protected void RadAjaxManager1_AjaxRequest(object sender, AjaxRequestEventArgs e) { RadGrid1.Rebind(); if (e.Argument == "new") { RadGrid1.Rebind(); RadGrid1.CurrentPageIndex = RadGrid1.PageCount - 1; } if (e.Argument == "yes") { if (Session["DeleteId"] != null) { try { anestheticServiceNoteId = (int)Session["DeleteId"]; AnestheticServiceNote asn = CntAriCli.GetAnestheticServiceNote(anestheticServiceNoteId, ctx); CntAriCli.DeleteAnestheticServiceNote(asn, ctx); RadGrid1.Rebind(); Session["DeleteId"] = null; } catch (Exception ex) { Session["Exception"] = ex; string command = String.Format("showDialog('Error','{0}','error',null, 0, 0)" , Resources.GeneralResource.DeleteRecordFail); RadAjaxManager1.ResponseScripts.Add(command); } } } }
protected bool CreateChange() { if (asn == null) { firstTime = true; asn = new AnestheticServiceNote(); UnloadData(asn); ctx.Add(asn); lschk = CntAriCli.SaveTckChecks(asn); } else { asn = CntAriCli.GetAnestheticServiceNote(anestheticServiceNoteId, ctx); //lschk = CntAriCli.SaveChecks(asn); lschk = CntAriCli.SaveTckChecks(asn); bool procedurechanged = false; if (Session["procedurechanged"] != null) { procedurechanged = (bool)Session["procedurechanged"]; } if (procedurechanged) { firstTime = true; Session["procedurechanged"] = null; IList <AnestheticTicket> tickets = asn.AnestheticTickets; foreach (AnestheticTicket item in tickets) { ctx.Delete(CntAriCli.GetTicket(item.TicketId, ctx)); } ctx.SaveChanges(); asn.AnestheticTickets.Clear(); asn.Procedures.Clear(); } UnloadData(asn); } //bool res = UpdateRelatedTickets(asn, lschk); // --- bool res = CntAriCli.UpdateRelatedTckV2(asn, lschk, ctx); // Update anesthetic service note total asn.Total = asn.AnestheticTickets.Sum(x => x.Amount); ctx.SaveChanges(); if (firstTime) { firstTime = false; Response.Redirect(String.Format("AnestheticServiceNoteForm.aspx?AnestheticServiceNoteId={0}", asn.AnestheticServiceNoteId)); } return(res); }
public RptAnesNote(int idanesnote, AriClinicContext ctx1) : this() { ctx1 = new AriClinicContext("AriClinicContext"); companyname = CntAriCli.GetHealthCompany(ctx1).Name; AnestheticServiceNote aneNote = CntAriCli.GetAnestheticServiceNote(idanesnote, ctx1); if (aneNote != null) { this.DataSource = aneNote; //this.subReport1.ReportSource.DataSource = aneNote.AnestheticTickets; this.subReport1.Report.DataSource = aneNote.AnestheticTickets; } }
protected void UnloadData(AnestheticTicket tck) { tck.TicketDate = (DateTime)rddpTicketDate.SelectedDate; policyId = Int32.Parse(rdcbPolicy.SelectedValue); tck.Policy = CntAriCli.GetPolicy(policyId, ctx); insuranceServiceId = Int32.Parse(txtInsuranceServiceId.Text); tck.InsuranceService = CntAriCli.GetInsuranceService(insuranceServiceId, ctx); clinicId = Int32.Parse(rdcbClinic.SelectedValue); tck.Clinic = CntAriCli.GetClinic(clinicId, ctx); tck.User = CntAriCli.GetUser(user.UserId, ctx); tck.Description = txtDescription.Text; tck.Amount = Decimal.Parse(txtAmount.Text); tck.Checked = chkChecked.Checked; if (txtProfessionalId.Text != "") { professionalId = Int32.Parse(txtProfessionalId.Text); tck.Professional = CntAriCli.GetProfessional(professionalId, ctx); } else { tck.Professional = null; } if (txtSurgeonId.Text != "") { surgeonId = Int32.Parse(txtSurgeonId.Text); tck.Surgeon = CntAriCli.GetProfessional(surgeonId, ctx); } else { tck.Surgeon = null; } if (txtProcedureId.Text != "") { procedureId = Int32.Parse(txtProcedureId.Text); tck.Procedure = CntAriCli.GetProcedure(procedureId, ctx); } else { tck.Procedure = null; } tck.Comments = txtComments.Text; // assign anesthetic note if any. if (asn != null) { asn = CntAriCli.GetAnestheticServiceNote(asn.AnestheticServiceNoteId, ctx); tck.AnestheticServiceNote = asn; } }
protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e) { ctx = new AriClinicContext("AriClinicContext"); // security control, it must be a user logged if (Session["User"] == null) { Response.Redirect("Default.aspx"); } else { user = CntAriCli.GetUser((Session["User"] as User).UserId, ctx); Process proc = (from p in ctx.Processes where p.Code == "policy" select p).FirstOrDefault <Process>(); per = CntAriCli.GetPermission(user.UserGroup, proc, ctx); } // cheks if is call from another form if (Request.QueryString["Type"] != null) { type = Request.QueryString["Type"]; } // read the realated patient if (Request.QueryString["PatientId"] != null) { patientId = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["PatientId"]); pat = CntAriCli.GetPatient(patientId, ctx); cus = pat.Customer; } // read passed customer if any if (Request.QueryString["CustomerId"] != null) { customerId = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["CustomerId"]); cus = CntAriCli.GetCustomer(customerId, ctx); } // if (Request.QueryString["NotPaid"] != null) { notPaid = true; } // if (type == "InTab") { HtmlControl tt = (HtmlControl)this.FindControl("TitleArea"); tt.Attributes["class"] = "ghost"; // hide patient column RadGrid1.Columns.FindByDataField("Policy.Customer.FullName").Visible = false; // RadGrid1.PageSize = 6; } else { } if (Request.QueryString["AnestheticServiceNoteId"] != null) { anestheticServiceNoteId = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["AnestheticServiceNoteId"]); asn = CntAriCli.GetAnestheticServiceNote(anestheticServiceNoteId, ctx); HtmlControl tt = (HtmlControl)this.FindControl("TitleArea"); tt.Attributes["class"] = "ghost"; // here the fields that must be hidden RadGrid1.Columns.FindByDataField("TicketDate").Visible = false; RadGrid1.Columns.FindByDataField("Policy.Customer.FullName").Visible = false; RadGrid1.Columns.FindByDataField("Checked").Visible = false; RadGrid1.Columns.FindByDataField("Clinic.Name").Visible = false; } if (Request.QueryString["ServiceNoteId"] != null) { serviceNoteId = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["ServiceNoteId"]); sn = CntAriCli.GetServiceNote(serviceNoteId, ctx); HtmlControl tt = (HtmlControl)this.FindControl("TitleArea"); tt.Attributes["class"] = "ghost"; // here the fields that must be hidden RadGrid1.Columns.FindByDataField("TicketDate").Visible = false; RadGrid1.Columns.FindByDataField("Policy.Customer.FullName").Visible = false; RadGrid1.Columns.FindByDataField("Checked").Visible = false; RadGrid1.Columns.FindByDataField("Clinic.Name").Visible = false; RadGrid1.Columns.FindByDataField("Paid").Visible = false; } // translate filters CntWeb.TranslateRadGridFilters(RadGrid1); // }
protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e) { ctx = new AriClinicContext("AriClinicContext"); // security control, it must be a user logged if (Session["User"] == null) { Response.Redirect("Default.aspx"); } else { user = CntAriCli.GetUser((Session["User"] as User).UserId, ctx); Process proc = (from p in ctx.Processes where p.Code == "ticket" select p).FirstOrDefault <Process>(); per = CntAriCli.GetPermission(user.UserGroup, proc, ctx); btnAccept.Visible = per.Modify; } if (Request.QueryString["CustomerId"] != null) { customerId = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["CustomerId"]); cus = CntAriCli.GetCustomer(customerId, ctx); //txtCustomerId.Text = cus.PersonId.ToString(); rdcComercialName.Items.Clear(); rdcComercialName.Items.Add(new RadComboBoxItem(cus.FullName, cus.PersonId.ToString())); rdcComercialName.SelectedValue = cus.PersonId.ToString(); rdcComercialName.Enabled = false; btnCustomerId.Visible = false; } else { LoadClinicCombo(null); } if (Session["Clinic"] != null) { cl = (Clinic)Session["Clinic"]; } // if (Request.QueryString["AnestheticServiceNoteId"] != null) { anestheticServiceNoteId = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["AnestheticServiceNoteId"]); asn = CntAriCli.GetAnestheticServiceNote(anestheticServiceNoteId, ctx); cus = asn.Customer; customerId = cus.PersonId; if (!IsPostBack) { LoadData(asn); } // Load internal frame HtmlControl frm = (HtmlControl)this.FindControl("ifTickets"); frm.Attributes["src"] = String.Format("TicketGrid.aspx?AnestheticServiceNoteId={0}", anestheticServiceNoteId); } else { // If there isn't a ticket the default date must be today rddpServiceNoteDate.SelectedDate = DateTime.Now; LoadClinicCombo(null); } }