コード例 #1
        public override void EnterBasisCompilerStatement(CobolCompilerDirectivesParser.BasisCompilerStatementContext context)
            var basisDirective = new BasisDirective();
            CompilerDirective = basisDirective;

            if (context.textName() != null)
                basisDirective.BasisName = GetTextName(context.textName());
                basisDirective.TextNameSymbol = ParseTreeUtils.GetFirstToken(context.textName());
コード例 #2
 public override void EnterControlCblOption(CobolCompilerDirectivesParser.ControlCblOptionContext context)
     string option = null;
     TryGetUserDefinedWord(context.enumeratedValue1().UserDefinedWord(), ref option);
     if (option != null)
         ControlCblDirective.ControlCblOption optionValue;
         if(Enum.TryParse<ControlCblDirective.ControlCblOption>(option, out optionValue))
             Token errorToken = ParseTreeUtils.GetTokenFromTerminalNode(context.enumeratedValue1().UserDefinedWord());
             Diagnostic diag = new Diagnostic(
                 errorToken.Column, errorToken.EndColumn,
コード例 #3
 private string GetTextName(CobolCompilerDirectivesParser.TextNameContext context)
     if (context == null) return null;
     return GetName(context.externalName5().alphanumericValue5());
コード例 #4
 private string GetName(CobolCompilerDirectivesParser.AlphanumericValue5Context context)
     if (context == null) return null;
     string result = null;
     TryGetAlphanumericLiteralValue(context.alphanumericLiteralToken(), ref result);
     TryGetUserDefinedWord(context.UserDefinedWord(), ref result);
     if (result != null) result = result.Trim('\'').Trim('\"');
     return result;
コード例 #5
        public override void EnterTitleCompilerStatement(CobolCompilerDirectivesParser.TitleCompilerStatementContext context)
            TitleDirective titleDirective = new TitleDirective();
            CompilerDirective = titleDirective;

            string title =  ParseTreeUtils.GetAlphanumericLiteral(context.alphanumericValue2());
            titleDirective.Title = title;
コード例 #6
 public override void EnterDeleteCompilerStatement(CobolCompilerDirectivesParser.DeleteCompilerStatementContext context)
     CompilerDirective = new DeleteDirective();
コード例 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Incremental preprocessing of a set of tokens lines changes
        /// </summary>
        internal static IList<DocumentChange<IProcessedTokensLine>> ProcessTokensLinesChanges(TextSourceInfo textSourceInfo, ISearchableReadOnlyList<ProcessedTokensLine> documentLines, IList<DocumentChange<ITokensLine>> tokensLinesChanges, PrepareDocumentLineForUpdate prepareDocumentLineForUpdate, TypeCobolOptions compilerOptions, IProcessedTokensDocumentProvider processedTokensDocumentProvider)
            // Collect all changes applied to the processed tokens lines during the incremental scan
            IList<DocumentChange<IProcessedTokensLine>> processedTokensLinesChanges = new List<DocumentChange<IProcessedTokensLine>>();

            // There are 2 reasons to a preprocess a tokens line after a change :
            // 1. A tokens line changed : these lines were already reset during the previous steps
            // 2. If a tokens line that changed was involved in the parsing of a multiline compiler directive, the whole group of lines must be parsed again
            // Then, if a new COPY directive was parsed : the CompilationDocument to include must be prepared

            // --- PREPARATION PHASE : reset all processed tokens lines which were involved in a multiline compiler directive where at least one line changed  ---

            // Iterate over all tokens changes detected by the ScannerStep :
            // refresh all the adjacent lines participating in a ContinuationTokensGroup
            if (tokensLinesChanges != null)
                int lastLineIndexReset = -1;
                foreach (DocumentChange<ITokensLine> tokensChange in tokensLinesChanges)
                    processedTokensLinesChanges.Add(new DocumentChange<IProcessedTokensLine>(tokensChange.Type, tokensChange.LineIndex, (IProcessedTokensLine)tokensChange.NewLine));
                    if (tokensChange.LineIndex > lastLineIndexReset)
                        lastLineIndexReset = CheckIfAdjacentLinesNeedRefresh(tokensChange.Type, tokensChange.LineIndex, documentLines, prepareDocumentLineForUpdate, processedTokensLinesChanges, lastLineIndexReset);

            // --- COMPILER DIRECTIVES PHASE : Find and parse all compiler directives ---

            // Init. Prepare a compiler directive parser

            // Create a token iterator on top of tokens lines
            TokensLinesIterator tokensIterator = new TokensLinesIterator(

            // Crate an Antlr compatible token source on top a the token iterator
            TokensLinesTokenSource tokenSource = new TokensLinesTokenSource(

            // Init a compiler directive parser
            CommonTokenStream tokenStream = new TokensLinesTokenStream(tokenSource, Token.CHANNEL_SourceTokens);
            CobolCompilerDirectivesParser directivesParser = new CobolCompilerDirectivesParser(tokenStream);
            IAntlrErrorStrategy compilerDirectiveErrorStrategy = new CompilerDirectiveErrorStrategy();
            directivesParser.ErrorHandler = compilerDirectiveErrorStrategy;

