コード例 #1
ファイル: AviWriter.cs プロジェクト: ddugovic/RASuite
		/// <summary>
		/// sets the codec token to be used for video compression
		/// </summary>
		public void SetVideoCodecToken(IDisposable token)
			if (token is CodecToken)
				currVideoCodecToken = (CodecToken)token;
				throw new ArgumentException("AviWriter only takes its own Codec Tokens!");
コード例 #2
ファイル: AviWriter.cs プロジェクト: henke37/BizHawk
            public void OpenFile(string destPath, Parameters parameters, CodecToken videoCodecToken)
                this.parameters          = parameters;
                this.currVideoCodecToken = videoCodecToken;

                //TODO - try creating the file once first before we let vfw botch it up?

                //open the avi output file handle
                if (File.Exists(destPath))

                if (Win32.FAILED(Win32.AVIFileOpenW(ref pAviFile, destPath, Win32.OpenFileStyle.OF_CREATE | Win32.OpenFileStyle.OF_WRITE, 0)))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Couldnt open dest path for avi file: " + destPath);

                //initialize the video stream
                Win32.AVISTREAMINFOW   vidstream_header = new Win32.AVISTREAMINFOW();
                Win32.BITMAPINFOHEADER bmih             = new Win32.BITMAPINFOHEADER();
                parameters.PopulateBITMAPINFOHEADER24(ref bmih);
                vidstream_header.fccType = Win32.mmioFOURCC("vids");
                vidstream_header.dwRate  = parameters.fps;
                vidstream_header.dwScale = parameters.fps_scale;
                vidstream_header.dwSuggestedBufferSize = (int)bmih.biSizeImage;
                if (Win32.FAILED(Win32.AVIFileCreateStreamW(pAviFile, out pAviRawVideoStream, ref vidstream_header)))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed opening raw video stream. Not sure how this could happen");

                //initialize audio stream
                Win32.AVISTREAMINFOW audstream_header = new Win32.AVISTREAMINFOW();
                Win32.WAVEFORMATEX   wfex             = new Win32.WAVEFORMATEX();
                parameters.PopulateWAVEFORMATEX(ref wfex);
                audstream_header.fccType         = Win32.mmioFOURCC("auds");
                audstream_header.dwQuality       = -1;
                audstream_header.dwScale         = wfex.nBlockAlign;
                audstream_header.dwRate          = (int)wfex.nAvgBytesPerSec;
                audstream_header.dwSampleSize    = wfex.nBlockAlign;
                audstream_header.dwInitialFrames = 1;                 // ??? optimal value?
                if (Win32.FAILED(Win32.AVIFileCreateStreamW(pAviFile, out pAviRawAudioStream, ref audstream_header)))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed opening raw audio stream. Not sure how this could happen");

                outStatus = new OutputStatus();
                IsOpen    = true;
コード例 #3
        public void SetDefaultVideoCodecToken()
            CodecToken ct = new CodecToken();

            // load from config and sanitize
            int t = Math.Min(Math.Max(Global.Config.JMDThreads, 1), 6);

            int c = Math.Min(Math.Max(Global.Config.JMDCompression, Deflater.NO_COMPRESSION), Deflater.BEST_COMPRESSION);

            ct.compressionlevel = c;
            ct.numthreads       = t;

            token = ct;
コード例 #4
        public void SetDefaultVideoCodecToken(Config config)
            CodecToken ct = new CodecToken();

            // load from config and sanitize
            int t = Math.Min(Math.Max(config.JmdThreads, 1), 6);

            int c = Math.Min(Math.Max(config.JmdCompression, NO_COMPRESSION), BEST_COMPRESSION);

            ct.CompressionLevel = c;
            ct.NumThreads       = t;

            _token = ct;
コード例 #5
            private static CodecToken DeSerializeFromByteArray(byte[] data)
                var m = new MemoryStream(data, false);
                var b = new BinaryReader(m);

