/// <summary> /// Delete record from the payload /// </summary> /// <param name="id"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool Delete(string id) { bool result = false; //logic to delete CodeResponse _code = new CodeResponse(); foreach (var item in GlobalStorage.CodeStorage) { try { if ((item.Key == id)) { File.Delete(item.Value.FilePath); if (item.Value.Type == "JUPYTER_NOTEBOOK") { Directory.Delete(item.Value.FilePath.Replace(item.Value.Name, ""), true); } GlobalStorage.CodeStorage.TryRemove(id, out _code); result = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { var err = ex.InnerException; } } return(result); }
private static GetSecretResult GetSecretAdvanced(int secretId, Account account, string token, CodeResponse[] codeResponses) { var soapClient = GetClient(account); var getSecretResult = soapClient.GetSecret(token, secretId, true, codeResponses); if (getSecretResult.Errors.Length == 0) { return(getSecretResult); } var secretError = getSecretResult.SecretError; if (secretError != null && secretError.AllowsResponse) { Console.WriteLine(secretError.ErrorMessage); string comment = ""; string addtionalComment = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(secretError.CommentTitle)) { Console.Write(secretError.CommentTitle + ":"); comment = Console.ReadLine(); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(secretError.AdditionalCommentTitle)) { Console.Write(secretError.AdditionalCommentTitle + ":"); addtionalComment = Console.ReadLine(); } var codeResponse = new CodeResponse() { ErrorCode = secretError.ErrorCode, Comment = comment, AdditionalComment = addtionalComment }; return(GetSecretAdvanced(secretId, account, token, new CodeResponse[] { codeResponse })); } return(getSecretResult); }
public Response <T> ResponseFail(CodeResponse code, IList <string> messages) { ResponseBusiness.TransactionComplete = false; ResponseBusiness.ResponseCode = (int)code; ResponseBusiness.Message = messages; return(ResponseBusiness); }
IEnumerator Upload(string Codigo) { WWWForm form = new WWWForm(); form.AddField("codigo", Codigo); UnityWebRequest www = UnityWebRequest.Post("", form); yield return(www.SendWebRequest()); if (www.isNetworkError || www.isHttpError) { Debug.Log(www.error); } else { CodeResponse myCodeClass = JsonUtility.FromJson <CodeResponse>(www.downloadHandler.text); Debug.Log(www.downloadHandler.text); if (myCodeClass.mensaje == "Correcto") { SceneManager.LoadScene("Avatar"); } else { SSTools.ShowMessage("Tu código no esta asociado a ningun maestro", SSTools.Position.bottom, SSTools.Time.threeSecond); } } }
public void TestUpdateCodePayload() { List <Property> _prop = new List <Property>(); List <CodeResponse> _Code = new List <CodeResponse>(); TestCreateCodePayload(); _Code = CodePayload.Get(); _prop.Add(new Property { key = "new_prop", value = "200" }); CodeResponse updateRecord = new CodeResponse() { Id = "HelloCode", Name = "HelloCode.py", User = "", Created_on = DateTime.Now.ToString(), Edited_on = DateTime.Now.ToString(), Extension = ".png", MimeType = "application/image", Size = 111, Type = "PY", Url = "http://localhost/uploads/Code/HelloCode.py", FilePath = "", Properties = _prop }; CodeResponse updated = CodePayload.Update(updateRecord); Assert.NotEqual(_Code[0].Properties, updateRecord.Properties); }
/// <summary> /// Delete record from the payload /// </summary> /// <param name="id"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool Delete(string id) { bool result = false; //logic to delete CodeResponse _code = new CodeResponse(); foreach (var item in GlobalStorage.CodeStorage) { try { if ((item.Key == id)) { string resourcePath = item.Value.FilePath; File.Delete(resourcePath); if (item.Value.Type == "JUPYTER_NOTEBOOK" || item.Value.Type == "PYTHON") { string directoryToDelete = resourcePath.Substring(0, resourcePath.LastIndexOf(item.Value.Name)); Directory.Delete(directoryToDelete); } GlobalStorage.CodeStorage.TryRemove(id, out _code); result = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { var err = ex.InnerException; } } return(result); }
public void Test_Code_GetFilePathById() { // List <Property> _prop = new List <Property>(); CodeResponse record = new CodeResponse() { Id = "HelloCode", Name = "Hello.py", User = "", Created_on = DateTime.Now.ToString(), Edited_on = DateTime.Now.ToString(), Extension = ".py", MimeType = "application/image", Size = 111, Type = "PY", Url = "http://localhost/uploads/Code/Hello.png", FilePath = "some Path", Properties = _prop }; List <CodeResponse> records = new List <CodeResponse> { record }; string result = FilePathHelper.GetFilePathById("HelloCode", records); // Assert.Equal("some Path", result); }
