/// <summary> /// 设置 /// </summary> public override void EntitySet() { ColorCard entity = new ColorCard(); entity.ID = HTDataID; bool findFlag = entity.SelectByID(); txtFormNO.Text = entity.FormNO.ToString(); txtFormDate.DateTime = entity.FormDate; txtReqDate.DateTime = entity.ReqDate; drpSaleOPID.EditValue = entity.SaleOPID.ToString(); drpVendorID.EditValue = entity.VendorID.ToString(); drpShopID.EditValue = entity.ShopID.ToString(); txtMakeOPID.Text = entity.MakeOPID.ToString(); txtMakeOPName.Text = entity.MakeOPName.ToString(); txtMakeDate.DateTime = entity.MakeDate; txtCheckOPID.Text = entity.CheckOPID.ToString(); txtCheckDate.DateTime = entity.CheckDate; txtRemark.Text = entity.Remark.ToString(); drpSampleType.EditValue = entity.SampleType; chkFirstLightSource.Text = entity.FirstLightSource; chkSencondLightSource.Text = entity.SencondLightSource; drpVendorOPID.EditValue = entity.VendorOPID; drpFactoryOPID.EditValue = entity.FactoryOPID; txtHG.Text = entity.HG; txtFactoryID.Text = entity.FactoryID; HTDataSubmitFlag = entity.SubmitFlag; HTDataDelFlag = entity.DelFlag; if (!findFlag) { } BindGridDts(); }
/// <summary> /// 保存(传入事务处理) /// </summary> /// <param name="p_Entity"></param> /// <param name="p_BE"></param> /// <param name="sqlTrans"></param> public void RSave(ColorCard p_Entity, BaseEntity[] p_BE, IDBTransAccess sqlTrans) { try { string sql = "DELETE FROM Dev_ColorCardDts WHERE MainID=" + p_Entity.ID.ToString(); sql += " AND ID NOT IN" + string.Format("({0})", GetIDExist(p_BE)); sqlTrans.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); //删除原单据里应该删除的明细数据,即数据库里有但是UI里已经删除的数据 sql = "SELECT ISNULL(MAX(Seq),0)+1 As MSEQ FROM Dev_ColorCardDts WHERE MainID=" + p_Entity.ID.ToString(); ////找到最大的Seq 将获得最大Seq的语句放到循环外更高效(多人操作时会有问题吗?) int MSEQ = SysConvert.ToInt32(sqlTrans.Fill(sql).Rows[0][0].ToString()); for (int i = 0; i < p_BE.Length; i++) { ColorCardDts entitydts = (ColorCardDts)p_BE[i]; if (entitydts.ID != 0)//ID不为0说明数据库中已经存在 { this.RUpdate(entitydts, sqlTrans); } else { entitydts.Seq = MSEQ; entitydts.MainID = p_Entity.ID; this.RAdd(entitydts, sqlTrans); MSEQ++;//最大值加1 } } } catch (BaseException) { throw; } catch (Exception E) { throw new BaseException(E.Message); } }
public void CmdGetCard() { ColorCard cc = ColorCardStack.DrawCard(); if (cc.Equals(default(ColorCard))) { // Stack is empty --> Reshuffle ColorCardStack.ReshuffleStack(SpawnedCards); cc = ColorCardStack.DrawCard(); } TargetTakeCard(connectionToClient, cc); if (player.GetCurrentDrawCount() > 0) { player.SetCurrentDrawCount(player.GetCurrentDrawCount() - 1); } int index = networkManager.GetConnectedClients().IndexOf(connectionToClient); Player.playerCardsCount[index] += 1; player.SetCardsCount(Player.playerCardsCount); // Sync new card count with all clients RpcSetPlayerCardsCount(Player.playerCardsCount); }
/// <summary> /// 删除 /// </summary> /// <param name="p_Entity">实体类</param> /// <returns>操作影响的记录行数</returns> public override int Delete(BaseEntity p_Entity) { try { ColorCard MasterEntity = (ColorCard)p_Entity; if (MasterEntity.ID == 0) { return(0); } //删除主表数据 string Sql = ""; Sql = "DELETE FROM Dev_ColorCard WHERE " + "ID=" + SysString.ToDBString(MasterEntity.ID); //执行 int AffectedRows = 0; if (!this.sqlTransFlag) { AffectedRows = this.ExecuteNonQuery(Sql); } else { AffectedRows = sqlTrans.ExecuteNonQuery(Sql); } return(AffectedRows); } catch (BaseException E) { throw new BaseException(E.Message, E); } catch (Exception E) { throw new BaseException(FrameWorkMessage.GetAlertMessage((int)Message.CommonDBDelete), E); } }
public void PopulateCardPack(List <Card> cards, ColorCard colorCard) { for (var i = 2; i <= 14; i++) { cards.Add(new Card(i, colorCard)); } }