            // Register all parse errors in a list in memory
            DiagnosticSyntaxErrorListener errorListener = new DiagnosticSyntaxErrorListener();

            // Prepare to analyze the parse tree
            ParseTreeWalker walker = new ParseTreeWalker();
            CompilerDirectiveBuilder directiveBuilder = new CompilerDirectiveBuilder();

            // 1. Iterate over all compiler directive starting tokens found in the lines which were updated
            foreach (Token compilerDirectiveStartingToken in documentLines
                .Where(line => line.PreprocessingState == ProcessedTokensLine.PreprocessorState.NeedsCompilerDirectiveParsing)
                .SelectMany(line => line.SourceTokens)
                .Where(token => token.TokenFamily == TokenFamily.CompilerDirectiveStartingKeyword))
                // 2. Reset the compiler directive parser state

                // Reset tokens iterator position before parsing
                // -> seek just before the compiler directive starting token
                // Special case : for efficiency reasons, in EXEC SQL INCLUDE directives
                // only the third token INCLUDE is recognized as a compiler directive
                // starting keyword by the scanner. In this case, we must rewind the
                // iterator two tokens backwards to start parsing just before the EXEC token.
                if (compilerDirectiveStartingToken.TokenType == TokenType.EXEC_SQL_INCLUDE)

                // Reset Antlr BufferedTokenStream position

                // Reset parsing error diagnostics

                // 3. Try to parse a compiler directive starting with the current token
                CobolCompilerDirectivesParser.CompilerDirectingStatementContext directiveParseTree = directivesParser.compilerDirectingStatement();

                // 4. Visit the parse tree to build a first class object representing the compiler directive
                walker.Walk(directiveBuilder, directiveParseTree);
                CompilerDirective compilerDirective = directiveBuilder.CompilerDirective;
                bool errorFoundWhileParsingDirective = errorListener.Diagnostics.Count > 0 || directiveBuilder.Diagnostics.Count > 0;

                // 5. Get all tokens consumed while parsing the compiler directive
                //    and partition them line by line
                Token startToken = (Token)directiveParseTree.Start;
                Token stopToken = (Token)directiveParseTree.Stop;
                if (stopToken == null) stopToken = startToken;
                MultilineTokensGroupSelection tokensSelection = tokensIterator.SelectAllTokensBetween(startToken, stopToken);

                if (compilerDirective != null)
                    // 6. Replace all matched tokens by :
                    // - a CompilerDirectiveToken on the first line
                    ProcessedTokensLine firstProcessedTokensLine = documentLines[tokensSelection.FirstLineIndex];
                    if (tokensSelection.SelectedTokensOnSeveralLines.Length == 1)
                            compilerDirective, errorFoundWhileParsingDirective,
                            tokensSelection.TokensOnLastLineAfterStopToken, false);
                        TokensGroup continuedTokensGroup = firstProcessedTokensLine.InsertCompilerDirectiveTokenOnFirstLine(
                            compilerDirective, errorFoundWhileParsingDirective,
                            null, true);

                        // - a ContinuationTokensGroup on the following lines
                        int selectionLineIndex = 1;
                        int lastLineIndex = tokensSelection.FirstLineIndex + tokensSelection.SelectedTokensOnSeveralLines.Length - 1;
                        for (int nextLineIndex = tokensSelection.FirstLineIndex + 1; nextLineIndex <= lastLineIndex; nextLineIndex++, selectionLineIndex++)
                            IList<Token> compilerDirectiveTokensOnNextLine = tokensSelection.SelectedTokensOnSeveralLines[selectionLineIndex];
                            if (compilerDirectiveTokensOnNextLine.Count > 0)
                                ProcessedTokensLine nextProcessedTokensLine = documentLines[nextLineIndex];
                                if (nextLineIndex != lastLineIndex)
                                    continuedTokensGroup = nextProcessedTokensLine.InsertCompilerDirectiveTokenOnNextLine(
                                        null, true);
                                    continuedTokensGroup = nextProcessedTokensLine.InsertCompilerDirectiveTokenOnNextLine(
                                        tokensSelection.TokensOnLastLineAfterStopToken, false);

                // 7. Register compiler directive parse errors
                if (errorFoundWhileParsingDirective)
                    ProcessedTokensLine compilerDirectiveLine = documentLines[tokensSelection.FirstLineIndex];
                    foreach (ParserDiagnostic parserDiag in errorListener.Diagnostics)
                    foreach (Diagnostic directiveDiag in directiveBuilder.Diagnostics)

            // 8. Advance the state off all ProcessedTokensLines :
            // NeedsCompilerDirectiveParsing => NeedsCopyDirectiveProcessing if it contains a COPY directive
            IList<ProcessedTokensLine> parsedLinesWithCopyDirectives = null;
            // NeedsCompilerDirectiveParsing => Ready otherwise
            foreach (ProcessedTokensLine parsedLine in documentLines
                .Where(line => line.PreprocessingState == ProcessedTokensLine.PreprocessorState.NeedsCompilerDirectiveParsing))
                if (parsedLine.ImportedDocuments != null)
                    if(parsedLinesWithCopyDirectives == null)
                        parsedLinesWithCopyDirectives = new List<ProcessedTokensLine>();
                    parsedLine.PreprocessingState = ProcessedTokensLine.PreprocessorState.NeedsCopyDirectiveProcessing;
                    parsedLine.PreprocessingState = ProcessedTokensLine.PreprocessorState.Ready;

