public virtual void TestFilteredDocIdSet() { int maxdoc = 10; DocIdSet innerSet = new AnonymousClassDocIdSet_Renamed_Class(maxdoc, this); DocIdSet filteredSet = new AnonymousClassFilteredDocIdSet(this, innerSet); DocIdSetIterator iter = filteredSet.Iterator(null); System.Collections.ArrayList list = new System.Collections.ArrayList(); int doc = iter.Advance(3, null); if (doc != DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS) { list.Add((System.Int32)doc); while ((doc = iter.NextDoc(null)) != DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS) { list.Add((System.Int32)doc); } } int[] docs = new int[list.Count]; int c = 0; System.Collections.IEnumerator intIter = list.GetEnumerator(); while (intIter.MoveNext()) { docs[c++] = ((System.Int32)intIter.Current); } int[] answer = new int[] { 4, 6, 8 }; bool same = CollectionsHelper.Equals(answer, docs); if (!same) { System.Console.Out.WriteLine("answer: " + _TestUtil.ArrayToString(answer)); System.Console.Out.WriteLine("gotten: " + _TestUtil.ArrayToString(docs)); Assert.Fail(); } }
public virtual void TestExactFileNames() { System.String outputDir = "lucene.backwardscompat0.index"; RmDir(outputDir); try { Directory dir = FSDirectory.Open(new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(FullDir(outputDir))); IndexWriter writer = new IndexWriter(dir, new WhitespaceAnalyzer(), true, IndexWriter.MaxFieldLength.UNLIMITED); writer.SetRAMBufferSizeMB(16.0); for (int i = 0; i < 35; i++) { AddDoc(writer, i); } Assert.AreEqual(35, writer.MaxDoc(), "wrong doc count"); writer.Close(); // Delete one doc so we get a .del file: IndexReader reader = IndexReader.Open(dir, false); Term searchTerm = new Term("id", "7"); int delCount = reader.DeleteDocuments(searchTerm); Assert.AreEqual(1, delCount, "didn't delete the right number of documents"); // Set one norm so we get a .s0 file: reader.SetNorm(21, "content", (float)1.5); reader.Close(); // The numbering of fields can vary depending on which // JRE is in use. On some JREs we see content bound to // field 0; on others, field 1. So, here we have to // figure out which field number corresponds to // "content", and then set our expected file names below // accordingly: CompoundFileReader cfsReader = new CompoundFileReader(dir, "_0.cfs"); FieldInfos fieldInfos = new FieldInfos(cfsReader, "_0.fnm"); int contentFieldIndex = -1; for (int i = 0; i < fieldInfos.Size(); i++) { FieldInfo fi = fieldInfos.FieldInfo(i); if (fi.name_ForNUnit.Equals("content")) { contentFieldIndex = i; break; } } cfsReader.Close(); Assert.IsTrue(contentFieldIndex != -1, "could not locate the 'content' field number in the _2.cfs segment"); // Now verify file names: System.String[] expected; expected = new System.String[] { "_0.cfs", "_0_1.del", "_0_1.s" + contentFieldIndex, "segments_3", "segments.gen" }; System.String[] actual = dir.ListAll(); System.Array.Sort(expected); System.Array.Sort(actual); if (!CollectionsHelper.Equals(expected, actual)) { Assert.Fail("incorrect filenames in index: expected:\n " + AsString(expected) + "\n actual:\n " + AsString(actual)); } dir.Close(); } finally { RmDir(outputDir); } }
