コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the method that actually does the work.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="DA">The DA object is used to retrieve from inputs and store in outputs.</param>
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            List <Curve> shapeCrvs = new List <Curve>();
            List <System.Drawing.Color> fillCol   = new List <System.Drawing.Color>();
            List <double> strokeWeights           = new List <double>();
            List <System.Drawing.Color> strokeCol = new List <System.Drawing.Color>();
            double scale  = 1.0;
            int    width  = 0;
            int    height = 0;

            bool hasFill      = DA.GetDataList <System.Drawing.Color>("Fill Color", fillCol);
            bool hasWeight    = DA.GetDataList <double>("Stroke Weight", strokeWeights);
            bool hasStrokeCol = DA.GetDataList <System.Drawing.Color>("Stroke Color", strokeCol);

            DA.GetData <double>("Scale", ref scale);
            if (!DA.GetDataList <Curve>("Shapes", shapeCrvs))

            //Set up a grid to contain all shapes
            ClickableShapeGrid G = new ClickableShapeGrid();

            G.clickMode = clickMode;
            if (DA.GetData <int>("Width", ref width))
                G.Width = width;
            if (DA.GetData <int>("Height", ref height))
                G.Height = height;

            int i = 0;

            //For all the curves the user inputs
            foreach (Curve c in shapeCrvs)
                //Set up a new path object
                Path path = new Path();
                //create a list to contain the single curve
                List <Curve> crvList = new List <Curve>();
                //Set the path's data to the curve
                path.Data = CreateShape_Component.pathGeomFromCrvs(crvList, scale, false);
                //set all the properties
                if (hasFill)
                    path.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(HUI_Util.ToMediaColor(fillCol[i % fillCol.Count]));

                if (hasWeight)
                    path.StrokeThickness = strokeWeights[i % strokeWeights.Count];
                if (hasStrokeCol)
                    path.Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(HUI_Util.ToMediaColor(strokeCol[i % strokeCol.Count]));

                //add the path object to the grid

            //Pass out the grid
            DA.SetData("Shape", new UIElement_Goo(G, "Shape", InstanceGuid, DA.Iteration));
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the method that actually does the work.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="DA">The DA object is used to retrieve from inputs and store in outputs.</param>
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            //placeholder variable to hold the generic element object
            object ShapeObject = null;

            if (!DA.GetData <object>("Shape to Modify", ref ShapeObject))

            //Get grid container out of generic object
            ClickableShapeGrid G         = HUI_Util.GetUIElement <ClickableShapeGrid>(ShapeObject);
            List <bool>        oldStates = new List <bool>(G.SelectedStates.ToArray());

            //change the shape
            if (G != null)
                List <Curve> shapeCrvs = new List <Curve>();
                List <System.Drawing.Color> fillCol   = new List <System.Drawing.Color>();
                List <double> strokeWeights           = new List <double>();
                List <System.Drawing.Color> strokeCol = new List <System.Drawing.Color>();
                double scale   = 1.0;
                int    width   = 0;
                int    height  = 0;
                Path   oldpath = getPath(G.Children);

                bool hasWeight    = false;
                bool hasStrokeCol = false;
                bool hasFill      = false;

                DA.GetData <double>("Scale", ref scale);

                //Populate variables and store boolean results for later use.
                hasFill      = DA.GetDataList <System.Drawing.Color>("Fill Colors", fillCol);
                hasWeight    = DA.GetDataList <double>("Stroke Weights", strokeWeights);
                hasStrokeCol = DA.GetDataList <System.Drawing.Color>("Stroke Colors", strokeCol);

                //If the user has specified new shapes:
                if (DA.GetDataList <Curve>("Shape Curves", shapeCrvs))

                    //remove all shape children
                    var itemsToRemove = G.Children.OfType <FrameworkElement>()
                                        .Where(c => (c is Shape)).ToList();

                    .ForEach(g => G.Children.Remove(g));

                    int i = 0;
                    //for all the curves
                    foreach (Curve c in shapeCrvs)
                        Path         path    = new Path();
                        List <Curve> crvList = new List <Curve>();
                        //We're passing a single curve as a list so that the multiple curves are not interpreted as "composite" -
                        //and therefore would be unable to be styled separately.

                        // Get Geometry from rhino curve objects. Note that "rebase" is set to false - so that relative position of
                        // multiple curves is preserved. This is the primary difference with the setShape component (as well as list access)
                        path.Data = Components.UI_Elements.CreateShape_Component.pathGeomFromCrvs(crvList, scale, false);
                        if (hasFill)
                            path.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(HUI_Util.ToMediaColor(fillCol[i % fillCol.Count])); //hacky fix to approximate longest list matching
                            path.Fill = oldpath.Fill;

                        if (hasWeight)
                            path.StrokeThickness = strokeWeights[i % strokeWeights.Count]; //hacky fix to approximate longest list matching
                            path.StrokeThickness = oldpath.StrokeThickness;
                        if (hasStrokeCol)
                            path.Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(HUI_Util.ToMediaColor(strokeCol[i % strokeCol.Count])); //hacky fix to approximate longest list matching
                            path.Stroke = oldpath.Stroke;

                        //Add the new path to the Grid

                //If the user has specified new dimensions for the container, update its dimensions, otherwise use the old ones.
                if (DA.GetData <int>("Width", ref width))
                    G.Width = width;
                    G.Width = oldpath.Width;
                if (DA.GetData <int>("Height", ref height))
                    G.Height = height;
                    G.Height = oldpath.Height;

            if (G.Children.Count == oldStates.Count && G.clickMode == ClickableShapeGrid.ClickMode.ToggleMode)
                G.SelectedStates = oldStates;