コード例 #1
    public void CalculateImpulse(Collision.CollisionData manifold, float deltaTime)
        // reference on how to calculate and use impulse force:
        // https://gamedevelopment.tutsplus.com/tutorials/how-to-create-a-custom-2d-physics-engine-the-basics-and-impulse-resolution--gamedev-6331

        if (manifold.bodyA == null || manifold.bodyB == null)
            Debug.LogWarning("Missing Rigidbody");

        // Calculate relative velocity
        Vector3 relativeVelocity = manifold.bodyB.velocity - manifold.bodyA.velocity;

        // Calculate relative velocity in terms of the normal direction
        Vector3 collisionNormal     = manifold.normal;
        float   velocityAlongNormal = Vector3.Dot(relativeVelocity, collisionNormal);

        // Return if moving away from eachother as will be seperated anyways
        if (velocityAlongNormal > 0.0f)

        // Calculate restitution
        float restituion = Mathf.Min(manifold.bodyA._restitution, manifold.bodyB._restitution);

        // One static, one dynamic
        if ((manifold.bodyA.velocity == Vector3.zero && manifold.bodyB.velocity != Vector3.zero) ||
            (manifold.bodyB.velocity == Vector3.zero && manifold.bodyA.velocity != Vector3.zero))
            // Get moving object
            NewRigidBody movingBody;
            if (manifold.bodyA.velocity != Vector3.zero)
                movingBody = manifold.bodyA;
                movingBody = manifold.bodyB;

            restituion = movingBody._restitution;

            Vector3 newVelocity = movingBody.velocity * restituion;

            if (Mathf.Abs(collisionNormal.x) > Mathf.Abs(collisionNormal.y) && Mathf.Abs(collisionNormal.x) > Mathf.Abs(collisionNormal.z))
                newVelocity.x = -newVelocity.x;
            else if (Mathf.Abs(collisionNormal.y) > Mathf.Abs(collisionNormal.x) && Mathf.Abs(collisionNormal.y) > Mathf.Abs(collisionNormal.z))
                newVelocity.y = -newVelocity.y;
            else if (Mathf.Abs(collisionNormal.z) > Mathf.Abs(collisionNormal.x) && Mathf.Abs(collisionNormal.z) > Mathf.Abs(collisionNormal.y))
                newVelocity.z = -newVelocity.z;

            if (movingBody._isKinematic == false)
                movingBody.velocity = newVelocity;

            // Friction
                float j = -(1.0f + movingBody._restitution) * velocityAlongNormal;
                j /= manifold.bodyA._inverseMass + manifold.bodyB._inverseMass;
                ApplyFriction(manifold, j, deltaTime);

            if (manifold.contacts != null)
                if (manifold.contacts.Count > 0)
                    float impulseRot = 0.0f;

                    impulseRot += Vector3.Cross((manifold.contacts [0] - movingBody.transform.position), collisionNormal).sqrMagnitude *movingBody._inverseInertia;

                    float jRot = -(1.0f + movingBody._restitution) * velocityAlongNormal;
                    jRot /= manifold.bodyA._inverseMass + manifold.bodyB._inverseMass + impulseRot;

                    movingBody.angularVelocity -= manifold.bodyA._inverseInertia * Vector3.Cross(manifold.contacts [0], jRot * -collisionNormal) * deltaTime;
        // Two Dyanmic objects
            // Calculate impulse scalar
            float j = -(1.0f + restituion) * velocityAlongNormal;

            if (manifold.contacts == null || manifold.contacts.Count == 0)
                j /= manifold.bodyA._inverseMass + manifold.bodyB._inverseMass;
                // with rotation
                float rA = Vector3.Cross((manifold.contacts [0] - manifold.bodyAobj.transform.position), -collisionNormal).sqrMagnitude;
                float rB = Vector3.Cross((manifold.contacts [0] - manifold.bodyBobj.transform.position), -collisionNormal).sqrMagnitude;

                float impulseRotA = rA * manifold.bodyA._inverseInertia;
                float impulseRotB = rB * manifold.bodyB._inverseInertia;

                j /= manifold.bodyA._inverseMass + manifold.bodyB._inverseMass + impulseRotA + impulseRotB;

                // Apply
                if (manifold.bodyA._isKinematic == false)
                    manifold.bodyA.angularVelocity -= manifold.bodyA._inverseInertia * Vector3.Cross(manifold.contacts [0], j * -collisionNormal) * deltaTime;

                if (manifold.bodyB._isKinematic == false)
                    manifold.bodyB.angularVelocity += manifold.bodyB._inverseInertia * Vector3.Cross(manifold.contacts[0], j * -collisionNormal) * deltaTime;

            // Apply impulse
            Vector3 impulse = j * collisionNormal;

            if (manifold.bodyA._isKinematic == false)
                manifold.bodyA.velocity -= manifold.bodyA._inverseMass * impulse;

            if (manifold.bodyB._isKinematic == false)
                manifold.bodyB.velocity += manifold.bodyB._inverseMass * impulse;

            // Friction
            ApplyFriction(manifold, j, deltaTime);

        PositionCorrection(manifold.bodyA, manifold.bodyB, manifold.penetration, collisionNormal);
コード例 #2
    private void ApplyFriction(Collision.CollisionData manifold, float j, float deltaTime)
        // reference on how to get friction impulse and tangent:
        // https://gamedevelopment.tutsplus.com/tutorials/how-to-create-a-custom-2d-physics-engine-friction-scene-and-jump-table--gamedev-7756

