コード例 #1
    protected bool AddWeaponItem(InventoryItemWeapon inventoryItemWeapon, CollectableWeapon collectableWeapon)
        foreach (var w in _weapons)
            if (w.Weapon == null)
                w.Weapon = inventoryItemWeapon;
                w.Rounds = collectableWeapon.Rounds;

コード例 #2
 public void DropWeapon()
     if (weapon != null)
         weapon.transform.SetParent(propsManager);                   // Waffe vom Waffenanker lösen
         weapon.Drop();                                              // Waffe fallen lassen
         weapon = null;                                              // Referenz auf die Waffe löschen
     if (network != null)
         network.Mode = PropMode.auto;                                               // Waffenposition wieder vom Netzwerk verarbeiten lassen
         network.On_Network_DataRecieved -= DropWeapon;
         network = null;                                                             // Referenz auf die Netzwerkkomponente löschen
コード例 #3
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Name	:	AddWeaponItem
    // Desc	:	Adding weapons is actually handled very differently from other
    //			objects. All this function does is record the object we wish
    //			to change to and send out a message to invoke the correct dismount/mount
    //          animations. The ACTUAL pickup is deferred until AssignWeapon function
    //          is called by the Listener.
    // Note :   In DeadEarth the listener is the CharacterManager's which handles syncing
    //          weapon animation.
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    protected bool AddWeaponItem(InventoryItemWeapon inventoryItemWeapon, CollectableWeapon collectableWeapon, bool playAudio)
        // Is the weapon we are about to pick up single handled or two handed weapon
        int mountIndex = (inventoryItemWeapon.weaponType == InventoryWeaponType.SingleHanded) ? 0 : 1;

        // Create a mount info object to describe the weapon and instance data we wish
        // to change to.
        InventoryWeaponMountInfo wmi = new InventoryWeaponMountInfo();

        wmi.Weapon      = inventoryItemWeapon;
        wmi.Condition   = collectableWeapon.condition;
        wmi.InGunRounds = collectableWeapon.rounds;

        // Invoke event so the object in charge of weapon switching and animation (our CharacterManager for example)
        // can set the process of switching in motion.

コード例 #4
    // Methode die vom Spielercharackter aufgreufen wird wenn er eine Waffe aufnimmt
    public void DrawWeapon(CollectableWeapon weapon)
        if (!weapon || GameObject.ReferenceEquals(this.weapon, weapon))

        // Aktuelle Waffe löschen

        // Waffe aufheben
        this.weapon = weapon;

        network      = this.weapon.GetComponent <Network_SendTransform>();      // Referenz auf die Netzwerkkomponente merken
        network.Mode = PropMode.inactive;                                       // Waffenposition nicht mehr über das Netzwerk senden
        network.On_Network_DataRecieved += DropWeapon;

        this.weapon.transform.SetParent(transform);                                     // Waffe an den Waffenanker hängen
        this.weapon.transform.localPosition = new Vector3();                            // Am Anker positionieren
        this.weapon.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;                      // Am Anker rotieren
コード例 #5
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Name :   DropWeaponItem
    // Desc :   Drop the weapon at the specified mount into the scene
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    public override void DropWeaponItem(int mountIndex, bool playAudio = true)
        if (mountIndex < 0 || mountIndex >= _weapons.Count)

        // Chck we have a valid BackPack mount in the inventory
        InventoryWeaponMountInfo itemMount = _weapons[mountIndex];

        if (itemMount == null || itemMount.Weapon == null)

        // This is the weapon we want to drop
        InventoryItemWeapon weapon = itemMount.Weapon;

        // Drop it into the scene
        Vector3 position = _playerPosition != null ? _playerPosition.value : Vector3.zero;

        position += _playerDirection != null ? _playerDirection.value : Vector3.zero;
        CollectableWeapon sceneWeapon = weapon.Drop(position, playAudio) as CollectableWeapon;

        if (sceneWeapon)
            // Copy over instance data from mount into proxy
            sceneWeapon.condition = itemMount.Condition;
            sceneWeapon.rounds    = itemMount.InGunRounds;

        // Nullify the slot so it is empty
        _weapons[mountIndex].Weapon = null;

