public void ToCnlStatementList() { var cnlSentences = new List <string>() { "John is a man.", "Every man is a human-being." }; var feClient = new CogniPySvr(); feClient.LoadCnlFromString(string.Join("\r\n", cnlSentences), true, false); var cnlOut = feClient.ToCNLStatementList(true); Assert.AreEqual(cnlSentences.Count(), cnlOut.Count()); for (int i = 0; i < cnlOut.Count(); i++) { Assert.AreEqual(cnlOut[i].CnlStatement, cnlSentences[i]); if (i == 0) { CheckStatementCount(cnlOut[i], 1, 1, 0, 0); } else if (i == 1) { CheckStatementCount(cnlOut[i], 2, 0, 0, 0); } } }
public void DescribeInstancesTest() { List <string> instances = new List <string>() { "John", "Mark" }; var cnlSentences = new List <string>() { "John is a man.", "John has-nickname equal-to 'Jojo'.", "John has-friend Martha.", "Mark is a man.", "Mark has-nickname equal-to 'Maro'.", "Mark has-friend Mery." }; var feClient = new CogniPySvr(); feClient.LoadCnlFromString(string.Join("\r\n", cnlSentences), true, true); var result = feClient.DescribeInstances("a man"); var instancesFromResult = result.Keys.ToList(); CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(instances, instancesFromResult); }
public void RulesKeptAfterMergeTest() { var feClient = new CogniPySvr(); // reason the new context var CnlContent = new List <string>() { "If a man is a human-being then the man is a cat." }; var CnlToAdd = new List <string>() { "John is a man." }; feClient.LoadCnlFromString(string.Join("\r\n", CnlContent), true, true); feClient.KnowledgeInsert(string.Join("\r\n", CnlToAdd), true, true); var mergedCnl = feClient.ToCNLList(true, true, true); Assert.AreEqual(2, mergedCnl.Count()); foreach (var cnl in CnlContent) { Assert.IsTrue(mergedCnl.Any(x => x == cnl)); } foreach (var cnl in CnlToAdd) { Assert.IsTrue(mergedCnl.Any(x => x == cnl)); } }
public void ToCNLStatementListTest(bool includeImplicit) { var cnlSentences = new List <string>() { "Every location-form is a form.", "Every data-location-form is a location-form.", "Data-Location-Form is a data-location-form.", "If a form is a data-location-form then the form is-a-form-of-type Special-Form." }; var feClient = new CogniPySvr(); feClient.LoadCnlFromString(string.Join("\r\n", cnlSentences.Union <string>(new List <string>() { "Comment: This comment should not be returned." })), true, true); var sentencesReturned = feClient.ToCNLStatementList(includeImplicit); Assert.AreEqual(sentencesReturned.Count, sentencesReturned.Distinct().ToList().Count, "There are duplicate senetences!"); if (includeImplicit) { Assert.AreEqual(13, sentencesReturned.Count); } else { CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(cnlSentences, sentencesReturned.Select(s => s.CnlStatement)); } }
public void GetSubConceptsTest(string cnl, bool direct, string[] asserts) { var cnlSentences = new List <string>() { "Every location-form is a form.", "Every data-location-form is a location-form.", "Every data-location-form[sfo] is a location-form.", "Data-Location-Form is a data-location-form.", "Data-Location-Form is a data-location-form[sfo].", "Data-Location-Form[sfo] is a data-location-form.", "References: [sfo] '' ('') ." }; var feClient = new CogniPySvr(); feClient.LoadCnlFromString(string.Join("\r\n", cnlSentences), true, true); var subconcepts = feClient.GetSubConceptsOf(cnl, direct); if (asserts.Count() == 0) { CollectionAssert.IsEmpty(subconcepts); } else { CollectionAssert.IsNotEmpty(subconcepts); CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(asserts, subconcepts); } }
