public async Task Create_ClientLocation_Test() { var clientLocationName = "Martin Memorial Medical Center - North Campus"; var clientId = "120722"; string facilityId = null; var tpId = "196320"; var lastUserId = "kris.lindsey"; IDbConnection smartAgentDb = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[_devAppConfigName].ConnectionString); var kernel = new StandardKernel(new RepoTestsModule(smartAgentDb)); IEnumerable <ClientMaster> clients = null; var clientMasterRepo = kernel.Get <IAsyncRepository <ClientMaster> >(); var clientLocationRepo = kernel.Get <IAsyncRepository <ClientLocations> >(); clients = await clientMasterRepo.FindByName("Martin"); foreach (var item in clients) { writeToConsole(item.ClientName + " ", item.ClientKey); } if (clients.Any()) { var locations = new List <ClientLocations>(); var client = clients.FirstOrDefault(); var clientKey = client.ClientKey; var clientLocation = ClientLocations.CreateClientLocation( clientLocationName, clientKey, Guid.NewGuid(), clientId, tpId, facilityId ); var deviceId = clientLocationName.Split(' ').FirstOrDefault(); clientLocation.ClientKey = clientKey; clientLocation.ClientLocationKey = Guid.NewGuid(); clientLocation.ClientLocationName = clientLocationName; clientLocation.DeviceId = deviceId; clientLocation.ClientId = clientId; clientLocation.TpId = tpId; clientLocation.FacilityId = facilityId; clientLocation.LastUserId = lastUserId; locations.Add(clientLocation); Guid locationKey; smartAgentDb.Open(); locationKey = await clientLocationRepo.AddAsync(locations); smartAgentDb.Close(); writeToConsole(clientLocationName + " ", locationKey); } }
public async Task Create_Client_Master_Test() { IDbConnection smartAgentDb = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[_devAppConfigName].ConnectionString); var kernel = new StandardKernel(new RepoTestsModule(smartAgentDb)); var clientKey = Guid.NewGuid(); var clientLocationKey = Guid.NewGuid(); var clientName = "Test1"; var howToDeliver = "OSVC"; var newClient = new ClientMaster(clientName: clientName, clientKey: clientKey, howToDeliver: howToDeliver); var testlocation = ClientLocations.CreateClientLocation("Test1", clientKey, clientLocationKey, "clientId", "tpid", "facilityID"); testlocation.LastUserId = "kris.lindsey"; var clients = new List <ClientMaster>(); clients.Add(newClient); var creator = new SmartAgentClientCreator(smartAgentDb); var result = await creator.Create <ClientMaster>(clients); if (result != new Guid("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000")) { var clientlocations = new List <ClientLocations>(); clientlocations.Add(testlocation); var clientlocation = await creator.Create <ClientLocations>(clientlocations); if (clientlocation != null) { var mappingValues = PayerWebsiteMappingValue.CreateWebisteMappingValue(clientKey, clientlocation); } } Console.Write("*******************"); Console.WriteLine(clientKey); Assert.AreEqual(newClient.ClientKey, result); }
public async Task Add_ClientLocation_Test() { //var cl2 = new ClientLocations(); //cl2.ClientLocationName = "Norton Kosair Children Medical Center - Brownsboro"; //cl2.ClientKey = new Guid("f3ed1f27-4023-4c31-a1ec-75498bad2da9"); //cl2.ClientLocationKey = new Guid("79f149f3-716d-4a44-b67b-ce72fa56725a"); //cl2.DeviceId = "NortonKY"; //cl2.ClientId = "114173"; //cl2.FacilityId = "NHSG-KCHB"; //cl2.TpId = "178916"; //var cl = new ClientLocations(); //cl.ClientLocationName = "Norton Diagnostic Center- Fern Creek"; //cl.ClientKey = new Guid("f3ed1f27-4023-4c31-a1ec-75498bad2da9"); //cl.ClientLocationKey = new Guid("e1c67e84-31f6-4d7f-af10-3d6114391bb6"); //cl.DeviceId = "NortonFern"; //cl.ClientId = "105979"; //cl.FacilityId = "NHSG-NS"; //cl.TpId = "178916"; //var cl3 = new ClientLocations(); //cl3.ClientLocationName = "Norton Specialists"; //cl3.ClientKey = new Guid("f3ed1f27-4023-4c31-a1ec-75498bad2da9"); //cl3.ClientLocationKey = new Guid("f6ee6759-da08-4768-8d35-d1d54e749d5e"); //cl3.DeviceId = "NortonLouis"; //cl3.ClientId = "114993"; //cl3.FacilityId = "NHSG-NS"; //cl3.TpId = "178916"; var cl4 = ClientLocations.CreateClientLocation( "Norton Women's and Kosair Children's Hospital", new Guid("f3ed1f27-4023-4c31-a1ec-75498bad2da9"), new Guid("d16d3868-e814-44f6-a6ff-08daf5e77874"), "102745", "178916", "NHSG-KCH" ); //var cl5 = new ClientLocations(); //cl5.ClientLocationName = "Norton Women's and Kosair Children's Hospital(old Suburban)"; //cl5.ClientKey = new Guid("f3ed1f27-4023-4c31-a1ec-75498bad2da9"); //cl5.ClientLocationKey = new Guid("d16d3868-e814-44f6-a6ff-08daf5e77874"); //cl5.DeviceId = "NortonLPCC"; //cl5.ClientId = "102745"; //cl5.FacilityId = "NHSG-KCH"; //cl5.TpId = "178916"; var cls = new