            // --- COPY IMPORT PHASE : Process COPY (REPLACING) directives ---

            // 1. Iterate over all updated lines containing a new COPY directive
            if (parsedLinesWithCopyDirectives != null)
                foreach (ProcessedTokensLine tokensLineWithCopyDirective in parsedLinesWithCopyDirectives)
                    // Iterate over all COPY directives found on one updated line
                    foreach (CopyDirective copyDirective in tokensLineWithCopyDirective.ImportedDocuments.Keys.ToArray<CopyDirective>())
                            // Load (or retrieve in cache) the document referenced by the COPY directive
                            ProcessedTokensDocument importedDocumentSource = processedTokensDocumentProvider.GetProcessedTokensDocument(copyDirective.LibraryName, copyDirective.TextName);

                            // Store it on the current line after appying the REPLACING directive
                            ImportedTokensDocument importedDocument = new ImportedTokensDocument(copyDirective, importedDocumentSource);
                            tokensLineWithCopyDirective.ImportedDocuments[copyDirective] = importedDocument;
                        catch (Exception e)
                            // Text name refenced by COPY directive was not found
                            // => register a preprocessor error on this line
                            Token failedDirectiveToken = tokensLineWithCopyDirective.TokensWithCompilerDirectives
                                .Where(token => token.TokenType == TokenType.CopyImportDirective && ((CompilerDirectiveToken)token).CompilerDirective == copyDirective)
                            Diagnostic diag = new Diagnostic(
                                failedDirectiveToken.Column, failedDirectiveToken.EndColumn,

                    // Advance processing status of the line
                    tokensLineWithCopyDirective.PreprocessingState = ProcessedTokensLine.PreprocessorState.Ready;

            // --- REPLACE PHASE : REPLACE directives are implemented in ReplaceTokensLinesIterator ---

            /* Algorithm :
             * one REPLACE directive can express several replacement operations
             * one replacement operation can be of several types (distinguished for optimization purposes)
             * - SimpleTokenReplace : one source token / zero or one replacement token
             * - PartialWordReplace : one pure partial word / zero or one replacement token
             * - SimpleToMultipleTokenReplace : one source token / several replacement tokens
             * - MultipleTokenReplace : one first + several following source tokens / zero to many replacement tokens
             * an iterator maintains a current set of replacement operations
             * if nextToken is replace directive
             *    the current set of replacement operations is updated
             * else
             *    nextToken is compared to each replacement operation in turn
             *       if single -> single source token operation : return replacement token
             *       if single -> multiple operation : setup a secondary iterator with the list of replacement tokens
             *       if multiple -> multiple operation
             *          snapshot of the underlying iterator
             *          try to match all of the following source tokens
             *          if failure : restore snapshot and try next operation
             *          if success : setup a secondary iterator
             * token comparison sourceToken / replacementCandidate :
             * 1. Compare Token type
             * 2. If same token type and for families
             *   AlphanumericLiteral
             *   NumericLiteral
             *   SyntaxLiteral
             *   Symbol
             *  => compare also Token text
             * PartialCobolWord replacement :
             * p535 : The COPY statement with REPLACING phrase can be used to replace parts of words.
             * By inserting a dummy operand delimited by colons into the program text,
             * the compiler will replace the dummy operand with the required text.
             * Example 3 shows how this is used with the dummy operand :TAG:.
             * The colons serve as separators and make TAG a stand-alone operand.

            return processedTokensLinesChanges;
コード例 #8
        public override void EnterReplaceCompilerStatement(CobolCompilerDirectivesParser.ReplaceCompilerStatementContext context)
            ReplaceDirective replaceDirective = new ReplaceDirective(context.OFF() == null ? CompilerDirectiveType.REPLACE : CompilerDirectiveType.REPLACE_OFF);
            CompilerDirective = replaceDirective;

            if(context.pseudoText() !=null)
                // Data used to build the current replace operation
                Token comparisonToken = null;
                Token[] followingComparisonTokens = null;
                Token replacementToken = null;
                Token[] replacementTokens = null;

                // Used to distinguish pseudo-text1 and pseudo-text2
                int pseudoTextIndex = 0;

                foreach(CobolCompilerDirectivesParser.PseudoTextContext pseudoTextContext in context.pseudoText())
                    /*// Comparison tokens
                    if (pseudoTextIndex % 2 == 0)
                        if (pseudoTextContext._pseudoTextTokens != null && pseudoTextContext._pseudoTextTokens.Count > 0)
                            comparisonToken = (Token)pseudoTextContext._pseudoTextTokens[0];
                            if(pseudoTextContext._pseudoTextTokens.Count > 1)
                                followingComparisonTokens = new Token[pseudoTextContext._pseudoTextTokens.Count - 1];
                                for(int i = 1 ; i < pseudoTextContext._pseudoTextTokens.Count ; i++)
                                    followingComparisonTokens[i - 1] = (Token)pseudoTextContext._pseudoTextTokens[i];

