public virtual JObject Serialize() { obj.Add(new JProperty( HT_node_colliderExtensionFactory.TYPE, Type.ToString() )); if (IsTrigger != ISTRIGGER_DEFAULT) { obj.Add(new JProperty( HT_node_colliderExtensionFactory.ISTRIGGER, IsTrigger )); } if (Center != CENTER_DEFAULT) { obj.Add(new JProperty( HT_node_colliderExtensionFactory.CENTER, new JArray(Center.X, Center.Y, Center.Z) )); } return(obj); }
public XElement Serialize() { List <XElement> xMat = new List <XElement>(); foreach (LevelMat mat in materials) { xMat.Add(mat.Serialize()); } List <XElement> content = new List <XElement>() { SerializeValue("name", name), SerializeValue("pos", VecStr(position)), SerializeValue("rot", QuatStr(rotation)), SerializeValue("scl", VecStr(scale)), SerializeValue("collider", collider.ToString()), MeshXml(mesh), new XElement( "mat", xMat ) }; if (animation != null) { content.Add(animation.Serialize()); } return(new XElement( "lel", // lel = level element content.ToArray() )); }
void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision) { if (audioLib == null) { return; } CollisionAudio ca = collision.gameObject.GetComponent <CollisionAudio> (); if (gameObject.GetInstanceID() < collision.gameObject.GetInstanceID()) { return; } if (ca == null) { return; } ColliderType ta = ca.colliderType; ColliderType tb = colliderType; if (ta > tb) { ColliderType tmp = ta; ta = tb; tb = tmp; } AudioClip c = audioLib.getClip(string.Format("{0}_{1}", ta.ToString(), tb.ToString())); if (c == null) { c = audioLib.getClip(string.Format("{1}_{0}", ta.ToString(), tb.ToString())); } playAudioEffect(c); }
public void resetCorrespondType() { Debug.Log( + ", resetCollisionFrom. selfType:" + _selfType.ToString()); resetCorrespondType(_selfType); }
public ChooseType(ColliderType t, bool choose = true) { type = t; name = t.ToString(); isChoose = choose; }
public void Combine() { if (objectToCombine.childCount <= 0 || !objectToCombine.TryGetComponent(out MeshFilter parentMeshFilter) || !objectToCombine.TryGetComponent(out MeshRenderer parentMeshRenderer)) { Debug.LogError("Error, cannot combine, check that the parent has at least 1 child to combine, contains a mesh filter and a mesh renderer."); return; } List <MeshFilter> meshFilters = new List <MeshFilter>(); if (includeParentMesh) { if (parentMeshFilter.mesh == null) { Debug.LogError("You have selected include parent mesh, but parent mesh doesn't exist."); } else { meshFilters.Add(parentMeshFilter); } } int amountOfChildrenWithoutMeshFilter = 0; for (int i = 0; i < objectToCombine.childCount; i++) { Transform child = objectToCombine.GetChild(i); if (child.TryGetComponent(out MeshFilter childMeshFilter)) { meshFilters.Add(childMeshFilter); } else { amountOfChildrenWithoutMeshFilter++; } if (child.childCount >= 1) { for (int j = 0; j < child.childCount; j++) { if (child.GetChild(j).TryGetComponent(out MeshFilter childChildMeshFilter)) { meshFilters.Add(childChildMeshFilter); } else { amountOfChildrenWithoutMeshFilter++; } } } } if (amountOfChildrenWithoutMeshFilter > 0) { Debug.LogWarning($"Parent contained {amountOfChildrenWithoutMeshFilter} children without a mesh filter, is this intended?"); } CombineInstance[] combineInstance = new CombineInstance[meshFilters.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < meshFilters.Count; i++) { combineInstance[i].mesh = meshFilters[i].mesh; combineInstance[i].transform = meshFilters[i].transform.localToWorldMatrix; if (whatToDoToOldObjects == OldObjectSetting.Disable) { meshFilters[i].gameObject.SetActive(false); } else if (whatToDoToOldObjects == OldObjectSetting.Remove) { DestroyImmediate(meshFilters[i].gameObject); } } parentMeshFilter.mesh.CombineMeshes(combineInstance, mergeSubMeshes, includeTransformMatrices, includeLightMapData); parentMeshRenderer.material = materialToUse; if (colliderToAdd != ColliderType.DontAdd) { Type collider = Type.GetType(colliderToAdd.ToString()); if (collider != null) { objectToCombine.gameObject.AddComponent(collider); } else { Debug.LogError($"Collider of the name {collider} does not exist. Make sure you typed it correctly (e.g BoxCollider, MeshCollider)"); } } objectToCombine.gameObject.SetActive(true); }