コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// When a Client signs-in
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="newCoach">Data of the newly created Coach</param>
        private void CoachCreate(CoachWithPassword newCoach)
            // We convert the Coach (with a password) into a regular Coach
            Coach coach = new Coach(newCoach);

            // Adding the new objects to the database representation

            // Creating an JSON file in the database
コード例 #2
            /// <summary>
            /// Writes a Coach structure into a JSON file (more precisely, both a Coach and its password, contained in the according Credentials instance
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="coach">Coach to transcribe into a JSON file</param>
            public static bool Write(Coach coach)
                    // Get the folder's path
                    string pathFolder = pathCoach(coach);

                    // Determine whether the directory exists : if not, we create it.
                    if (!Directory.Exists(pathFolder))

                    // We also need the password !
                    // Hence, we need to get the credentials
                    Credentials credentials = CREDENTIALS.GetById(coach.id);

                    // We put all the data into a single instance : a Coach With a Password
                    CoachWithPassword coachWithPassword = new CoachWithPassword(coach, credentials);

                    // Get the JSON file's path
                    string pathJson = pathCoachData(coach);

                    // Convert the instance into a string
                    string json = coachWithPassword.Serialize();

                    // Write the JSON into the file
                    System.IO.File.WriteAllText(pathJson, json);

                    // It worked !
                catch (Exception)

                // It didn't work.
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Server-side verification for the Sign-in
        /// Returns an instance of the newly created Coach (if it didn't work, its ID = -1)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="coachReceived">Coach's data of the user trying to Sign in</param>
        /// <returns> The newly created Coach (with password), if successful; otherwise, a default one</returns>
        public CoachWithPassword SignIn(CoachWithPassword coachReceived)
            // We extract the profile's data
            string name     = coachReceived.name;
            string password = coachReceived.password;
            string email    = coachReceived.email;

            // We create a bool repertoring whether or not a Profile already has the same data as the new user
            // By default, this is false
            bool isTaken = false;

            // We iterate through all the Database's Profiles
            foreach (Coach coach in Database.coaches)
                // If we found a match : ERROR !
                if (name == coach.name || email == coach.email)
                    isTaken = true;

            // If the Credentials don't exist : we can create a new Coach
            if (!isTaken)
                // We create a new Coach representing the user's data
                userCoach = new Coach(name, email);

            // We send the Coach (Empty id = SignIn failed)
            Net.COACH.Send(comm.GetStream(), userCoach);

            // We return the profile created
            return(new CoachWithPassword(userCoach, password));
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Server's HUB : it does stuff.
        /// </summary>
        public void DoOperation()
            while (true)
                // We receive a Communication from the client
                Communication communication = Net.COMMUNICATION.Receive(comm.GetStream());

                // We extract the data
                Instructions instruction = communication.instruction;
                Object       content     = communication.content;

                // We display the instruction
                CONSOLE.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.Cyan, "\nINSTRUCTION : " + instruction);

                // According to the instruction, we'll do a specific action
                switch (instruction)
                case Instructions.Exit_Software:
                    // We raise the event : a user left the software

                // CREDENTIALS
                case Instructions.LogIn:
                    if (LogIn((Credentials)content))
                        // We raise the event : a user has logged in

                case Instructions.SignIn:
                    // We get the profile Signed In
                    CoachWithPassword newCoach = SignIn((CoachWithPassword)content);

                    // If the Profile's ID is not Empty (means that the Sign In was successful)
                    if (newCoach.id != Guid.Empty)
                        // We raise the event : a user has logged in

                        // We raise the event : a Profile has been created

                case Instructions.LogOut:
                    // We raise the event : a user has logged off

                // COACH
                case Instructions.Coach_GetById:

                // TEAM
                case Instructions.Team_New:
                    // We get the newly created Team
                    Team newTeam = NewTeam((Team)content);

