public void ActivitySuccess() { Debug.Log("Activity SUCCEEDED"); clueText.text = ""; if (ClueMaster.eventOngoing) { if (NightHighTierManager.isEvent) { //If the player has just successfully completed the ongoing event eventResults.text = "Event completed"; ClueMaster.EventSuccess(); } else { eventResults.text = ("One of the city's gangs is planning something big"); DetermineIfClueFound(); } } else { ClueMaster.ChooseEventParameters(); DetermineIfClueFound(); eventResults.text = ("One of the city's gangs is planning something big"); } FinishActivity(); }
public void CompareEventSolution() { print("Comparing event solution..."); foreach (Toggle locationToggle in solveLocationToggles) { if (locationToggle.isOn) { string locationText = locationToggle.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().text; if (locationText == ClueMaster.location) { ClueMaster.matchLocation = true; } print(locationText + ": " + ClueMaster.location); } } foreach (Toggle gangToggle in solveGangToggles) { if (gangToggle.isOn) { string gangText = gangToggle.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().text; if (gangText == ClueMaster.gangInvolvedInEvent) { ClueMaster.matchGang = true; } print(gangText + ": " + ClueMaster.gangInvolvedInEvent); } } foreach (Toggle attackTypeToggle in solveAttackTypeToggles) { if (attackTypeToggle.isOn) { string attackTypeText = attackTypeToggle.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().text; if (attackTypeText == ClueMaster.attackType) { ClueMaster.matchAttackType = true; } print(attackTypeText + ": " + ClueMaster.attackType); } } if (ClueMaster.matchLocation && ClueMaster.matchGang && ClueMaster.matchAttackType) { ClueMaster.EventUncovered(); EndEventUI(); } else { ClueMaster.EventFailure(); EndEventUI(); } }
public void ActivityFailed() { Debug.Log("Activity FAILED"); if (ClueMaster.eventOngoing) { if (NightHighTierManager.isEvent) { eventResults.text = "Event failed"; ClueMaster.EventFailure(); } } FinishActivity(); }
public void SearchForClues(Toggle heroDetecting, Toggle sideDetecting) { if (ClueMaster.numberOfCluesFound < ClueMaster.maxNumberOfClues) { Debug.Log("Obtaining additional clues"); //The characters' ability to find more clues is based on their intellect vs. some kind of difficulty int clueDifficulty = Random.Range(0, 5); //0 to 9? 10? 11? Should it be less random, and more calculated, like the activities? int heroRolledInt = 0; int sideRolledInt = 0; //If the Hero is obtaining clues if (heroDetecting.isOn) { heroRolledInt = (int)(StatsPlayer.valueInt * Random.Range(.5f, 1.5f)); } //If the Sidekick is obtaining clues if (sideDetecting.isOn) { sideRolledInt = (int)(StatsSidekick.valueInt * Random.Range(.5f, 1.5f)); } int totalRolledInt = (heroRolledInt + sideRolledInt); if (totalRolledInt >= clueDifficulty) { ClueMaster.GetAClue(); } else { Debug.Log("You failed to find another clue"); } //TOMAYBEDO Alternatively, they are guaranteed to find a clue, but there is some equal trade-off to not participating in the current activity //Takes more time to do (longer waitforseconds), less/no experience boost, more mental stress? //Debug.Log(ClueMaster.numberOfCluesFound); } else { Debug.Log("You have obtained the maximum number of clues to assist in your investigation"); } }
void DetermineIfClueFound() { //%chance of finding a "First Clue" on accomplishing the activity //TODO Knock down to 10% chance or so later (ALSO DO THE SAME ELSEWHERE, WHENEVER DETERMINING "chanceClueFound") //or have it influenced by the activity's difficulty/rarity/whatever int chanceClueFound = Random.Range(0, 100); if (NightHighTierManager.isHighTierActivityHere) { //High-tier activities give the player a better chance to find a clue chanceClueFound = (int)(chanceClueFound / 2); } if (ClueMaster.numberOfCluesFound < ClueMaster.maxNumberOfClues) { if (NightHighTierManager.isHighTierActivityHere) { //if (NightHighTierManager.gangInvolved == ClueMaster.gangInvolvedInEvent) { if (chanceClueFound < 100) { ClueMaster.GetAClue(); //Display each clue when found clueText.text = ("Clue found: " + ClueMaster.mostRecentClue); } //} } else { //if (NightManager.gangInvolved == ClueMaster.gangInvolvedInEvent) { if (chanceClueFound < 100) { ClueMaster.GetAClue(); //Display each clue when found clueText.text = ("Clue found: " + ClueMaster.mostRecentClue); } //} } } }
void Update() { //Increase "transition" over time according to "transitionSpeed", from a value of 0 to 1, and back again transition += (sunRising) ? transitionSpeed * Time.deltaTime : -transitionSpeed * Time.deltaTime; //When "transition" reaches its low-point (at a value of 0 (midnight)), the "sun" begins to "rise" //When "transition" reaches its peak (at a value of 1 (noon), it begins to "set" if (transition < 0f || transition > 1f) { sunRising = !sunRising; } //Transitions light intensity and color between dark blue (night) and bright white (day), determined by value of "transition" cycleLight.intensity = transition; cycleLight.color = Color.Lerp(, Color.white, transition); //"dayTime" bool becomes true while light is mostly white, and false while it is mostly blue if (transition >= .5f) { dayTime = true; if (daylightEvent != null) { daylightEvent(); } //During the frame in which it actually BECOMES Day if (!isDawn) { if (ClueMaster.eventOngoing) { ClueMaster.nightsUntilEventEnds--; if (ClueMaster.nightsUntilEventEnds <= 0) { ClueMaster.EventFailure(); } } isDawn = true; isDusk = false; } } else { dayTime = false; //During the frame in which it actually BECOMES night if (!isDusk) { isDusk = true; isDawn = false; } } //If you want to rotate the local y-axis in a half-circle during the day, and then cut back across and repeat for the night cycle, //just set startYRot to 0 if daytime is false //NOTE: It's a bit jarring/distracting/breaks immersion, but maybe I can find a way to smooth it out. Maybe use 2 lights? //Using Mathf.InverseLerp because otherwise, during the "night", the light reverses direction and rotates back to the starting point //This way, it continues in a full circle while "sunRising" is false float rotLerp = Mathf.Lerp(0f, 1f, transition); float rotLerpInv = Mathf.InverseLerp(1f, 0f, transition); if (sunRising && !dayTime) { locYRot = startYRot + (rotLerp * 180f); } else if (sunRising && dayTime) { locYRot = startYRot + (rotLerp * 180f); } else if (!sunRising && dayTime) { locYRot = startYRot + ((rotLerpInv + 1) * 180f); } else if (!sunRising && !dayTime) { locYRot = startYRot + ((rotLerpInv + 1) * 180f); } transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(45f, locYRot, 0f); }