public static TestState convertToTestState(ClientStatusType state) { switch (state) { case ClientStatusType.Abort: return(TestState.Abort); case ClientStatusType.Fail: return(TestState.Fail); case ClientStatusType.Error: return(TestState.Error); case ClientStatusType.Idle: return(TestState.Idle); case ClientStatusType.Pass: return(TestState.Pass); case ClientStatusType.Run: return(TestState.Running); case ClientStatusType.Wait: return(TestState.Wait); case ClientStatusType.Unknown: return(TestState.Unknown); default: return(TestState.Unknown); } }
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (!_disposedValue) { if (disposing) { Tag = null; _connectedStatus = ClientStatusType.Disconnected; } try { _socket?.Dispose(); } catch (Exception ex) { if (_showFail) { Debug.Fail(ex.Message, ex.StackTrace); } } finally { _socket = null; OnChangeStatus = null; OnReceive = null; } _disposedValue = true; } }
private void DisconnectFinalize() { try { _socket?.Dispose(); } catch (Exception ex) { if (_showFail) { Debug.Fail(ex.Message, ex.StackTrace); } } finally { _socket = null; _buffer = new byte[0]; _bufferCollector.Clear(); } if (_connectedStatus != ClientStatusType.Disconnected) { _connectedStatus = ClientStatusType.Disconnected; CallChangeStatus(); } }
public static void UpdateStationsData(int station, int what, ClientStatusType state) { if (ChangeStationState != null) { ChangeStationState(station, what, state); } }
public static void RecordTesterYieldData(string stationID, ClientStatusType testResult) { if (recordTesterResult != null) { recordTesterResult(stationID, testResult); } }
public void Disconnect() { try { if (_connectedStatus != ClientStatusType.Disconnection && _connectedStatus != ClientStatusType.Disconnected) { _connectedStatus = ClientStatusType.Disconnection; CallChangeStatus(); if (_socket != null) { LingerOption lingerOption = new LingerOption(true, 1); _socket.LingerState = lingerOption; if (_socket.Connected) { _socket?.Shutdown(SocketShutdown.Both); _socket?.BeginDisconnect(false, DisconnectCallback, null); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { if (_showFail) { Debug.Fail(ex.Message, ex.StackTrace); } } finally { DisconnectFinalize(); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { SenderId = Identity.CreateNewID(); Status = ClientStatusType.Normal; Data = String.Empty; pubnub = ChannelHelper.InitializePubNubClient(); //Client'ın bilgileri server ile paylaşılıyor ClientController.PublishStatusMessage(pubnub, SenderId, ref Status, ref Data); //Mesajların alınması için listener yaratılıyor Listener listener = new Listener(pubnub); listener.AddListener(message => { HandleMessage(message, pubnub, SenderId); return(true); }); //Sunucuya durum bilgisi gönderilmesi için bir timer yaratılıyor System.Timers.Timer tmrStatusMessage = new System.Timers.Timer(); tmrStatusMessage.Elapsed += Timer_Elapsed;; tmrStatusMessage.Interval = SendStatusMessageInterval; tmrStatusMessage.Start(); Console.ReadLine(); }
public ClientData(string id, string status, ClientStatusType clientStatusType, DateTime lastUpdate) { this.Id = id; this.StatusText = status; this.LastUpdate = lastUpdate; this.ClientStatusType = ClientStatusType; }
public void Connect(string host, int port) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(host)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(host)); } if (port < 1 || port > 65535) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(port)); } if (_connectedStatus == ClientStatusType.Disconnected) { try { try { _socket?.Dispose(); } catch (Exception ex) { if (_showFail) { Debug.Fail(ex.Message, ex.StackTrace); } } finally { _socket = null; } _socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp) { ReceiveTimeout = DefaultReceiveTimeout, SendTimeout = DefaultSendTimeout, ReceiveBufferSize = DefaultReceiveBufferSize, SendBufferSize = DefaultSendBufferSize, }; _connectedStatus = ClientStatusType.Connection; CallChangeStatus(); var result = _socket.BeginConnect(host, port, new AsyncCallback(ConnectCallback), null); var success = result.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(10000, true); if (_socket != null && !_socket.Connected) { Disconnect(); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (_showFail) { Debug.Fail(ex.Message, ex.StackTrace); } DisconnectFinalize(); } } }