                    // Replacement tokens
                        if (pseudoTextContext._pseudoTextTokens != null && pseudoTextContext._pseudoTextTokens.Count > 0)
                            if (followingComparisonTokens == null && pseudoTextContext._pseudoTextTokens.Count == 1)
                                replacementToken = (Token)pseudoTextContext._pseudoTextTokens[0];
                                replacementTokens = new Token[pseudoTextContext._pseudoTextTokens.Count];
                                for (int i = 0; i < pseudoTextContext._pseudoTextTokens.Count; i++)
                                    replacementTokens[i] = (Token)pseudoTextContext._pseudoTextTokens[i];

                        // Build replace operation
                        ReplaceOperation replaceOperation = null;
                        if(followingComparisonTokens == null)
                            if(replacementTokens == null)
                                if (comparisonToken == null || comparisonToken.TokenType != TokenType.PartialCobolWord)
                                    replaceOperation = new SingleTokenReplaceOperation(comparisonToken, replacementToken);
                                    replaceOperation = new PartialWordReplaceOperation(comparisonToken, replacementToken);
                                replaceOperation = new SingleToMultipleTokensReplaceOperation(comparisonToken, replacementTokens);
                            replaceOperation = new MultipleTokensReplaceOperation(comparisonToken, followingComparisonTokens, replacementTokens);

                        // Reset everything for the next replace operation
                        pseudoTextIndex = 0;
                        comparisonToken = null;
                        followingComparisonTokens = null;
                        replacementToken = null;
                        replacementTokens = null;
                    BuildReplaceOperation(replaceDirective.ReplaceOperations, ref comparisonToken, ref followingComparisonTokens, ref replacementToken, ref replacementTokens, ref pseudoTextIndex, pseudoTextContext._pseudoTextTokens);
コード例 #9
        public override void EnterSequenceNumberField(CobolCompilerDirectivesParser.SequenceNumberFieldContext context)
            DeleteDirective deleteDirective = (DeleteDirective)CompilerDirective;

            bool isFirst = true;
            int previous = -42;
            foreach(ITerminalNode node in context.IntegerLiteral()) {
                int current = (int)ParseTreeUtils.GetIntegerLiteral(node);
                if (isFirst) {
                    previous = current;
                    isFirst = false;
                } else {
                    DeleteDirective.SequenceNumberRange range = new DeleteDirective.SequenceNumberRange();
                    range.From = previous;
                    if(current<0) {
                        range.To = -current;
                        isFirst = true;
                    } else {
                        range.To = previous;
                        previous = current;
            if (!isFirst && previous >= 0) {
                DeleteDirective.SequenceNumberRange range = new DeleteDirective.SequenceNumberRange();
                range.From = previous;
                range.To = previous;
コード例 #10
        public override void EnterInsertCompilerStatement(CobolCompilerDirectivesParser.InsertCompilerStatementContext context)
            InsertDirective insertDirective = new InsertDirective();
            CompilerDirective = insertDirective;

            if (context.sequenceNumber() != null && context.sequenceNumber().IntegerLiteral() != null)
                insertDirective.SequenceNumber = (int)ParseTreeUtils.GetIntegerLiteral(context.sequenceNumber().IntegerLiteral());
                if (insertDirective.SequenceNumber < 0) {
                    Token errorToken = ParseTreeUtils.GetTokenFromTerminalNode(context.sequenceNumber().IntegerLiteral());
                    Diagnostic error = new Diagnostic(
                        errorToken.Column, errorToken.EndColumn,
                    Diagnostics.Add(error);//TODO proper diagnostic error
コード例 #11
 public override void EnterReadyOrResetTraceCompilerStatement(CobolCompilerDirectivesParser.ReadyOrResetTraceCompilerStatementContext context)
     CompilerDirective = new ReadyOrResetTraceDirective(context.READY() != null ? CompilerDirectiveType.READY_TRACE : CompilerDirectiveType.RESET_TRACE);
コード例 #12
        public override void EnterExecSqlIncludeStatement(CobolCompilerDirectivesParser.ExecSqlIncludeStatementContext context)
            var copyDirective = new CopyDirective(CompilerDirectiveType.EXEC_SQL_INCLUDE);
            CompilerDirective = copyDirective;

            if (context.copyCompilerStatementBody() != null)
                var textNameContext = context.copyCompilerStatementBody().qualifiedTextName().textName();
                if (textNameContext != null)
                    string textName = GetTextName(textNameContext);
                    copyDirective.TextName = textName;
                    copyDirective.TextNameSymbol = ParseTreeUtils.GetFirstToken(textNameContext);