public void DescribeInstanceQueryWithPrefixTest() { var cnlSentences = new List <string>() { "John[sfo] is a man.", "John[sfo] has-nickname equal-to 'Jojo'.", "John[sfo] has-friend Martha.", "References: [sfo] '' ('') ." }; var feClient = new CogniPySvr(); feClient.LoadCnlFromString(string.Join("\r\n", cnlSentences), true, true); var result = feClient.DescribeInstances("John[sfo]"); Assert.AreEqual(1, result.Count); var instanceDescription = result.FirstOrDefault(); Assert.IsNotNull(instanceDescription); Assert.AreEqual("John[sfo]", instanceDescription.Key); Assert.AreEqual(1, instanceDescription.Value.AttributeValues.Count); Assert.True(instanceDescription.Value.AttributeValues.ContainsKey("has-nickname")); Assert.AreEqual("Jojo", (string)instanceDescription.Value.AttributeValues["has-nickname"].First()); Assert.AreEqual(1, instanceDescription.Value.RelatedInstances.Count); Assert.True(instanceDescription.Value.RelatedInstances.ContainsKey("has-friend")); Assert.AreEqual("Martha", instanceDescription.Value.RelatedInstances["has-friend"].First()); }
public void StrageBug2a2BUG() { var reasoner = new CogniPySvr(); reasoner.LoadCnlFromString("Bubu influences-with-weight-of-1 Dudu.", true, true); var toDel = "Bubu influence-with-weight-of-1 Dudu."; reasoner.KnowledgeDelete(toDel, true); var cnl = reasoner.ToCNL(false); }
public void FromToUriTest(string cnlName, string type) { var feClient = new CogniPySvr(); feClient.LoadCnlFromString("John is a man.\r\nReferences: [TIS] (\"\").", true, false); var uri = feClient.UriFromCnl(cnlName, type); var transformedCnl = feClient.CnlFromUri(uri, type); Assert.AreEqual(cnlName, transformedCnl); }
public void IncorrectCnlTest() { var feClient = new CogniPySvr(); try { feClient.LoadCnlFromString(string.Join("\r\n", "Every man is a human-being"), true, true); } catch (Exception ex) { return; } Assert.Fail("I was expecting the client to throw a parse exception."); }
public void OneSentenceIncorrectCnlTestII() { var feClient = new CogniPySvr(); var knowledge = "Vendor-0 has-value equal-to 3.4880694143167.\r\nVendor-0 is a vendor.\r\nVendor-0 has-message-type equal-to Receipt'.\r\n\r\n"; try { feClient.LoadCnlFromString(knowledge, true, true); } catch (Exception ex) { return; } Assert.Fail("I was expecting the client to throw a parse exception."); }
public void SparqlQueryToMaterializedGraphTest() { var cnlSentences = new List <string>() { "John is a man.", "Every man is a human-being." }; var feClient = new CogniPySvr(); feClient.LoadCnlFromString(string.Join("\r\n", cnlSentences), true, true); var res = feClient.SparqlQueryInternal("SELECT * WHERE {?x rdf:type :man}"); Assert.IsNotNull(res); Assert.AreEqual(1, res.Item2.Count()); }
public void CloneTest(string cnl, bool direct, string[] asserts) { var cnlSentences = new List <string>() { "Every location-form is a form.", "Every data-location-form is a location-form.", "Data-Location-Form is a data-location-form.", "Kiki must hava a miki.", "Data-Location-Form is a data-location-form[sfo].", "Data-Location-Form[sfo] is a data-location-form.", "References: [sfo] '' ('') .", @"Annotations: bela Concept: ""comment"":rdfs 'kaka maka' bela Concept: ""comment"":rdfs 'biba'@en _Ala Instance: ""backwardCompatibleWith"":owl 'sdsgd'@ar .", "References: [sfo] '' ('') ." }; var feClient = new CogniPySvr(); feClient.LoadCnlFromString(string.Join("\r\n", cnlSentences), true, true); var superconcepts = feClient.GetSuperConceptsOf(cnl, direct); var clone1 = feClient.CloneForAboxChangesOnly(); clone1.KnowledgeInsert("Clone-1 is a form.", true, true); var superconcepts2 = clone1.GetSuperConceptsOf(cnl, direct); var clone2 = feClient.CloneForAboxChangesOnly(); clone2.KnowledgeInsert("Clone-2 is a form.", true, true); var resClone1 = clone1.GetInstancesOf("a form", false); var resClone2 = clone2.GetInstancesOf("a form", false); CollectionAssert.DoesNotContain(resClone2, "Clone-1"); CollectionAssert.DoesNotContain(resClone1, "Clone-2"); CollectionAssert.IsNotEmpty(superconcepts2); CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(asserts, superconcepts2); var instances = clone2.GetInstancesOf("a form", direct); CollectionAssert.DoesNotContain(instances, "Clone-1"); }
