コード例 #1
    void OnGUI()
        if (hasinfo == false)
            string place = "hello";
            bool   check = PlayerPrefs.HasKey(place);

            if (!check)
                GUI.skin = DogeSignIn;

                Rect square = new Rect(PercentWidth(10), PercentHeight(10), PercentWidth(80), PercentHeight(80));
                GUI.Label(square, "Fill Form to Board Rocket.");

                GUI.skin = null;
            //WE still need to draw add bottom.

            //ON GUI is broken up like start. The Main Focus is TOPside. RIGHT SIDE. LEFT SIDE.
            GUI.skin = FrontMenuSkin;
            //TOP SIDE
            //Generating box with image. --Box001.
            GUI.Box(FrontLogoBox, TitleImage);

            //LEFT SIdE
            //We are instantiating Sign in button.
            //First we find out if the user is signed in.
            if (Social.localUser.authenticated == false)
                //If here the user has 'NOT' signed in.
                //Use SignInSkin2
                GUI.skin         = NotSignedInSkin;
                GUI.contentColor = HexToColor("BA9F32");         //Change Color to the Same as Dogecoin

                if (GUI.Button(boxSignIn, "Login (Offline)"))
                    Social.localUser.Authenticate((bool success) => {
                        // handle success or failure
                        if (success)
                            Debug.Log("We authenticated Us.");
                            Debug.Log("We didn't get athenticated");
                GUI.contentColor = HexToColor("FFFFFF");
                GUI.skin         = null;
                //If here the user has signed in.
                GUI.skin         = SignedInSkin;
                GUI.contentColor = HexToColor("F7931A");          //Change Text to the same Color as Bitcoins
                if (GUI.Button(boxSignIn, "Logged In"))
                    EMessage = "You are Already Signed In";
                    EMbool   = true;
                GUI.contentColor = HexToColor("FFFFFF");
                GUI.skin         = null;

            GUI.skin = FrontMenuSkin;
            //Generating box with image. --Box002.
            if (GUI.Button(boxTimeRun, "Arcade"))

             * //Generating box for Catch Them All. --Box003.
             * if(GUI.Button( boxCatchThemAll, "Catch Them All"))
             * {
             *      Debug.Log("Catch Them All, Has Been Pressed");
             *      Application.LoadLevel(3);
             * }

            //RIGHT SIDE
            //button for leaderboards.
            if (GUI.Button(boxLeaderBoards, "Leaderboards"))

            //Generating box for more info. --Box004.
            if (GUI.Button(boxMoreInfo, "More Info"))

            GUI.Label(boxSpew, "Help fund Me!");

            //GUI.contentColor = HexToColor("BA9F32"); //Color of a Dogecoin.
            //GUI.Label (boxDogeAddress, "Dogecoin : 1DsWtLUDhPdC6kVVrBPWDAA5Cd8nkFVoNf");

            //GUI.contentColor = HexToColor("F7931A"); //Color of a bitcoin
            //GUI.Label (boxBitAddress, "Bitcoin : DQeNLk464g6szk3zpjDjFpwR2wHxtFsJsr");
                #if UNITY_ANDROID
            //Here we create our Copy address to Clipboard. for Dogecoin and Bitcoin.
            if (GUI.Button(boxDogeAddress, CopyDogecoin))

                EMessage = "Copied Dogecoin Address";
                EMbool   = true;
                EMTleft  = ErrorMessageTimer;

            //Here we create our Copy address to Clipboard. for Dogecoin and Bitcoin.
            if (GUI.Button(boxBitAddress, CopyBitcoin))

                EMessage = "Copied Bitcoin Address";
                EMbool   = true;
                EMTleft  = ErrorMessageTimer;

            //Checking to see if we should be showing an Error message.
            if (EMbool)
                GUI.skin = errorGuiSkin;
                //If here we need to show the error message.
                GUI.Label(rectUserError, EMessage);

                //If there is no time left. (Set EMbool to false.) So message will not show no more. and Default EMTLEFT.
                //Otherwise, We need to take away time that has passed.
                if (EMTleft <= 0)
                    EMbool  = false;
                    EMTleft = ErrorMessageTimer;
                    EMTleft -= Time.deltaTime;

                GUI.skin = null;

            GUI.skin = null;

            //setting the gui skin for the label; BITCOIN FACTS
            GUI.skin = FactSkin;

            //get the btc quote we will show to the user.
            string quote = GameObject.Find("Scripts").GetComponent <BitcoinAdvantages>().BTCfact;

            //generate the new label. with points
            GUI.Label(FactBox, "Did You Know? " + quote);

            GUI.skin = null;

            //Draw MockUp ad
//		GameObject.Find("AdMobPlugin").GetComponent<AdMobPlugin>().Load();
        }        // end ELSE