                var libraryNameContext = context.copyCompilerStatementBody().qualifiedTextName().libraryName();
                if (libraryNameContext != null)
                    copyDirective.LibraryName = GetLibraryName(libraryNameContext);
                    copyDirective.LibraryNameSymbol = ParseTreeUtils.GetFirstToken(libraryNameContext);
コード例 #13
        public override void EnterEnterCompilerStatement(CobolCompilerDirectivesParser.EnterCompilerStatementContext context)
            EnterDirective enterDirective = new EnterDirective();
            CompilerDirective = enterDirective;

            if(context.languageName() != null)
                string languageName = null;
                TryGetUserDefinedWord(context.languageName().UserDefinedWord(), ref languageName);
                enterDirective.LanguageName = languageName;
            if(context.routineName() != null)
                string routineName = null;
                TryGetUserDefinedWord(context.routineName().UserDefinedWord(), ref routineName);
                enterDirective.RoutineName = routineName;
コード例 #14
 public override void EnterEjectCompilerStatement(CobolCompilerDirectivesParser.EjectCompilerStatementContext context)
     CompilerDirective = new EjectDirective();
コード例 #15
 // --- Visiting the tree ---
 public override void EnterCompilerDirectingStatement(CobolCompilerDirectivesParser.CompilerDirectingStatementContext context)
     CompilerDirective = null;
     Diagnostics = new List<Diagnostic>();
コード例 #16
 public override void EnterServiceLabelCompilerStatement(CobolCompilerDirectivesParser.ServiceLabelCompilerStatementContext context)
     CompilerDirective = new ServiceLabelDirective();
コード例 #17
 public override void EnterControlCblCompilerStatement(CobolCompilerDirectivesParser.ControlCblCompilerStatementContext context)
     CompilerDirective = new ControlCblDirective(context.ASTERISK_CONTROL() != null ? CompilerDirectiveType.ASTERISK_CONTROL : CompilerDirectiveType.ASTERISK_CBL);
コード例 #18
        public override void EnterServiceReloadCompilerStatement(CobolCompilerDirectivesParser.ServiceReloadCompilerStatementContext context)
            ServiceReloadDirective serviceReloadDirective = new ServiceReloadDirective();
            CompilerDirective = serviceReloadDirective;

            string userDefinedWord = null;
            TryGetUserDefinedWord(context.UserDefinedWord(), ref userDefinedWord);
            serviceReloadDirective.UserDefinedWord = userDefinedWord;
コード例 #19
 public override void EnterCopyCompilerStatement(CobolCompilerDirectivesParser.CopyCompilerStatementContext context)
     CompilerDirective = new CopyDirective(CompilerDirectiveType.COPY);
コード例 #20
 public override void EnterSkipCompilerStatement(CobolCompilerDirectivesParser.SkipCompilerStatementContext context)
     if(context.SKIP1() != null)
         CompilerDirective = new SkipDirective(CompilerDirectiveType.SKIP1);
     else if (context.SKIP2() != null)
         CompilerDirective = new SkipDirective(CompilerDirectiveType.SKIP2);
     else if (context.SKIP3() != null)
         CompilerDirective = new SkipDirective(CompilerDirectiveType.SKIP3);
コード例 #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Incremental preprocessing of a set of tokens lines changes
        /// </summary>
        internal static IList <DocumentChange <IProcessedTokensLine> > ProcessTokensLinesChanges(TextSourceInfo textSourceInfo, ISearchableReadOnlyList <ProcessedTokensLine> documentLines, IList <DocumentChange <ITokensLine> > tokensLinesChanges, PrepareDocumentLineForUpdate prepareDocumentLineForUpdate, TypeCobolOptions compilerOptions, IProcessedTokensDocumentProvider processedTokensDocumentProvider, List <RemarksDirective.TextNameVariation> copyTextNameVariations, PerfStatsForParserInvocation perfStatsForParserInvocation, List <CopyDirective> missingCopies)
            // Collect all changes applied to the processed tokens lines during the incremental scan
            IList <DocumentChange <IProcessedTokensLine> > processedTokensLinesChanges = new List <DocumentChange <IProcessedTokensLine> >();

            // There are 2 reasons to a preprocess a tokens line after a change :
            // 1. A tokens line changed : these lines were already reset during the previous steps
            // 2. If a tokens line that changed was involved in the parsing of a multiline compiler directive, the whole group of lines must be parsed again
            // Then, if a new COPY directive was parsed : the CompilationDocument to include must be prepared

            // --- PREPARATION PHASE : reset all processed tokens lines which were involved in a multiline compiler directive where at least one line changed  ---

            // Iterate over all tokens changes detected by the ScannerStep :
            // refresh all the adjacent lines participating in a ContinuationTokensGroup
            if (tokensLinesChanges != null)
                int lastLineIndexReset = -1;
                foreach (DocumentChange <ITokensLine> tokensChange in tokensLinesChanges)
                    processedTokensLinesChanges.Add(new DocumentChange <IProcessedTokensLine>(tokensChange.Type, tokensChange.LineIndex, (IProcessedTokensLine)tokensChange.NewLine));
                    if (tokensChange.LineIndex > lastLineIndexReset)
                        lastLineIndexReset = CheckIfAdjacentLinesNeedRefresh(tokensChange.Type, tokensChange.LineIndex, documentLines, prepareDocumentLineForUpdate, processedTokensLinesChanges, lastLineIndexReset);

