コード例 #1
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 void Start()
     rightSideCurrent = -1;
     leftSideCurrent  = -1;
     playersResources = GetComponent <CollectingResources>();
     allowedToFire    = true;
コード例 #2
    private void Awake()
        GameObject hs  = GameObject.Find("Health Slider");
        GameObject ht  = GameObject.Find("Health Count");
        GameObject ftb = GameObject.Find("FadeToBlack Canvas");

        playerSpawnPoint = GameObject.Find("PlayerSpawnPoint").transform;
        playersResources = GetComponent <CollectingResources>();
        fadeToBlackImage = ftb.GetComponentInChildren <Image>();
        slider           = hs.GetComponent <Slider>();
        healthCount      = ht.GetComponent <Text>();
        cam = GameObject.Find("Main Camera").transform;
コード例 #3
    private void Start()
        islandsStashOfGold = 1000f;

        playersCollection = FindObjectOfType <CollectingResources>();

        gameBrain = GameObject.Find("GameBrain").GetComponentInChildren <PlayerSpawnIn>();

        pS = GetComponentInChildren <ParticleSystem>();

        digging = GetComponentInParent <DiggingUpTresure>();

        audioSource = GetComponent <AudioSource>();
コード例 #4
    private void Update()
        if (isOnIsland)
            if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Space))
                playersCollection = FindObjectOfType <CollectingResources>();
                if (islandsStashOfGold > 0 && playersCollection.playersGold <= playersCollection.playersMaxGold)
                    islandsStashOfGold            -= 1 * speedOfLooting * Time.deltaTime;
                    playersCollection.playersGold += 1 * speedOfLooting * Time.deltaTime;

                    digging.treasureChest.transform.position += new Vector3(0, 0.001f, 0);
                    float distance = digging.treasureChest.transform.position.y - digging.treasureChestStartingPos.y;

                    if (!audioSource.isPlaying)
                        audioSource.PlayOneShot(digginSounds[Random.Range(0, digginSounds.Length)], 0.3f);

                    if (islandsStashOfGold <= 0)
                        if (!playChestOpen)
                            audioSource.PlayOneShot(chestOpen, 0.5f);
                            audioSource.PlayOneShot(goldCoins, 0.25f);

                            playChestOpen = true;
                            playersCollection.playerscannonBalls             += 10;
                            FindObjectOfType <PlayersHealth>().currentHealth += 25f;


                        Invoke("StopPlayingPS", 5);

                        digging.treasureChest.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().enabled     = false;
                        digging.openTreasureChest.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().enabled = true;
                        digging.openLid.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().enabled           = true;
                        displayWarning = true;
                    if (gameBrain.timesSpawned < 2)
                        if (!displayHoldSpace)
                            audioSource.PlayOneShot(squark, 0.5f);
                            displayHoldSpace = true;

                        gameBrain.instructionsText.text = "HOLD SPACE\n\nNow we will start to steal ol' Sealeg's Gold\n\n" +
                                                          "Legend states that he will return from the dead to hunt down the Pirate that stole his gold!\n\n" +
                                                          "All of 'SeaLegs' chests are located on the Map, we are the BLUE Marker.";

        if (displayWarning)
            if (gameBrain.timesSpawned < 2)
                audioSource.PlayOneShot(squark, 0.5f);

                gameBrain.instructionsText.text = "WARNING!\n\nThe more of his gold on your ship the more of his" +
                                                  " undead fleet he will send after you to claim it back\n\nThe skull is your Reputation. " +
                                                  "The higher it is the more ships will be after our stolen gold\n\n" +
                                                  "Sail EAST, I see an Enemy ship!";
                displayWarning = false;
コード例 #5
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 void Start()
     bossHealth       = GetComponent <Health>();
     playersResources = FindObjectOfType <CollectingResources>();
コード例 #6
 private void Awake()
     playersResources = FindObjectOfType <CollectingResources>();
コード例 #7
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        playersResources = FindObjectOfType <CollectingResources>();

        if (playersResources.playersNotoriety >= playersResources.playersMaxNotoriety / 100 * 25 && playersResources.playersNotoriety <= playersResources.playersMaxNotoriety / 100 * 49)
            if (releaseTheEnemies == false)
                for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                    GameObject newEnemy = Instantiate(EnemyLVL1, spawnPoints[i].position, Quaternion.identity);

                    EnemyChase enemyChase = newEnemy.GetComponent <EnemyChase>();
                    enemyChase.isPatrolling = false;
                    Transform player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").transform;

                    enemyChase.shipTarget = player;

                releaseTheEnemies = true;

        if (playersResources.playersNotoriety >= playersResources.playersMaxNotoriety / 100 * 50 && playersResources.playersNotoriety <= playersResources.playersMaxNotoriety / 100 * 74)
            if (releaseTheEnemiesAgain == false)
                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    GameObject newEnemy = Instantiate(EnemyLVL2, spawnPoints[i].position, Quaternion.identity);

                    EnemyChase enemyChase = newEnemy.GetComponent <EnemyChase>();
                    enemyChase.isPatrolling = false;
                    Transform player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").transform;

                    enemyChase.shipTarget = player;
                releaseTheEnemiesAgain = true;

        if (playersResources.playersNotoriety >= playersResources.playersMaxNotoriety / 100 * 75 && playersResources.playersNotoriety <= playersResources.playersMaxNotoriety / 100 * 99)
            if (releaseTheEnemiesAgainAgain == false)
                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    GameObject newEnemy = Instantiate(EnemyLVL3, spawnPoints[i].position, Quaternion.identity);

                    EnemyChase enemyChase = newEnemy.GetComponent <EnemyChase>();
                    enemyChase.isPatrolling = false;
                    Transform player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").transform;

                    enemyChase.shipTarget = player;
                releaseTheEnemiesAgainAgain = true;

        if (playersResources.playersNotoriety >= playersResources.playersMaxNotoriety)
            if (releaseTheEnemiesAgainAgainAgain == false)
                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    GameObject newEnemy = Instantiate(EnemyLVL4, spawnPoints[i].position, Quaternion.identity);

                    EnemyChase enemyChase = newEnemy.GetComponent <EnemyChase>();
                    enemyChase.isPatrolling = false;
                    Transform player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").transform;

                    enemyChase.shipTarget = player;

                for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++)
                    GameObject newEnemy = Instantiate(Boss, spawnPoints[i].position, spawnPoints[i].rotation);

                    EnemyChase enemyChase = newEnemy.GetComponent <EnemyChase>();
                    enemyChase.isPatrolling = false;
                    Transform player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").transform;

                    enemyChase.shipTarget = player;

                    floor.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().enabled = false;

                    audioSource.clip = bossSong;

                releaseTheEnemiesAgainAgainAgain = true;
コード例 #8
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 void Start()
     playersResources  = FindObjectOfType <CollectingResources>();
     releaseTheEnemies = false;
     audioSource       = GetComponent <AudioSource>();