async Task Responce_Help(string Msg, MessageEventArgs e) { if (Msg == "") { if (e.User.Roles.Count() == 1) { var Mesg = "Hello, " + e.User.Mention + ", it seems you do not have a Role yet.\n" + "Mention any of the following Roles *(@role)* based on the games you play:\n\n"; foreach (var R in Dictionaries.Roles.Where(x => CodeSEL.GetRole(x).Name.Contains("Buddy"))) { Mesg += " • " + CodeSEL.GetRole(R).Mention + "\n"; } await CodeSEL.DefaultChannel.SendMessage(Mesg); } else { var res = "Hey, " + e.User.Name + ". Here are the commands available:\n\n"; foreach (var c in Commands.OrderBy(o => o.Name)) { res += $"**{c.Name}:** "; foreach (var s in c.Triggers) { res += s + " - "; } res = res.Substring(0, res.Length - 3) + "\n"; } res += "\nSay `-help <command>` for more info about a specific command"; await e.Channel.SendMessage(res); WriteLine("Command: Sent full resume of all commands"); } } else { foreach (var c in Commands) { if (("-" + Msg).CommandCheck(c.Triggers) || ("-" + Msg).CommandCheck(c.Name)) { await e.Channel.SendMessage(c.ToString()); WriteLine("Command: Sent specific info about the " + c.Name + " command"); return; } } var res = "Hey, " + e.User.Name + ". Here are the commands available:\n\n"; foreach (var c in Commands.OrderBy(o => o.Name)) { res += $"**{c.Name}:** "; foreach (var s in c.Triggers) { res += s + " - "; } res = res.Substring(0, res.Length - 3) + "\n"; } res += "\nSay `-help <command>` for more info about a specific command"; await e.Channel.SendMessage(res); WriteLine("Command: Sent full resume of all commands"); } }
async Task Responce_Invite(string Msg, MessageEventArgs e) { await e.Channel.SendIsTyping(); Invite Inv = await CodeSEL.CreateInvite(); await e.Channel.SendMessage("Here's an invite for the Server: `" + Inv.Code + "`"); WriteLine("Command: Created new Server Invite:" + Inv.Code); }
async Task Responce_ServerInfo(string Msg, MessageEventArgs e) { await e.Channel.SendIsTyping(); var Out = ""; Out += $"**{CodeSEL.Name}** - Server Info:\n\n"; Out += $"**Owner:** {CodeSEL.Owner.Mention}\n"; Out += $"**Default Channel:** {CodeSEL.DefaultChannel.Mention}\n"; Out += $"**Online Users:** {CodeSEL.Users.Where(x => x.Status != "offline").Count()} users online out of {CodeSEL.UserCount}\n"; Out += $"**Server ID:** `{CodeSEL.Id}`\n\n"; Out += $"**Bot:** <:CodeSel2:318697839750545408> <@{Dictionaries.Bot_ID}>\n"; Out += $"**Commands proccessed:** {BotData.CommandsProccessed}\n"; Out += $"**Uptime:** {TimeSpan.FromTicks(BotData.UpTime).ToReadableString()}\n\n"; if (CodeSEL.GetInvites().Result.Count() > 0) { Out += $"**Server Invites:**\n"; foreach (var Inv in CodeSEL.GetInvites().Result) { Out += $"`{Inv.Url}` > {CodeSEL.GetChannel(Inv.Channel.Id).Mention}\n"; } Out += '\n'; } if (Msg.Contains("#role")) { Out += $"**Server Roles:**\n"; foreach (var Rol in CodeSEL.Roles.Where(x => x.Id != CodeSEL.EveryoneRole.Id).OrderByDescending(o => o.Position)) { Out += $"**{CodeSEL.Roles.Count() - Rol.Position}** - {Rol.Mention}\n • **User Count:** {Rol.Members.Count()}\n • **ID:** `{Rol.Id}`\n"; } Out += '\n'; } else { Out += $"For more info about the roles use `-serverinfo #roles`\n"; } Out += $"For other info about the channels and permissions, go to <#{Dictionaries.Ch_T_Info}>"; (await e.Channel.SendFile("../../Resources/Code.SEL Reborn Emoji 2.0.png")).WaitForIt(); await e.Channel.SendMessage(Out); }