public static Vec2 Deserialize(byte[] bytes) { var playObj = CodecUtils.DeserializePlayObject(bytes); return(new Vec2 { X = playObj.GetFloat("x"), Y = playObj.GetFloat("y") }); }
public static Move Deserialize(byte[] bytes) { var playObj = CodecUtils.DeserializePlayObject(bytes); return(new Move { Pos = playObj.Get <Vec2>("p"), Dir = playObj.Get <Vec2>("d"), Time = playObj.GetLong("t") }); }
public static byte[] Serialize(object obj) { var vec = obj as Vec2; var playObj = new PlayObject { { "x", vec.X }, { "y", vec.Y } }; return(CodecUtils.SerializePlayObject(playObj)); }
public static byte[] Serialize(object obj) { var move = obj as Move; var playObj = new PlayObject { { "p", move.Pos }, { "d", move.Dir }, { "t", move.Time } }; return(CodecUtils.SerializePlayObject(playObj)); }
public static Food Deserialize(byte[] bytes) { var playObj = CodecUtils.DeserializePlayObject(bytes); var food = new Food { Id = playObj.GetInt("id"), Type = playObj.GetInt("type"), X = playObj.GetFloat("x"), Y = playObj.GetFloat("y") }; return(food); }
public static byte[] Serialize(object obj) { Food food = obj as Food; var playObj = new PlayObject { { "id", food.Id }, { "type", food.Type }, { "x", food.X }, { "y", food.Y } }; return(CodecUtils.SerializePlayObject(playObj)); }
IPromise <Codec> _loadAsync(FileImage key) { var coroutine = Window.instance.startCoroutine(this._loadBytes(key)); return(coroutine.promise.Then(obj => { if (obj is byte[] bytes) { return CodecUtils.getCodec(bytes); } return CodecUtils.getCodec(new Image((Texture2D)obj)); })); }
public static Client InitClient(string userId) { // 注册自定义类型的序列化 CodecUtils.RegisterType(typeof(Food), 2, Food.Serialize, Food.Deserialize); CodecUtils.RegisterType(typeof(Move), 3, Move.Serialize, Move.Deserialize); CodecUtils.RegisterType(typeof(Vec2), 4, Vec2.Serialize, Vec2.Deserialize); client = new Client("vAGmhiMWKL36JMXdepqx3sgV-gzGzoHsz", "Gt9CnVkM20XGFkAFkEkCKULE", userId); //client = new Client("FQr8l8LLvdxIwhMHN77sNluX-9Nh9j0Va", "MJSm46Uu6LjF5eNmqfbuUmt6", userId); client.OnPlayerCustomPropertiesChanged += (player, changedProps) => { Debug.Log(changedProps); }; return(client); }
IPromise <Codec> _loadAsync(AssetBundleImageKey key) { var coroutine = Window.instance.startCoroutine(this._loadAssetAsync(key)); return(coroutine.promise.Then(result => { if (result == null) { if (key.bundle == null) { throw new Exception($"Unable to find asset \"{}\" from Resources folder"); } throw new Exception($"Unable to find asset \"{}\" from asset bundle \"{key.bundle}\""); } if (result is Texture2D texture) { return CodecUtils.getCodec(new Image(texture, isAsset: true, bundle: key.bundle)); } else if (result is TextAsset text) { var bytes = text.bytes; if (key.bundle == null) { Resources.UnloadAsset(text); } else { key.bundle.Unload(text); } return CodecUtils.getCodec(bytes); } else { throw new Exception($"Unknown type for asset \"{}\": \"{result.GetType()}\""); } })); }
IPromise <Codec> _loadAsync(CachedNetworkImageProvider key) { var localPath = SQLiteDBManager.instance.GetCachedFilePath(url: key.url); //the cached file might be deleted by the OS if (!File.Exists(path: localPath)) { localPath = null; } var coroutine = localPath != null ? Window.instance.startCoroutine(this._loadFromFile(file : localPath)) : Window.instance.startCoroutine(this._loadFromNetwork(url : key.url)); return(coroutine.promise.Then(obj => { if (obj is byte[] bytes) { return CodecUtils.getCodec(bytes: bytes); } return CodecUtils.getCodec(new Image((Texture2D)obj)); })); }
IPromise <Codec> _loadAsync(MemoryImage key) { D.assert(key == this); return(CodecUtils.getCodec(this.bytes)); }