public ActionResult Edit(string id, ClickOnceAppInfo model, bool disclosePublisher) { var result = GetMyAppInfo(id); if (result is ActionResult) { return(result as ActionResult); } if (ModelState.IsValid == false) { return(View(model)); } var appInfo = result as ClickOnceAppInfo; appInfo.Title = model.Title; appInfo.Description = model.Description; appInfo.ProjectURL = model.ProjectURL; SetupPublisherInformtion(disclosePublisher, appInfo); this.ClickOnceFileRepository.SaveAppInfo(id, appInfo); return(RedirectToAction("MyApps", "Home")); }
private byte[] UpdateCertificateInfo(ClickOnceAppInfo appInfo) { appInfo.SignedByPublisher = false; var certBin = default(byte[]); var tmpPath = default(string); try { tmpPath = ExtractEntryPointCommandFile(appInfo.Name); var cert = X509Certificate.CreateFromSignedFile(tmpPath); if (cert != null) { certBin = cert.GetRawCertData(); this.ClickOnceFileRepository.SaveFileContent(appInfo.Name, ".cer", certBin); if (appInfo.PublisherName != null) { var sshPubKeyStr = CertificateValidater.GetSSHPubKeyStrFromGitHubAccount(appInfo.PublisherName); appInfo.SignedByPublisher = CertificateValidater.EqualsPublicKey(sshPubKeyStr, cert); } } } catch (CryptographicException) { } finally { if (tmpPath != null) { System.IO.File.Delete(tmpPath); } } appInfo.HasCodeSigning = certBin != null; return(certBin); }
public List <ClickOnceAppInfo> GetCurrentApplications() { List <ClickOnceAppInfo> apps = new List <ClickOnceAppInfo>(); foreach (string appKeyName in GetApplications()) { using (RegistryKey key = this.ApplicationsRegistryKey.OpenSubKey(appKeyName, false)) { string appDir = appKeyName; foreach (string entryName in this.ApplicationsRegistryKey.OpenSubKey($"{appKeyName}", false).GetValueNames()) { if (entryName.ToLower().Equals("identity")) { byte[] data = (byte[])this.ApplicationsRegistryKey.OpenSubKey($"{appKeyName}", false).GetValue("identity", new byte[] { }); StringBuilder identity = new StringBuilder(); foreach (byte charByte in data) { identity = identity.Append(Convert.ToChar(charByte)); } string appPath = $"{GetInstallationAppPath()}{appDir}"; if (Directory.Exists(appPath)) { ClickOnceAppInfo appInfo = new ClickOnceAppInfo(identity.ToString()); foreach (string executable in _appsExecution.Values) { string[] appExecutables = Directory.GetFiles(appPath, executable, SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); if (appExecutables.Length > 0) { appInfo.ApplicationExecutable = appExecutables[0]; apps.Add(appInfo); break; } } } break; } } } } return(apps); }
private void SetupPublisherInformtion(bool disclosePublisher, ClickOnceAppInfo appInfo) { if (disclosePublisher) { var gitHubUserName = User.Identity.GetUserName(); appInfo.PublisherName = gitHubUserName; appInfo.PublisherURL = "" + gitHubUserName; appInfo.PublisherAvatorImageURL = "" + gitHubUserName; } else { appInfo.PublisherName = null; appInfo.PublisherURL = null; appInfo.PublisherAvatorImageURL = null; } }
public ActionResult Edit(string id, ClickOnceAppInfo model, bool disclosePublisher) { var result = GetMyAppInfo(id); if (result is ActionResult) { return(result as ActionResult); } if (ModelState.IsValid == false) { return(View(model)); } var appInfo = result as ClickOnceAppInfo; appInfo.Title = model.Title; appInfo.Description = model.Description; appInfo.ProjectURL = model.ProjectURL; SetupPublisherInformtion(disclosePublisher, appInfo); appInfo.SignedByPublisher = false; if (appInfo.HasCodeSigning == null) { UpdateCertificateInfo(appInfo); } else if (appInfo.HasCodeSigning == true && appInfo.PublisherName != null) { var tmpPath = Server.MapPath($"~/App_Data/{Guid.NewGuid():N}.cer"); try { var certBin = this.ClickOnceFileRepository.GetFileContent(id, ".cer"); System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(tmpPath, certBin); var sshPubKeyStr = CertificateValidater.GetSSHPubKeyStrFromGitHubAccount(appInfo.PublisherName); appInfo.SignedByPublisher = CertificateValidater.EqualsPublicKey(sshPubKeyStr, tmpPath); } finally { System.IO.File.Delete(tmpPath); } } this.ClickOnceFileRepository.SaveAppInfo(id, appInfo); var from = Request.QueryString["from"]; return(from == "detail" ? RedirectToRoute("Detail", new { appId = appInfo.Name }) : RedirectToAction("MyApps", "Home")); }
private byte[] GetCertificateCore(ClickOnceAppInfo appInfo) { if (appInfo == null) { return(null); } if (appInfo.HasCodeSigning == null) { var certBin = UpdateCertificateInfo(appInfo); this.ClickOnceFileRepository.SaveAppInfo(appInfo.Name, appInfo); return(certBin); } return(appInfo.HasCodeSigning == true? this.ClickOnceFileRepository.GetFileContent(appInfo.Name, ".cer") : null); }
private List <ClickOnceAppInfo> GetCurrentPackages() { List <ClickOnceAppInfo> apps = new List <ClickOnceAppInfo>(); foreach (string packageKeyName in GetPackages()) { using (RegistryKey key = this.PackagesRegistryKey.OpenSubKey(packageKeyName, false)) { foreach (string subKey in key.GetSubKeyNames())// Registry.ClassesRoot.OpenSubKey(String.Format(@"{0}\{1}", ClickOnceManager.RegistryRootPath, "PackageMetadata", subKeyName)).GetSubKeyNames()) { foreach (string entryName in this.PackagesRegistryKey.OpenSubKey(String.Format(@"{0}\{1}", packageKeyName, subKey), false).GetValueNames()) { if (entryName.EndsWith("!DeploymentSourceUri")) { byte[] data = (byte[])this.PackagesRegistryKey.OpenSubKey(String.Format(@"{0}\{1}", packageKeyName, subKey), false).GetValue("appid", new byte[] { }); StringBuilder identity = new StringBuilder(); foreach (byte charByte in data) { identity = identity.Append(Convert.ToChar(charByte)); } string appPath = String.Format("{0}{1}", GetInstallationAppPath(), subKey); if (Directory.Exists(appPath)) { ClickOnceAppInfo appInfo = new ClickOnceAppInfo(identity.ToString()); string[] appExecutables = Directory.GetFiles(appPath, _appsExecution[appInfo.Name.ToLower()], SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); if (appExecutables.Length > 0) { appInfo.ApplicationExecutable = appExecutables[0]; } apps.Add(appInfo); } break; } } } } } return(apps); }
/// <summary> /// Download the ClickOnce application. /// </summary> /// <param name="applicationInstallUrl">The installation url of the application.</param> /// <param name="useCurrent">If true, use the current url to download. else, use the url given by <paramref name="applicationInstallUrl"/> parameter.</param> /// <returns><typeparamref name="ClickOnceAppInfo"/> that holds the information on the installed ClickOnce application.</returns> public UTF.TestTools.ClickOnceAppInfo DownloadApplication(Uri applicationInstallUrl = null, bool useCurrent = false) { ClickOnceAppInfo appInfo = null; if ((this.AppInstallationUrl == null) && (applicationInstallUrl == null)) { throw new ArgumentNullException("applicationInstallUrl", "the application url cannot be null."); } if (useCurrent && (this.AppInstallationUrl == null)) { throw new ArgumentException($"the useCurrent cannot be true because the current url is null."); } if ((!useCurrent) && (applicationInstallUrl == null)) { throw new ArgumentException($"the useCurrent cannot be false because applicationInstallUrl parameter is null."); } if (!useCurrent) { if (this.Manifest != null) { Close(); } this.AppInstallationUrl = applicationInstallUrl; GetManifest(); } else { if (this.Manifest == null) { GetManifest(); } } _appId = null; if (this.Manifest == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("cannot download application without gettting the manifest first."); } _appDownloadedSignal = new AutoResetEvent(true); _appDownloadedSignal.Reset(); this.DeploymentManager.DownloadProgressChanged += DeployManager_DownloadProgressChanged; //this.DeploymentManager.DownloadProgressChanged += new EventHandler<DownloadProgressChangedEventArgs>(DeployManager_DownloadProgressChanged); this.DeploymentManager.DownloadApplicationCompleted += DeployManager_DownloadApplicationCompleted; //this.DeploymentManager.DownloadApplicationCompleted += new EventHandler<DownloadApplicationCompletedEventArgs>(DeployManager_DownloadApplicationCompleted); this.DeploymentManager.DownloadApplicationAsync(); _appDownloadedSignal.WaitOne(); if (this.LastError != null) { throw new OperationCanceledException("failed in executing ClickOnce GetManifest method.", this.LastError); } appInfo = new ClickOnceAppInfo(this.Manifest.ApplicationIdentity.FullName); //GetApplication(this.Manifest.ApplicationIdentity.FullName); return(appInfo); }
public ActionResult Register(HttpPostedFileBase zipedPackage) { var userId = User.GetHashedUserId(); if (userId == null) { throw new Exception("hashed user id is null."); } if (ModelState.IsValid == false) { return(View()); } try { var tmpPath = Server.MapPath($"~/App_Data/{userId}-{Guid.NewGuid():N}.zip"); zipedPackage.SaveAs(tmpPath); using (var fs = new FileStream(tmpPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) using (var zip = new ZipArchive(fs)) { // Validate files structure that are included in a .zip file. var appFile = zip.Entries .Where(e => Path.GetExtension(e.FullName).ToLower() == ".application") .OrderBy(e => e.FullName.Length) .FirstOrDefault(); if (appFile == null) { return(Error("The .zip file you uploaded did not contain .application file.")); } if (Path.GetDirectoryName(appFile.FullName) != "") { return(Error("The .zip file you uploaded contain .application file, but it was not in root of the .zip file.")); } // Validate app name does not conflict. var appName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(appFile.FullName); var success = this.ClickOnceFileRepository.GetOwnerRight(userId, appName); if (success == false) { return(Error("Sorry, the application name \"{0}\" was already registered by somebody else.", appName)); } var appInfo = this.ClickOnceFileRepository.GetAppInfo(appName); if (appInfo == null) { appInfo = new ClickOnceAppInfo { Name = appName, OwnerId = userId }; } appInfo.RegisteredAt = DateTime.UtcNow; this.ClickOnceFileRepository.ClearUpFiles(appName); foreach (var item in zip.Entries.Where(_ => _.Name != "")) { var buff = new byte[item.Length]; using (var reader = item.Open()) { reader.Read(buff, 0, buff.Length); this.ClickOnceFileRepository.SaveFileContent(appName, item.FullName, buff); #if !DEBUG if (Path.GetExtension(item.FullName).ToLower() == ".application") { var error = CheckCodeBaseUrl(appName, buff); if (error != null) { return(error); } } #endif } } // Sweep temporary file if success. try { System.IO.File.Delete(tmpPath); } catch (Exception) { } // Update certificate information. this.UpdateCertificateInfo(appInfo); this.ClickOnceFileRepository.SaveAppInfo(appName, appInfo); return(RedirectToAction("Edit", new { id = appName })); } } catch (System.IO.InvalidDataException) { return(Error("The file you uploaded looks like invalid Zip format.")); } }