コード例 #1
        private static ExportRecord CreateFromCollectImportRecord(CollectImportRecord c_record)
            ExportRecord record = new ExportRecord();

            if (c_record.Comment1 != null)
                record.Comment1 = ('"' + c_record.Comment1.TrimEnd() + '"');
            if (c_record.Comment2 != null)
                record.Comment2 = ('"' + c_record.Comment2.TrimEnd() + '"');
            if (c_record.Comment3 != null)
                record.Comment3 = ('"' + c_record.Comment3.TrimEnd() + '"');
            if (c_record.Comment4 != null)
                record.Comment4 = ('"' + c_record.Comment4.TrimEnd() + '"');
            if (c_record.Comment5 != null)
                record.Comment5 = ('"' + c_record.Comment5.TrimEnd() + '"');
            if (c_record.Comment6 != null)
                record.Comment6 = ('"' + c_record.Comment6.TrimEnd() + '"');
            if (c_record.Comment7 != null)
                record.Comment7 = ('"' + c_record.Comment7.TrimEnd() + '"');
            if (c_record.Comment8 != null)
                record.Comment8 = ('"' + c_record.Comment8.TrimEnd() + '"');
            record.Date          = c_record.Date;
            record.Date2         = c_record.Date2;
            record.Date3         = c_record.Date3;
            record.Driver        = c_record.Driver + ",,,";
            record.File          = c_record.File;
            record.Identifier    = c_record.Identifier + " ";
            record.Other_Code    = c_record.Other_Code;
            record.Portal_Reason = c_record.Portal_Reason;
            record.Time          = c_record.Time;

コード例 #2
        private CollectImportRecord FixPssos(CollectImportRecord r, SmartTransRecord record, DriverDB db)
            if (record.Description != null)
                if (record.Description.Contains("Form 25 - Property Seizure and Sale Order"))
                    if (record.Reasons != null)
                        if (record.Reasons.Contains("Completed PSSO"))
                            r.Identifier = "Completed2";
                            if (record.Reasons.Contains("Completed PSSO - Individual Person"))
                                r.Portal_Reason = "Person 18";
                                r.Other_Code    = "19";
                                r.Comment1      = "Individual Person 18 - Residence";
                                r.Driver        = db.FindDriverCode(record.Driver);
                            else if (record.Reasons.Contains("Completed PSSO - Individual Business"))
                                r.Portal_Reason = "Person 18";
                                r.Other_Code    = "20";
                                r.Comment1      = "Individual Person 18 - Business";
                                r.Driver        = db.FindDriverCode(record.Driver);
                                r.Portal_Reason = "OTHER";
                                r.Other_Code    = "OTHER";
                                r.Comment1      = "Other";
                                r.Driver        = db.FindDriverCode(record.Driver);

コード例 #3
        public void ComputeFields(DriverDB db)
            CollectRecords = new List <CollectImportRecord>();

            foreach (var record in ImportRecords)
                CollectImportRecord r = new CollectImportRecord();
                string reason = "OTHER", other_Code = "OTHER";

                if (record.Description != null)
                    if (record.Description.Length > 0)
                        r.CompletedCount = ComputeCompletedCount(record.Description.Substring(0, 1));
                        r.AttemptedCount = ComputeAttemptedCount(record.Description.Substring(1, 1));

                r.Identifier = ComputeIdentifier(record.Status, r.CompletedCount, r.AttemptedCount);

                //r.Identifier = "OTHER";

                // collect initials for driver, look up from driver db
                if (r.Identifier.Contains("Completed"))
                    r.Driver = db.FindDriverCode(record.Driver);

                r.File = record.OrderNumber;

                r.Date = record.DeliveryDate.Value.ToShortDateString();
                //r.Time = record.ETA;
                r.Time = record.Departure;

                //r.Comment1 = RemoveXMLCode(record.Reasons);
                var tempReasons = RemoveXMLCode(record.Reasons);

                // here
                //r.Comment1 = tempReasons;
                var tempComments = record.DriverComment;
                r = CalculateComments(record, r, tempComments, tempReasons);

                //if (record.Reasons != null)
                //    ComputeReasonandOtherCode(record.Reasons, out reason, out other_Code);

                if (tempReasons != null)
                    ComputeReasonandOtherCode(tempReasons, out reason, out other_Code);

                r.Portal_Reason = reason;
                r.Other_Code    = other_Code;

                r = FixPssos(r, record, db);

                if (r.Identifier == "Completed2")
                    r.Comment8 = "Property Placed Under Seizure";
                    r.Comment8 = "";

                r.Date2 = record.DeliveryDate.Value.ToShortDateString();
                r.Date3 = record.DeliveryDate.Value.ToShortDateString();