IEnumerator Start() { TitlePrt.Stop(); PressStart.enabled = false; Title.position = Title.position + Vector3.up * 5f; yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.1f)); ColorCard.FadeToPicture(0.5f); audio.clip = Music; audio.Play(); StartCoroutine(MoveTitle()); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1f)); audio.PlayOneShot(Voice, 1f); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1.75f)); TitlePrt.Play(); yield return(ColorCard.FadeToColor(Color.white, 0f)); StartCoroutine(BeginFlashing()); yield return(ColorCard.FadeToPicture(0.5f)); }
/// <summary> /// 获得实体 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private ColorCard EntityGet() { ColorCard entity = new ColorCard(); entity.ID = HTDataID; entity.SelectByID(); entity.FormNO = txtFormNO.Text.Trim(); entity.FormDate = txtFormDate.DateTime.Date; entity.ReqDate = txtReqDate.DateTime.Date; entity.SaleOPID = SysConvert.ToString(drpSaleOPID.EditValue); entity.VendorID = SysConvert.ToString(drpVendorID.EditValue); entity.ShopID = SysConvert.ToString(drpShopID.EditValue); entity.MakeOPID = txtMakeOPID.Text.Trim(); entity.MakeOPName = txtMakeOPName.Text.Trim(); entity.MakeDate = txtMakeDate.DateTime.Date; entity.CheckOPID = txtCheckOPID.Text.Trim(); entity.CheckDate = txtCheckDate.DateTime.Date; entity.Remark = txtRemark.Text.Trim(); entity.SampleType = SysConvert.ToInt32(drpSampleType.EditValue); entity.FirstLightSource = SysConvert.ToString(chkFirstLightSource.Text); entity.SencondLightSource = SysConvert.ToString(chkSencondLightSource.Text); entity.VendorOPID = SysConvert.ToString(drpVendorOPID.EditValue); entity.FactoryOPID = SysConvert.ToString(drpFactoryOPID.EditValue); entity.HG = txtHG.Text.Trim(); entity.FactoryID = txtFactoryID.Text.Trim(); return(entity); }
static bool PromtColorPlayer(ColorCard color, Player player, params int[] numbersCards) { if (numbersCards.Length == 0) { if (player.CardsPlayer.Any(p => p.Color == color)) { return(false); } } for (int i = 1; i <= player.CardsPlayer.Count; i++) { if (player.CardsPlayer[i - 1].Color == color) { //проверяет, правильно ли подсказаны карты if (numbersCards.Any(p => p == i)) { player.CardsPlayer[i - 1].VisibleColor = true; } else { return(false); } } } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// 新增(传入事务处理) /// </summary> /// <param name="p_BE">要新增的实体</param> /// <param name="sqlTrans">事务类</param> public void RAdd(BaseEntity p_BE, IDBTransAccess sqlTrans) { try { this.CheckCorrect(p_BE); ColorCard entity = (ColorCard)p_BE; string sql = "SELECT FormNo FROM Dev_ColorCard WHERE FormNo=" + SysString.ToDBString(entity.FormNO); DataTable dt = sqlTrans.Fill(sql); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { throw new BaseException("单号已存在,请重新生成"); } ColorCardCtl control = new ColorCardCtl(sqlTrans); entity.ID = (int)EntityIDTable.GetID((long)SysEntity.Dev_ColorCard, sqlTrans); control.AddNew(entity); FormNoControlRule fnrule = new FormNoControlRule(); fnrule.RAddSort("Dev_ColorCard", "FormNo", 0, sqlTrans); } catch (BaseException) { throw; } catch (Exception E) { throw new BaseException(E.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// 删除 /// </summary> public override void EntityDelete() { ColorCardRule rule = new ColorCardRule(); ColorCard entity = EntityGet(); rule.RDelete(entity); }
/// <summary> /// 获得实体 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private ColorCard EntityGet() { ColorCard entity = new ColorCard(); entity.ID = HTDataID; return(entity); }
void RpcSetTopColor(ColorCard.Color color) { ColorCard c = player.GetTopCard(); c.color = color; player.SetTopCard(c); }
public void CmdChangeTopColor(ColorCard.Color color) { ColorCard c = player.GetTopCard(); c.color = color; player.SetTopCard(c); RpcSetTopColor(color); }
/// <summary> /// 修改 /// </summary> public override void EntityUpdate() { ColorCardRule rule = new ColorCardRule(); ColorCard entity = EntityGet(); ColorCardDts[] entitydts = EntityDtsGet(); entity.SubmitFlag = this.HTSubmitFlagUpdateGet(); rule.RUpdate(entity, entitydts); }