public void GetConstraintsTest(string subjectToCheck, Modality constraint, IEnumerable <string> relationsToCheck, IEnumerable <string> objectsToCheck) { var cnlSentences = new List <string>() { "Every data-location-form is a form.", "Every data-location-form can concern a data-location-section-1.", "Every data-location-form must concern a data-location-section-2.", "Data-Location-Form is a data-location-form.", "If a data-location-form is a bubu then the data-location-form is a bibi.", "Every bubu must have-value (some string value).", "Every bubu must have-value (some datetime value).", "Every bubu must have-value (some integer value).", "Every bubu must have-value (some real value).", "Every bubu must have-value (some boolean value).", "Every bubu must have-value (some duration value).", "Every bubu must have-this[sfo] a smth[sfo].", "Bubu is a bubu.", "Bubu[sfo] is a bubu.", "Every some-concept[sfo] must concern an other-concept.", "Element-1-Form-D-14-08-2018-T-14-50-7[<>] is a some-concept[sfo].", "References: [sfo] '' ('') ." }; var feClient = new CogniPySvr(); feClient.LoadCnlFromString(string.Join("\r\n", cnlSentences), true, true); var sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); var constraints = feClient.GetConstraints(new List <string>() { subjectToCheck }); //, "a data-location-form", "Baba[sfo]", "baba[sfo]" sw.Stop(); var elap = sw.ElapsedMilliseconds; CollectionAssert.Contains(constraints.Keys, subjectToCheck); CollectionAssert.IsSubsetOf(relationsToCheck, constraints[subjectToCheck].Relations[constraint]); CollectionAssert.IsSubsetOf(objectsToCheck, constraints[subjectToCheck].ThirdElement[constraint]); }
public void ToCnlList() { var cnlSentences = new List <string>() { "John is a man.", "Every man is a human-being." }; var feClient = new CogniPySvr(); feClient.LoadCnlFromString(string.Join("\r\n", cnlSentences), true, false); var cnlOut = feClient.ToCNLList(true, true, true); Assert.AreEqual(cnlSentences.Count(), cnlOut.Count()); for (int i = 0; i < cnlOut.Count(); i++) { Assert.AreEqual(cnlSentences[i], cnlOut[i]); } }
public void AddKnowledgeGetSuperConcept() { var cnlSentences = new List <string>() { "Every man is a human-being." }; var feClient = new CogniPySvr(); feClient.LoadCnlFromString(string.Join("\r\n", cnlSentences), true, true); feClient.KnowledgeInsert("John is a man.", true, true); var res1 = feClient.GetSuperConceptsOf("John", false); Assert.Contains("human-being", res1); var res2 = feClient.SparqlQueryInternal(feClient.SelectSuperconceptsSPARQL("John", false)); var cnlRes2 = feClient.TranslateQueryResultsIntoCnlInPlace(res2); Assert.Contains("human-being", cnlRes2.Item2.SelectMany(x => x).ToList()); }
public void AddCnl() { var feClient = new CogniPySvr(); // reason the new context var CnlContent = "Every man is a human-being.\r\n Every human-being has-name equal-to 'aaa'."; var CnlToAdd = new List <string>() { "John is a man." }; feClient.LoadCnlFromString(CnlContent, true, true); feClient.KnowledgeInsert(string.Join("\r\n", CnlToAdd), true, true); var mergedCnl = feClient.ToCNLList(false); foreach (var cnl in CnlToAdd) { Assert.IsTrue(mergedCnl.Any(x => x == cnl)); } Assert.AreEqual(3, mergedCnl.Count()); }