                AVIWriterImports.AVICOMPRESSOPTIONS comprOptions = new AVIWriterImports.AVICOMPRESSOPTIONS();

                byte[] Format;
                byte[] Parms;

                    comprOptions.fccType          = b.ReadInt32();
                    comprOptions.fccHandler       = b.ReadInt32();
                    comprOptions.dwKeyFrameEvery  = b.ReadInt32();
                    comprOptions.dwQuality        = b.ReadInt32();
                    comprOptions.dwBytesPerSecond = b.ReadInt32();
                    comprOptions.dwFlags          = b.ReadInt32();
                    //comprOptions.lpFormat = b.ReadInt32();
                    comprOptions.cbFormat = b.ReadInt32();
                    //comprOptions.lpParms = b.ReadInt32();
                    comprOptions.cbParms           = b.ReadInt32();
                    comprOptions.dwInterleaveEvery = b.ReadInt32();

                    Format = b.ReadBytes(comprOptions.cbFormat);
                    Parms  = b.ReadBytes(comprOptions.cbParms);
                catch (IOException)
                    // ran off end of array most likely

                var ret = new CodecToken
                    _comprOptions = comprOptions,
                    Format        = Format,
                    Parms         = Parms,
                    codec         = Decode_mmioFOURCC(comprOptions.fccHandler)

コード例 #6
ファイル: AviWriter.cs プロジェクト: WolfpawGroup/RTC3
            /// <summary>
            /// begin recording
            /// </summary>
            public void OpenStreams()
                if (currVideoCodecToken == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("set a video codec token before opening the streams!");

                // open compressed video stream
                Win32.AVICOMPRESSOPTIONS opts = new Win32.AVICOMPRESSOPTIONS();
                currVideoCodecToken.AllocateToAVICOMPRESSOPTIONS(ref opts);
                bool failed = Win32.FAILED(Win32.AVIMakeCompressedStream(out pAviCompressedVideoStream, pAviRawVideoStream, ref opts, IntPtr.Zero));

                CodecToken.DeallocateAVICOMPRESSOPTIONS(ref opts);

                if (failed)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed making compressed video stream");

                // set the compressed video stream input format
                Win32.BITMAPINFOHEADER bmih = new Win32.BITMAPINFOHEADER();
                if (bit32)
                    parameters.PopulateBITMAPINFOHEADER32(ref bmih);
                    parameters.PopulateBITMAPINFOHEADER24(ref bmih);

                if (Win32.FAILED(Win32.AVIStreamSetFormat(pAviCompressedVideoStream, 0, ref bmih, Marshal.SizeOf(bmih))))
                    bit32 = true;                     // we'll try again
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed setting compressed video stream input format");

                // set audio stream input format
                Win32.WAVEFORMATEX wfex = new Win32.WAVEFORMATEX();
                parameters.PopulateWAVEFORMATEX(ref wfex);
                if (Win32.FAILED(Win32.AVIStreamSetFormat(pAviRawAudioStream, 0, ref wfex, Marshal.SizeOf(wfex))))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed setting raw audio stream input format");
コード例 #7
            public static CodecToken CreateFromAVICOMPRESSOPTIONS(ref Win32.AVICOMPRESSOPTIONS opts)
                CodecToken ret = new CodecToken();

                ret.comprOptions = opts;
                ret.codec        = Win32.decode_mmioFOURCC(opts.fccHandler);
                ret.Format       = new byte[opts.cbFormat];
                ret.Parms        = new byte[opts.cbParms];
                if (opts.lpFormat != IntPtr.Zero)
                    Marshal.Copy(opts.lpFormat, ret.Format, 0, opts.cbFormat);
                if (opts.lpParms != IntPtr.Zero)
                    Marshal.Copy(opts.lpParms, ret.Parms, 0, opts.cbParms);
コード例 #8
ファイル: AviWriter.cs プロジェクト: henke37/BizHawk
            /// <summary>
            /// Acquires a video codec configuration from the user
            /// </summary>
            public IDisposable AcquireVideoCodecToken(IntPtr hwnd, CodecToken lastCodecToken)
                if (!IsOpen)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("File must be opened before acquiring a codec token (or else the stream formats wouldnt be known)");

                if (lastCodecToken != null)
                    currVideoCodecToken = lastCodecToken;

                //encoder params
                Win32.AVICOMPRESSOPTIONS comprOptions = new Win32.AVICOMPRESSOPTIONS();
                if (currVideoCodecToken != null)
                    currVideoCodecToken.AllocateToAVICOMPRESSOPTIONS(ref comprOptions);

                bool       result = AVISaveOptions(pAviRawVideoStream, ref comprOptions, hwnd) != 0;
                CodecToken ret    = CodecToken.CreateFromAVICOMPRESSOPTIONS(ref comprOptions);

                //so, AVISaveOptions may have changed some of the pointers
                //if it changed the pointers, did it it free the old ones? we don't know
                //let's assume it frees them. if we're wrong, we leak. if we assume otherwise and we're wrong, we may crash.
                //so that means any pointers that come in here are either
                //1. ones we allocated a minute ago
                //2. ones VFW allocated
                //guess what? doesn't matter. We'll free them all ourselves.
                CodecToken.DeallocateAVICOMPRESSOPTIONS(ref comprOptions);

                if (result)
                    // save to config and return it
                    Global.Config.AVICodecToken = ret.Serialize();
コード例 #9
        public IDisposable AcquireVideoCodecToken(Config config)
            var ret = new CodecToken();

            // load from config and sanitize
            int t = Math.Min(Math.Max(config.JmdThreads, 1), 6);

            int c = Math.Min(Math.Max(config.JmdCompression, NO_COMPRESSION), BEST_COMPRESSION);

            if (!JmdForm.DoCompressionDlg(ref t, ref c, 1, 6, NO_COMPRESSION, BEST_COMPRESSION, _dialogParent.AsWinFormsHandle()))

            config.JmdThreads     = ret.NumThreads = t;
            config.JmdCompression = ret.CompressionLevel = c;

コード例 #10
ファイル: JMDWriter.cs プロジェクト: sasuke-arcade/BizHawk
        /// <summary>
        /// obtain a set of recording compression parameters
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hwnd">hwnd to attach to if the user is shown config dialog</param>
        /// <returns>codec token, dispose of it when you're done with it</returns>
        public IDisposable AcquireVideoCodecToken(IWin32Window hwnd)
            var ret = new CodecToken();

            // load from config and sanitize
            int t = Math.Min(Math.Max(Global.Config.JmdThreads, 1), 6);

            int c = Math.Min(Math.Max(Global.Config.JmdCompression, Deflater.NO_COMPRESSION), Deflater.BEST_COMPRESSION);

            if (!JmdForm.DoCompressionDlg(ref t, ref c, 1, 6, Deflater.NO_COMPRESSION, Deflater.BEST_COMPRESSION, hwnd))

            Global.Config.JmdThreads     = ret.NumThreads = t;
            Global.Config.JmdCompression = ret.CompressionLevel = c;

コード例 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// obtain a set of recording compression parameters
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hwnd">hwnd to attach to if the user is shown config dialog</param>
        /// <returns>codec token, dispose of it when you're done with it</returns>
        public IDisposable AcquireVideoCodecToken(System.Windows.Forms.IWin32Window hwnd)
            CodecToken ret = new CodecToken();

            // load from config and sanitize
            int t = Math.Min(Math.Max(Global.Config.JMDThreads, 1), 6);

            int c = Math.Min(Math.Max(Global.Config.JMDCompression, Deflater.NO_COMPRESSION), Deflater.BEST_COMPRESSION);

            if (!JMDForm.DoCompressionDlg(ref t, ref c, 1, 6, Deflater.NO_COMPRESSION, Deflater.BEST_COMPRESSION, hwnd))

            Global.Config.JMDThreads     = ret.numthreads = t;
            Global.Config.JMDCompression = ret.compressionlevel = c;

コード例 #12
            public static CodecToken CreateFromAVICOMPRESSOPTIONS(ref AVIWriterImports.AVICOMPRESSOPTIONS opts)
                var ret = new CodecToken
                    _comprOptions = opts,
                    codec         = Decode_mmioFOURCC(opts.fccHandler),
                    Format        = new byte[opts.cbFormat],
                    Parms         = new byte[opts.cbParms]

                if (opts.lpFormat != IntPtr.Zero)
                    Marshal.Copy(opts.lpFormat, ret.Format, 0, opts.cbFormat);

                if (opts.lpParms != IntPtr.Zero)
                    Marshal.Copy(opts.lpParms, ret.Parms, 0, opts.cbParms);

コード例 #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Acquires a video codec configuration from the user. you may save it for future use, but you must dispose of it when youre done with it.
        /// returns null if the user canceled the dialog
        /// </summary>
        public IDisposable AcquireVideoCodecToken(System.Windows.Forms.IWin32Window hwnd)         //, CodecToken lastToken)
            var temp_params = new Parameters();

            temp_params.height       = 256;
            temp_params.width        = 256;
            temp_params.fps          = 60;
            temp_params.fps_scale    = 1;
            temp_params.a_bits       = 16;
            temp_params.a_samplerate = 44100;
            temp_params.a_channels   = 2;
            var    temp     = new AviWriterSegment();
            string tempfile = Path.GetTempFileName();

            tempfile = Path.ChangeExtension(tempfile, "avi");
            temp.OpenFile(tempfile, temp_params, null);             //lastToken);
            CodecToken token = (CodecToken)temp.AcquireVideoCodecToken(hwnd.Handle);

コード例 #14
ファイル: AviWriter.cs プロジェクト: xHailFirex/BizHawk
        /// <summary>
        /// Acquires a video codec configuration from the user. you may save it for future use, but you must dispose of it when you're done with it.
        /// returns null if the user canceled the dialog
        /// </summary>
        public IDisposable AcquireVideoCodecToken(IWin32Window hwnd)
            var tempParams = new Parameters
                height       = 256,
                width        = 256,
                fps          = 60,
                fps_scale    = 1,
                a_bits       = 16,
                a_samplerate = 44100,
                a_channels   = 2
            var    temp     = new AviWriterSegment();
            string tempfile = Path.GetTempFileName();

            tempfile = Path.ChangeExtension(tempfile, "avi");
            temp.OpenFile(tempfile, tempParams, null);
            CodecToken token = (CodecToken)temp.AcquireVideoCodecToken(hwnd.Handle, _currVideoCodecToken);

コード例 #15
ファイル: JMDWriter.cs プロジェクト: henke37/BizHawk
		/// <summary>
		/// sets the codec token to be used for video compression
		/// </summary>
		public void SetVideoCodecToken(IDisposable token)
			if (token is CodecToken)
				this.token = (CodecToken)token;
				throw new ArgumentException("codec token must be of right type");
コード例 #16
ファイル: JMDWriter.cs プロジェクト: henke37/BizHawk
		/// <summary>
		/// sets default (probably wrong) parameters
		/// </summary>
		public JMDWriter()
			fpsnum = 25;
			fpsden = 1;
			audiosamplerate = 22050;
			audiochannels = 1;
			audiobits = 8;
			token = null;

			moviemetadata = null;
コード例 #17
 /// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">unmanaged call failed</exception>
 public void OpenFile(string destPath, Parameters parameters, CodecToken videoCodecToken)
コード例 #18
            static CodecToken DeSerializeFromByteArray(byte[] data)
                var m = new MemoryStream(data, false);
                var b = new BinaryReader(m);

                Win32.AVICOMPRESSOPTIONS comprOptions = new Win32.AVICOMPRESSOPTIONS();

                byte[] Format;
                byte[] Params;

                    comprOptions.fccType          = b.ReadInt32();
                    comprOptions.fccHandler       = b.ReadInt32();
                    comprOptions.dwKeyFrameEvery  = b.ReadInt32();
                    comprOptions.dwQuality        = b.ReadInt32();
                    comprOptions.dwBytesPerSecond = b.ReadInt32();
                    comprOptions.dwFlags          = b.ReadInt32();
                    //comprOptions.lpFormat = b.ReadInt32();
                    comprOptions.cbFormat = b.ReadInt32();
                    //comprOptions.lpParms = b.ReadInt32();
                    comprOptions.cbParms           = b.ReadInt32();
                    comprOptions.dwInterleaveEvery = b.ReadInt32();

                    Format = b.ReadBytes(comprOptions.cbFormat);
                    Params = b.ReadBytes(comprOptions.cbParms);
                catch (IOException)
                    // ran off end of array most likely

                // create unmanaged copies of Format, Params
                if (comprOptions.cbFormat != 0)
                    IntPtr lpFormat = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(comprOptions.cbFormat);
                    Marshal.Copy(Format, 0, lpFormat, comprOptions.cbFormat);
                    comprOptions.lpFormat = (int)lpFormat;
                    comprOptions.lpFormat = (int)IntPtr.Zero;
                if (comprOptions.cbParms != 0)
                    IntPtr lpParms = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(comprOptions.cbParms);
                    Marshal.Copy(Params, 0, lpParms, comprOptions.cbParms);
                    comprOptions.lpParms = (int)lpParms;
                    comprOptions.lpParms = (int)IntPtr.Zero;

                CodecToken ret = new CodecToken();

                ret.marshaled    = true;
                ret.comprOptions = comprOptions;
                ret.codec        = Win32.decode_mmioFOURCC(comprOptions.fccHandler);
コード例 #19
            /// <summary>
            /// Acquires a video codec configuration from the user
            /// </summary>
            public IDisposable AcquireVideoCodecToken(IntPtr hwnd, CodecToken lastCodecToken)
                if (!IsOpen) throw new InvalidOperationException("File must be opened before acquiring a codec token (or else the stream formats wouldnt be known)");

                if (lastCodecToken != null)
                    currVideoCodecToken = lastCodecToken;

                //encoder params
                Win32.AVICOMPRESSOPTIONS comprOptions = new Win32.AVICOMPRESSOPTIONS();
                if (currVideoCodecToken != null)
                    currVideoCodecToken.AllocateToAVICOMPRESSOPTIONS(ref comprOptions);

                bool result = AVISaveOptions(pAviRawVideoStream, ref comprOptions, hwnd) != 0;
                CodecToken ret = CodecToken.CreateFromAVICOMPRESSOPTIONS(ref comprOptions);

                //so, AVISaveOptions may have changed some of the pointers
                //if it changed the pointers, did it it free the old ones? we don't know
                //let's assume it frees them. if we're wrong, we leak. if we assume otherwise and we're wrong, we may crash.
                //so that means any pointers that come in here are either
                //1. ones we allocated a minute ago
                //2. ones VFW allocated
                //guess what? doesn't matter. We'll free them all ourselves.
                CodecToken.DeallocateAVICOMPRESSOPTIONS(ref comprOptions);

                    // save to config and return it
                    Global.Config.AVICodecToken = ret.Serialize();
                    return ret;
                    return null;
コード例 #20
ファイル: AviWriter.cs プロジェクト: ddugovic/RASuite
		public void SetDefaultVideoCodecToken()
			CodecToken ct = CodecToken.DeSerialize(Global.Config.AVICodecToken);
			if (ct == null)
				throw new Exception("No default AVICodecToken in config!");
			currVideoCodecToken = ct;
コード例 #21
ファイル: AviWriter.cs プロジェクト: ddugovic/RASuite
			public void OpenFile(string destPath, Parameters parameters, CodecToken videoCodecToken)
				this.parameters = parameters;
				this.currVideoCodecToken = videoCodecToken;

				//TODO - try creating the file once first before we let vfw botch it up?

				//open the avi output file handle
				if (File.Exists(destPath))

				if (Win32.FAILED(Win32.AVIFileOpenW(ref pAviFile, destPath, Win32.OpenFileStyle.OF_CREATE | Win32.OpenFileStyle.OF_WRITE, 0)))
					throw new InvalidOperationException("Couldnt open dest path for avi file: " + destPath);

				//initialize the video stream
				Win32.AVISTREAMINFOW vidstream_header = new Win32.AVISTREAMINFOW();
				parameters.PopulateBITMAPINFOHEADER24(ref bmih);
				vidstream_header.fccType = Win32.mmioFOURCC("vids");
				vidstream_header.dwRate = parameters.fps;
				vidstream_header.dwScale = parameters.fps_scale;
				vidstream_header.dwSuggestedBufferSize = (int)bmih.biSizeImage;
				if (Win32.FAILED(Win32.AVIFileCreateStreamW(pAviFile, out pAviRawVideoStream, ref vidstream_header)))
					throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed opening raw video stream. Not sure how this could happen");

				//initialize audio stream
				Win32.AVISTREAMINFOW audstream_header = new Win32.AVISTREAMINFOW();
				Win32.WAVEFORMATEX wfex = new Win32.WAVEFORMATEX();
				parameters.PopulateWAVEFORMATEX(ref wfex);
				audstream_header.fccType = Win32.mmioFOURCC("auds");
				audstream_header.dwQuality = -1;
				audstream_header.dwScale = wfex.nBlockAlign;
				audstream_header.dwRate = (int)wfex.nAvgBytesPerSec;
				audstream_header.dwSampleSize = wfex.nBlockAlign;
				audstream_header.dwInitialFrames = 1; // ??? optimal value?
				if (Win32.FAILED(Win32.AVIFileCreateStreamW(pAviFile, out pAviRawAudioStream, ref audstream_header)))
					throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed opening raw audio stream. Not sure how this could happen");

				outStatus = new OutputStatus();
				IsOpen = true;
コード例 #22
ファイル: AviWriter.cs プロジェクト: ddugovic/RASuite
			static CodecToken DeSerializeFromByteArray(byte[] data)
				var m = new MemoryStream(data, false);
				var b = new BinaryReader(m);


				byte[] Format;
				byte[] Params;


					comprOptions.fccType = b.ReadInt32();
					comprOptions.fccHandler = b.ReadInt32();
					comprOptions.dwKeyFrameEvery = b.ReadInt32();
					comprOptions.dwQuality = b.ReadInt32();
					comprOptions.dwBytesPerSecond = b.ReadInt32();
					comprOptions.dwFlags = b.ReadInt32();
					//comprOptions.lpFormat = b.ReadInt32();
					comprOptions.cbFormat = b.ReadInt32();
					//comprOptions.lpParms = b.ReadInt32();
					comprOptions.cbParms = b.ReadInt32();
					comprOptions.dwInterleaveEvery = b.ReadInt32();

					Format = b.ReadBytes(comprOptions.cbFormat);
					Params = b.ReadBytes(comprOptions.cbParms);
				catch (IOException)
					// ran off end of array most likely
					return null;

				// create unmanaged copies of Format, Params
				if (comprOptions.cbFormat != 0)
					IntPtr lpFormat = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(comprOptions.cbFormat);
					Marshal.Copy(Format, 0, lpFormat, comprOptions.cbFormat);
					comprOptions.lpFormat = (int)lpFormat;
					comprOptions.lpFormat = (int)IntPtr.Zero;
				if (comprOptions.cbParms != 0)
					IntPtr lpParms = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(comprOptions.cbParms);
					Marshal.Copy(Params, 0, lpParms, comprOptions.cbParms);
					comprOptions.lpParms = (int)lpParms;
					comprOptions.lpParms = (int)IntPtr.Zero;

