private static void InitializeProgressSubscription() { string receptionistActorPath = string.Format("{3}://App-Cluster@{0}:{1}/system/{2}", AkkaDistributedHelper.GetFullyQualifiedDomainName(), Ports.Router, "receptionist", TcpProtocol); ImmutableHashSet <ActorPath> initialContacts = ImmutableHashSet.Create(ActorPath.Parse(receptionistActorPath)); var settings = ClusterClientSettings.Create(MyActorSystem).WithInitialContacts(initialContacts); clusterClient = MyActorSystem.ActorOf(ClusterClient.Props(settings), "Client"); subscriber = MyActorSystem.ActorOf(Props.Create <ProgressSubscriberActor>(), NamesRegistry.ProgressSubscriber); Timer progressTimer = new Timer { Interval = 500 }; progressTimer.Enabled = true; progressTimer.Elapsed += (sender, args) => { object response = clusterClient.Ask(new ClusterClient.Publish(NamesRegistry.ProgressTopic, new ProgressPublisherActor.ProgressUpdateRequest())).Result; subscriber.Tell(response); }; Console.WriteLine($"Created Subscriber for progress updates: {clusterClient.Path} on {MyActorSystem.Name}"); }
public void Start() { var system = ActorSystem.Create(Constants.ActorSystemName, ConfigurationFactory.Load().WithFallback(ClusterSingletonManager.DefaultConfig())); system.Settings.InjectTopLevelFallback(ClusterClientReceptionist.DefaultConfig()); var settings = ClusterClientSettings.Create(system); var client = system.ActorOf(ClusterClient.Props(settings), clientName); while (!shouldStop) { Console.WriteLine("Press key to send message"); Console.ReadKey(); client.Ask <ShardEnvelope>(new ClusterClient.Send("/user/sharding/MyActor", new ShardEnvelope(envelopeId, SendMessage) { FromClientId = clientId }), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)) .ContinueWith(se => { if (se.Status == TaskStatus.Canceled) { Logger.Warn("He ignored me:("); } else { Logger.Info($"Received response with EntityId: {se.Result.EntityId}, Message: {se.Result.Message}, from NodeId: {se.Result.FromNodeId}"); } }); } }
public static void staticinit() { Configuration conf = new Configuration { Seeds = "localhost:9093" }; //"broker.local:9091" conf.ClientId = "LibreriaBProducer"; conf.ClientRequestTimeoutMs = 2000; conf.RequestTimeoutMs = 2000; conf.RefreshMetadataInterval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 100); conf.CompressionCodec = CompressionCodec.None; conf.ErrorStrategy = ErrorStrategy.Retry; //conf.MaxBufferedMessages = 100; conf.MaxRetry = 10; conf.ProduceBatchSize = 1; conf.ProduceBufferingTime = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 10); conf.RequiredAcks = RequiredAcks.Leader; logger = new CustomLogger(); cluster = new ClusterClient(conf, logger); prod = new KafkaProducer <string, string>(Program.args.KafkaTopic, cluster); prod.Acknowledged += Prod_Acknowledged; prod.MessageDiscarded += Prod_MessageDiscarded; prod.MessageExpired += Prod_MessageExpired; prod.Throttled += Prod_Throttled; }
public static void AddApiKey(string adminApiKey, string apiKey, IClusterProvider managementApiTopology, ILog log) { var client = new ClusterClient( log, configuration => { configuration.ClusterProvider = managementApiTopology; configuration.Transport = new UniversalTransport(log); }); var task = client.SendAsync( Request.Post("/rules/set") .WithHeader("apiKey", adminApiKey) .WithAdditionalQueryParameter("key", apiKey) .WithAdditionalQueryParameter("pattern", "*") .WithAdditionalQueryParameter("rights", "rwm"), 15.Seconds() ); var result = task.GetAwaiter().GetResult(); if (result.Status != ClusterResultStatus.Success || result.Response.Code != ResponseCode.Ok) { throw new Exception($"Failed to add api key '{apiKey}'. Server responded with {result.Response.Code}: '{result.Response.Content}'."); } }
public KafkaConsumerService(ILogger <KafkaConsumerService> logger, IConfiguration cfg) : base(logger, cfg) { _cluster = new ClusterClient(new Configuration { Seeds = _bootstrapServers }, new ConsoleLogger()); }