            // --- COMPILER DIRECTIVES PHASE : Find and parse all compiler directives ---

            // Init. Prepare a compiler directive parser

            // Create a token iterator on top of tokens lines
            TokensLinesIterator tokensIterator = new TokensLinesIterator(

            // Crate an Antlr compatible token source on top a the token iterator
            TokensLinesTokenSource tokenSource = new TokensLinesTokenSource(

            // Init a compiler directive parser
            CommonTokenStream             tokenStream      = new TokensLinesTokenStream(tokenSource, Token.CHANNEL_SourceTokens);
            CobolCompilerDirectivesParser directivesParser = new CobolCompilerDirectivesParser(tokenStream);

            // Optionnaly activate Antlr Parser performance profiling
            // WARNING : use this in a single-treaded context only (uses static field)
            if (AntlrPerformanceProfiler == null && perfStatsForParserInvocation.ActivateDetailedAntlrPofiling)
                AntlrPerformanceProfiler = new AntlrPerformanceProfiler(directivesParser);
            if (AntlrPerformanceProfiler != null)
                // Replace the generated parser by a subclass which traces all rules invocations
                directivesParser = new CobolCompilerDirectivesTracingParser(tokenStream);
                AntlrPerformanceProfiler.BeginParsingFile(textSourceInfo, null);

            IAntlrErrorStrategy compilerDirectiveErrorStrategy = new CompilerDirectiveErrorStrategy();

            directivesParser.ErrorHandler = compilerDirectiveErrorStrategy;

            // Register all parse errors in a list in memory
            ParserDiagnosticErrorListener errorListener = new ParserDiagnosticErrorListener();


            // Prepare to analyze the parse tree
            ParseTreeWalker          walker           = new ParseTreeWalker();
            CompilerDirectiveBuilder directiveBuilder = new CompilerDirectiveBuilder(compilerOptions, copyTextNameVariations);

            // 1. Iterate over all compiler directive starting tokens found in the lines which were updated
            foreach (Token compilerDirectiveStartingToken in documentLines
                     .Where(line => line.PreprocessingState == ProcessedTokensLine.PreprocessorState.NeedsCompilerDirectiveParsing)
                     .SelectMany(line => line.SourceTokens)
                     .Where(token => token.TokenFamily == TokenFamily.CompilerDirectiveStartingKeyword))
                // 2. Reset the compiler directive parser state

                // Reset tokens iterator position before parsing
                // -> seek just before the compiler directive starting token
                // Special case : for efficiency reasons, in EXEC SQL INCLUDE directives
                // only the third token INCLUDE is recognized as a compiler directive
                // starting keyword by the scanner. In this case, we must rewind the
                // iterator two tokens backwards to start parsing just before the EXEC token.
                if (compilerDirectiveStartingToken.TokenType == TokenType.EXEC_SQL_INCLUDE)

                // Reset Antlr BufferedTokenStream position

                // Reset parsing error diagnostics

                // 3. Try to parse a compiler directive starting with the current token
                if (AntlrPerformanceProfiler != null)
                CobolCompilerDirectivesParser.CompilerDirectingStatementContext directiveParseTree = directivesParser.compilerDirectingStatement();
                if (AntlrPerformanceProfiler != null)
                    AntlrPerformanceProfiler != null ? (int)AntlrPerformanceProfiler.CurrentFileInfo.DecisionTimeMs : 0,
                    AntlrPerformanceProfiler != null ? AntlrPerformanceProfiler.CurrentFileInfo.RuleInvocations.Sum() : 0);

                // 4. Visit the parse tree to build a first class object representing the compiler directive
                walker.Walk(directiveBuilder, directiveParseTree);
                CompilerDirective compilerDirective  = directiveBuilder.CompilerDirective;
                bool errorFoundWhileParsingDirective = compilerDirective == null || compilerDirective.Diagnostics != null || directiveParseTree.Diagnostics != null;

                // 5. Get all tokens consumed while parsing the compiler directive
                //    and partition them line by line
                Token startToken = (Token)directiveParseTree.Start;
                Token stopToken  = (Token)directiveParseTree.Stop;
                if (stopToken == null)
                    stopToken = startToken;
                MultilineTokensGroupSelection tokensSelection = tokensIterator.SelectAllTokensBetween(startToken, stopToken);

                if (compilerDirective != null)
                    // 6. Replace all matched tokens by :
                    // - a CompilerDirectiveToken on the first line
                    ProcessedTokensLine firstProcessedTokensLine = documentLines[tokensSelection.FirstLineIndex];
                    if (tokensSelection.SelectedTokensOnSeveralLines.Length == 1)
                            compilerDirective, errorFoundWhileParsingDirective,
                            tokensSelection.TokensOnLastLineAfterStopToken, false);
                        TokensGroup continuedTokensGroup = firstProcessedTokensLine.InsertCompilerDirectiveTokenOnFirstLine(
                            compilerDirective, errorFoundWhileParsingDirective,
                            null, true);