public async Task <CodeResponse> ExecuteCustomInputAsync(int attendeeId, TestAnswerAC testAnswer) { var result = new Result(); if (testAnswer.Code.Input != null) { result = await ExecuteCodeAsync(testAnswer.Code); } var codeResponse = new CodeResponse() { ErrorOccurred = result.ExitCode != 0, Error = result.Output, Message = null, Output = result.Output, TimeConsumed = result.RunTime, MemoryConsumed = result.MemoryConsumed, TotalTestCasePassed = 0, TotalTestCases = 0 }; testAnswer.Code.CodeResponse = codeResponse; await AddAnswerAsync(attendeeId, testAnswer, 0.0); return(codeResponse); }
public IActionResult GetContractInfo([FromBody] StringRequest request) { // Call blockchain to get the smart contract code string json = WebRequestHelper.GET("http://localhost:38220/api/SmartContracts/code?address=" + request.request); // Convert the JSON to a CodeResponse object CodeResponse response = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <CodeResponse>(json); if (response == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(response.bytecode)) { return(BadRequest()); } // Grab the byte code from the response object string contractByteString = response.bytecode; // Convert string to byte array byte[] contractByteCode = HexToByteArray(contractByteString); List <StratisMethodInfo> result = new List <StratisMethodInfo>(); using (ModuleDefinition moduleDefinition = ModuleDefinition.ReadModule(new MemoryStream(contractByteCode))) { // Get the contract definition, and all methods on it TypeDefinition contractType = GetContractType(moduleDefinition); MethodDefinition[] methods = contractType.Methods.ToArray(); foreach (MethodDefinition definition in methods) { // No need to show the contracts constructor method if (definition.Name != ".ctor") { // Build a new Method Info project StratisMethodInfo newInfo = new StratisMethodInfo(definition.Name); List <StratisParamterInfo> newParamters = new List <StratisParamterInfo>(); // Loop through all paramters and add them the list for (var i = 0; i < definition.Parameters.Count; ++i) { newParamters.Add( new StratisParamterInfo( definition.Parameters[i].ParameterType.Name, definition.Parameters[i].Name ) ); } // Add the paramters list to the method info object. Then add the object to the result list. newInfo.Paramters = newParamters.ToArray(); result.Add(newInfo); } } } return(Ok(result.ToArray())); }
public static CodeResponse Update(CodeResponse updatedRecord) { // CodeResponse _m = GlobalStorage.CodeStorage.Values .Where(a => a.Id == updatedRecord.Id) .Select(a => a).ToList()[0]; // Delete(updatedRecord.Id); GlobalStorage.CodeStorage.TryAdd(updatedRecord.Id, updatedRecord); return(updatedRecord); }
public CodeResponse VerifySession(string Token, int Code) { Session session = null; CodeResponse response = new CodeResponse { Success = false, Errors = new List <string>(), }; using (var connection = new SqlConnection(_connectionString)) { connection.Open(); session = connection .Query <Session>( "EXEC [Support-API].[dbo].[SP_Get_Session] @JWT = @JWT", new { JWT = Token } ).FirstOrDefault(); } Hash codeHash = new Hash(session.Code); string CodeStr = Code.ToString(); string HashedCodeStr = Hashing.GenerateHash(CodeStr, codeHash.iterations, codeHash.salt); if (session.Code == HashedCodeStr) { using (var connection = new SqlConnection(_connectionString)) { connection.Open(); session = connection .Query <Session>( "EXEC [Support-API].[dbo].[SP_Verify_Session] @JWT = @JWT", new { JWT = Token } ).FirstOrDefault(); } if (session.Verified) { response.Success = true; } else { response.Errors.Add("Invalid Code"); } } else { response.Errors.Add("Invalid Token"); } return(response); }
public static bool RemoveOnlyFromCodePayload(string id) { bool result = false; CodeResponse _data = new CodeResponse(); foreach (var item in GlobalStorage.CodeStorage) { GlobalStorage.CodeStorage.TryRemove(id, out _data); result = true; } return(result); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Get(string id) { string fileContent = string.Empty; string filePath = FilePathHelper.GetFilePathById <CodeResponse>(id, codeResponse); string fileName = Path.GetFileName(filePath); CodeResponse _meta = new CodeResponse(); JObject jsonObj = new JObject(); //get file metadata foreach (var record in codeResponse) { if (record.Id.ToString() == id) { fileName = record.Name; _meta = record; } } try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName)) { using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(filePath)) { fileContent = await reader.ReadToEndAsync(); } } string strjObj = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(_meta); JObject jObjCode = JObject.Parse(strjObj); //JObject jsonObj = JObject.Parse(); jsonObj.Add("code", fileContent); jObjCode.Merge(jsonObj, new JsonMergeSettings { // union array values together to avoid duplicates MergeArrayHandling = MergeArrayHandling.Union }); return(Json(jObjCode)); } catch (Exception ex) { return(BadRequest(ex.Message)); } }