public void ClusterClient_must_report_removal_of_a_receptionist() { Within(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30), () => { RunOn(() => { var unreachableContact = Node(_config.Client) / "system" / "receptionist"; var expectedRoles = ImmutableHashSet.Create(_config.First, _config.Second, _config.Third, _config.Fourth); var expectedContacts = expectedRoles.Select(x => Node(x) / "system" / "receptionist").ToImmutableHashSet(); // We need to slow down things otherwise our receptionists can sometimes tell us // that our unreachableContact is unreachable before we get a chance to // subscribe to events. foreach (var role in expectedRoles) { TestConductor.Blackhole(_config.Client, role, ThrottleTransportAdapter.Direction.Both) .Wait(); } var c = Sys.ActorOf( ClusterClient.Props(ClusterClientSettings.Create(Sys) .WithInitialContacts(expectedContacts.Add(unreachableContact))), "client5"); var probe = CreateTestProbe(); c.Tell(SubscribeContactPoints.Instance, probe.Ref); foreach (var role in expectedRoles) { TestConductor.PassThrough(_config.Client, role, ThrottleTransportAdapter.Direction.Both) .Wait(); } probe.FishForMessage(o => (o is ContactPointRemoved cp && cp.ContactPoint.Equals(unreachableContact)), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), "removal"); }, _config.Client);
public EvrikaPrinterClient(IEvrikaPrinterClientSettings settings, IMasterPortalSettings masterPortalSettings, IPortalSettings portalSettings) { var provider = new ApiKeyAuthenticationProvider(portalSettings.ApiKey); var authClient = new AuthClient(new ClientSettings(provider, new FakeLog(), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15), false), new TopologyProvider(settings.TestAuthUrls.Length > 0 ? settings.TestAuthUrls : portalSettings.AuthUrls)); var result = authClient.AuthByPassAsync2(new AuthByPassRequest(masterPortalSettings.MasterLogin, masterPortalSettings.MasterPassword)).Result; result.EnsureSuccess(); var authSid = result.Response.Sid; Console.WriteLine($"AuthSid: {authSid}"); clusterClient = new ClusterClient(null, config => { var repeatReplicasCount = settings.RepeatReplicasCount; config.ClusterProvider = new FixedClusterProvider(settings.Host); config.SetupKonturHttpTransport(); config.RepeatReplicas(repeatReplicasCount); config.ReplicaOrdering = new AsIsReplicaOrdering(); config.DefaultRequestStrategy = new ForkingRequestStrategy(new EqualDelaysProvider(repeatReplicasCount), repeatReplicasCount); config.AddRequestTransform(new DefaultHeadersTransform(new[] { new Header("Authorization", $"auth.sid {authSid}"), new Header("X-Kontur-Apikey", $"{settings.PortalApiKey}"), new Header(HeaderNames.Accept, "application/json"), })); config.DefaultTimeout = settings.Timeout; }); }
public RaftService( ILoggerFactory logger, IOptions <ClusterOptions> clusterOptions, IOptions <NodeOptions> nodeOptions, IClusterConnectionPool clusterConnectionPool, INodeStorage <State> nodeStorage, IStateMachine <State> stateMachine, NodeStateService nodeStateService, ClusterClient clusterClient ) : base(logger.CreateLogger <RaftService <State> >(), clusterOptions.Value, nodeOptions.Value, stateMachine, nodeStateService) { _nodeStorage = nodeStorage; _loggerFactory = logger; //Bootstrap the node _snapshotService = new Snapshotter <State>(logger.CreateLogger <Snapshotter <State> >(), nodeStorage, stateMachine, nodeStateService); _bootstrapService = new Bootstrapper <State>(logger.CreateLogger <Bootstrapper <State> >(), clusterOptions.Value, nodeOptions.Value, nodeStorage, StateMachine, NodeStateService); _commitService = new CommitService <State>(logger.CreateLogger <CommitService <State> >(), clusterOptions.Value, nodeOptions.Value, nodeStorage, StateMachine, NodeStateService); _discovery = new Discovery(logger.CreateLogger <Discovery>()); _clusterClient = clusterClient; _clusterConnectionPool = clusterConnectionPool; NodeStateService.Id = _nodeStorage.Id; _electionTimeoutTimer = new Timer(ElectionTimeoutEventHandler); _heartbeatTimer = new Timer(HeartbeatTimeoutEventHandler); if (!ClusterOptions.TestMode) { _bootstrapTask = Task.Run(async() => { //Wait for the rest of the node to bootup Logger.LogInformation("Starting bootstrap..."); Thread.Sleep(3000); nodeStateService.Url = await _bootstrapService.GetMyUrl(ClusterOptions.GetClusterUrls(), TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(ClusterOptions.LatencyToleranceMs)); NodeStateService.IsBootstrapped = true; SetNodeRole(NodeState.Follower); }); } else { Logger.LogInformation("Running in test mode..."); SetNodeRole(NodeState.Leader); NodeStateService.IsBootstrapped = true; Handle(new ExecuteCommands() { Commands = new List <BaseCommand>() { { new UpsertNodeInformation() { Id = NodeStateService.Id, Name = "", TransportAddress = "https://localhost:5021", IsContactable = true } } } }).