        // Broadcast event that this weapon has been dropped
コード例 #6
 private void pickupWeapon(CollectableWeapon weapon)
コード例 #7
    public void ReplaceWeapon(bool atStart = false, InventoryWeaponMount theWeaponMount = null, int whichRifle = -1)
        if (theWeaponMount.item == null)

        // We first get the weapon holder that we are gonna need
        GameObject weaponHolder = GoneWrong.Player.instance.weaponHolder;

        // Deciding which rifle we are gonna replace in case the weaponmount item is of type rifle
        if (whichRifle == -1)
            whichRifle = _playerInventory.rifle1.item == null ? 1 : 2;

        // Get the weapon to drop
        InventoryWeaponMount weaponToDrop = null;

        // We don't drop any weapon if we are the start of the game
        if (!atStart)
            if (theWeaponMount.item.weaponType == WeaponType.Handgun)
                weaponToDrop = _playerInventory.handgun;
            else if (theWeaponMount.item.weaponType == WeaponType.Melee)
                weaponToDrop = _playerInventory.melee;
            else if (theWeaponMount.item.weaponType == WeaponType.Rifle)
                weaponToDrop = whichRifle == 1 ? _playerInventory.rifle1 : _playerInventory.rifle2;

        // Then we drop the weapon here:
        if (weaponToDrop != null && weaponToDrop.item != null && weaponToDrop.item.collectableWeapon != null
            /* We only replace when the weapon that's about to be equipped is different from the existing one*/
            && weaponToDrop.item != this._weaponMount.item
            // We don't have to drop anything if it's the start of the game
            && !atStart)
            // We instantiate the collectable weapon
            CollectableWeapon collectableWeapon = Instantiate(weaponToDrop.item.collectableWeapon, transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
            // Then we assign the number of rounds to the collectable weapon
            collectableWeapon._weaponMount.rounds = weaponToDrop.rounds;

            // Then we unregister the weapon in player and remove it from the hierarchy

            // Then we find the weapon to dismiss from the hierarchy through its name
            string weaponName = collectableWeapon._weaponControl.name;
            if (weaponHolder != null)
                Transform weaponControlTransform = weaponHolder.transform.Find(weaponName + "(Clone)");
                // Then once it is unregistered, we just delete it from the hierarchy
                if (weaponControlTransform != null)

        // We play the pick weapon audio sound
        if (GoneWrong.AudioManager.instance != null && _pickSound != null)
            GoneWrong.AudioManager.instance.PlayOneShotSound(_pickSound, 1, 0, 0);

        // Then we replace the weapon mount with the new one
        if (theWeaponMount.item.weaponType == WeaponType.Handgun)
            _playerInventory.handgun = theWeaponMount;

        else if (theWeaponMount.item.weaponType == WeaponType.Melee)
            _playerInventory.melee = theWeaponMount;

        else if (theWeaponMount.item.weaponType == WeaponType.Rifle)
            if (whichRifle == 1)
                _playerInventory.rifle1 = theWeaponMount;
                _playerInventory.rifle2 = theWeaponMount;

        // Then we add the weaponControl to the player weaponHolder and register it
        // We instantiate the weaponControl anywhere in the scene first
        if (_weaponControl != null)
            // Get the temporary position and rotation of the weaponcontrol
            Vector3    position = _weaponControl.transform.position;
            Quaternion rotation = _weaponControl.transform.rotation;

            GoneWrong.WeaponControl weaponControl = Instantiate(_weaponControl);

            // We make of the weapon holder the parent of the weapon control that we just instantiated
            if (weaponHolder != null)
                weaponControl.transform.parent        = weaponHolder.transform;
                weaponControl.transform.localPosition = position;
                weaponControl.transform.localRotation = rotation;

                // If we are at the start of the game (loading the weapon from the saved game or having it in the inventory by default),
                // then we deactivate the weapon (to increase game performance)
                if (atStart)

        // Then we switch to the raplacing weapon
        // We don't have to switch to anything if it's the start of the game
        if (!atStart)
            SwitchWeapon(theWeaponMount, whichRifle);

            /*IEnumerator coroutine = SwitchWeapon(theWeaponMount, whichRifle);
             * StartCoroutine(coroutine);*/

        // Then we make the collectable weapon disappear from the scene
        if (!atStart)