_refWater.renderer.material; // Check if water script is attached. If found get a pointer to it if (m_refWater.GetComponent(typeof(WaterSimple)) != null) m_waterScript = (WaterSimple)m_refWater.GetComponent(typeof(WaterSimple)); else Debug.LogError("ERROR - No water script found"); // Get a pointer to pully movement script if (m_waterCollector.GetComponent(typeof(PullyMovement)) != null) m_pullyScript = (PullyMovement)m_waterCollector.GetComponent(typeof(PullyMovement)); else Debug.LogError("ERROR - No Pully script found"); if (m_heater.GetComponent(typeof(ColorControl)) != null) { m_colorChangeScript = (ColorControl)m_heater.GetComponent(typeof(ColorControl)); m_colorChangeScript.SetColorParams(ColorControl.PrimaryColor.r, 1.5f, 0.001f, false); } else Debug.LogError("ERROR - No ColorControl script found"); }
private void Awake() { // Get the water container object(water bucket) mWaterContainer = GameObject.Find("WaterContainer"); // Get the reflective water script mRefWater = mWaterContainer.transform.Find("ReflectiveWater").gameObject; // get the water material. This is used to change water to ice and vice versa mWaterMaterial = mRefWater.renderer.material; // Gett the ice material mIceMaterial = (Material)Resources.Load("IceMaterial"); // Get the pipe object mVapourPipe = GameObject.Find("VapourSourceForPipe"); mWaterScript = (WaterSimple)mRefWater.GetComponent(typeof(WaterSimple)); // Access the vapour emitter object as it has been checked in the above step mVapourEmitter = mVapourPipe.transform.Find("VapourEmitter").gameObject; // Access the water drop script mWaterDropScript = (InstantiateWaterDrop)mVapourPipe.GetComponent(typeof(InstantiateWaterDrop)); mColorChangeScript = GameObject.Find("Heater").GetComponent<ColorControl>(); mColorChangeScript.SetColorParams(ColorControl.PrimaryColor.r, 1.5f, 0.001f, false); mPullyScript = GameObject.Find("WaterCollector").GetComponent<PullyMovement>(); particleEmitter = gameObject.transform.parent.gameObject.particleEmitter; audio = gameObject.transform.parent.gameObject.audio; }