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); } }
/// <summary> /// Creates a cluster client, that allows to connect to cluster even thou current actor system is not part of it. /// </summary> static void RunClusterClient(ActorSystem system) { //NOTE: to properly run cluster client set up actor ref provider for nodes on `provider = "Akka.Remote.RemoteActorRefProvider, Akka.Remote"` system.Settings.InjectTopLevelFallback(ClusterClientReceptionist.DefaultConfig()); var clusterClient = system.ActorOf(ClusterClient.Props(ClusterClientSettings.Create(system))); clusterClient.Tell(new ClusterClient.Send("/user/my-service", new Echo("hello from cluster client"))); }
public async Task CanUpdated() { var entity = new WorkflowForm(Guid.NewGuid()) { Name = "Name2" }; UsingDbContext(dbContext => { dbContext.Set <WorkflowForm>().Add(entity); }); var grain = ClusterClient.GetGrain <IWorkflowFormGrain <WorkflowFormDto> >(entity.Id); var result = await grain.Get(); result.Name.ShouldBe(entity.Name); await grain.Update(new WorkflowFormDto() { Id = entity.Id, Name = "Name3" }); var updateResult = await grain.Get(); updateResult.Name.ShouldBe("Name3"); await Task.Delay(500); UsingDbContext(dbContext => { dbContext.Set <WorkflowForm>().Any(x => x.Id == entity.Id).ShouldBeTrue(); var workflowForm = dbContext.Set <WorkflowForm>().First(x => x.Id == entity.Id); workflowForm.Name.ShouldBe("Name3"); }); }
public StreamApiRequestSender( [NotNull] IClusterProvider clusterProvider, [NotNull] ILog log, [NotNull] BufferPool bufferPool, [CanBeNull] ClusterClientSetup additionalSetup) { this.log = log; this.bufferPool = bufferPool; client = ClusterClientFactory.Create( clusterProvider, log, Constants.ServiceNames.StreamApi, config => { config.SetupUniversalTransport( new UniversalTransportSettings { BufferFactory = bufferPool.Rent }); config.AddResponseTransform(TryDecompress); additionalSetup?.Invoke(config); }); responseAnalyzer = new ResponseAnalyzer(ResponseAnalysisContext.Stream); compressionEnabled = LZ4Helper.Enabled; }
public async Task <ActionResult> SimLogin([FromBody] SimLoginRequestDTO request) { LoginResponseDTO res = new LoginResponseDTO(); try { IPlatformSession session = ClusterClient.GetGrain <IPlatformSession>(request.user_name); Account account = await session.VerifyAccount(Platform.Sim, request.user_name); if (account == null) { throw new Exception($"VerifyAccount cant found {request.user_name}"); } string access_token = JWT.GetAccessToken(account); await session.RefreshToken(access_token); = access_token; res.result = LoginResult.Success; } catch (Exception ex) { res.result = LoginResult.None; = ex.ToString(); Logger.LogError(ex.ToString()); } return(Json(res)); }
static void Main(string[] args) { var config = ConfigurationFactory.ParseString(File.ReadAllText("App.Akka.conf")); // // "{app-name} - akka.tcp://{actorysystem-name}@{hostname}:{port}" // Console.Title = $"{config.GetString("")}" + $" - akka.tcp://{config.GetString("akka.system.actorsystem-name")}" + $"@{config.GetString("")}" + $":{config.GetString("")}"; ActorSystem system = ActorSystem.Create(config.GetString("akka.system.actorsystem-name"), config); var cmd = PetabridgeCmd.Get(system); cmd.Start(); // // Cluster 접속하기 // system.ActorOf( ClusterClient .Props(ClusterClientSettings.Create(system)), "ClusterClientActor"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("ClusterClientApp1 is running..."); Console.WriteLine(); Console.ReadLine(); }
