コード例 #1
    /// <summary>
    /// Enable this search result for tracking
    /// Creates an ImageTarget for local detection and tracking of this target.
    /// If the given game object has no ImageTargetBehaviour, a new one will be created.
    /// Note that this call may result in an earlier ImageTarget that was enabled for
    /// tracking to be destroyed, including its ImageTargetBehaviour.
    /// Thus it is not advised to hold a pointer to an
    /// ealier created ImageTarget after calling enableTracking again. Returns
    /// NULL if the target failed to be enabled for tracking.
    /// </summary>
    public override ImageTargetBehaviour EnableTracking(TargetSearchResult result, GameObject gameObject)
        // create a new trackable in native
        IntPtr imageTargetPtr    = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(ImageTargetData)));
        int    newTrackableCount = QCARWrapper.Instance.TargetFinderEnableTracking(result.TargetSearchResultPtr, imageTargetPtr);

        ImageTargetData imageTargetData = (ImageTargetData)
                                          Marshal.PtrToStructure(imageTargetPtr, typeof(ImageTargetData));


        StateManagerImpl stateManager = (StateManagerImpl)TrackerManager.Instance.GetStateManager();

        // if successful, create a new trackable here and add it to internal collection
        ImageTargetBehaviour imageTargetBehaviour = null;

        if (imageTargetData.id == -1)
            Debug.LogError("TargetSearchResult " + result.TargetName + " could not be enabled for tracking.");
            ImageTarget newImageTarget = new CloudRecoImageTargetImpl(result.TargetName, imageTargetData.id, imageTargetData.size);

            // Add newly created Image Target to dictionary.
            mImageTargets[imageTargetData.id] = newImageTarget;

            // Find or create ImageTargetBehaviour for this ImageTarget:
            imageTargetBehaviour = stateManager.FindOrCreateImageTargetBehaviourForTrackable(newImageTarget, gameObject);

        // get a list of currently existing trackables
        IntPtr imageTargetIdArrayPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(int)) * newTrackableCount);

        QCARWrapper.Instance.TargetFinderGetImageTargets(imageTargetIdArrayPtr, newTrackableCount);

        List <int> targetIds = new List <int>();

        for (int i = 0; i < newTrackableCount; i++)
            IntPtr targetIdPtr = new IntPtr(imageTargetIdArrayPtr.ToInt32() + i * Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(int)));
            int    targetID    = Marshal.ReadInt32(targetIdPtr);


        // delete those targets that no longer exist
        foreach (ImageTarget imageTarget in mImageTargets.Values.ToArray())
            if (!targetIds.Contains(imageTarget.ID))

コード例 #2
    public override ImageTargetAbstractBehaviour EnableTracking(TargetFinder.TargetSearchResult result, GameObject gameObject)
        IntPtr          trackableData          = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(ImageTargetData)));
        int             trackableIdArrayLength = QCARWrapper.Instance.TargetFinderEnableTracking(result.TargetSearchResultPtr, trackableData);
        ImageTargetData data = (ImageTargetData)Marshal.PtrToStructure(trackableData, typeof(ImageTargetData));

        StateManagerImpl             stateManager = (StateManagerImpl)TrackerManager.Instance.GetStateManager();
        ImageTargetAbstractBehaviour behaviour    = null;

        if (data.id == -1)
            Debug.LogError("TargetSearchResult " + result.TargetName + " could not be enabled for tracking.");
            ImageTarget trackable = new CloudRecoImageTargetImpl(result.TargetName, data.id, data.size);
            this.mImageTargets[data.id] = trackable;
            behaviour = stateManager.FindOrCreateImageTargetBehaviourForTrackable(trackable, gameObject);
        IntPtr trackableIdArray = Marshal.AllocHGlobal((int)(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(int)) * trackableIdArrayLength));

        QCARWrapper.Instance.TargetFinderGetImageTargets(trackableIdArray, trackableIdArrayLength);
        List <int> list = new List <int>();

        for (int i = 0; i < trackableIdArrayLength; i++)
            IntPtr ptr  = new IntPtr(trackableIdArray.ToInt32() + (i * Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(int))));
            int    item = Marshal.ReadInt32(ptr);
        foreach (ImageTarget target2 in this.mImageTargets.Values.ToArray <ImageTarget>())
            if (!list.Contains(target2.ID))
                stateManager.DestroyTrackableBehavioursForTrackable(target2, true);
コード例 #3
    /// <summary>
    /// Enable this search result for tracking
    /// Creates an ImageTarget for local detection and tracking of this target.
    /// If the given game object has no ImageTargetBehaviour, a new one will be created.
    /// Note that this call may result in an earlier ImageTarget that was enabled for
    /// tracking to be destroyed, including its ImageTargetBehaviour. 
    /// Thus it is not advised to hold a pointer to an
    /// ealier created ImageTarget after calling enableTracking again. Returns
    /// NULL if the target failed to be enabled for tracking.
    /// </summary>
    public override ImageTargetBehaviour EnableTracking(TargetSearchResult result, GameObject gameObject)
        // create a new trackable in native
        IntPtr imageTargetPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(ImageTargetData)));
        int newTrackableCount = QCARWrapper.Instance.TargetFinderEnableTracking(result.TargetSearchResultPtr, imageTargetPtr);

        ImageTargetData imageTargetData = (ImageTargetData)
                Marshal.PtrToStructure(imageTargetPtr, typeof(ImageTargetData));

        StateManagerImpl stateManager = (StateManagerImpl)TrackerManager.Instance.GetStateManager();

        // if successful, create a new trackable here and add it to internal collection
        ImageTargetBehaviour imageTargetBehaviour = null;
        if (imageTargetData.id == -1)
            Debug.LogError("TargetSearchResult " + result.TargetName + " could not be enabled for tracking.");
            ImageTarget newImageTarget = new CloudRecoImageTargetImpl(result.TargetName, imageTargetData.id, imageTargetData.size);

            // Add newly created Image Target to dictionary.
            mImageTargets[imageTargetData.id] = newImageTarget;

            // Find or create ImageTargetBehaviour for this ImageTarget:
            imageTargetBehaviour = stateManager.FindOrCreateImageTargetBehaviourForTrackable(newImageTarget, gameObject);

        // get a list of currently existing trackables
        IntPtr imageTargetIdArrayPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(int)) * newTrackableCount);
        QCARWrapper.Instance.TargetFinderGetImageTargets(imageTargetIdArrayPtr, newTrackableCount);

        List<int> targetIds = new List<int>();
        for (int i = 0; i < newTrackableCount; i++)
            IntPtr targetIdPtr = new IntPtr(imageTargetIdArrayPtr.ToInt32() + i * Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(int)));
            int targetID = Marshal.ReadInt32(targetIdPtr);


        // delete those targets that no longer exist
        foreach (ImageTarget imageTarget in mImageTargets.Values.ToArray())
            if (!targetIds.Contains(imageTarget.ID))

        return imageTargetBehaviour;