public static CodeResponse GetById(string id) { CodeResponse result = new CodeResponse(); if (GlobalStorage.CodeStorage != null) { foreach (var item in GlobalStorage.CodeStorage) { if (item.Key == id) { result = item.Value; break; } } } return(result); }
public void TestCreateCodePayload() { List <Property> _prop = new List <Property>(); CodeResponse newRecord = new CodeResponse() { Id = "HelloCode", Name = "Hello.py", User = "", Created_on = DateTime.Now.ToString(), Edited_on = DateTime.Now.ToString(), Extension = ".py", MimeType = "application/image", Size = 111, Type = "PY", Url = "http://localhost/uploads/Code/Hello.png", FilePath = "some Path", Properties = _prop }; CodeResponse createdRecord = CodePayload.Create(newRecord); Assert.Equal(newRecord, createdRecord); }
public async Task <CodeResponse> ExecuteCodeSnippetAsync(int attendeeId, bool runOnlyDefault, TestAnswerAC testAnswer) { var allTestCasePassed = true; var countPassedTest = 0; var errorEncounter = false; var errorMessage = ""; var score = 0d; var code = testAnswer.Code; var codeResponse = new CodeResponse(); var testCases = new List <CodeSnippetQuestionTestCases>(); var results = new List <Result>(); var testCaseResults = new List <TestCaseResult>(); var testCaseChecks = await _dbContext.CodeSnippetQuestion.SingleOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Id == testAnswer.QuestionId); var completeTestCases = await _dbContext.CodeSnippetQuestionTestCases.Where(x => x.CodeSnippetQuestionId == testAnswer.QuestionId).ToListAsync(); //Filter Test Cases testCases.AddRange(completeTestCases.Where(x => x.TestCaseType == TestCaseType.Default).ToList()); if (testCaseChecks.RunBasicTestCase && !runOnlyDefault) { testCases.AddRange(completeTestCases.Where(x => x.TestCaseType == TestCaseType.Basic).ToList()); } if (testCaseChecks.RunCornerTestCase && !runOnlyDefault) { testCases.AddRange(completeTestCases.Where(x => x.TestCaseType == TestCaseType.Corner).ToList()); } if (testCaseChecks.RunNecessaryTestCase && !runOnlyDefault) { testCases.AddRange(completeTestCases.Where(x => x.TestCaseType == TestCaseType.Necessary).ToList()); } //End of filter foreach (var testCase in testCases) { code.Input = testCase.TestCaseInput; var result = await ExecuteCodeAsync(code); if (result.ExitCode != 0) { errorEncounter = true; errorMessage = result.Output; } //Trim newline character result.Output = result.Output.TrimEnd(new char[] { '\r', '\n' }); if (result.Output != testCase.TestCaseOutput) { allTestCasePassed = false; } else { countPassedTest++; //Calculate score score += testCase.TestCaseMarks; } var testCaseResult = new TestCaseResult() { Memory = result.MemoryConsumed, Output = result.Output, CodeSnippetQuestionTestCasesId = testCase.Id, Processing = result.RunTime }; testCaseResults.Add(testCaseResult); } //Add score to the TestCodeSolution table //Final score is calculated using the following formula: //Total score of this question = Sum(1st test case marks + 2nd test case marks .....) / Sum of total marks of all test cases var totalTestCaseScore = testCases.Sum(x => x.TestCaseMarks); var codeSolution = new TestCodeSolution() { TestAttendeeId = attendeeId, QuestionId = testAnswer.QuestionId, Solution = testAnswer.Code.Source, Language = testAnswer.Code.Language, Score = score / totalTestCaseScore }; await _dbContext.TestCodeSolution.AddAsync(codeSolution); await _dbContext.SaveChangesAsync(); //Add result to TestCaseResult Table foreach (var testCaseResult in testCaseResults) { testCaseResult.TestCodeSolution = codeSolution; } await _dbContext.TestCaseResult.AddRangeAsync(testCaseResults); await _dbContext.SaveChangesAsync(); codeResponse.ErrorOccurred = false; if (allTestCasePassed && !errorEncounter) { codeResponse.Message = runOnlyDefault ? _stringConstants.DefaultTestCasePassed : _stringConstants.AllTestCasePassed; } else if (!errorEncounter) { if (countPassedTest > 0) { codeResponse.Message = runOnlyDefault ? _stringConstants.DefaultTestCaseFailed : _stringConstants.SomeTestCasePassed; } else { codeResponse.Message = runOnlyDefault ? _stringConstants.DefaultTestCaseFailed : _stringConstants.NoTestCasePassed; } } else { codeResponse.ErrorOccurred = true; codeResponse.Error = errorMessage; } //Add answer to the database testAnswer.Code.CodeResponse = codeResponse; codeResponse.TotalTestCases = testCases.Count(); codeResponse.TotalTestCasePassed = countPassedTest; await AddAnswerAsync(attendeeId, testAnswer, 0.0); return(codeResponse); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Post(List <IFormFile> file) { List <CodeResponse> response = new List <CodeResponse>(); List <CodeResponse> existingCodeData = new List <CodeResponse>(); long size = file.Sum(f => f.Length); bool IsFileExists = false; string type, dirFullpath, nbPath, _url = string.Empty; // full path to file in temp location var filePath = Path.GetTempFileName(); foreach (var formFile in file) { dirFullpath = DirectoryHelper.GetCodeDirectoryPath(); if (formFile.Length > 0) { //check if the file with the same name exists existingCodeData = CodePayload.Get(); if (existingCodeData.Count > 0) { // foreach (var record in existingCodeData) { if (record.Name == formFile.FileName) { IsFileExists = true; } } } existingCodeData.Clear(); // if (!IsFileExists) { var fileExt = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(formFile.FileName).Substring(1); if (fileExt.ToLower() == "ipynb") { dirFullpath = dirFullpath + formFile.FileName.Replace(".ipynb", "/"); _url = DirectoryHelper.GetCodeUrl(formFile.FileName.Replace(".ipynb", string.Empty) + "/" + formFile.FileName); } else { _url = DirectoryHelper.GetCodeUrl(formFile.FileName); } nbPath = dirFullpath + formFile.FileName; //check if folder path exists...if not then create folder if (!Directory.Exists(dirFullpath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(dirFullpath); } // upload file start using (var fileStream = new FileStream(Path.Combine(dirFullpath, formFile.FileName), FileMode.Create)) { //check file allowed extensions if (!extensions.Contains(fileExt.ToString().ToLower())) { return(BadRequest("File type not allowed")); } //file copy await formFile.CopyToAsync(fileStream); // upload file edn and start creating payload switch (fileExt.ToLower()) { case "py": type = "PYTHON"; break; case "ipynb": type = "JUPYTER_NOTEBOOK"; break; default: type = "UNRECOGNIZED"; break; } CodeResponse newRecord = new CodeResponse() { Id = formFile.FileName.Replace("." + fileExt, ""), Name = formFile.FileName, User = "", Created_on = DateTime.Now.ToString(), Edited_on = DateTime.Now.ToString(), Extension = fileExt, MimeType = formFile.ContentType, Size = formFile.Length, Type = type, Url = _url, FilePath = nbPath, DateCreated = DateTime.Now }; CodePayload.Create(newRecord); response.Add(newRecord); } } } IsFileExists = false; } if (response.Count > 0) { return(Ok(response)); } else { return(BadRequest("File already exists.")); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> ModifyFilenameAsync(string id) { string newFileName = ""; string newDirFullPath = ""; string dirFullpath = DirectoryHelper.GetCodeDirectoryPath(); string reqBody = ""; await System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FromResult(0); // try { //read request body using (var reader = new StreamReader(Request.Body)) { var body = reader.ReadToEnd(); reqBody = body.ToString(); } //get new filename if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(reqBody)) { var content = JObject.Parse(reqBody); newFileName = (string)content["newName"]; newFileName = Regex.Replace(newFileName, "[\n\r\t]", string.Empty); newFileName = Regex.Replace(newFileName, @"\s", string.Empty); } //if same name exist - BadRequest foreach (var record in codeResponse) { if (record.Id.ToLower() == newFileName.ToLower()) { return(BadRequest(new { message = "File with same name already exists." })); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(newFileName)) { //rename the file and/or folder foreach (var record in codeResponse) { if (record.Id.ToString() == id) { if (record.Type == "JUPYTER_NOTEBOOK") { //check if folder path exists...if not then move folder newDirFullPath = $"{dirFullpath}{newFileName}"; if (!Directory.Exists(newDirFullPath)) { Directory.Move($"{dirFullpath}{id}", newDirFullPath); FileFolderHelper.RenameFile($"{newDirFullPath}/{id}.{record.Extension}", $"{newDirFullPath}/{newFileName}.{record.Extension}"); newDirFullPath = $"{newDirFullPath}/{newFileName}.{record.Extension}"; } else { return(BadRequest(new { message = "Folder with same name already exists. Please choose different file/folder name." })); } } else { newDirFullPath = record.FilePath.Replace($"{id}.{record.Extension}", $"{newFileName}.{record.Extension}"); FileFolderHelper.RenameFile(record.FilePath, newDirFullPath); } //update GlobalStorage dictionary CodeResponse newRecord = new CodeResponse() { Id = newFileName, Name = $"{newFileName}.{record.Extension}", User = "", Created_on = record.Created_on, Edited_on = record.Edited_on, Extension = record.Extension, MimeType = record.MimeType, Size = record.Size, Type = record.Type, Url = record.Url.Replace(id, newFileName), FilePath = newDirFullPath, DateCreated = record.DateCreated }; CodePayload.Create(newRecord); CodePayload.RemoveOnlyFromCodePayload(id); return(Json(newRecord)); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { return(BadRequest(new { message = "Renaming file failed.", exception = ex.StackTrace })); } return(BadRequest(new { message = "Renaming file failed." })); }
