コード例 #1
ファイル: FoundersRAIDA.cs プロジェクト: Samuel-CL/XYZ-Buys
    }               //end detect coin

    public async Task <CoinUtils> detectCoin(CoinUtils cu, int milliSecondsToTimeOut)

        var t00 = detectOne(00, cu.cc.nn, cu.cc.sn, cu.cc.an[00], cu.pans[00], cu.getDenomination());
        var t01 = detectOne(01, cu.cc.nn, cu.cc.sn, cu.cc.an[01], cu.pans[01], cu.getDenomination());
        var t02 = detectOne(02, cu.cc.nn, cu.cc.sn, cu.cc.an[02], cu.pans[02], cu.getDenomination());
        var t03 = detectOne(03, cu.cc.nn, cu.cc.sn, cu.cc.an[03], cu.pans[03], cu.getDenomination());
        var t04 = detectOne(04, cu.cc.nn, cu.cc.sn, cu.cc.an[04], cu.pans[04], cu.getDenomination());
        var t05 = detectOne(05, cu.cc.nn, cu.cc.sn, cu.cc.an[05], cu.pans[05], cu.getDenomination());
        var t06 = detectOne(06, cu.cc.nn, cu.cc.sn, cu.cc.an[06], cu.pans[06], cu.getDenomination());
        var t07 = detectOne(07, cu.cc.nn, cu.cc.sn, cu.cc.an[07], cu.pans[07], cu.getDenomination());
        var t08 = detectOne(08, cu.cc.nn, cu.cc.sn, cu.cc.an[08], cu.pans[08], cu.getDenomination());
        var t09 = detectOne(09, cu.cc.nn, cu.cc.sn, cu.cc.an[09], cu.pans[09], cu.getDenomination());
        var t10 = detectOne(10, cu.cc.nn, cu.cc.sn, cu.cc.an[10], cu.pans[10], cu.getDenomination());
        var t11 = detectOne(11, cu.cc.nn, cu.cc.sn, cu.cc.an[11], cu.pans[11], cu.getDenomination());
        var t12 = detectOne(12, cu.cc.nn, cu.cc.sn, cu.cc.an[12], cu.pans[12], cu.getDenomination());
        var t13 = detectOne(13, cu.cc.nn, cu.cc.sn, cu.cc.an[13], cu.pans[13], cu.getDenomination());
        var t14 = detectOne(14, cu.cc.nn, cu.cc.sn, cu.cc.an[14], cu.pans[14], cu.getDenomination());
        var t15 = detectOne(15, cu.cc.nn, cu.cc.sn, cu.cc.an[15], cu.pans[15], cu.getDenomination());
        var t16 = detectOne(16, cu.cc.nn, cu.cc.sn, cu.cc.an[16], cu.pans[16], cu.getDenomination());
        var t17 = detectOne(17, cu.cc.nn, cu.cc.sn, cu.cc.an[17], cu.pans[17], cu.getDenomination());
        var t18 = detectOne(18, cu.cc.nn, cu.cc.sn, cu.cc.an[18], cu.pans[18], cu.getDenomination());
        var t19 = detectOne(19, cu.cc.nn, cu.cc.sn, cu.cc.an[19], cu.pans[19], cu.getDenomination());
        var t20 = detectOne(20, cu.cc.nn, cu.cc.sn, cu.cc.an[20], cu.pans[20], cu.getDenomination());
        var t21 = detectOne(21, cu.cc.nn, cu.cc.sn, cu.cc.an[21], cu.pans[21], cu.getDenomination());
        var t22 = detectOne(22, cu.cc.nn, cu.cc.sn, cu.cc.an[22], cu.pans[22], cu.getDenomination());
        var t23 = detectOne(23, cu.cc.nn, cu.cc.sn, cu.cc.an[23], cu.pans[23], cu.getDenomination());
        var t24 = detectOne(24, cu.cc.nn, cu.cc.sn, cu.cc.an[24], cu.pans[24], cu.getDenomination());

        var taskList = new List <Task> {
            t00, t01, t02, t03, t04, t05, t06, t07, t08, t09, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24
        await Task.WhenAll(taskList.ToArray());

        //Get data from the detection agents

        for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++)
            if (responseArray[i] != null)
                cu.setPastStatus(responseArray[i].outcome, i);
                CoreLogger.Log(cu.cc.sn + " detect:" + i + " " + responseArray[i].fullResponse);
                cu.setPastStatus("undetected", i);
            }; // should be pass, fail, error or undetected.
        }      //end for each detection agent

        // cu.gradeCoin(); // sets the grade and figures out what the file extension should be (bank, fracked, counterfeit, lost

    }    //end detect coin
コード例 #2
    }    //end importJSON

    // en d json test
    public String setJSON(FoundersCloudCoin cc)
        const string quote = "\"";
        const string tab   = "\t";
        String       json  = (tab + tab + "{ " + Environment.NewLine);                                       // {

        json += tab + tab + quote + "nn" + quote + ":" + quote + cc.nn + quote + ", " + Environment.NewLine; // "nn":"1",
        json += tab + tab + quote + "sn" + quote + ":" + quote + cc.sn + quote + ", " + Environment.NewLine; // "sn":"367544",
        json += tab + tab + quote + "an" + quote + ": [" + quote;                                            // "an": ["
        for (int i = 0; (i < 25); i++)
            json += cc.an[i];    // 8551995a45457754aaaa44
            if (i == 4 || i == 9 || i == 14 || i == 19)
                json += quote + "," + Environment.NewLine + tab + tab + tab + quote;     //",
            else if (i == 24)
                // json += "\""; last one do nothing
            {     // end if is line break
                json += quote + ", " + quote;

            // end else
        }                                           // end for 25 ans

        json += quote + "]," + Environment.NewLine; //"],
        // End of ans
        CoinUtils cu = new CoinUtils(cc);

        json += tab + tab + quote + "ed" + quote + ":" + quote + cu.cc.ed + quote + "," + Environment.NewLine;     // "ed":"9-2016",
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cc.pown))
            cc.pown = "uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu";
        }                                                                                                       //Set pown to unknow if it is not set.
        json += tab + tab + quote + "pown" + quote + ":" + quote + cc.pown + quote + "," + Environment.NewLine; // "pown":"uuupppppffpppppfuuf",
        json += tab + tab + quote + "aoid" + quote + ": []" + Environment.NewLine;
        json += tab + tab + "}" + Environment.NewLine;
        // Keep expiration date when saving (not a truley accurate but good enought )