void xe_update() { Classes.xebuild xe = new Classes.xebuild(); xe.Uloadvariables(variables.dashversion, (Classes.xebuild.hacktypes)variables.ttyp, patches, chkxesettings.Checked, chkNoWrite.Checked, chkNoAva.Checked, chkClean.Checked, chkNoReeb.Checked, checkDLPatches.Checked, chkLaunch.Checked); try { string[] files = { "kv.bin", "smc.bin", "smc_config.bin", "fcrt.bin" }; foreach (string file in files) { if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(variables.pathforit, @"xebuild\data\" + file))) { if (MessageBox.Show(file + " found. Delete it?\n Unless you put it there, delete it!", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1) == DialogResult.Yes) { File.Delete(Path.Combine(variables.pathforit, @"xebuild\data\" + file)); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { if (variables.debugme) { Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); } } Classes.xebuild.XebuildError er = xe.createxebuild(); if (er == Classes.xebuild.XebuildError.none) { xe.xeExit += xe_xeUExit; xe.update(); } else if (er == Classes.xebuild.XebuildError.nodash) { MessageBox.Show("No Dash Selected"); return; } else { MessageBox.Show("Something Bad Happened"); return; } }
void xe_compatibilityAvatar(string path, string command) { Classes.xebuild xe = new Classes.xebuild(); string arguments = command + path + "\\"; if (chkShutdown.Checked) { arguments += " -s"; } if (chkReboot.Checked) { arguments += " -reboot"; } if (chkForceIP.Checked) { arguments += " -ip " + txtIP2.Text; } xe.client(arguments); }
public void createxebuild_v2(bool custom, Nand.PrivateN nand) { Classes.xebuild xe = new Classes.xebuild(); xe.loadvariables(nand._cpukey, (Classes.xebuild.hacktypes)variables.ttyp, variables.dashversion, variables.ctyp, patches, nand, chkxesettings.Checked, checkDLPatches.Checked, chkLaunch.Checked, checkAUDclamp.Checked, chkRJtag.Checked, chkCR4.Checked); string ini = (variables.launchpath + @"\" + variables.dashversion + @"\_" + variables.ttyp + ".ini"); if (!custom) { if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(variables.filename1)) { loadFil(ref variables.filename1, true); if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(variables.filename1)) { MessageBox.Show("No File Selected"); return; } } if (!File.Exists(variables.filename1)) { MessageBox.Show("File is missing. Ensure it wasn't moved and app can access it."); return; } if (Path.GetExtension(variables.filename1) != ".bin") { MessageBox.Show("You must select a .bin file", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1); return; } try { string[] files = { "kv.bin", "smc.bin", "smc_config.bin", "fcrt.bin" }; foreach (string file in files) { if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(variables.pathforit, @"xebuild\data\" + file))) { if (MessageBox.Show(file + " found. Delete it?\n Unless you put it there, delete it!", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1) == DialogResult.Yes) { File.Delete(Path.Combine(variables.pathforit, @"xebuild\data\" + file)); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { if (variables.debugme) { Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); } } if (!nand.cpukeyverification(nand._cpukey)) { Console.WriteLine("Wrong cpukey"); return; } } else { string[] filesa = { "kv.bin", "smc.bin", "smc_config.bin" }; foreach (string file in filesa) { if (!File.Exists(Path.Combine(variables.pathforit, @"xebuild\data\" + file))) { MessageBox.Show(file + " is missing"); Process.Start(Path.Combine(variables.pathforit, @"xebuild\data")); return; } } Regex objAlphaPattern = new Regex("[a-fA-F0-9]{32}$"); bool sts = objAlphaPattern.IsMatch(variables.cpkey); if ((variables.cpkey.Length == 32 && sts)) { if (variables.debugme) { Console.WriteLine("Key verification"); } long size = 0; if (Nand.Nand.cpukeyverification(Oper.openfile(Path.Combine(variables.pathforit, @"xebuild\data\kv.bin"), ref size, 0), variables.cpkey)) { Console.WriteLine("CpuKey is Correct"); if (Nand.Nand.getfcrtflag(File.ReadAllBytes(Path.Combine(variables.pathforit, @"xebuild\data\kv.bin")), variables.cpkey)) { if (!File.Exists(Path.Combine(variables.pathforit, @"xebuild\data\fcrt.bin"))) { MessageBox.Show("fcrt.bin is missing"); Process.Start(Path.Combine(variables.pathforit, @"xebuild\data")); return; } } } else { Console.WriteLine("Wrong CpuKey"); } } Forms.xeBuildOptions ldv = new Forms.xeBuildOptions(); string cba = "", cbb = ""; string[] files = parse_ini.parselabel(ini, variables.ctyp.Ini + "bl"); if (files.Length >= 2) { if (files[0].Contains("cb")) { cba = files[0].Substring(files[0].IndexOf("_") + 1, files[0].IndexOf(".bin") - 4); } if (files[1].Contains("cbb")) { cbb = files[1].Substring(files[1].IndexOf("cbb_") + 4, files[1].IndexOf(".bin") - 4); } } ldv.enumeratecbs(cba, cbb); ldv.ShowDialog(); } Start: switch (xe.createxebuild(custom)) { case Classes.xebuild.XebuildError.nocpukey: MessageBox.Show("cpukey is missing"); return; case Classes.xebuild.XebuildError.nodash: MessageBox.Show("No Dash Selected"); return; case Classes.xebuild.XebuildError.noinis: MessageBox.Show("Ini's are missing"); return; case Classes.xebuild.XebuildError.nobootloaders: Console.WriteLine("The specified console bootloader list ({0}) is missing from the ini ({1})", variables.ctyp.Ini + "bl", ini); Console.WriteLine("You can either add it manually or ask for it get added if its possible"); return; case Classes.xebuild.XebuildError.wrongcpukey: MessageBox.Show("Wrong cpukey"); return; case Classes.xebuild.XebuildError.noconsole: variables.ctyp = callconsoletypes(ConsoleTypes.Selected.All); if (variables.ctyp.ID == -1) { return; } else { xe.loadvariables(nand._cpukey, (Classes.xebuild.hacktypes)variables.ttyp, variables.dashversion, variables.ctyp, patches, nand, chkxesettings.Checked, checkDLPatches.Checked, chkLaunch.Checked, checkAUDclamp.Checked, chkRJtag.Checked, chkCR4.Checked); goto Start; } case Classes.xebuild.XebuildError.none: copyfiles(nand._cpukey); xe.xeExit += xe_xeExit; xe.build(); break; default: break; } }
void xe_client(string arguments) { Classes.xebuild xe = new Classes.xebuild(); xe.client(arguments); }