List <ClientLocations>(); // cls.Add(cl); // cls.Add(cl2); //cls.Add(cl3); cls.Add(cl4); // cls.Add(cl5); var container = new UnityContainer(); using (IDbConnection db = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[_devAppConfigName].ConnectionString)) { container.RegisterType <ISmartAgentRepository, SmartAgentRepo>(new InjectionConstructor(db)); var repo = container.Resolve <ISmartAgentRepository>(); await repo.AddClientLocationRecords(cls); } //Action<IEnumerable<ClientLocations>, string> AddClientLocation = async (locations, source) => //{ // var container = new UnityContainer(); // using (IDbConnection db = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[source].ConnectionString)) // { // container.RegisterType<ISmartAgentRepository, SmartAgentRepo>(new InjectionConstructor(db)); // var repo = container.Resolve<ISmartAgentRepository>(); // await repo.AddClientLocationRecords(locations); // } //}; //AddClientLocation(cls, _devAppConfigName); Console.WriteLine("complete.."); }
public async Task Create_Client_Test() { // Get connection prepare for data entry IDbConnection smartAgentDb = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[_devAppConfigName].ConnectionString); // Instantiate Repositories needed for data entry var kernel = new StandardKernel(new RepoTestsModule(smartAgentDb)); // Start client creation process. var clientName = "Community Health Systems (CHS)"; var clientKey = new Guid("5ee74d8b-f1f9-4464-a1e3-aa7c4335d12d"); var howToDeliver = "OCSVC"; if (clientKey == new Guid("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000")) { clientKey = Guid.NewGuid(); } var client = new ClientMaster(clientName: clientName, clientKey: clientKey, howToDeliver: howToDeliver); var clientLocationName = "CHS - Deaconess Med Ctr"; var clientId = "109781"; string facilityId = "VAC"; var tpId = "178995"; var lastUserId = "kris.lindsey"; IEnumerable <ClientMaster> clients = new List <ClientMaster>(); var clientMasterRepo = kernel.Get <IAsyncRepository <ClientMaster> >(); var clientLocationRepo = kernel.Get <IAsyncRepository <ClientLocations> >(); //Check to see if client already exists in data clients = await clientMasterRepo.FindByName(client.ClientName); // If one exits add location data if (clients.Any()) { var locations = new List <ClientLocations>(); var clientLocationKey = Guid.NewGuid(); var clientLocation = ClientLocations.CreateClientLocation ( clientLocationName, clientKey, clientLocationKey, clientId, tpId, facilityId ); clientLocation.LastUserId = lastUserId; locations.Add(clientLocation); var clientLocationEntryResult = await clientLocationRepo.AddAsync(locations); if (clientLocationEntryResult == clientLocation.ClientLocationKey) { var facilityRepo = kernel.Get <IAsyncRepository <FacilityMaster> >(); var newFacility = FacilityMaster.CreateFaciltiy ( clientLocation.ClientLocationName, Guid.NewGuid(), "0144300301443003", clientLocation.ClientKey, clientLocation.ClientLocationKey ); var facilites = new List <FacilityMaster>(); facilites.Add(newFacility); var result = await facilityRepo.AddAsync(facilites); var mappingValues = new List <PayerWebsiteMappingValue>(); var newMappingValue = PayerWebsiteMappingValue.CreateWebisteMappingValue ( clientKey, clientLocationKey ); mappingValues.Add(newMappingValue); var pwmvRepo = kernel.Get <IAsyncRepository <PayerWebsiteMappingValue> >(); var mvresult = await pwmvRepo.AddAsync(mappingValues); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(clientLocationName)) { var criteriaRepo = new CreateSmartAgentUserRepo(smartAgentDb); var criteriaSearchRepo = kernel.Get <IAsyncRepository <CriteriaDetails> >(); //var criteriaSetName = ""; var insuranceName = "Emblem Submit"; var clientkey = new Guid("6648E492-D332-443B-8273-77992C36CD3E"); var criteriaSetname = clientName + insuranceName; var scriptKey = new Guid("CD2D1C15-D197-E211-B890-000C29729DFF"); var criteriaSetKey = Guid.NewGuid(); var iprkey = "PCEMBLEM01"; var c = Criteria.CreateCriteria ( criteriaSetname, criteriaSetKey, scriptKey, iprkey, clientkey, clientLocationKey, "kris.lindsey", "" ); var critera = await criteriaSearchRepo.FindByName(clientLocationName); if (critera.Any()) { Console.WriteLine("Found records! nothing to do hear :)"); return; } else { var results = await criteriaRepo.CreateCriteraRecords(c); Console.WriteLine("criteria created: ", result); } } } } //If not create client master record and then procedd to enter client data. else { var cs = new List <ClientMaster>(); cs.Add(client); var result = await clientMasterRepo.AddAsync(cs); if (result == clientKey) { } } foreach (var item in clients) { writeToConsole(item.ClientName + " ", item.ClientKey); } }