/// <summary> /// 新增 /// </summary> public override int EntityAdd() { ColorCardRule rule = new ColorCardRule(); ColorCard entity = EntityGet(); ColorCardDts[] entitydts = EntityDtsGet(); entity.SubmitFlag = this.HTSubmitFlagInsertGet(); rule.RAdd(entity, entitydts); return(entity.ID); }
public void UpdateCard(ColorCard newCard) { cardData = newCard; // Set new cards color Renderer r = cardCube.GetComponent <Renderer>(); r.material.SetColor("_Color", cardData.color); // Set new cards name cardName.text = cardData.name.ToString(); }
private IEnumerator WaitForColorpickerToFinish(ColorCard playedCard) { yield return(new WaitUntil(() => colorPicker.GetPickedColor() != ColorCard.Color.NONE)); // Wait till user selects color playedCard.color = colorPicker.GetPickedColor(); colorPicker.Reset(); connection.CmdChangeTopColor(playedCard.color); connection.CmdSetNextTurn(); MyCards.Remove(playedCard); colorPicker.Hide(); }
public void CmdPlayCard(ColorCard c) { Debug.Log("Player " + connectionToClient.connectionId + " played Unocard: " + c.value + ", " + c.color + ", " + c.value); // Decrement card count for playing player int playerIdx = networkManager.GetConnectedClients().IndexOf(connectionToClient); Player.playerCardsCount[playerIdx] -= 1; player.SetCardsCount(Player.playerCardsCount); // Sync new card count with all clients RpcSetPlayerCardsCount(Player.playerCardsCount); // Spawn the card on the board CmdSpawnCardOnGameboard(c); // Check win if (Player.playerCardsCount[playerIdx] == 0) { // Player won CmdSetWinner(playerIdx); return; } // Check if we have to do something (set reverse or set drawCount) int count = player.GetCurrentDrawCount(); if (player.GetTopCard().type == ColorCard.Type.WILD4) { count += 4; } if (player.GetTopCard().type == ColorCard.Type.DRAW2) { count += 2; } if (player.GetTopCard().type == ColorCard.Type.REVERSE) { player.SetReverse(!player.GetReverse()); // toggle reverse if (NetworkServer.connections.Count == 2) // if its only 2 players we have to provide skip functionality { CmdIncrementPlayerIndex(); } } if (player.GetTopCard().type == ColorCard.Type.SKIP) // Increment player by 1 more { CmdIncrementPlayerIndex(); } player.SetCurrentDrawCount(count); // Save it on the server }
void RpcSetTopCard(GameObject go, ColorCard card, Quaternion angle) { // Set angle go.transform.rotation = angle; // Set texture CardSpriteLoader ctl = go.GetComponent <CardSpriteLoader>(); ctl.SetSprite(card.type, card.color, card.value); // Save the top card to later check if this play is valid. player.SetTopCard(card); }
IEnumerator MoveToSong() { yield return(ColorCard.FadeToBlack(0.5f)); Vector3 pos = Camera.main.transform.position; pos.x = 10; Camera.main.transform.position = pos; yield return(ColorCard.FadeToPicture(0.5f)); isSelectingSong = true; }
/// <summary> /// 检验字段值是否已存在 /// </summary> /// <param name="p_TableName">表名</param> /// <param name="p_FieldName">字段名</param> /// <param name="p_FieldValue">字段值</param> /// <param name="p_KeyField">主键(只考虑主键为ID的情况)</param> /// <param name="p_KeyValue">主键值</param> /// <param name="p_sqlTrans"></param> /// <returns></returns> private bool CheckFieldValueIsExist(BaseEntity p_BE, string p_FieldName, string p_FieldValue, IDBTransAccess p_sqlTrans) { ColorCard entity = (ColorCard)p_BE; bool ret = false; string sql = string.Format(" SELECT {0} FROM {1} WHERE 1=1 AND {0}={2} AND {3}<>{4}", p_FieldName, ColorCard.TableName, SysString.ToDBString(p_FieldValue), "ID", entity.ID); DataTable dt = p_sqlTrans.Fill(sql); if (dt.Rows.Count != 0) { ret = true; } return(ret); }
/// <summary> /// Adds the given card to the card wheel. /// </summary> /// <param name="card">Card.</param> public void AddCard(ColorCard card) { GameObject newCard = Instantiate(cardPrefab, GetCardPosition(cardUIObjects.Count), Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, -cardUIObjects.Count * CARD_ANGLE_INCREMENT)); newCard.transform.parent = gameObject.transform; CardSpriteLoader ctl = newCard.GetComponent <CardSpriteLoader>(); ctl.SetSprite(card.type, card.color, card.value); cardUIObjects.Add(newCard); addedCards.Add(card); cardCount++; RealingnCards(); }