public static async Task StopAsync() { if (ClusterClient != null) { await ClusterClient.Close(); } }
public async Task CanDisabled() { var id = Guid.NewGuid(); var grain = ClusterClient.GetGrain <IWorkflowFormGrain <WorkflowFormDto> >(id); var dto = new WorkflowFormDto { Id = id, Name = "Name1", Sort = 1 }; await grain.Create(dto); await grain.Disable(true); var result = await grain.Get(); result.Name.ShouldBe(dto.Name); result.Disabled.ShouldBeTrue(); await Task.Delay(500); UsingDbContext(dbContext => { dbContext.Set <WorkflowForm>().Any(x => x.Id == id).ShouldBeTrue(); var workflowForm = dbContext.Set <WorkflowForm>().First(x => x.Id == id); workflowForm.Name.ShouldBe(dto.Name); workflowForm.Disabled.ShouldBeTrue(); }); }
protected override void PreStart() { _clusterClient = Context.ActorOf(ClusterClient.Props( ClusterClientSettings.Create(Context.System).WithInitialContacts(Consts.ContactPoints))); Timers.StartPeriodicTimer(TimerName, SendPing.Instance, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)); }
static void Main(string[] args) { var initialContacts = ImmutableHashSet <ActorPath> .Empty .Add(ActorPath.Parse("akka.tcp://Cluster@localhost:12000/system/receptionist")); //.Add(ActorPath.Parse("akka.tcp://ClusterClientExample@localhost:12001/user/service")); using (var system = ActorSystem.Create("ClusterClient")) { var clusterClientSettings = ClusterClientSettings.Create(system) .WithInitialContacts(initialContacts); // Creaste the Props used to deploy the cluster client on the local actor system var clusterClientProps = ClusterClient.Props(clusterClientSettings); //Deploy the cluster client into the local actor system //Ovaj dio je prebacen u actora kako bi vidjeli da mozemo iz bilo kojeg actora pristupiti nekom clusteru, // a ne samo iz actora stvorenih iz system.ActorOf //var clusterClient = system.ActorOf(clusterClientProps, "clusterClient"); //clusterClient.Tell(new ClusterClient.Send("/user/service", new Msg($"Hello from cluster client"))); var props = Props.Create(() => new ChatActor(clusterClientProps)); var actor = system.ActorOf(props); Console.ReadLine(); actor.Tell(new Init()); Console.ReadLine(); actor.Tell(new InitPub()); Console.ReadLine(); } }
protected override void PreStart() { var props = ClusterClient.Props(_clusterClientSettings); _clusterClient = Context.ActorOf(props); base.PreStart(); }
// Put the code that needs to be executed against the silo in this function. // // As the example shows, you have access to the `ClusterClient` from where grains can be requested. // // This example shows a single operation on a grain, after which the client application terminates. // For long-running clients and other patterns, refer to // // // The `ClientConfiguration` host tries to reach a silo as specified by the configuration, and // retries 9 times with a 10 second wait between each retry until it either reaches the silo, or finally times out. // // This function will *only* be executed when the silo has been found and the client has connected to it. public override async Task ExecuteAsync() { var(l, r) = (5, 6); var adder = ClusterClient.GetGrain <ICalculatorGrain>(Guid.NewGuid()); var result = await adder.Add(l, r); Console.WriteLine($"{l} + {r} = {result}"); }
public DemoConsumerService(ILogger <DemoProducerService> logger) { _logger = logger; _cluster = new ClusterClient(new Configuration { Seeds = "localhost:9092" }, new ConsoleLogger()); }
public KafkaConsumerHostedService(ILogger <KafkaConsumerHostedService> logger) { _logger = logger; _cluster = new ClusterClient(new Configuration { Seeds = "" }, new ConsoleLogger()); }
public KafkaConsumerHostedService(ILogger <KafkaConsumerHostedService> logger) { _logger = logger; _cluster = new ClusterClient(new Configuration { Seeds = "localhost:9092" }, new ConsoleLogger()); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes the client's ID and username. /// If the client is a Cluster, the username is the key. /// /// TODO: Change to the cluster config name in the future. /// </summary> /// <param name="client">The client whose ID and username should be changed.</param> /// <param name="packet">The packet containing the new client ID.</param> internal static void InitializeCluster(this ClusterClient client, Packet packet) { string keyName = packet.ReadString(); = keyName; BaseClient.DebugClient(, $"Welcome, {keyName}!"); }