public static bool ScanDirectoryToSeed() { bool result = false; string fileName, _url, _fullName, fileContent, fileExt = ""; Console.WriteLine("Dir Loc=" + DirectoryHelper.fileUploadDirectoryPath); var zmodDir = new ZmodDirectory(DirectoryHelper.fileUploadDirectoryPath); //seed data - subdir, csv, img and json #region DATA - SUBDIR foreach (var subdir in Directory.GetDirectories(DirectoryHelper.GetDataDirectoryPath())) { string folderName = Path.GetFileName(subdir); string _createdOn = Directory.GetCreationTime(subdir).ToString(); List <Property> _props = new List <Property>(); _props.Add(new Property { key = "Subdirectories", value = DirectoryHelper.CountDirectories(subdir).ToString() }); _props.Add(new Property { key = "Files", value = DirectoryHelper.CountFiles(subdir).ToString() }); DataResponse newRecord = new DataResponse() { Created_on = Directory.GetCreationTime(subdir).ToString(), Edited_on = Directory.GetLastWriteTime(subdir).ToString(), Extension = "", Type = "FOLDER", FilePath = subdir, Id = folderName, MimeType = "", Name = folderName, Properties = _props, DateCreated = Directory.GetCreationTime(subdir) }; // DataPayload.Create(newRecord); } #endregion #region DATA - CSV foreach (var item in zmodDir.CsvFiles) { List <Property> _props = new List <Property>(); fileName = item.Value.info.Name; fileExt = "csv"; _fullName = item.Value.info.FullName; _fullName = _fullName.Substring(_fullName.IndexOf("Data")).Remove(0, 5); _url = DirectoryHelper.GetDataUrl(_fullName); //get properties row and column count int[] csvProps = CsvHelper.GetCsvRowColumnCount(item.Value.info.FullName); _props.Add(new Property { key = "Number of Rows", value = csvProps[0].ToString() }); _props.Add(new Property { key = "Number of Columns", value = csvProps[1].ToString() }); // DataResponse newRecord = new DataResponse() { Created_on = item.Value.info.CreationTime.ToString(), Edited_on = item.Value.info.LastWriteTime.ToString(), Extension = fileExt, FilePath = item.Value.info.FullName, Id = fileName.Replace($".{fileExt}", ""), MimeType = "text/csv", Name = fileName, Properties = _props, Size = item.Value.info.Length, Type = "CSV", Url = _url, User = "", DateCreated = item.Value.info.CreationTime }; // DataPayload.Create(newRecord); } #endregion #region DATA - IMAGES foreach (var item in zmodDir.ImageFiles) { List <Property> _props = new List <Property>(); fileName = item.Value.info.Name; fileExt = item.Value.info.Extension.Remove(0, 1); _fullName = item.Value.info.FullName; _fullName = _fullName.Substring(_fullName.IndexOf("Data")).Remove(0, 5); _url = DirectoryHelper.GetDataUrl(_fullName).Replace("\\", "/"); //get properties try { // using (var image = new Bitmap(System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(item.Value.info.FullName))) using (var image = new Bitmap(item.Value.info.FullName)) { _props.Add(new Property { key = "Width", value = image.Width.ToString() + " px" }); _props.Add(new Property { key = "Height", value = image.Height.ToString() + " px" }); image.Dispose(); } // DataResponse newRecord = new DataResponse() { Created_on = item.Value.info.CreationTime.ToString(), Edited_on = item.Value.info.LastWriteTime.ToString(), Extension = fileExt, FilePath = item.Value.info.FullName, Id = fileName.Replace($".{fileExt}", ""), MimeType = $"image/{fileExt}", Name = fileName, Properties = _props, Size = item.Value.info.Length, Type = "IMAGE", Url = _url, User = "", DateCreated = item.Value.info.CreationTime }; // DataPayload.Create(newRecord); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); } } #endregion #region DATA - JSON foreach (var item in zmodDir.JsonFiles) { List <Property> _props = new List <Property>(); fileName = item.Value.info.Name; fileExt = "json"; _fullName = item.Value.info.FullName; _fullName = _fullName.Substring(_fullName.IndexOf("Data")).Remove(0, 5); _url = DirectoryHelper.GetDataUrl(_fullName); fileContent = ""; //read json file from filestream if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName)) { using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(item.Value.info.FullName)) { fileContent = reader.ReadToEnd(); } } //parse try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileContent)) { JsonTextReader reader = new JsonTextReader(new StringReader(fileContent)); int objCtr = 0; while (reader.Read()) { if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.EndObject) { objCtr++; } } _props.Add(new Property { key = "Number of Objects", value = objCtr.ToString() }); // DataResponse newRecord = new DataResponse() { Created_on = item.Value.info.CreationTime.ToString(), Edited_on = item.Value.info.LastWriteTime.ToString(), Extension = fileExt, FilePath = item.Value.info.FullName, Id = fileName.Replace($".