public void PlayCard(ColorCard card) { connection.CmdPlayCard(card); // send the card to the server if (card.type == ColorCard.Type.WILD || card.type == ColorCard.Type.WILD4) { // we first have to set the color by the user colorPicker.Show(); // show the color picker StartCoroutine(WaitForColorpickerToFinish(card)); // Wait for the colorpicker to finish before giving turn } else { connection.CmdSetNextTurn(); } MyCards.Remove(card); }
private void OnMouseDown() { if (deck.CardsLeft > 0) { ColorCard newCard = deck.Draw(); GameObject p = Instantiate(prefab, new Vector3(-9 + 3 * (5 - deck.CardsLeft), 0, 0), Quaternion.identity); p.GetComponent <GameObjectCard>().UpdateCard(newCard); p.transform.SetParent(board); // UpdateCard(newCard); Debug.Log(deck.CardsLeft.ToString() + " cards left in the deck!"); if (deck.CardsLeft == 0) { gameObject.SetActive(false); } } }
IEnumerator Start() { ColorCard.FadeToBlack(0f); yield return(null); ColorCard.FadeToPicture(1f); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(2f)); State = GameState.Start; StartCoroutine(DoIntroAndBegin()); P1.onCardSelected += OnCardSelected; P2.onCardSelected += OnCardSelected; BattleMgr.onBattleOver += OnBattleEnded; }
public void RemoveCard(ColorCard card) { int index = addedCards.IndexOf(card); // Remove gameobject from wheel GameObject go = cardUIObjects[index]; if (go != null) { Destroy(go); // Maybe do some cool animated stuff here. } // Remove from our lists cardUIObjects.RemoveAt(index); addedCards.RemoveAt(index); cardCount--; RealingnCards(); }
void CmdSpawnCardOnGameboard(ColorCard card) { // Add random angle here Quaternion newAngle = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, UnityEngine.Random.Range(-10.0f, 10.0f)); currentCard.transform.rotation = newAngle; // Set texture CardSpriteLoader ctl = currentCard.GetComponent <CardSpriteLoader>(); ctl.SetSprite(card.type, card.color, card.value); //NetworkServer.Spawn(currentCard); // Spawn on network SpawnedCards.Push(card); // Store on server stack player.SetTopCard(card); // Propagate new card with texture and angle change also to all clients RpcSetTopCard(currentCard, card, newAngle); }
/// <summary> /// 修改 /// </summary> /// <param name="p_BE">要修改的实体</param> /// <param name="sqlTrans">事务类</param> public void RUpdate(BaseEntity p_BE, IDBTransAccess sqlTrans) { try { this.CheckCorrect(p_BE); ColorCard entity = (ColorCard)p_BE; ColorCardCtl control = new ColorCardCtl(sqlTrans); control.Update(entity); } catch (BaseException) { throw; } catch (Exception E) { throw new BaseException(E.Message); } }
IEnumerator BeginFlashing() { float t = 0f; while (!Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) { if (Mathf.FloorToInt(t) % 2 == 0) { PressStart.enabled = true; } else { PressStart.enabled = false; } t += Time.deltaTime * 4f; yield return(null); } yield return(ColorCard.FadeToBlack(0.5f)); Vector3 pos = Camera.main.transform.position; pos.x = 0f; Camera.main.transform.position = pos; yield return(null); yield return(ColorCard.FadeToPicture(0.5f)); SelectionMenu1.CreatePool(); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.25f)); SelectionMenu2.CreatePool(); poolCreated = true; }
/// <summary> /// 删除 /// </summary> /// <param name="p_BE">要删除的实体</param> /// <param name="sqlTrans">事务类</param> public void RDelete(BaseEntity p_BE, IDBTransAccess sqlTrans) { try { this.CheckCorrect(p_BE); ColorCard entity = (ColorCard)p_BE; ColorCardCtl control = new ColorCardCtl(sqlTrans); string sql = "DELETE FROM Dev_ColorCardDts WHERE MainID=" + entity.ID.ToString(); sqlTrans.ExecuteNonQuery(sql);//删除原单据明细数据 control.Delete(entity); } catch (BaseException) { throw; } catch (Exception E) { throw new BaseException(E.Message); } }
public void TellColor(ColorCard color, IEnumerable<int> numberCards) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }