コード例 #1
    // tracks currentInteractable as the wand passes through qualifying objects
    void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
        VRInteractable collidedInteractable = CodeTools.GetComponentFromNearestAncestor <VRInteractable>(other.gameObject);

        if (collidedInteractable != null)
            // if we don't already have this interactable on our list of ones we're selecting, then add it
            if (!currentSelection.Contains(collidedInteractable))

            if (currentInteractable != null)
                if (collidedInteractable != currentInteractable)
                    Debug.Log(this + " just selected " + collidedInteractable.gameObject + ", but my currentInteractable is " + currentInteractable.gameObject + ", probably you just pushed the current interactable through something else.");
//            if (other.gameObject != null)
//              Debug.Log("WandController collided with a non-VRInteractable object, so ignoring it; it's "+ other.gameObject);
コード例 #2
    // tracks currentInteractable as the wand passes through qualifying objects
    void OnTriggerStay(Collider other)
        VRInteractable collidedInteractable = CodeTools.GetComponentFromNearestAncestor <VRInteractable>(other.gameObject);

        if (collidedInteractable != null)
            if (!currentSelection.Contains(collidedInteractable))
                Debug.LogError(this.gameObject + " wand is OnTriggerStay() colliding with " + collidedInteractable.gameObject + " but it's not on the currentSelection list, but it should be!");
コード例 #3
    // finds the nearest ancestor with the ArrowTrap component, and assumes that to be the ArrowTrap construction that this Arrow is a part of
    // then finds all the children (and later descendants) of that ArrowTrap that have a Collider and turns on/off (based on the passed-in ignore) the collion between this arrow and those colliders
    private void IgnoreAllArrowTrapChildren(bool ignore)
        ArrowTrap myTrap = CodeTools.GetComponentFromNearestAncestor <ArrowTrap>(this.gameObject);

        if (myTrap == null)
            Debug.LogError(this.gameObject + " does not have an ancestor that contains the ArrowTrap component.");

        Component[] colliders = myTrap.gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <Collider>();

        foreach (Collider col in colliders)
            Physics.IgnoreCollision(col, mc, ignore);
コード例 #4
    // tracks currentInteractable as the wand passes through qualifying objects
    void OnTriggerExit(Collider other)
        VRInteractable collidedInteractable = CodeTools.GetComponentFromNearestAncestor <VRInteractable>(other.gameObject);

        if (collidedInteractable == null)

        if (currentSelection.Contains(collidedInteractable))
            Debug.LogError(this.gameObject + " wand called OnTriggerExit() with " + collidedInteractable.gameObject + " but it's not on the currentSelection list, but it should be!");
コード例 #5
    void Awake()
        CodeTools.ValidateWeightedRandomArray(spots_randWeights, objectSpots.Length);
        CodeTools.ValidateWeightedRandomArray(goalSpots_randWeights, objectSpots.Length);

        if ((numSpotsToFill < 0) || (numSpotsToFill > objectSpots.Length))
            Debug.LogError("numSpotsToFill must be at least 0 and no more than the number of elements in objectSpots, but instead it is " + numSpotsToFill);

        foreach (Transform spot in objectSpots)
            if (CodeTools.GetComponentFromNearestAncestor <TreasureTable>(spot.gameObject) == null)
                Debug.LogError("No TreasureTable found on " + spot.gameObject + " nor any of its ancestors.");

        environment = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <EnvironmentManager>();
        if (environment == null)
            Debug.LogError("EnvironmentManager not found.");

        gameplayManager = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <GameplayManager>();
        if (gameplayManager == null)
            Debug.LogError("GameplayManager not found!");

        GameObject collisionMarkers;

        collisionMarkers = GameObject.Find("CollisionMarkers");
        if (collisionMarkers == null)
            collisionMarkers = new GameObject("CollisionMarkers");

        if (environment.propsFolder != null)
            collisionMarkers.transform.parent = environment.propsFolder.transform;
コード例 #6
    // called by external scripts to select a procedural config for this container
    // TODO - this whole thing is garbage and needs to be rewritten, maybe when i know more about what GameplayManager wants to do
    public void InitializeContainerConfiguration()
        // figure out which objectSpots we're going to use
        List <int> indices = CodeTools.MultipleWeightedRandomSelections(spots_randWeights, numSpotsToFill, false);

        if (indices.Count == 0)

        int usedByGoalObject = -1;

        if (gameplayManager.readyForInsertion != null)
            usedByGoalObject = GetIndexForGoalObject();
            CodeTools.CopyTransform(objectSpots[usedByGoalObject].transform, gameplayManager.readyForInsertion.transform, true, true, false);
//            Debug.Log(gameplayManager.readyForInsertion + " teleported to newly-emerging alcove.");
            gameplayManager.readyForInsertion = null;

        // spawn treasures at each of those spots
        foreach (int index in indices)
            if (index != usedByGoalObject)  // if a goal object has been placed in this slot, then skip it
                GameObject    spot = objectSpots[index].gameObject;
                TreasureTable tt   = CodeTools.GetComponentFromNearestAncestor <TreasureTable>(spot);
                if (tt == null)
                    Debug.LogError("No TreasureTable found on " + spot + " nor any of its ancestors.");

                // pick a treasure that fits in the chosen spot
                // TODO - this logic should go more like:  there's a method that finds an unused spot this treasure will fit and puts it there.  iterating over treasures, not spots.

                GameObject treasurePrefab = null;
                bool       itFitsHere     = false;
                int        tries          = 0;
                GameObject newTreasure    = null;

                while ((!itFitsHere) && (tries < 20))  // TODO - this is an unacceptable amount of sweeptests for performance

                    treasurePrefab = tt.GetRandomTreasure();
                    newTreasure    = (GameObject)Instantiate(treasurePrefab) as GameObject;
                    CodeTools.CopyTransform(spot.transform, newTreasure.transform, false, true, false);  // rotate the object to match the spot

                    itFitsHere = CodeTools.TestForCollision(newTreasure, spot.transform.position);

                    if (itFitsHere)
                        Debug.Log(newTreasure + " fits without collision at " + spot.transform.position);
                        if (spot.transform.position == Vector3.zero)
                            Debug.Log("Why is it zero?");
                        Debug.Log(newTreasure + " does not fit at " + spot.transform.position);
                        DestroyImmediate(newTreasure);  // TODO - needless to say this is terrible

                if (itFitsHere)
                    // now you can teleport it there
                    CodeTools.CopyTransform(spot.transform, newTreasure.transform, true, true, false);
                    newTreasure.transform.parent = (environment.propsFolder != null) ? environment.propsFolder.transform : null;
                    Debug.LogError("Couldn't find any treasures that will fit in spot " + spot.gameObject + " which is at " + spot.transform.position);