/// <summary> /// Alınan mesajları yorumlar ve gerekli aksiyonları başlatır /// </summary> /// <param name="messageDTO"></param> private void ReceiveMessage(MessageDTO messageDTO) { /* * Eğer server tarafından karşılanan bir mesaj ise bu değer true yapılır */ bool isHandled = false; ClientStatusType clientStatusType = ClientStatusType.Normal; switch (messageDTO.MessageType) { case MessageType.TextToServers: clientStatusType = ClientStatusType.Message; isHandled = true; break; case MessageType.ClientStatus: clientStatusType = ClientStatusType.Normal; isHandled = true; break; case MessageType.ClientError: clientStatusType = ClientStatusType.Error; isHandled = true; break; case MessageType.ClientAttacking: clientStatusType = ClientStatusType.Attacking; isHandled = true; break; default: break; } if (isHandled) { var client = Clients.Where(p => p.Id == messageDTO.SenderId).FirstOrDefault(); if (client == null) { client = new ClientData(messageDTO.SenderId, messageDTO.Data, clientStatusType, DateTime.Now); Clients.Add(client); } else { client.StatusText = messageDTO.Data; client.ClientStatusType = clientStatusType; client.LastUpdate = DateTime.Now; } } }
/// <summary> /// Saldırıyı durdurur /// </summary> /// <param name="url"></param> public static void StopAttack(ref ClientStatusType Status, ref string Data) { Status = ClientStatusType.Normal; Data = String.Empty; if (trdAttack != null) { trdAttack.Abort(); trdAttack = null; } WriteMessage("Attacking stopped"); }
/// <summary> /// Saldırıyı başlatır /// </summary> /// <param name="url"></param> public static void StartAttack(ref ClientStatusType Status, ref string Data, string url, Func <Exception, bool> afterError) { /* * Saldırı önce durdurulup tekrar başlatılıyor */ StopAttack(ref Status, ref Data); bool isStartedAttack = false; if (trdAttack == null) { trdAttack = new Thread(() => { try { int i = 0; while (true) { i++; if (i % 10000 == 0) { WriteMessage("Attacking: " + i.ToString()); WriteMessage("Url: " + url); AttackUrl(url); } } } catch (ThreadAbortException ee) { return; } catch (Exception ee) { WriteMessage("Error: " + ee.Message); afterError(ee); } }); trdAttack.Start(); isStartedAttack = true; } if (isStartedAttack) { Status = ClientStatusType.Attacking; Data = url; } }
/// <summary> /// init station list /// </summary> /// <param name="StationId">station id is like 1,2,3,4,5,6</param> public void InitStationList(int StationId) { currentDUTtestedCount = 0; DUTTestConsecutiveFailedTimes = 0; clientStatusType = ClientStatusType.Unknown; switch (StationId) { case 1: stationId = 1; stationNo = -1; ahaddress = ""; break; case 2: stationId = 2; stationNo = -1; ahaddress = ""; break; case 3: stationId = 3; stationNo = -1; ahaddress = ""; break; case 4: stationId = 4; stationNo = -1; ahaddress = ""; break; case 5: stationId = 5; stationNo = -1; ahaddress = ""; break; case 6: stationId = 6; stationNo = -1; ahaddress = ""; break; default: break; } }
/// <summary> /// Mesaj yayınlar /// </summary> /// <param name="pubnub"></param> /// <param name="SenderId"></param> /// <param name="Status"></param> /// <param name="Data"></param> public static void PublishStatusMessage(Pubnub pubnub, string SenderId, ref ClientStatusType Status, ref string Data) { Publisher publisher = new Publisher(pubnub); MessageType messageType; switch (Status) { case ClientStatusType.Normal: messageType = MessageType.ClientStatus; break; case ClientStatusType.Message: messageType = MessageType.TextToServers; break; case ClientStatusType.Error: messageType = MessageType.ClientError; break; case ClientStatusType.Attacking: messageType = MessageType.ClientAttacking; break; default: messageType = MessageType.ClientStatus; break; } WriteMessage($"messageType: {messageType.ToString()} Publishing"); publisher.PublishMessage(new MessageDTO(messageType, SenderId, Data), (isError, errorMessage) => { if (!isError) { WriteMessage($"messageType: {messageType.ToString()} Published"); } else { WriteMessage($"messageType: {messageType.ToString()} Error!: " + errorMessage); } return(!isError); }); }
/// <summary> /// Gönderilen mesajı yorumlar ve gereken işlemi başlatır /// </summary> /// <param name="message"></param> /// <param name="pubnub"></param> /// <param name="SenderId"></param> /// <param name="Status"></param> /// <param name="Data"></param> public static void HandleMessage(MessageDTO message, Pubnub pubnub, string SenderId) { /* * Eğer client tarafından karşılanan bir mesaj ise bu değer true yapılır */ bool isHandled = false; switch (message.MessageType) { case MessageType.TextToClients: ClientController.WriteMessage(message.Data); isHandled = true; break; case MessageType.StartAttack: ClientController.StartAttack(ref Status, ref Data, message.Data, (ex) => { Status = ClientStatusType.Error; Data = ex.Message; return(false); }); isHandled = true; break; case MessageType.StopAttack: ClientController.StopAttack(ref Status, ref Data); isHandled = true; break; default: break; } //Eğer mesaj handle edildiyse son durum server ile paylaşılıyor if (isHandled) { ClientController.PublishStatusMessage(pubnub, SenderId, ref Status, ref Data); } }