public async Task StopAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken) { _logger.LogInformation("Disconnecting..."); await ClusterClient.Close(); _logger.LogInformation("Disconnected."); }
public static ClusterClient UseRedisClusterProvider(this ClusterClient host, Action <RedisOptions> configuration) { return(host.ConfigureServices(services => { var options = new RedisOptions(); configuration?.Invoke(options); services.AddSingleton(options).AddRedis(); })); }
/// <summary> /// Reads a keyName and passphrase from the server and attempts to answer it. /// </summary> /// <param name="client"></param> /// <param name="packet"></param> internal static void Passphrase(this ClusterClient client, Packet packet) { string keyName = packet.ReadString(); byte[] cypher = Convert.FromBase64String(packet.ReadString()); byte[] iv = Convert.FromBase64String(packet.ReadString()); client.AnswerPassphrase(AESManager.Decrypt(keyName, cypher, iv)); }
public ReutersLinkFinder() { serializer = new Serializer(); clusterClient = new ClusterClient(new ConsoleLog(), configuration => { configuration.SetupUniversalTransport(); configuration.ClusterProvider = new FixedClusterProvider(Url); }); }
/// <summary> /// Sends a packet to the master server that requests a string of text that must be /// decrypted and sent back. /// </summary> /// <param name="client">The Cluster Client to run this from.</param> /// <param name="keyName">The name of the SSH key stored on the master server. These are /// preloaded so there's no need to sanitize directory requests.</param> internal static void ValidateCluster(this ClusterClient client, string keyName) { using (Packet packet = new Packet((int)ClientPackets.validateCluster)) { packet.Write(keyName); client.SendTcpData(packet); } }
//[MultiNodeFact(Skip = "TODO")] public void ClusterClient_should_reestablish_connection_to_another_receptionist_when_server_is_shutdown() { ClusterClient_should_demonstrate_usage(); Within(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30), () => { RunOn(() => { var service2 = Sys.ActorOf(Props.Create(() => new TestService(TestActor)), "service2"); ClusterClientReceptionist.Get(Sys).RegisterService(service2); AwaitCount(8); }, _first, _second, _third, _fourth); EnterBarrier("service2-replicated"); RunOn(() => { var c = Sys.ActorOf(ClusterClient.Props(ClusterClientSettings.Create(Sys).WithInitialContacts(InitialContacts)), "client2"); c.Tell(new ClusterClient.Send("/user/service2", "bonjour", localAffinity: true)); ExpectMsg("bonjour-ack"); var lastSenderAddress = LastSender.Path.Address; var receptionistRoleName = RoleName(lastSenderAddress); if (receptionistRoleName == null) { throw new Exception("Unexpected missing role name: " + lastSenderAddress); } TestConductor.Exit(receptionistRoleName, 0).Wait(); _remainingServerRoleNames.Remove(receptionistRoleName); Within(Remaining - TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3), () => { AwaitAssert(() => { c.Tell(new ClusterClient.Send("/user/service2", "hi again", localAffinity: true)); ExpectMsg("hi again-ack", TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)); }); }); Sys.Stop(c); }, _client); EnterBarrier("verified-3"); ReceiveWhile(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2), msg => { if (msg.Equals("hi again")) { return(msg); } else { throw new Exception("unexpected message: " + msg); } }); EnterBarrier("after-4"); }); }
public async Task <ActionResult <int> > Increment(Increment increment) { //This logging is here to demonstrate it can be read in the tests. Logger.LogInformation(Events.TestEvent.Id, Events.TestEvent.FormatString, increment); var testStateGrain = ClusterClient.GetGrain <ITestStateGrain>(increment.GrainId); var currentState = await testStateGrain.Increment(increment.IncrementBy).ConfigureAwait(false); return(Ok(currentState)); }