コード例 #4
        private CollectImportRecord CalculateComments(SmartTransRecord record, CollectImportRecord r, string tempComments, string tempReasons)
            // int stringLength = record.Reasons.Length;

            int commentLength   = 0;
            int ReasonLineCount = 0;

            if (tempComments != null)
                tempComments  = tempComments.Replace("\r", string.Empty).Replace("\n", string.Empty);
                commentLength = tempComments.Length;

            if (tempReasons != null)
                ReasonLineCount = tempReasons.Length;

            if (ReasonLineCount < 60)
                r.Comment1 = tempReasons;

                if (commentLength < 60)
                    r.Comment2 = tempComments;
                else if (commentLength < 120)
                    r.Comment2 = tempComments.Substring(0, 60);
                    r.Comment3 = tempComments.Substring(60, (commentLength - 60)); // this number is the remainder
                else if (commentLength < 180)
                    r.Comment2 = tempComments.Substring(0, 60);
                    r.Comment3 = tempComments.Substring(60, 60);
                    r.Comment4 = tempComments.Substring(120, (commentLength - 120)); // this number is the remainder
                else if (commentLength < 240)
                    r.Comment2 = tempComments.Substring(0, 60);
                    r.Comment3 = tempComments.Substring(61, 60);
                    r.Comment4 = tempComments.Substring(121, 60);
                    r.Comment5 = tempComments.Substring(181, (commentLength - 181)); // this number is the remainder
                else if (commentLength < 300)
                    r.Comment2 = tempComments.Substring(0, 60);
                    r.Comment3 = tempComments.Substring(61, 60);
                    r.Comment4 = tempComments.Substring(121, 60);
                    r.Comment5 = tempComments.Substring(181, 60);
                    r.Comment6 = tempComments.Substring(241, (commentLength - 241)); // this number is the remainder
            else if (ReasonLineCount < 120)
                r.Comment1 = tempReasons.Substring(0, 60);
                r.Comment2 = tempReasons.Substring(60, (ReasonLineCount - 60)); // this number is the remainder

                if (commentLength < 60)
                    r.Comment3 = tempComments;
                else if (commentLength < 120)
                    r.Comment3 = tempComments.Substring(0, 60);
                    r.Comment4 = tempComments.Substring(60, (commentLength - 60)); // this number is the remainder
                else if (commentLength < 180)
                    r.Comment3 = tempComments.Substring(0, 60);
                    r.Comment4 = tempComments.Substring(60, 60);
                    r.Comment5 = tempComments.Substring(120, (commentLength - 120)); // this number is the remainder
                else if (commentLength < 240)
                    r.Comment3 = tempComments.Substring(0, 60);
                    r.Comment4 = tempComments.Substring(61, 60);
                    r.Comment5 = tempComments.Substring(121, 60);
                    r.Comment6 = tempComments.Substring(181, (commentLength - 181)); // this number is the remainder
                else if (commentLength < 300)
                    r.Comment3 = tempComments.Substring(0, 60);
                    r.Comment4 = tempComments.Substring(61, 60);
                    r.Comment5 = tempComments.Substring(121, 60);
                    r.Comment6 = tempComments.Substring(181, 60);
                    r.Comment7 = tempComments.Substring(241, (commentLength - 241)); // this number is the remainder
            else if (ReasonLineCount < 180)
                r.Comment1 = tempReasons.Substring(0, 60);
                r.Comment2 = tempReasons.Substring(60, 60);
                r.Comment3 = tempReasons.Substring(120, (ReasonLineCount - 120)); // this number is the remainder

                if (commentLength < 60)
                    r.Comment4 = tempComments;
                else if (commentLength < 120)
                    r.Comment4 = tempComments.Substring(0, 60);
                    r.Comment5 = tempComments.Substring(60, (commentLength - 60)); // this number is the remainder
                else if (commentLength < 180)
                    r.Comment4 = tempComments.Substring(0, 60);
                    r.Comment5 = tempComments.Substring(60, 60);
                    r.Comment6 = tempComments.Substring(120, (commentLength - 120)); // this number is the remainder
                else if (commentLength < 240)
                    r.Comment4 = tempComments.Substring(0, 60);
                    r.Comment5 = tempComments.Substring(61, 60);
                    r.Comment6 = tempComments.Substring(121, 60);
                    r.Comment7 = tempComments.Substring(181, (commentLength - 181)); // this number is the remainder
                else if (commentLength < 300)
                    r.Comment4 = tempComments.Substring(0, 60);
                    r.Comment5 = tempComments.Substring(61, 60);
                    r.Comment6 = tempComments.Substring(121, 60);
                    r.Comment7 = tempComments.Substring(181, 60);
                    r.Comment8 = tempComments.Substring(241, (commentLength - 241)); // this number is the remainder
            else if (ReasonLineCount < 240)
                r.Comment1 = tempReasons.Substring(0, 60);
                r.Comment2 = tempReasons.Substring(61, 60);
                r.Comment3 = tempReasons.Substring(121, 60);
                r.Comment4 = tempReasons.Substring(181, (ReasonLineCount - 181)); // this number is the remainder
            else if (ReasonLineCount < 300)
                r.Comment1 = tempReasons.Substring(0, 60);
                r.Comment2 = tempReasons.Substring(61, 60);
                r.Comment3 = tempReasons.Substring(121, 60);
                r.Comment4 = tempReasons.Substring(181, 60);
                r.Comment5 = tempReasons.Substring(241, (ReasonLineCount - 241)); // this number is the remainder
                r.Comment1 = tempReasons.Substring(0, 60);
                r.Comment2 = tempReasons.Substring(61, 60);
                r.Comment3 = tempReasons.Substring(121, 60);
                r.Comment4 = tempReasons.Substring(181, 60);
                r.Comment5 = tempReasons.Substring(241, 60);
                r.Comment6 = tempReasons.Substring(301, (ReasonLineCount - 301)); // this number is the remainder