{fileExt}", ""), MimeType = "application/json", Name = fileName, Properties = _props, Size = item.Value.info.Length, Type = "JSON", Url = _url, User = "", DateCreated = item.Value.info.CreationTime }; // DataPayload.Create(newRecord); } } catch (Exception ex) { //TODO: logger string err = ex.StackTrace; } } #endregion #region DATA - MP4 foreach (var item in zmodDir.VideoFiles) { List <Property> _props = new List <Property>(); fileName = item.Value.info.Name; fileExt = item.Value.info.Extension.Remove(0, 1); _fullName = item.Value.info.FullName; _fullName = _fullName.Substring(_fullName.IndexOf("Data")).Remove(0, 5); _url = DirectoryHelper.GetDataUrl(_fullName); //get properties try { DataResponse newRecord = new DataResponse() { Created_on = item.Value.info.CreationTime.ToString(), Edited_on = item.Value.info.LastWriteTime.ToString(), Extension = fileExt, FilePath = item.Value.info.FullName, Id = fileName.Replace($".{fileExt}", ""), MimeType = $"video/{fileExt}", Name = fileName, Properties = _props, Size = item.Value.info.Length, Type = "VIDEO", Url = _url, User = "", DateCreated = item.Value.info.CreationTime }; // DataPayload.Create(newRecord); } catch (Exception ex) { //TODO: logger string err = ex.StackTrace; } } #endregion #region DATA - TEXT foreach (var item in zmodDir.TextFiles) { List <Property> _props = new List <Property>(); fileName = item.Value.info.Name; fileExt = item.Value.info.Extension.Remove(0, 1); _fullName = item.Value.info.FullName; _fullName = _fullName.Substring(_fullName.IndexOf("Data")).Remove(0, 5); _url = DirectoryHelper.GetDataUrl(_fullName); //get properties try { DataResponse newRecord = new DataResponse() { Created_on = item.Value.info.CreationTime.ToString(), Edited_on = item.Value.info.LastWriteTime.ToString(), Extension = fileExt, FilePath = item.Value.info.FullName, Id = fileName.Replace($".{fileExt}", ""), MimeType = $"text/plain", Name = fileName, Properties = _props, Size = item.Value.info.Length, Type = "TEXT", Url = _url, User = "", DateCreated = item.Value.info.CreationTime }; // DataPayload.Create(newRecord); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); } } #endregion //seed code - py and ipynb #region CODE - PY foreach (var item in zmodDir.PyFiles) { fileName = item.Value.info.Name; fileExt = "py"; _url = DirectoryHelper.GetCodeUrl(item.Value.info.Name); CodeResponse newRecord = new CodeResponse() { Created_on = item.Value.info.CreationTime.ToString(), Edited_on = item.Value.info.LastWriteTime.ToString(), Extension = fileExt, FilePath = item.Value.info.FullName, Id = fileName.Replace($".{fileExt}", ""), MimeType = "application/octet-stream", Name = fileName, Size = item.Value.info.Length, Type = "PYTHON", Url = _url, User = "", DateCreated = item.Value.info.CreationTime }; CodePayload.Create(newRecord); } #endregion #region CODE - IPYNB foreach (var item in zmodDir.IpynbFiles) { fileName = item.Value.info.Name; fileExt = Path.GetExtension(fileName).Remove(0, 1); _url = DirectoryHelper.GetCodeUrl(item.Value.info.Name); CodeResponse newRecord = new CodeResponse() { Created_on = item.Value.info.CreationTime.ToString(), Edited_on = item.Value.info.LastWriteTime.ToString(), Extension = fileExt, FilePath = item.Value.info.FullName, Id = fileName.Replace($".{fileExt}", ""), MimeType = "application/octet-stream", Name = fileName, Size = item.Value.info.Length, Type = "JUPYTER_NOTEBOOK", Url = _url, User = "", DateCreated = item.Value.info.CreationTime }; CodePayload.Create(newRecord); } #endregion #region DATA - R foreach (var item in zmodDir.RFiles) { fileName = item.Value.info.Name; fileExt = "r"; _url = DirectoryHelper.GetCodeUrl(item.Value.info.Name); CodeResponse newRecord = new CodeResponse() { Created_on = item.Value.info.CreationTime.ToString(), Edited_on = item.Value.info.LastWriteTime.ToString(), Extension = fileExt, FilePath = item.Value.info.FullName, Id = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName), MimeType = "application/octet-stream", Name = fileName, Size = item.Value.info.Length, Type = "R", Url = _url, User = "", DateCreated = item.Value.info.CreationTime }; CodePayload.Create(newRecord); } #endregion //loop of model #region MODEL - PMML foreach (var item in zmodDir.PmmlFiles) { List <Property> _props = new List <Property>(); fileName = item.Value.info.Name; fileExt = "pmml"; _url = DirectoryHelper.GetModelUrl(item.Value.info.Name); // ModelResponse newRecord = new ModelResponse() { Created_on = item.Value.info.CreationTime.ToString(), Deployed = false, Edited_on = item.Value.info.LastWriteTime.ToString(), Extension = fileExt, FilePath = item.Value.info.FullName, Id = fileName.Replace($".{fileExt}", ""), Loaded = false, MimeType = "application/octet-stream", Name = fileName, Size = item.Value.info.Length, Type = "PMML", Url = _url, User = "", Properties = _props, DateCreated = item.Value.info.CreationTime }; ModelPayload.Create(newRecord); } #endregion #region MODEL - H5 foreach (var item in zmodDir.H5Files) { List <Property> _props = new List <Property>(); fileName = item.Value.info.Name; fileExt = "h5"; _url = DirectoryHelper.GetModelUrl(item.Value.info.Name); // ModelResponse newRecord = new ModelResponse() { Created_on = item.Value.info.CreationTime.ToString(), Deployed = false, Edited_on = item.Value.info.LastWriteTime.ToString(), Extension = fileExt, FilePath = item.Value.info.FullName, Id = fileName.Replace($".{fileExt}", ""), Loaded = false, MimeType = "application/octet-stream", Name = fileName, Size = item.Value.info.Length, Type = "H5", Url = _url, User = "", Properties = _props, DateCreated = item.Value.info.CreationTime }; ModelPayload.Create(newRecord); } #endregion return(result); }
