コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Write inline when condition
        /// </summary>
        private void WriteInlineWhenConditionCollapse(XmlWriter xw, Property p, List <TypeReference> genericSupplier, string interactionName)
            // Resolve the type reference
            TypeReference tr = p.Type;

            if (ResolveTypeReference(tr.Name, genericSupplier) != null)
                tr = ResolveTypeReference(p.Type.Name, genericSupplier);

            // Annotations
            if (p.Annotations != null && p.Annotations.Count > 0)
                // Get the root of the collapsing
                CodeCollapseAnnotation cca = p.Annotations.Find(o => o is CodeCollapseAnnotation && (o as CodeCollapseAnnotation).Order == 0) as CodeCollapseAnnotation;
                xw.WriteStartElement("when", NS_XSLT);
                xw.WriteAttributeString("test", string.Format("name() = '{0}'", cca.Name));
                xw.WriteStartElement("for-each", NS_XSLT);

                string xpath = ".";
                // Annotations
                foreach (CodeCollapseAnnotation annot in p.Annotations.FindAll(o => o is CodeCollapseAnnotation && (o as CodeCollapseAnnotation).Order > 0))
                    if (annot.Property != null && (annot.Property as Property).AlternateTraversalNames != null)
                        Property.AlternateTraversalData altTraversal = (annot.Property as Property).AlternateTraversalNames.Find(o => o.CaseWhen.Name == ResolveTypeReference(p.Type.Name, genericSupplier).Name&& o.InteractionOwner.Name == interactionName);
                        if (altTraversal.TraversalName != null)
                            xpath += string.Format("/hl7:{0}", altTraversal.TraversalName);
                        xpath += string.Format("/hl7:{0}", annot.Name);

                xw.WriteAttributeString("select", xpath);

                // Inline element map collapse
                WriteInlineElementMapCollapse(xw, p, p.Type, genericSupplier, interactionName);

                xw.WriteEndElement();                                                           // for-each
                xw.WriteEndElement();                                                           // test
            else if (p.AlternateTraversalNames == null || p.AlternateTraversalNames.Count == 0) // Alternate traversal names
                xw.WriteStartElement("when", NS_XSLT);
                xw.WriteAttributeString("test", String.Format("name() = '{0}'", p.Name));

                // Write structural property
                if (p.PropertyType == Property.PropertyTypes.Structural)
                    WriteInlineAttributeMapCollapse(xw, p);
                    WriteInlineElementMapCollapse(xw, p, p.Type, genericSupplier, interactionName);

                xw.WriteEndElement(); // when
            else if (tr.Class != null && tr.Class.IsAbstract)
                WriteInlineAbstractWhenCondition(xw, tr, p, genericSupplier, interactionName);
                xw.WriteStartElement("when", NS_XSLT);

                // Find the altTraversal
                Property.AlternateTraversalData altTraversal = p.AlternateTraversalNames.Find(o => o.CaseWhen.Name == tr.Name); // Alternate traversal

                // Alternate traversal
                if (altTraversal.TraversalName != null)
                    xw.WriteAttributeString("test", string.Format("name() = '{0}'", altTraversal.TraversalName));
                    xw.WriteAttributeString("test", string.Format("name() = '{0}'", p.Name));

                // Write the taversing
                WriteInlineElementMapCollapse(xw, p, p.Type, genericSupplier, interactionName);

コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Collapse the data type of <paramref name="cc"/> so that it is the only meaningful data type provided by its
        /// natural type
        /// </summary>
        private void CollapseMemberType(ClassContent cc, Class context)
            if (!(cc is Property))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Can't collapse this member type");                   // Not a candidate
            // The condition for this type of collection is that the referenced type:
            //  1. Provides only ONE property (after --collapse-ignore are removed)
            //  2. The ONE property is mandatory (must be provided)
            List <ClassContent> content = (cc as Property).Type.Class.GetFullContent();

            content.RemoveAll(a => CorCollapserPipelineTrigger.collapseIgnore.Contains(a.Name)); // Remove the ignore

            if (CorCollapserPipelineTrigger.collapseIgnoreFixed)
                content.RemoveAll(o => o is Property && !String.IsNullOrEmpty((o as Property).FixedValue) && (o as Property).PropertyType == Property.PropertyTypes.Structural);

            if (content.Count != 1)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Can't collapse type with more than one meaningful content");                    // can't collapse this relation as there is more than sub-property
            ClassContent candidate = content[0];

            cc.Annotations.Add(new CodeCollapseAnnotation()
                Name = cc.Name, Order = 0, Property = cc as Property

            // Has this collapsed member had any collapsing
            if (candidate.Annotations.Count > 0)
                // Get all code collapse annotations from the candidate
                List <Annotation> collapseAnnotations = candidate.Annotations.FindAll(o => o is CodeCollapseAnnotation);
                // Find one that links it to the candidate

                //collapseAnnotations.RemoveAll(o => candidate.Annotations.Count(ca => (ca as CodeCollapseAnnotation).Property == (o as CodeCollapseAnnotation).Property) != 1);

                CodeCollapseAnnotation oldCca = null;
                foreach (CodeCollapseAnnotation cca in collapseAnnotations)
                    cca.Order = cc.Annotations.Count;
                    if (cc.Annotations.Count(ca => ca is CodeCollapseAnnotation && (ca as CodeCollapseAnnotation).Property == cca.Property) == 0)
                    oldCca = cca;
                cc.Annotations.Add(new CodeCollapseAnnotation()
                    Name = candidate.Name, Order = 1, Property = candidate as Property

            // Determine a better name
            if (CorCollapserPipelineTrigger.collapseSpecialNaming)
                // We collapse the collapsee's name into the parent by default.
                string preferredName = candidate.Name;

                // If the container for the property already has an element by the name we prefer, we must
                // or the collapsee's name is in the useless words list we must keep the current name, or if the
                // parent's name is in the structurally important collection
                if ((cc.Container as Class).GetFullContent().Find(o => o.Name == preferredName) != null || CorCollapserPipelineTrigger.uselessWords.Contains(preferredName) ||
                    preferredName = cc.Name;

                cc.Name = preferredName;

            // Now determine if we can collapse
            (cc as Property).Type             = (candidate as Property).Type.Clone() as TypeReference;
            (cc as Property).SupplierDomain   = (candidate as Property).SupplierDomain;
            (cc as Property).SupplierStrength = (candidate as Property).SupplierStrength;
            (cc as Property).Type.Container   = cc;
            (cc as Property).Type.MemberOf    = cc.MemberOf;

            // Update documentation
            if ((cc as Property).Documentation == null &&
                candidate.Documentation != null)
                (cc as Property).Documentation = candidate.Documentation;