private void ConnectCallback(IAsyncResult result) { try { if (_socket != null) { _socket.EndConnect(result); _buffer = new byte[DefaultReceiveBufferSize]; _connectedStatus = ClientStatusType.Connected; CallChangeStatus(); _socket.BeginReceive(_buffer, 0, _buffer.Length, SocketFlags.None, new AsyncCallback(ReceiveCallback), null); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (_showFail) { Debug.Fail(ex.Message, ex.StackTrace); } Disconnect(); } }
/// <summary> /// after reveiver the TM status , updatesation status according /// </summary> /// <param name="StationId"></param> /// <param name="ClientStatusType"></param> public void UpdateStation(string StationId, ClientStatusType ClientStatusType) { if (StationId == null || ClientStatusType == null) { LogerHelper2.ToLog("station id is null ", 3); return; } int id = int.Parse(StationId); int what = 0; // 1- test station; 2- dut test; 3-GUF ; 4- warning switch (ClientStatusType) { case ClientStatusType.Error: stationList[id - 1].clientStatusType = ClientStatusType.Error; //ClientGUFStatus.UpdateStationsData(id, 2, stationList[id - 1].clientStatusType); ClientGUFStatus.UpdateStationsData(id, 4, stationList[id - 1].clientStatusType); if (stationList[id - 1].errorInfo.ToLower().Contains("guf")) // just GUF error { gufList[id - 1].gufStatus = 1; what = 3; } else if (stationList[id - 1].errorInfo.ToLower().Contains("crashed") && stationList[id - 1].errorInfo.ToLower().Contains("tm")) // TM crashed { what = 2; } else if (stationList[id - 1].errorInfo.ToLower().Contains("pop-up") && stationList[id - 1].errorInfo.ToLower().Contains("window")) // detect pop-up windows during test { what = 4; } else // test staton error { stationList[id - 1].isAvaliable = false; ClientGUFStatus.UpdateStationsData(id, 2, stationList[id - 1].clientStatusType); what = 1; } break; case ClientStatusType.Pass: stationList[id - 1].clientStatusType = ClientStatusType.Pass; stationList[id - 1].timeoutTimer.Stop(); what = 2; break; case ClientStatusType.Fail: stationList[id - 1].clientStatusType = ClientStatusType.Fail; stationList[id - 1].timeoutTimer.Stop(); what = 2; break; case ClientStatusType.Idle: stationList[id - 1].clientStatusType = ClientStatusType.Idle; stationList[id - 1].onTestingSerialNumber = ""; ClientGUFStatus.UpdateStationsData(id, 1, ClientStatusType.Pass); // use Pass to on behalf of avaliable or normal //LogerHelper2.ToLog("stationId is " + id + "," + "what = " + 1 , 0); if (stationList[id - 1].errorInfo.Length == 0) { ClientGUFStatus.UpdateStationsData(id, 4, ClientStatusType.Unknown); // use Pass to on behalf of avaliable or normal //LogerHelper2.ToLog("stationId is " + id + "," + "what = " + 4, 0); } if (gufList[id - 1].gufStatus == 0) { ClientGUFStatus.UpdateStationsData(id, 3, ClientStatusType.Pass); // use Pass to on behalf of avaliable or normal //QueryMessageListAndRunFirstMessage("DUTID"); //LogerHelper2.ToLog("stationId is " + id + "," + "what = " + 3, 0); } what = 2; // set the test status to idle, so that could test the rest tasks QueryMessageListAndRunFirstMessage("DUTID"); break; case ClientStatusType.Unknown: stationList[id - 1].clientStatusType = ClientStatusType.Unknown; what = 2; break; case ClientStatusType.Run: stationList[id - 1].clientStatusType = ClientStatusType.Run; if (stationTimeoutTime > 0) { stationList[id - 1].timeoutTimer.Interval = stationTimeoutTime; stationList[id - 1].timeoutTimer.Enabled = true; //stationList[id - 1].timeoutTimer.Start(); } what = 2; break; case ClientStatusType.Abort: stationList[id - 1].clientStatusType = ClientStatusType.Abort; stationList[id - 1].timeoutTimer.Stop(); what = 2; break; default: return; } // add deleget here ClientGUFStatus.UpdateStationsData(id, what, stationList[id - 1].clientStatusType); //LogerHelper2.ToLog("*********stationId is " + id + "," + "what = " + what, 0); }
internal ClientStatusArgs(ClientStatusType clientStatus) { Status = clientStatus; }
public ClientStatus(ClientStatusType type, string statusText) { Type = type; StatusText = statusText; }
public static void RecordDutTestResultToSystemLog(string stationId, string dutID, ClientStatusType testResult) { ToAutoTestLogFile(DateTime.Now.ToString() + ": Tester " + stationId + " DUT ID " + dutID + " test result " + testResult.ToString()); }