                    // If the Team can be created (ID is not empty)
                    if (newTeam.IsComplete)
                        // We raise the event : a Team has been created

                case Instructions.Team_AddPlayer:
                    // We get the newly created Player
                    Player newPlayer = NewPlayer((Player)content);

                    // If the Player can be created (ID is not empty)
                    if (newPlayer.IsComplete)
                        // We raise the event : a Player has been created

                case Instructions.Team_RemovePlayer:
                    // We get the Player to remove
                    Player playerToRemove = (Player)content;

                    // We remove him from the database
                    playerToRemove = RemovePlayer(playerToRemove);

                    // If the removal was successful)
                    if (playerToRemove.IsComplete)
                        // We raise the event : a Player has been removed

                // PLAYER
                case Instructions.Player_LevelUp:
                    // We get the Player to remove
                    Player player = (Player)content;

                    // We add a new Effect to the player
                    Effect?newEffect = PlayerLevelsUp(player);

                    // If a new effect was chosen
                    if (newEffect != null)
                        // We add the effect to the Player

                        // We raise the event : an Effect has been added

                // otherwise : Error (should not occur, but we're not taking any chance)
                    CONSOLE.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.Red, "Message instruction not understood : " + instruction);
コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the newly created Coach's data of the user, and connects him / makes him retry accordingly
        /// </summary>
        private void SignIn()
            bool   continueSignin = true;
            string errorMessage   = "";

            while (continueSignin)
                // Displaying some messages
                CONSOLE.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.Blue, "\n   Enter empty fields to leave the SIGN-IN");

                // Displays a message if the credentials are incorrect
                CONSOLE.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.Red, errorMessage);

                // USERNAME
                Console.Write("\n Please enter your username : "******"\n Please enter your password : "******"\n Please verify your password : "******"\n Please enter your email : ");
                string email = Console.ReadLine();

                // All the fields are empty : go back to the menu
                if (name.Length == 0 && password.Length == 0 && passwordVerif.Length == 0 && email.Length == 0)
                    continueSignin = false;
                // If at least one field is empty : ERROR
                else if (name.Length == 0 || password.Length == 0 || passwordVerif.Length == 0 || email.Length == 0)
                    errorMessage = PrefabMessages.INCOMPLETE_FIELDS;
                // The password and its verification do not match : ERROR
                else if (password != passwordVerif)
                    errorMessage = PrefabMessages.SIGNIN_PASSWORD_DONT_MATCH;
                // NOW, we don't have to verify the PasswordVerif field anymore !
                // If at least one field is too long : ERROR
                else if (name.Length > PrefabMessages.INPUT_MAXSIZE_COACH_NAME ||
                         password.Length > PrefabMessages.INPUT_MAXSIZE_COACH_PASSWORD ||
                         email.Length > PrefabMessages.INPUT_MAXSIZE_COACH_EMAIL)
                    errorMessage = PrefabMessages.INCORRECT_INPUT_SIZE;
                // If at least one field has one incorrect character : ERROR
                else if (!Util.CorrectInput(name) || !Util.CorrectInput(password) || !Util.CorrectInput(email))
                    errorMessage = PrefabMessages.INCORRECT_INPUT_CHARACTER;
                // Otherwise : verify with the server
                    // Sending the new Coach (with password !)
                    Instructions instruction = Instructions.SignIn;
                    Object       content     = new CoachWithPassword(name, password, email);
                    Net.COMMUNICATION.Send(comm.GetStream(), new Communication(instruction, content));

                    // We get the Coach data back
                    // CORRECT :  regular data
                    // INCORRECT : default data
                    userData = Net.COACH.Receive(comm.GetStream());

                    // the data is complete : successful Sign in
                    if (userData.IsComplete)
                        continueSignin = false;
                    // If the data is incomplete : the profile's name and/or email is already taken, we reset the sign-in
                        errorMessage = PrefabMessages.SIGNIN_FAILURE;