protected void gvClubMemberList_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e) { try { if (e.CommandName == "KickUser") { var _kickUserID = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument.ToString()); var club = ClubLogic.GetClubInfo(ClubID); var userClub = ClubLogic.GetActiveUserClub(userid, ClubID); if (userClub != null && club != null) { if (userClub.Responsibility.HasValue && (userClub.Responsibility.Equals((int)Responsibility.Manager) || userClub.Responsibility.Equals((int)Responsibility.Executor))) { if (club.ManagerUid == _kickUserID) { throw new Exception("您没有权限解约此会员"); } //kick user logic UserClubLogic.LeaveClub(_kickUserID, ClubID, true, username); ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(typeof(string), "success", "alert('球会已与此会员成功解约');", true); BindData(); } else { throw new Exception("您没有权限解约此会员"); } } else { throw new Exception("该用户已不是该球会会员"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(typeof(string), "failed", $"alert('{ex.Message}');", true); } }
protected void LoadPageData() { // Administrators could enter this page if (ConfigAdmin.IsPluginAdmin(userid)) { pnlInaccessible.Visible = false; phContent.Visible = true; //init gridview BindMemberList(); } else { var userClub = ClubLogic.GetActiveUserClub(userid, ClubID); if (userClub != null && userClub.Responsibility.HasValue) { if (userClub.Responsibility.Value.Equals((int)Responsibility.Executor) || userClub.Responsibility.Value.Equals((int)Responsibility.Manager)) { pnlInaccessible.Visible = false; phContent.Visible = true; //init gridview BindMemberList(); } else { pnlInaccessible.Visible = true; phContent.Visible = false; } } else { pnlInaccessible.Visible = true; phContent.Visible = false; } } }
protected void linkButtonSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (fuLogo.PostedFile.ContentLength != 0) { var logoName = fuLogo.FileName; if (logoName.ToLower().LastIndexOf(".gif") != logoName.Length - 4 && logoName.ToLower().LastIndexOf(".jpg") != logoName.Length - 4 && logoName.ToLower().LastIndexOf(".png") != logoName.Length - 4) { //invalid logo file var invalidAlert = "alert('请上传扩展名为gif,jpg或png的文件!');"; ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(typeof(string), "invalid_logo_file", invalidAlert, true); LoadPageData(); return; } if (fuLogo.FileBytes.LongLength > 100 * 1024) { var fileLengthAlert = "alert('请上传小于100K的文件!');"; ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(typeof(string), "file_too_large", fileLengthAlert, true); LoadPageData(); return; } } //validate assignment var club = ClubLogic.GetClubInfo(ClubID); //check manager if (tbManager.Text != club.ManagerUserName) { //check new manager existance in discuz if (Users.GetUserId(tbManager.Text) <= 0) { //alert var script = "alert('会长用户在系统中不存在!');"; ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(typeof(string), "user_not_exist", script, true); LoadPageData(); return; } var managerID = Users.GetUserId(tbManager.Text); //check if the new manager is a member of the club, if not, alert if (ClubLogic.GetActiveUserClub(managerID, ClubID) == null) { var script = "alert('新会长必须为该球会成员!');"; ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(typeof(string), "user_not_member", script, true); LoadPageData(); return; } } //check executor if (tbExecutor.Text == string.Empty) { //change current executor to normal member var users = ClubLogic.GetClubLeads(ClubID); foreach (var userClub in users) { if (userClub.Responsibility == (int)Responsibility.Executor) { //save no executor UserClubLogic.ChangeResponsibility(userClub.Userid.Value, userClub.UserName, ClubID, Responsibility.Member, username); } } } else { //check each executor existance var executors = tbExecutor.Text.Split('|'); //check club max executor count if (executors.Length > ClubLogic.GetClubExecutorQuota(ClubID)) { //alert var script = "alert('干事数超过限额!');"; ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(typeof(string), "executor_count_exceed", script, true); LoadPageData(); return; } foreach (var executor in executors) { var executorName = executor.Trim(); if (executorName == club.ManagerUserName) { //alert var script = "alert('干事不能为该球会会长!');"; ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(typeof(string), "user_not_manager", script, true); LoadPageData(); return; } if (Users.GetUserId(executorName) <= 0) { //alert var script = "alert('干事用户在系统中不存在!');"; ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(typeof(string), "user_not_exist", script, true); LoadPageData(); return; } var executorID = Users.GetUserId(executorName); if (ClubLogic.GetActiveUserClub(executorID, ClubID) == null) { var script = "alert('干事必须为该球会成员!');"; ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(typeof(string), "user_not_member", script, true); LoadPageData(); return; } } var leaders = ClubLogic.GetClubLeads(ClubID); //save executor foreach (var executor in executors) { var executorName = executor.Trim(); var executorID = Users.GetUserId(executorName); if (leaders.Exists(delegate(UserClub