public virtual void TestDeleteLeftoverFiles() { Directory dir = new RAMDirectory(); IndexWriter writer = new IndexWriter(dir, new WhitespaceAnalyzer(), true, IndexWriter.MaxFieldLength.LIMITED); writer.SetMaxBufferedDocs(10); int i; for (i = 0; i < 35; i++) { AddDoc(writer, i); } writer.UseCompoundFile = false; for (; i < 45; i++) { AddDoc(writer, i); } writer.Close(); // Delete one doc so we get a .del file: IndexReader reader = IndexReader.Open(dir, false); Term searchTerm = new Term("id", "7"); int delCount = reader.DeleteDocuments(searchTerm); Assert.AreEqual(1, delCount, "didn't delete the right number of documents"); // Set one norm so we get a .s0 file: reader.SetNorm(21, "content", (float)1.5); reader.Close(); // Now, artificially create an extra .del file & extra // .s0 file: System.String[] files = dir.ListAll(); /* * for(int j=0;j<files.length;j++) { * System.out.println(j + ": " + files[j]); * } */ // The numbering of fields can vary depending on which // JRE is in use. On some JREs we see content bound to // field 0; on others, field 1. So, here we have to // figure out which field number corresponds to // "content", and then set our expected file names below // accordingly: CompoundFileReader cfsReader = new CompoundFileReader(dir, "_2.cfs"); FieldInfos fieldInfos = new FieldInfos(cfsReader, "_2.fnm"); int contentFieldIndex = -1; for (i = 0; i < fieldInfos.Size(); i++) { FieldInfo fi = fieldInfos.FieldInfo(i); if (fi.name_ForNUnit.Equals("content")) { contentFieldIndex = i; break; } } cfsReader.Close(); Assert.IsTrue(contentFieldIndex != -1, "could not locate the 'content' field number in the _2.cfs segment"); System.String normSuffix = "s" + contentFieldIndex; // Create a bogus separate norms file for a // segment/field that actually has a separate norms file // already: CopyFile(dir, "_2_1." + normSuffix, "_2_2." + normSuffix); // Create a bogus separate norms file for a // segment/field that actually has a separate norms file // already, using the "not compound file" extension: CopyFile(dir, "_2_1." + normSuffix, "_2_2.f" + contentFieldIndex); // Create a bogus separate norms file for a // segment/field that does not have a separate norms // file already: CopyFile(dir, "_2_1." + normSuffix, "_1_1." + normSuffix); // Create a bogus separate norms file for a // segment/field that does not have a separate norms // file already using the "not compound file" extension: CopyFile(dir, "_2_1." + normSuffix, "_1_1.f" + contentFieldIndex); // Create a bogus separate del file for a // segment that already has a separate del file: CopyFile(dir, "_0_1.del", "_0_2.del"); // Create a bogus separate del file for a // segment that does not yet have a separate del file: CopyFile(dir, "_0_1.del", "_1_1.del"); // Create a bogus separate del file for a // non-existent segment: CopyFile(dir, "_0_1.del", "_188_1.del"); // Create a bogus segment file: CopyFile(dir, "_0.cfs", "_188.cfs"); // Create a bogus fnm file when the CFS already exists: CopyFile(dir, "_0.cfs", "_0.fnm"); // Create a deletable file: CopyFile(dir, "_0.cfs", "deletable"); // Create some old segments file: CopyFile(dir, "segments_3", "segments"); CopyFile(dir, "segments_3", "segments_2"); // Create a bogus cfs file shadowing a non-cfs segment: CopyFile(dir, "_2.cfs", "_3.cfs"); System.String[] filesPre = dir.ListAll(); // Open & close a writer: it should delete the above 4 // files and nothing more: writer = new IndexWriter(dir, new WhitespaceAnalyzer(), false, IndexWriter.MaxFieldLength.LIMITED); writer.Close(); System.String[] files2 = dir.ListAll(); dir.Close(); System.Array.Sort(files); System.Array.Sort(files2); System.Collections.Hashtable dif = DifFiles(files, files2); if (!CollectionsHelper.Equals(files, files2)) { Assert.Fail("IndexFileDeleter failed to delete unreferenced extra files: should have deleted " + (filesPre.Length - files.Length) + " files but only deleted " + (filesPre.Length - files2.Length) + "; expected files:\n " + AsString(files) + "\n actual files:\n " + AsString(files2) + "\ndif: " + CollectionsHelper.CollectionToString(dif)); } }