                        // - a ContinuationTokensGroup on the following lines
                        int selectionLineIndex = 1;
                        int lastLineIndex      = tokensSelection.FirstLineIndex + tokensSelection.SelectedTokensOnSeveralLines.Length - 1;
                        for (int nextLineIndex = tokensSelection.FirstLineIndex + 1; nextLineIndex <= lastLineIndex; nextLineIndex++, selectionLineIndex++)
                            IList <Token> compilerDirectiveTokensOnNextLine = tokensSelection.SelectedTokensOnSeveralLines[selectionLineIndex];
                            if (compilerDirectiveTokensOnNextLine.Count > 0)
                                ProcessedTokensLine nextProcessedTokensLine = documentLines[nextLineIndex];
                                if (nextLineIndex != lastLineIndex)
                                    continuedTokensGroup = nextProcessedTokensLine.InsertCompilerDirectiveTokenOnNextLine(
                                        null, true);
                                    continuedTokensGroup = nextProcessedTokensLine.InsertCompilerDirectiveTokenOnNextLine(
                                        tokensSelection.TokensOnLastLineAfterStopToken, false);

                // 7. Register compiler directive parse errors
                if (errorFoundWhileParsingDirective)
                    ProcessedTokensLine compilerDirectiveLine = documentLines[tokensSelection.FirstLineIndex];
                    if (compilerDirective != null && compilerDirective.Diagnostics != null)
                        foreach (Diagnostic directiveDiag in compilerDirective.Diagnostics)
                    else if (directiveParseTree.Diagnostics != null)
                        foreach (Diagnostic directiveDiag in directiveParseTree.Diagnostics)
                            if (compilerDirective != null)

            if (AntlrPerformanceProfiler != null)
                AntlrPerformanceProfiler.EndParsingFile(directivesParser.ParseInfo.DecisionInfo, (int)(directivesParser.ParseInfo.GetTotalTimeInPrediction() / 1000000));

            // 8. Advance the state off all ProcessedTokensLines :
            // NeedsCompilerDirectiveParsing => NeedsCopyDirectiveProcessing if it contains a COPY directive
            IList <ProcessedTokensLine> parsedLinesWithCopyDirectives = null;

            // NeedsCompilerDirectiveParsing => Ready otherwise
            foreach (ProcessedTokensLine parsedLine in documentLines
                     .Where(line => line.PreprocessingState == ProcessedTokensLine.PreprocessorState.NeedsCompilerDirectiveParsing))
                if (parsedLine.ImportedDocuments != null)
                    if (parsedLinesWithCopyDirectives == null)
                        parsedLinesWithCopyDirectives = new List <ProcessedTokensLine>();
                    parsedLine.PreprocessingState = ProcessedTokensLine.PreprocessorState.NeedsCopyDirectiveProcessing;
                    parsedLine.PreprocessingState = ProcessedTokensLine.PreprocessorState.Ready;


            // --- COPY IMPORT PHASE : Process COPY (REPLACING) directives ---

            foreach (var lineChange in processedTokensLinesChanges)
                missingCopies.Remove(missingCopies.FirstOrDefault(c => c.COPYToken.Line == lineChange.LineIndex + 1));

            // 1. Iterate over all updated lines containing a new COPY directive
            if (parsedLinesWithCopyDirectives != null)
                foreach (ProcessedTokensLine tokensLineWithCopyDirective in parsedLinesWithCopyDirectives)
                    // Iterate over all COPY directives found on one updated line
                    foreach (CopyDirective copyDirective in tokensLineWithCopyDirective.ImportedDocuments.Keys.Where(c => c.TextName != null || c.COPYToken.TokenType == TokenType.EXEC).ToArray())
                            PerfStatsForImportedDocument perfStats;

                            // Load (or retrieve in cache) the document referenced by the COPY directive
                            //Issue #315: tokensLineWithCopyDirective.ScanState must be passed because special names paragraph such as "Decimal point is comma" are declared in the enclosing program and can affect the parsing of COPY
                            ProcessedTokensDocument importedDocumentSource =
                                                                                           tokensLineWithCopyDirective.ScanStateBeforeCOPYToken[copyDirective.COPYToken], copyTextNameVariations, out perfStats);

                            // Store it on the current line after applying the REPLACING directive
                            ImportedTokensDocument importedDocument = new ImportedTokensDocument(copyDirective,
                                                                                                 importedDocumentSource, perfStats);
                            tokensLineWithCopyDirective.ImportedDocuments[copyDirective] = importedDocument;
                        catch (Exception e)
                            if (missingCopies != null && copyDirective != null && copyDirective.COPYToken != null && !missingCopies.Contains(copyDirective)) //If list already contains the copy directive just ignore
                                var missingCopieToReplace = missingCopies.FirstOrDefault(c => c.COPYToken.Line == copyDirective.COPYToken.Line);

                            // Text name refenced by COPY directive was not found
                            // => register a preprocessor error on this line
                            Token failedDirectiveToken = tokensLineWithCopyDirective.TokensWithCompilerDirectives
                                token =>
                                token.TokenType == TokenType.CopyImportDirective &&
                                ((CompilerDirectiveToken)token).CompilerDirective == copyDirective);