        Vector3 relativeVelocity = manifold.bodyB.velocity - manifold.bodyA.velocity;
        Vector3 tangent          = Vector3.Normalize(relativeVelocity - Vector3.Dot(relativeVelocity, manifold.normal) * manifold.normal);

        float jFriction = -Vector3.Dot(relativeVelocity, tangent);

        if (manifold.contacts == null || manifold.contacts.Count == 0)
            jFriction = jFriction / (manifold.bodyA._inverseMass + manifold.bodyB._inverseMass);
        // with rotation
            float rA = Vector3.Cross((manifold.contacts [0] - manifold.bodyAobj.transform.position), -manifold.normal).sqrMagnitude;
            float rB = Vector3.Cross((manifold.contacts [0] - manifold.bodyBobj.transform.position), -manifold.normal).sqrMagnitude;

            float impulseRotA = rA * manifold.bodyA._inverseInertia;
            float impulseRotB = rB * manifold.bodyB._inverseInertia;

            jFriction = jFriction / (manifold.bodyA._inverseMass + manifold.bodyB._inverseMass + impulseRotA + impulseRotB);

            // Apply
            if (manifold.bodyA._isKinematic == false)
                manifold.bodyA.angularVelocity -= manifold.bodyA._inverseInertia * Vector3.Cross(manifold.contacts [0], jFriction * -manifold.normal) * deltaTime;

            if (manifold.bodyB._isKinematic == false)
                manifold.bodyB.angularVelocity += manifold.bodyB._inverseInertia * Vector3.Cross(manifold.contacts [0], jFriction * -manifold.normal) * deltaTime;

        float approx = Mathf.Sqrt((manifold.bodyA.staticFriction * manifold.bodyA.staticFriction)
                                  + (manifold.bodyB.staticFriction * manifold.bodyB.staticFriction));

        Vector3 frictionImpulse;

        if (Mathf.Abs(jFriction) < j * approx)
            frictionImpulse = jFriction * tangent;
            float dynamicFriction = Mathf.Sqrt((manifold.bodyA._dynamicFriction * manifold.bodyA._dynamicFriction)
                                               + (manifold.bodyB._dynamicFriction * manifold.bodyB._dynamicFriction));
            frictionImpulse = -j * tangent * dynamicFriction;

        // Apply friction impulse
        if (manifold.bodyA._isKinematic == false)
            manifold.bodyA.velocity -= manifold.bodyA._inverseMass * frictionImpulse;

        if (manifold.bodyB._isKinematic == false)
            manifold.bodyB.velocity += manifold.bodyB._inverseMass * frictionImpulse;
コード例 #3
    bool IsCollision(float deltaTime)
        if (this._isKinematic == true)

        bool wasCollision = false;

        if (this.GetComponent <NewSphereCollider>() != null)
            NewBoxCollider[] boxes = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType <NewBoxCollider>();
            foreach (NewBoxCollider box in boxes)
                Collision.CollisionData mani = Collision.instance.BoxToSphereManifold(box, this.GetComponent <NewSphereCollider> ());

                if (mani.wasCollision)
                    CalculateImpulse(mani, deltaTime);
                    wasCollision = true;

            NewSphereCollider[] spheres = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType <NewSphereCollider>();
            foreach (NewSphereCollider sphere in spheres)
                if (sphere.gameObject.GetInstanceID() == this.gameObject.GetInstanceID())

                Collision.CollisionData mani = Collision.instance.SphereToSphereManifold(this.GetComponent <NewSphereCollider> (), sphere);
                if (mani.wasCollision)
                    CalculateImpulse(mani, deltaTime);
                    wasCollision = true;
        else if (this.GetComponent <NewBoxCollider>() != null)
            NewBoxCollider[] boxes = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType <NewBoxCollider>();
            foreach (NewBoxCollider box in boxes)
                if (box.gameObject.GetInstanceID() == this.gameObject.GetInstanceID())

                Vector3 bOrientation         = box.GetComponent <NewRigidBody>().orientation;
                Collision.CollisionData mani = new Collision.CollisionData();

                // if axis aligned
                if ((this.orientation.x == 0 || this.orientation.x == 90 || this.orientation.x == 180 || this.orientation.x == 270) &&
                    (this.orientation.y == 0 || this.orientation.y == 90 || this.orientation.y == 180 || this.orientation.y == 270) &&
                    (this.orientation.z == 0 || this.orientation.z == 90 || this.orientation.z == 180 || this.orientation.z == 270)


                    (bOrientation.x == 0 || bOrientation.x == 90 || bOrientation.x == 180 || bOrientation.x == 270) &&
                    (bOrientation.y == 0 || bOrientation.y == 90 || bOrientation.y == 180 || bOrientation.y == 270) &&
                    (bOrientation.z == 0 || bOrientation.z == 90 || bOrientation.z == 180 || bOrientation.z == 270))
                    mani = Collision.instance.BoxToBoxManifold(this.GetComponent <NewBoxCollider>(), box);
                // otherwise SAT
                    mani = Collision.instance.BoxToBoxSAT(this.GetComponent <NewBoxCollider>(), box);

                if (mani.wasCollision)
                    CalculateImpulse(mani, deltaTime);
                    wasCollision = true;

            NewSphereCollider[] spheres = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType <NewSphereCollider>();
            foreach (NewSphereCollider sphere in spheres)
                Collision.CollisionData mani = Collision.instance.BoxToSphereManifold(this.GetComponent <NewBoxCollider> (), sphere);

                if (mani.wasCollision)
                    CalculateImpulse(mani, deltaTime);
                    wasCollision = true;