				CodecToken ret = new CodecToken();
				ret.marshaled = true;
				ret.comprOptions = comprOptions;
				ret.codec = Win32.decode_mmioFOURCC(comprOptions.fccHandler);
				return ret;
コード例 #23
ファイル: AviWriter.cs プロジェクト: ddugovic/RASuite
			public static CodecToken TakePossession(Win32.AVICOMPRESSOPTIONS comprOptions)
				CodecToken ret = new CodecToken();
				ret.allocated = true;
				ret.comprOptions = comprOptions;
				ret.codec = Win32.decode_mmioFOURCC(comprOptions.fccHandler);
				return ret;
コード例 #24
            public static CodecToken CreateFromAVICOMPRESSOPTIONS(ref Win32.AVICOMPRESSOPTIONS opts)
                CodecToken ret = new CodecToken();
                ret.comprOptions = opts;
                ret.codec = Win32.decode_mmioFOURCC(opts.fccHandler);
                ret.Format = new byte[opts.cbFormat];
                ret.Parms = new byte[opts.cbParms];
                if(opts.lpFormat != 0) Marshal.Copy(new IntPtr(opts.lpFormat), ret.Format, 0, opts.cbFormat);
                if (opts.lpParms != 0) Marshal.Copy(new IntPtr(opts.lpParms), ret.Parms, 0, opts.cbParms);

                return ret;
コード例 #25
ファイル: JMDWriter.cs プロジェクト: henke37/BizHawk
		/// <summary>
		/// obtain a set of recording compression parameters
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="hwnd">hwnd to attach to if the user is shown config dialog</param>
		/// <returns>codec token, dispose of it when you're done with it</returns>
		public IDisposable AcquireVideoCodecToken(System.Windows.Forms.IWin32Window hwnd)
			CodecToken ret = new CodecToken();

			// load from config and sanitize
			int t = Math.Min(Math.Max(Global.Config.JMDThreads, 1), 6);

			int c = Math.Min(Math.Max(Global.Config.JMDCompression, Deflater.NO_COMPRESSION), Deflater.BEST_COMPRESSION);

			if (!JMDForm.DoCompressionDlg(ref t, ref c, 1, 6, Deflater.NO_COMPRESSION, Deflater.BEST_COMPRESSION, hwnd))
				return null;

			Global.Config.JMDThreads = ret.numthreads = t;
			Global.Config.JMDCompression = ret.compressionlevel = c;

			return ret;
コード例 #26
ファイル: JMDWriter.cs プロジェクト: henke37/BizHawk
		public void SetDefaultVideoCodecToken()
			CodecToken ct = new CodecToken();

			// load from config and sanitize
			int t = Math.Min(Math.Max(Global.Config.JMDThreads, 1), 6);

			int c = Math.Min(Math.Max(Global.Config.JMDCompression, Deflater.NO_COMPRESSION), Deflater.BEST_COMPRESSION);

			ct.compressionlevel = c;
			ct.numthreads = t;

			token = ct;
コード例 #27
            static CodecToken DeSerializeFromByteArray(byte[] data)
                var m = new MemoryStream(data, false);
                var b = new BinaryReader(m);

                Win32.AVICOMPRESSOPTIONS comprOptions = new Win32.AVICOMPRESSOPTIONS();

                byte[] Format;
                byte[] Parms;


                    comprOptions.fccType = b.ReadInt32();
                    comprOptions.fccHandler = b.ReadInt32();
                    comprOptions.dwKeyFrameEvery = b.ReadInt32();
                    comprOptions.dwQuality = b.ReadInt32();
                    comprOptions.dwBytesPerSecond = b.ReadInt32();
                    comprOptions.dwFlags = b.ReadInt32();
                    //comprOptions.lpFormat = b.ReadInt32();
                    comprOptions.cbFormat = b.ReadInt32();
                    //comprOptions.lpParms = b.ReadInt32();
                    comprOptions.cbParms = b.ReadInt32();
                    comprOptions.dwInterleaveEvery = b.ReadInt32();

                    Format = b.ReadBytes(comprOptions.cbFormat);
                    Parms = b.ReadBytes(comprOptions.cbParms);
                catch (IOException)
                    // ran off end of array most likely
                    return null;

                CodecToken ret = new CodecToken();
                ret.comprOptions = comprOptions;
                ret.Format = Format;
                ret.Parms = Parms;
                ret.codec = Win32.decode_mmioFOURCC(comprOptions.fccHandler);
                return ret;