                            Diagnostic diag = new Diagnostic(
                                failedDirectiveToken.Column, failedDirectiveToken.EndColumn,
                                failedDirectiveToken.Line, e.Message, e);


                    // Advance processing status of the line
                    tokensLineWithCopyDirective.PreprocessingState = ProcessedTokensLine.PreprocessorState.Ready;

            // --- REPLACE PHASE : REPLACE directives are implemented in ReplaceTokensLinesIterator ---

            /* Algorithm :
             * one REPLACE directive can express several replacement operations
             * one replacement operation can be of several types (distinguished for optimization purposes)
             * - SimpleTokenReplace : one source token / zero or one replacement token
             * - PartialWordReplace : one pure partial word / zero or one replacement token
             * - SimpleToMultipleTokenReplace : one source token / several replacement tokens
             * - MultipleTokenReplace : one first + several following source tokens / zero to many replacement tokens
             * an iterator maintains a current set of replacement operations
             * if nextToken is replace directive
             *    the current set of replacement operations is updated
             * else
             *    nextToken is compared to each replacement operation in turn
             *       if single -> single source token operation : return replacement token
             *       if single -> multiple operation : setup a secondary iterator with the list of replacement tokens
             *       if multiple -> multiple operation
             *          snapshot of the underlying iterator
             *          try to match all of the following source tokens
             *          if failure : restore snapshot and try next operation
             *          if success : setup a secondary iterator
             * token comparison sourceToken / replacementCandidate :
             * 1. Compare Token type
             * 2. If same token type and for families
             *   AlphanumericLiteral
             *   NumericLiteral
             *   SyntaxLiteral
             *   Symbol
             *  => compare also Token text
             * PartialCobolWord replacement :
             * p535 : The COPY statement with REPLACING phrase can be used to replace parts of words.
             * By inserting a dummy operand delimited by colons into the program text,
             * the compiler will replace the dummy operand with the required text.
             * Example 3 shows how this is used with the dummy operand :TAG:.
             * The colons serve as separators and make TAG a stand-alone operand.

コード例 #22
        public override void EnterCopyCompilerStatementBody(CobolCompilerDirectivesParser.CopyCompilerStatementBodyContext context)
            var copy = (CopyDirective)CompilerDirective;
            if (context.qualifiedTextName() != null) {
                var ctxt = context.qualifiedTextName();
                copy.TextName = GetTextName(ctxt.textName());
                copy.TextNameSymbol = ParseTreeUtils.GetFirstToken(ctxt.textName());
                if (copy.TextName != null) {
                    // Find the list of copy text names variations declared by previous REMARKS compiler directives
                    var variations = ((TokensLine)copy.TextNameSymbol.TokensLine).InitialScanState.CopyTextNamesVariations;
                    if (variations != null && variations.Count > 0) {
                        // Check if the current text name was mentioned in a REMARKS compiler directive
                        var declaration = variations.Find(d => String.Equals(d.TextNameWithSuffix, copy.TextName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));
                        if (declaration != null) {
                            // Declaration found => apply the legacy REPLACING semantics to the copy directive
                            copy.RemoveFirst01Level = true;
                            if (declaration.HasSuffix) {
                                copy.TextName = declaration.TextName;
                                copy.InsertSuffixChar = true;
                                copy.SuffixChar = declaration.SuffixChar;
                copy.LibraryName = GetLibraryName(ctxt.libraryName());
                copy.LibraryNameSymbol = ParseTreeUtils.GetFirstToken(ctxt.libraryName());
            copy.Suppress = (context.SUPPRESS() != null);

            // REPLACING
            if(context.copyReplacingOperand() != null)
                // Data used to build the current replace operation
                Token comparisonToken = null;
                Token[] followingComparisonTokens = null;
                Token replacementToken = null;
                Token[] replacementTokens = null;

                // Used to distinguish pseudo-text1 and pseudo-text2
                int pseudoTextIndex = 0;

                foreach (CobolCompilerDirectivesParser.CopyReplacingOperandContext replacingOperandContext in context.copyReplacingOperand())
                    // Get relevant tokens
                    IList<IToken> operandTokens = null;
                    if (replacingOperandContext.pseudoText() != null) { // Pseudo-text => List of tokens
                        if (replacingOperandContext.pseudoText()._pseudoTextTokens != null)
                            operandTokens = replacingOperandContext.pseudoText()._pseudoTextTokens;
                    } else { // Single token
                        if (replacingOperandContext.literalOrUserDefinedWordOReservedWordExceptCopy() != null) {
                            var terminalNode = ParseTreeUtils.GetFirstTerminalNode(replacingOperandContext.literalOrUserDefinedWordOReservedWordExceptCopy());
                            operandTokens = new List<IToken>(1);
                    BuildReplaceOperation(copy.ReplaceOperations, ref comparisonToken, ref followingComparisonTokens, ref replacementToken, ref replacementTokens, ref pseudoTextIndex, operandTokens);