public void ToCNLListTest(bool includeImplicit, bool removeTrivials = true) { var cnlSentences = new List <string>() { "Every location-form is a form.", "Every data-location-form is a location-form.", "Data-Location-Form is a data-location-form.", "If a form is a data-location-form then the form is-a-form-of-type Special-Form.", "Annotations:\r\n_Operational-Risk Instance: network-description 'Network of operational risk.'@en\r\n.", }; var feClient = new CogniPySvr(); feClient.SetDebugListener((statementId, elements) => { int x = 10; }, (s, c) => Tuple.Create(s, c)); feClient.LoadCnlFromString(string.Join("\r\n", cnlSentences.Union <string>(new List <string>() { "Comment: This comment should not be returned." })), true, true); var sentencesReturned = feClient.ToCNLList(includeImplicit, removeTrivials, true); Assert.AreEqual(sentencesReturned.Count, sentencesReturned.Distinct().ToList().Count, "There are duplicate senetences!"); if (includeImplicit) { if (removeTrivials) { Assert.AreEqual(9, sentencesReturned.Count); } else { Assert.AreEqual(14, sentencesReturned.Count); } } else { CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(cnlSentences, sentencesReturned); } }
public void AddNumberCnl() { var feClient = new CogniPySvr(); // reason the new context var CnlContent = "Vendor-0 is a vendor."; var CnlToAdd = new List <string>() { "Vendor-0 has-latitude equal-to 43.737345.", "Vendor-0 has-longitude equal-to -79.442286." }; feClient.LoadCnlFromString(CnlContent, true, false); feClient.KnowledgeInsert(string.Join("\r\n", CnlToAdd), true, false); var mergedCnl = feClient.ToCNLList(false); foreach (var cnl in CnlToAdd) { Assert.IsTrue(mergedCnl.Any(x => x == cnl)); } Assert.AreEqual(3, mergedCnl.Count()); }
public void GetAnnotationsTest(string ax, string lan, string[] signature) { var cnlSentences = new List <string>() { "Every data-location-form is a form.", @"Annotations: bela Concept: ""comment"":rdfs 'kaka maka' bela Concept: ""comment"":rdfs 'biba'@en _Ala Instance: ""backwardCompatibleWith"":owl 'sdsgd'@ar ." }; var feClient = new CogniPySvr(); feClient.LoadCnlFromString(string.Join("\r\n", cnlSentences), true, true); var result = feClient.GetAnnotationsForSignature(signature); //TODO: add also test for adding annotation on a role. Assert.Contains(ax, result.Select(x => x.Value.ToString()).ToList()); Assert.True(rgxForCnlFormat.IsMatch(result.Select(ann => ann.Property).First())); Assert.Contains(lan, result.Select(x => x.Language).ToList()); }
public void BasciSWRLRuleReasoning() { var cnlSentences = new List <string>() { "If an element-1-form concern[sfo] a subject[sfo] and an element-2-holder-form concern[sfo] a subject[sfo] then the element-2-holder-form is an element-2-form.", "Element-1-Form is an element-1-form.", "Doupa is a subject[sfo].", "Element-2-Holder-Form is an element-2-holder-form.", "Element-1-Form concerns[sfo] Doupa .", "Element-2-Holder-Form concerns[sfo] Doupa .", }; var feClient = new CogniPySvr(); feClient.LoadCnlFromString(string.Join("\r\n", cnlSentences), true, true); var result = feClient.GetSuperConceptsOf("Element-2-Holder-Form", false); Assert.Contains("element-2-form", result); }
public void GetInstancesOfWhenInsertWithAnnotationsTest() {//BUG: SR-10 var initialOntology = new List <string>() { "Every-single-thing has-label nothing-but (some string value).", "Every deal-criteria is a network-component.", "Every reputational-risk-component is a network-component.", "Every reputational-risk-network-deal-criteria is a deal-criteria.", "Every reputational-risk-network-deal-criteria is a reputational-risk-network-component.", "Every reputational-risk-top-outcome is a reputational-risk-network-component.", "Reputational-Risk is a reputational-risk-top-outcome.", "Reputational-Risk has-label equal-to 'Reputational Risk'.", "Reputational-Risk is a positive-outcome.", "Reputational-Risk has-network-id equal-to 'Net-re'.", "Reputational-Risk is a network.", "Deal-Criteria-2 influences-with-weight-of-1 Reputational-Risk." }; var feClient = new CogniPySvr(); feClient.LoadCnlFromString(string.Join("\r\n", initialOntology), true, true); var toInsert = new List <string>() { "Deal-Criteria-2 is a reputational-risk-network-deal-criteria.", "Deal-Criteria-2 