uc) { return(uc.Userid == executorID); })) { // current executor has been an executor already } else { UserClubLogic.ChangeResponsibility(executorID, executorName, ClubID, Responsibility.Executor, username); } } foreach (var leader in leaders) { if (leader.Responsibility.Value != (int)Responsibility.Manager) { if (Array.Exists(executors, delegate(string executor) { return(executor == leader.UserName); })) { //current leader is in the new leader list } else { UserClubLogic.ChangeResponsibility(leader.Userid.Value, leader.UserName, ClubID, Responsibility.Member, username); } } } } //update info ClubLogic.UpdateClubInfo(ClubID, fuLogo.PostedFile, tbSlogan.Text, tbDesc.Text, bool.Parse(rblAppliable.SelectedValue), null); var scriptSaved = "alert('信息已保存');"; ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(typeof(string), "saved", scriptSaved, true); LoadPageData(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { var club = ClubLogic.GetClubInfo(ClubID); if (club != null && Title.IndexOf("{0}") >= 0) { Title = string.Format(Title, club.FullName); } #region SetControlProperty ctrlLeftPanel.UserID = userid; ctrlLeftPanel.UserName = username; ctrlLeftPanel.UserKey = userkey; ctrlFieldToolBar.UserID = userid; ctrlFieldToolBar.UserName = username; ctrlManageMenuTabBar.CurrentMenu = ManageClubMenuItem.ManageMember; ctrlManageMenuTabBar.UserID = userid; #endregion if (!IsPostBack) { #region Bind ddlGroup var list = ClubLogic.GetActiveClubs(); if (list != null && list.Count > 0) { ddlClub.DataSource = list; ddlClub.DataTextField = "FullName"; ddlClub.DataValueField = "ID"; ddlClub.DataBind(); var item = new ListItem("--请选择球会--", string.Empty); ddlClub.Items.Insert(0, item); } else { ddlClub.Visible = false; } #endregion // Administrators could enter this page if (ConfigAdmin.IsPluginAdmin(userid)) { pnlInaccessible.Visible = false; phContent.Visible = true; //init gridview BindData(); } else { var userClub = ClubLogic.GetActiveUserClub(userid, ClubID); if (userClub != null && userClub.Responsibility.HasValue) { if (userClub.Responsibility.Value.Equals((int)Responsibility.Executor) || userClub.Responsibility.Value.Equals((int)Responsibility.Manager)) { pnlInaccessible.Visible = false; phContent.Visible = true; //init gridview BindData(); } else { pnlInaccessible.Visible = true; phContent.Visible = false; } } else { pnlInaccessible.Visible = true; phContent.Visible = false; } } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (clubID > 0) { if (aManageClub.HRef.IndexOf("{0}") >= 0) { aManageClub.HRef = string.Format(aManageClub.HRef, clubID); } var currentClub = ClubLogic.GetClubInfo(clubID); if (currentClub != null) { imgClubLogo.ImageUrl = $"../UploadFiles/{currentClub.LogoName}"; imgClubLogo.ToolTip = currentClub.FullName; ltrlClubFullName.Text = currentClub.FullName; var clubDesc = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(currentClub.Description); if (clubDesc.Length > 80) { ltrlClubDesc.Text = $"<span title=\"{clubDesc}\">{clubDesc.Substring(0, 80)}...</span>"; } else { ltrlClubDesc.Text = clubDesc; } divClubRank.Style.Add("Width", $"{currentClub.RankLevel*20}px"); divClubRank.Attributes.Add("Title", currentClub.RankScore.ToString()); if (userID == -1) { //anonymous user aManageClub.Visible = false; btnCancelApply.Visible = false; btnJoinClub.Visible = false; btnLeaveClub.Visible = false; btnGetStrip.Visible = false; } else { var ucs = ClubLogic.GetUserClubStatus(userID, clubID); switch (ucs) { case UserClubStatus.Applied: btnCancelApply.Visible = true; btnJoinClub.Visible = false; btnLeaveClub.Visible = false; break; case UserClubStatus.Member: btnCancelApply.Visible = false; btnJoinClub.Visible = false; btnLeaveClub.Visible = true; break; case UserClubStatus.No: btnCancelApply.Visible = false; btnJoinClub.Visible = true; btnLeaveClub.Visible = false; break; default: btnCancelApply.Visible = false; btnJoinClub.Visible = false; btnLeaveClub.Visible = false; break; } //manager can not leave a club if (currentClub.ManagerUid.Value == userID) { btnLeaveClub.Visible = false; } // the count of clubs which current user has joined exceed max quota, hide join action if (ClubLogic.GetActiveUserClubs(userID).Count >= ConfigGlobal.SingleUserMaxClubCount && ucs != UserClubStatus.Member) { btnJoinClub.Visible = false; btnCancelApply.Visible = false; } if (!currentClub.IsAppliable.Value || ClubLogic.GetClubMemberCount(clubID) >= ClubLogic.GetClubMemberQuota(clubID)) { btnJoinClub.Visible = false; } var userClub = ClubLogic.GetActiveUserClub(userID, clubID); if (userClub != null) { //current user is a member of the club if (userClub.Responsibility == (int)Responsibility.Manager || userClub.Responsibility == (int)Responsibility.Executor) { aManageClub.Visible = true; } else { aManageClub.Visible = false; } } else { //user is not a member of the club aManageClub.Visible = false; btnGetStrip.Visible = false; } } } else { Response.Redirect("ClubPortal.aspx"); } } else { Response.Redirect("ClubPortal.aspx"); } }