public static bool ScanCodeDirectory() { bool result = false; string fileName, _url, fileExt = ""; Console.WriteLine("Dir Loc=" + DirectoryHelper.fileUploadDirectoryPath); var zmodDir = new ZmodDirectory(DirectoryHelper.fileUploadDirectoryPath); //seed code - py and ipynb #region CODE - PY foreach (var item in zmodDir.PyFiles) { fileName = item.Value.info.Name; fileExt = "py"; _url = DirectoryHelper.GetCodeUrl(item.Value.info.Name); CodeResponse newRecord = new CodeResponse() { Created_on = item.Value.info.CreationTime.ToString(), Edited_on = item.Value.info.LastWriteTime.ToString(), Extension = fileExt, FilePath = item.Value.info.FullName, Id = fileName.Replace($".{fileExt}", ""), MimeType = "application/octet-stream", Name = fileName, Size = item.Value.info.Length, Type = "PYTHON", Url = _url, User = "", DateCreated = item.Value.info.CreationTime }; CodePayload.Create(newRecord); } #endregion #region CODE - IPYNB foreach (var item in zmodDir.IpynbFiles) { fileName = item.Value.info.Name; fileExt = Path.GetExtension(fileName).Remove(0, 1); _url = DirectoryHelper.GetCodeUrl(item.Value.info.Name); CodeResponse newRecord = new CodeResponse() { Created_on = item.Value.info.CreationTime.ToString(), Edited_on = item.Value.info.LastWriteTime.ToString(), Extension = fileExt, FilePath = item.Value.info.FullName, Id = fileName.Replace($".{fileExt}", ""), MimeType = "application/octet-stream", Name = fileName, Size = item.Value.info.Length, Type = "JUPYTER_NOTEBOOK", Url = _url, User = "", DateCreated = item.Value.info.CreationTime }; CodePayload.Create(newRecord); } #endregion return(result); }
public async Task <IActionResult> CreateFileAsync(string type) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(type)) { return(BadRequest(new{ message = "Type is needed." })); } await System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FromResult(0); #region Variables string _type = type.ToLower(); long fileSize = 0L; string dirFullpath = DirectoryHelper.GetCodeDirectoryPath(); string _id = $"New_{DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString()}"; string newFile = $"{_id}.{_type}"; string _url = DirectoryHelper.GetCodeUrl(newFile); string _filePath = Path.Combine(dirFullpath, newFile); CodeResponse _code = new CodeResponse(); List <Property> _props = new List <Property>(); StringBuilder fileContent = new StringBuilder(); #endregion // switch (_type) { case "py": fileContent.Append("print ('Your code goes here')"); break; case "ipynb": fileContent.Append("{"); fileContent.Append("\"cells\": ["); fileContent.Append("{"); fileContent.Append("\"cell_type\": \"code\","); fileContent.Append("\"execution_count\": null,"); fileContent.Append("\"metadata\": {},"); fileContent.Append("\"outputs\": [],"); fileContent.Append("\"source\": []"); fileContent.Append("}"); fileContent.Append(" ],"); fileContent.Append("\"metadata\": {"); fileContent.Append("\"kernelspec\": {"); fileContent.Append("\"display_name\": \"Python 3\","); fileContent.Append("\"language\": \"python\","); fileContent.Append("\"name\": \"python3\""); fileContent.Append("}"); fileContent.Append("},"); fileContent.Append("\"nbformat\": 4,"); fileContent.Append("\"nbformat_minor\": 2"); fileContent.Append("}"); dirFullpath = $"{dirFullpath}{_id}/"; if (!Directory.Exists(dirFullpath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(dirFullpath); _filePath = $"{dirFullpath}{newFile}"; } break; } using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(_filePath)) { foreach (string line in fileContent.ToString().Split(",@,")) { writer.WriteLine(line); } writer.Flush(); fileSize = writer.BaseStream.Length; } // CodeResponse newRecord = new CodeResponse() { Id = _id, Name = newFile, Created_on = DateTime.Now.ToString(), Edited_on = DateTime.Now.ToString(), Extension = _type, MimeType = "application/octet-stream", Size = fileSize, Type = _type == "ipynb"? "JUPYTER_NOTEBOOK" : "PYTHON", Url = _url, FilePath = _filePath, DateCreated = DateTime.Now }; CodePayload.Create(newRecord); return(Json(CodePayload.GetById(_id))); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Post(List <IFormFile> file) { List <CodeResponse> response = new List <CodeResponse>(); List <CodeResponse> existingCodeData = new List <CodeResponse>(); long size = file.Sum(f => f.Length); bool IsFileExists = false; string type, dirFullpath, nbPath, _url = string.Empty; // full path to file in temp location var filePath = Path.GetTempFileName(); foreach (var formFile in file) { dirFullpath = DirectoryHelper.GetCodeDirectoryPath(); #region type var fileExt = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(formFile.FileName).Substring(1); // upload file edn and start creating payload switch (fileExt.ToLower()) { case "py": type = "PYTHON"; break; case "ipynb": type = "JUPYTER_NOTEBOOK"; break; case "r": type = "R"; break; default: type = "UNRECOGNIZED"; break; } #endregion if (formFile.Length > 0) { //check if the file with the same name exists existingCodeData = CodePayload.Get(); if (existingCodeData.Count > 0) { // foreach (var record in existingCodeData) { if (record.Name == formFile.FileName) { IsFileExists = true; } } } existingCodeData.Clear(); // if (!FilePathHelper.IsFileNameValid(formFile.FileName)) { return(BadRequest("File name not valid.")); } if (!IsFileExists) { #region upload large file > 400MB if (size > 40000000) { Console.WriteLine(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>UPLOADING LARGE CODE FILE................................"); #region add to uploading // FilesInProgress wip = new FilesInProgress() { Id = formFile.FileName, CreatedAt = DateTime.Now, Name = formFile.FileName, Type = type, Module = "CODE", UploadStatus = "INPROGRESS" }; FilesUploadingPayload.Create(wip); #endregion //check if same job is scheduled ISchedulerFactory schfack = new StdSchedulerFactory(); IScheduler scheduler = await schfack.GetScheduler(); var jobKey = new JobKey(filePath); if (await scheduler.CheckExists(jobKey)) { await scheduler.ResumeJob(jobKey); } else { #region create quartz job for training model ITrigger trigger = TriggerBuilder.Create() .WithIdentity($"Uploading Code file-{DateTime.Now}") .WithPriority(1) .Build(); IJobDetail job = JobBuilder.Create <UploadJob>() .WithIdentity(filePath) .Build(); job.JobDataMap["id"] = formFile.FileName.Replace($".{fileExt}", ""); job.JobDataMap["filePath"] = filePath; await _scheduler.ScheduleJob(job, trigger); #endregion } } #endregion if (fileExt.ToLower() == "ipynb") { dirFullpath = dirFullpath + formFile.FileName.Replace(".ipynb", "/"); _url = DirectoryHelper.GetCodeUrl(formFile.FileName.Replace(".ipynb", string.Empty) + "/" + formFile.FileName); } else { _url = DirectoryHelper.GetCodeUrl(formFile.FileName); } nbPath = dirFullpath + formFile.FileName; //check if folder path exists...if not then create folder if (!Directory.Exists(dirFullpath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(dirFullpath); } // upload file start using (var fileStream = new FileStream(Path.Combine(dirFullpath, formFile.FileName), FileMode.Create)) { //check file allowed extensions if (!extensions.Contains(fileExt.ToString().ToLower())) { return(BadRequest("File type not allowed")); } //file copy await formFile.CopyToAsync(fileStream); CodeResponse newRecord = new CodeResponse() { Id = formFile.FileName.Replace("." + fileExt, ""), Name = formFile.FileName, User = "", Created_on = DateTime.Now.ToString(), Edited_on = DateTime.Now.ToString(), Extension = fileExt, MimeType = formFile.ContentType, Size = formFile.Length, Type = type, Url = _url, FilePath = nbPath, DateCreated = DateTime.Now }; CodePayload.Create(newRecord); response.Add(newRecord); } } else { return(Conflict(new { message = "File already exists.", error = "File already exists." })); } } IsFileExists = false; } if (response.Count > 0) { return(Ok(response)); } else { return(BadRequest("File already exists.")); } }
public async Task <CodeResponse> ModifyArtwork([FromBody] ArtworkModifyInputDto inputDto) { var result = await _artworkAppService.ModifyArtwork(inputDto); return(result ? CodeResponse.Ok() : CodeResponse.Error()); }
public IActionResult VerifyCode([FromBody] CodePost post) { CodeResponse response = _sessionManager.VerifySession(post.Token, post.Code); return(Ok(response)); }
/// <summary> /// CreateCodePayload /// </summary> /// <param name="newRecord"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static CodeResponse Create(CodeResponse newRecord) { GlobalStorage.CodeStorage.TryAdd(newRecord.Id, newRecord); return(newRecord); }
public async Task <CodeResponse> RemoveArtwork(int id) { var result = await _artworkAppService.RemoveArtwork(id); return(result ? CodeResponse.Ok() : CodeResponse.Error()); }
public async Task <CodeResponse> AddOrUpdate(PersonalIntroDto dto) { var result = await _personalIntroAppService.AddOrUpdate(dto); return(result ? CodeResponse.Ok() : CodeResponse.Error()); }