is a reputational-risk-network-component.", "Deal-Criteria-2 has-sql-name equal-to ''.", "Deal-Criteria-2 has-availability equal-to 'Data-Available'.", "Deal-Criteria-2 has-unit equal-to ''.", "Deal-Criteria-2 has-aggregation equal-to 'None'.", "Annotations:\r\n_Deal-Criteria-2 Instance: node-label 'Importance'@en\r\n_Deal-Criteria-2 Instance: node-description 'Importance'@en\r\n." }; feClient.KnowledgeInsert(string.Join("\r\n", toInsert), true, true); var instances = feClient.GetInstancesOf("a reputational-risk-network-component", false); Assert.AreEqual(2, instances.Count); }
public void DescribeInstancesNoRelationNoAttributeTest() { var cnlSentences = new List <string>() { "John is a man.", "John has-friend Martha.", "Mark is a man.", "Mark has-nickname equal-to 'Maro'." }; var feClient = new CogniPySvr(); feClient.LoadCnlFromString(string.Join("\r\n", cnlSentences), true, true); var result = feClient.DescribeInstances("a man"); Assert.AreEqual("Martha", result["John"].RelatedInstances["has-friend"].First()); Assert.AreEqual(0, result["John"].AttributeValues.Count); Assert.AreEqual("Maro", (string)result["Mark"].AttributeValues["has-nickname"].First()); Assert.AreEqual(0, result["Mark"].RelatedInstances.Count); }
public void MaterializationTest(bool materialize) { var cnlSentences = new List <string>() { "John is a man.", "Every man is a human-being." }; var feClient = new CogniPySvr(); feClient.LoadCnlFromString(string.Join("\r\n", cnlSentences), true, materialize: materialize); //var res = feClient.SparqlQuery("SELECT * WHERE {?x ?y ?z}"); var result = feClient.ToCNL(true, true); Assert.IsNotNull(result); if (materialize) { Assert.IsTrue(result.Contains("John is a human-being.")); } else { Assert.IsFalse(result.Contains("John is a human-being.")); } }
public void KnowledgeInsertAnnotationsTest(bool includeImplicit, bool removeTrivials) { var cnlSentences = new List <string>() { "Data-Location-Form is a data-location-form.", "Annotations: _Data-Location-Form Instance: description 'A data location form.'@en.", "Comment: This comment should not be returned as CNL statement." }; var feClient = new CogniPySvr(); feClient.LoadCnlFromString(string.Join("\r\n", cnlSentences), true, true); var toInsert = new List <string>() { "Operational-Risk is a thing.", "Annotations: _Operational-Risk Instance: network-description 'Network of operational risk.'@en." }; feClient.KnowledgeInsert(string.Join("\r\n", toInsert), true, true); var annots = feClient.GetAnnotationsForSignature(new List <string>() { "Operational-Risk" }); Assert.IsTrue(annots.Where(a => a.Property == "network-description").Count() > 0); //Check for number of Annotations: blocks, should be exactly 1 var toCnl = feClient.ToCNL(includeImplicit, true); Assert.AreEqual(1, toCnl.Split(' ').Where(tok => tok.Contains("Annotations:")).Count()); var toCnlList = feClient.ToCNLList(includeImplicit, removeTrivials, true); Assert.AreEqual(1, toCnlList.Count(s => s.Contains("Annotations:"))); }
public void RuleDebuggerTest() { var cnlSentences = new List <string>() { "John is a man.", "Mary is a woman.", "John has-friend Mary.", "Mary has-name equal-to 'Mary'.", "If a man has-friend a woman and the woman has-name equal-to 'Mary' then the man is an happy-man." }; var feClient = new CogniPySvr(); var ruleId = feClient.GetStatementId(cnlSentences[4]); feClient.SetDebugListener((statementId, elements) => { Assert.AreEqual(ruleId, statementId); Assert.AreEqual(2, elements.Count()); Assert.AreEqual("John", elements[0].Value.ToString()); Assert.AreEqual("man", elements[0].Name); Assert.AreEqual("Mary", elements[1].Value.ToString()); Assert.AreEqual("woman", elements[1].Name); }, (s, c) => Tuple.Create(s, c)); feClient.LoadCnlFromString(string.Join("\r\n", cnlSentences), true, true); }